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Setting the ADDE Client Timeout

By default, ADDE commands timeout if they do not receive any data from the server for a period of 120 seconds. You can change the timeout period with the environment variable ADDETIMEOUT. To do so, enter the following Unix command (substitute the equivalent if using C shell), where numseconds is the number of seconds.

Type:  export  ADDETIMEOUT;  ADDETIMEOUT= numseconds

The environment variable will be set each time you log on to your account if you have setup your enviornment definition file (e.g., .cshrc for C-like shells, .profile for SH-like shells, and .bash_profile for BASH) to source the appropriate user (user or 'mcidas') definition file included in Unidata McIDAS: ~mcidas/admin/user_env.(sh|csh) for the users other than 'mcidas' and ~mcidas/admin/mcidas_env.(sh|csh) for the user 'mcidas'.


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