Some ADDE image servers (e.g., Area, GVAR and MTSAT) are able to track the data as a new image is being received. Tracking means that clients that request data while it's being received by the server will wait until all of the requested data is available before completing the request. For example, if you run an IMGDISP command while the image is being received on a remote server that tracks, the IMGDISP command receives and displays data as it's being ingested by the server, and completes when its data request has been fulfilled.
The default tracking mode on your client workstation is determined by its MCTRACK environment variable setting (YES or NO; if it's not set then the server determines whether or not to track). Because MCTRACK is an environment variable, the value you select is the default for the entire McIDAS-X session. To override the default setting on a command-by-command basis, use the TRACKING=YES/NO keyword in the IMGCOPY, IMGDISP, IMGFILT, IMGMAG, IMGOPER, IMGPLOT, IMGPROBE, IMGREMAP, IMGRGB or IMGTRACK command.
Note that if a remote server is unable to track data or the server's administrator has disabled tracking, then the setting of your MCTRACK environment variable and the TRACKING= keyword are ignored and your IMG* command will receive only the data that was available when the command was issued.
If you want to track image data if the servers you access allow it, enter the following Unix command (substitute the equivalent if using C shell) on your client workstation.
If you prefer to not track image data from any of the servers you access (so your IMG* command will receive only the data that was available when the command was issued), enter the following Unix command (substitute the equivalent if using C shell) on your client workstation.
The environment variable will be set each time you log on to your account if you have setup your enviornment definition file (e.g., .cshrc for C-like shells, .profile for SH-like shells, and .bash_profile for BASH) to source the appropriate user (user or 'mcidas') definition file included in Unidata McIDAS: ~mcidas/admin/user_env.(sh|csh) for the users other than 'mcidas' and ~mcidas/admin/mcidas_env.(sh|csh) for the user 'mcidas'.