static int | dimsizes (int ncid, int varid, size_t *sizes) |
| Retrieves the dimension sizes of a variable with a specified variable id in an open netCDF file.
void | nc_advise (const char *routine_name, int err, const char *fmt,...) |
| Show an error message and exit (based on ncopts).
int | nc_get_rec (int ncid, size_t recnum, void **datap) |
| Read one record's worth of data, except don't read from variables for which the address of the data to be read is null.
int | nc_inq_rec (int ncid, size_t *nrecvarsp, int *recvarids, size_t *recsizes) |
| Retrieves the number of record variables, the record variable ids, and the record size of each record variable.
int | nc_put_rec (int ncid, size_t recnum, void *const *datap) |
| Write one record's worth of data, except don't write to variables for which the address of the data to be written is NULL.
int | ncabort (int ncid) |
| Abort defining a file.
int | ncattcopy (int ncid_in, int varid_in, const char *name, int ncid_out, int varid_out) |
| Copy an attribute.
int | ncattdel (int ncid, int varid, const char *name) |
| Delete an attribute.
int | ncattget (int ncid, int varid, const char *name, void *value) |
| Read an attribute.
int | ncattinq (int ncid, int varid, const char *name, nc_type *datatype, int *len) |
| Learn about an attribute.
int | ncattname (int ncid, int varid, int attnum, char *name) |
| Learn attribute name from its number.
int | ncattput (int ncid, int varid, const char *name, nc_type datatype, int len, const void *value) |
| Write an attribute.
int | ncattrename (int ncid, int varid, const char *name, const char *newname) |
| Rename an attribute.
int | ncclose (int ncid) |
| Close a file.
int | nccreate (const char *path, int cmode) |
| Create a netCDF file.
int | ncdimdef (int ncid, const char *name, long length) |
| Define a dimension.
int | ncdimid (int ncid, const char *name) |
| Find dimension ID from name.
int | ncdiminq (int ncid, int dimid, char *name, long *length) |
| Learn about a dimension.
int | ncdimrename (int ncid, int dimid, const char *name) |
| Rename a dimension.
int | ncendef (int ncid) |
| End define mode for file.
int | ncinquire (int ncid, int *ndims, int *nvars, int *natts, int *recdim) |
| Learn about a file.
int | ncopen (const char *path, int mode) |
| Open a netCDF file.
int | ncrecget (int ncid, long recnum, void **datap) |
| Read one record's worth of data, except don't read from variables for which the address of the data to be read is null.
int | ncrecinq (int ncid, int *nrecvars, int *recvarids, long *recsizes) |
| Learn record variables and the lengths of the record dimension.
int | ncrecput (int ncid, long recnum, void *const *datap) |
| Write one record's worth of data, except don't write to variables for which the address of the data to be written is NULL.
static int | ncrecsize (int ncid, int varid, size_t *recsizep) |
| Computes record size (in bytes) of the record variable with a specified variable id.
int | ncredef (int ncid) |
| Put file in define mode.
int | ncsetfill (int ncid, int fillmode) |
| Set the fill mode.
int | ncsync (int ncid) |
| Sync a file.
int | ncvardef (int ncid, const char *name, nc_type datatype, int ndims, const int *dim) |
| Define a variable.
int | ncvarget (int ncid, int varid, const long *start, const long *count, void *value) |
| Read some data.
int | ncvarget1 (int ncid, int varid, const long *index, void *value) |
| Read 1 data value.
int | ncvargetg (int ncid, int varid, const long *start, const long *count, const long *stride, const long *map, void *value) |
| Read mapped data.
int | ncvargets (int ncid, int varid, const long *start, const long *count, const long *stride, void *value) |
| Read strided data.
int | ncvarid (int ncid, const char *name) |
| Learn a variable ID from the name.
int | ncvarinq (int ncid, int varid, char *name, nc_type *datatype, int *ndims, int *dim, int *natts) |
| Learn about a variable.
int | ncvarput (int ncid, int varid, const long *start, const long *count, const void *value) |
| Write some data.
int | ncvarput1 (int ncid, int varid, const long *index, const void *value) |
| Write 1 data value.
int | ncvarputg (int ncid, int varid, const long *start, const long *count, const long *stride, const long *map, const void *value) |
| Write mapped data.
int | ncvarputs (int ncid, int varid, const long *start, const long *count, const long *stride, const void *value) |
| Write strided data.
int | ncvarrename (int ncid, int varid, const char *name) |
| Rename a variable.
static int | numrecvars (int ncid, int *nrecvarsp, int *recvarids) |
| Computes number of record variables in an open netCDF file, and an array of the record variable ids, if the array parameter is non-null.