NetCDF 4.9.3-rc2
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Source Files
Here is a list of all documented files with brief descriptions:
[detail level 123]
 filter_example.cExample program for write then read of a variable using bzip2 compression
 pres_temp_4D_rd.cExample program for reading a 4D netCDF file
 sfc_pres_temp_rd.cA simple example of reading a netCDF file
 sfc_pres_temp_wr.cA simple example of writing a netCDF file
 simple_nc4_rd.cRead a simple file, with some of the features of netCDF-4
 simple_nc4_wr.cWrite a file demonstrating some of the features of netCDF-4
 simple_xy_nc4_rd.cRead the simple_xy file, with some of the features of netCDF-4
 simple_xy_nc4_wr.cWrite the simple_xy file, with some of the features of netCDF-4
 simple_xy_rd.cWrite a file demonstrating some of the features of netCDF-4
 simple_xy_wr.cAn example program demonstrating a simple 2D write
 netcdf.hMain header file for the C API
 netcdf_mem.hMain header file for in-memory (diskless) functionality
 netcdf_par.hMain header file for the Parallel C API
 datt.cThese functions in this file rename and delete attributes
 dattget.cAttribute functions
 dattinq.cAttribute inquiry functions
 dattput.cFunctions to write attributes
 dcompound.cFunctions for Compound Types
 dcopy.cCopyright 2018 University Corporation for Atmospheric Research/Unidata
 ddim.cThe functions in this file define, inquire about, and rename dimensions
 denum.cFunctions for Enum Types
 derror.cError messages and library version
 dfile.cFile create and open functions
 dfilter.cFunctions for working with filters
 dgroup.cFunctions for netCDF-4 features
 dopaque.cFunctions for Opaque Types
 dtype.cFunctions for User-Defined Types
 dv2i.cThe V2 API Functions
 dvar.cFunctions for defining and inquiring about variables
 dvarget.cFunctions for getting data from variables
 dvarinq.cFunctions for inquiring about variables
 dvarput.cFunctions for writing data to variables
 dvlen.cFunctions for VLEN Types
 nc4cache.cThe netCDF-4 functions which control HDF5 caching