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NetCDF 4.9.3-rc2
▼ examples | |
▼ C | |
filter_example.c | Example program for write then read of a variable using bzip2 compression |
pres_temp_4D_rd.c | Example program for reading a 4D netCDF file |
pres_temp_4D_wr.c | |
sfc_pres_temp_rd.c | A simple example of reading a netCDF file |
sfc_pres_temp_wr.c | A simple example of writing a netCDF file |
simple_nc4_rd.c | Read a simple file, with some of the features of netCDF-4 |
simple_nc4_wr.c | Write a file demonstrating some of the features of netCDF-4 |
simple_xy_nc4_rd.c | Read the simple_xy file, with some of the features of netCDF-4 |
simple_xy_nc4_wr.c | Write the simple_xy file, with some of the features of netCDF-4 |
simple_xy_rd.c | Write a file demonstrating some of the features of netCDF-4 |
simple_xy_wr.c | An example program demonstrating a simple 2D write |
▼ include | |
netcdf.h | Main header file for the C API |
netcdf_filter.h | |
netcdf_mem.h | Main header file for in-memory (diskless) functionality |
netcdf_par.h | Main header file for the Parallel C API |
▼ libdispatch | |
datt.c | These functions in this file rename and delete attributes |
dattget.c | Attribute functions |
dattinq.c | Attribute inquiry functions |
dattput.c | Functions to write attributes |
dcompound.c | Functions for Compound Types |
dcopy.c | Copyright 2018 University Corporation for Atmospheric Research/Unidata |
ddim.c | The functions in this file define, inquire about, and rename dimensions |
denum.c | Functions for Enum Types |
derror.c | Error messages and library version |
dfile.c | File create and open functions |
dfilter.c | Functions for working with filters |
dgroup.c | Functions for netCDF-4 features |
dopaque.c | Functions for Opaque Types |
dparallel.c | |
dtype.c | Functions for User-Defined Types |
dv2i.c | The V2 API Functions |
dvar.c | Functions for defining and inquiring about variables |
dvarget.c | Functions for getting data from variables |
dvarinq.c | Functions for inquiring about variables |
dvarput.c | Functions for writing data to variables |
dvlen.c | Functions for VLEN Types |
▼ libhdf5 | |
nc4hdf.c | |
nc4info.c | |
▼ libnczarr | |
zarr.c | |
▼ libsrc4 | |
nc4attr.c | |
nc4cache.c | The netCDF-4 functions which control HDF5 caching |
nc4dim.c | |
nc4dispatch.c | |
nc4grp.c | |
nc4internal.c | |
nc4type.c | |
nc4var.c | |
ncfunc.c |