The Data*.java classes
provide a new representation for
accessing data sources.
They are intended to be analogous to the ucar.ma2.Array
classes in CDM. The big differences are:
- They closely parallel the ucar.ma2.Array system, but
with much cruft removed.
- They incorporate parts of the oc API model.
- They are divided into interfaces with supporting
- They separate out the datatype conversions
from the core arrays. That is if you have an array of
integers, then if you want to view it as an array of
floats, you wrap the integer array with an appropriate
conversion array that does the int->float conversions.
- These are intended to eventually subsume DAP2.
The possible kinds of arrays are defined by a subset of
DapSort enum, namely, the following
- STRUCTURE (DataStructure)
- ARRAY (DataStructureArray)
- RECORD (DataRecord)
- SEQUENCE (DataSequence)
- DATASET (DataDataset)
- For the compound types (Sequence,Structure),
it is desirable to have both classes to
represent both the collection and the instances.
Thus for Sequences, we need a Singular sort (RECORD)
and a set of Records (SEQUENCE). Similarly for
structures: STRUCTURE(singular) STRUCTUREARRAY(set).
Note that ATOMICVARIABLE does not have two sorts:
it always represents an array of primitive typed objects.
- DATASET in this context is different
from the DATASET when used elsewhere.
Specifically, DATASET here refers to the aggregation
of the data of all variables independent of any group scopes.
- The term data was used rather than array to avoid
confusion when using ucar.ma2.Array classes.