Class | Description |
DescribeCoverage |
DescribeCoverageBuilder |
ExceptionReport |
Generates a WCS 1.1.0 Exception Report.
GetCapabilities |
GetCapabilities.ResponsibleParty |
Contain content needed for a GetCapabilities ServiceProvider section.
GetCapabilities.ResponsibleParty.Address | |
GetCapabilities.ResponsibleParty.ContactInfo | |
GetCapabilities.ResponsibleParty.OnlineResource | |
GetCapabilities.ServiceInfo |
Contain the content needed for a WCS_Capabilities/Service section.
GetCapabilitiesBuilder |
GetCoverage |
GetCoverageBuilder |
WcsCoverage |
WcsCoverage.VerticalRange | |
WcsDataset |
WcsRangeField |
WcsRangeField.Axis | |
WcsRequest |
Represent the incoming WCS 1.0.0 request.
WcsRequestBuilder |
Enum | Description |
GetCapabilities.Section | |
WcsException.Code |
Exception | Description |
WcsException |
Represents a WCS 1.0.0 Exception and includes the code, locator, and
textMessages used in an OWS Exception Report.