Class | Description |
Grib1CollectionPanel |
Refactored Grib1 raw access
Grib1DataTable |
Grib1ReportPanel |
Run through collections of Grib 1 files and make reports
Grib1TablesViewer |
Show Grib1 Tables
Grib2CollectionPanel |
Grib2 refactor
Grib2DataPanel |
Grib2 data reading
Grib2ReportPanel |
Run through collections of Grib 2 files and make reports
Grib2TableViewer2 |
GribFilesPanel |
Examine collections of grib files.
GribIndexPanel |
Examine GRIB index (gbx9) files
GribRenamePanel |
GribRewritePanel |
Rewrite GRIB files - track stats etc
GribRewritePanel.FileFilterFromSuffixes | |
GribWmoCodesPanel |
WMO Grib 2 Tables - Codes
GribWmoTemplatesPanel |
GRIB WMO template UI.
Enum | Description |
Grib1ReportPanel.Report | |
Grib2ReportPanel.Report |