Package ucar.nc2

Class Group

  • All Implemented Interfaces:
    Iterable<Attribute>, AttributeContainer

    public class Group
    extends ucar.nc2.CDMNode
    implements AttributeContainer
    A logical collection of Variables, Attributes, and Dimensions. The Groups in a Dataset form a hierarchical tree, like directories on a disk. A Group has a name and optionally a set of Attributes. There is always at least one Group in a dataset, the root Group, whose name is the empty string. Immutable if setImmutable() was called. TODO Group will be immutable in 6. TODO Group will not implement AttributeContainer in 6, use Group.attributes(). TODO Group will not extend CDMNode in 6.
    • Method Detail

      • isRoot

        public boolean isRoot()
        Is this the root group?
        true if root group
      • getVariables

        public List<Variable> getVariables()
        Get the Variables contained directly in this group.
        List of type Variable; may be empty, not null. TODO return ImmutableList
      • findVariableLocal

        public Variable findVariableLocal​(String varShortName)
        Find the Variable with the specified (short) name in this group.
        varShortName - short name of Variable within this group.
        the Variable, or null if not found
      • findVariableOrInParent

        public Variable findVariableOrInParent​(String varShortName)
        Find the Variable with the specified (short) name in this group or a parent group.
        varShortName - short name of Variable.
        the Variable, or null if not found
      • findVariableByAttribute

        public Variable findVariableByAttribute​(String attName,
                                                String attValue)
        Look in this Group and in its nested Groups for a Variable with a String valued Attribute with the given name and value.
        attName - look for an Attribuite with this name.
        attValue - look for an Attribuite with this value.
        the first Variable that matches, or null if none match.
      • getParentGroup

        public Group getParentGroup()
        Get the parent Group, or null if its the root group. Not deprecated.
      • getFullName

        public String getFullName()
        Get the full name of this object. Certain characters are backslash escaped (see NetcdfFiles.getFullName(Group)) Not deprecated.
        full name with backslash escapes
      • getGroups

        public<Group> getGroups()
        Get the Groups contained directly in this Group.
        List of type Group; may be empty, not null.
      • getNetcdfFile

        public NetcdfFile getNetcdfFile()
        Get the owning NetcdfFile
      • findGroupLocal

        public Group findGroupLocal​(String groupShortName)
        Retrieve the Group with the specified (short) name.
        groupShortName - short name of the nested group you are looking for.
        the Group, or null if not found
      • getDimensions

        public List<Dimension> getDimensions()
        Get the shared Dimensions contained directly in this group.
        List of type Dimension; may be empty, not null. TODO return ImmutableList
      • makeDimensionsList

        public<Dimension> makeDimensionsList​(String dimString)
                                                                              throws IllegalArgumentException
        Create a dimension list using dimension names. The dimension is searched for recursively in the parent groups.
        dimString - : whitespace separated list of dimension names, or '*' for Dimension.UNKNOWN, or number for anon dimension. null or empty String is a scalar.
        list of dimensions, will return ImmutableList<> in version 6
        IllegalArgumentException - if cant find dimension or parse error.
      • getEnumTypedefs

        public<EnumTypedef> getEnumTypedefs()
        Get the enumerations contained directly in this group.
        List of type EnumTypedef; may be empty, not null.
      • findDimension

        public Dimension findDimension​(String name)
        Find a Dimension in this or a parent Group, matching on short name.
        name - Dimension name.
        the Dimension, or null if not found
      • findDimension

        public Dimension findDimension​(Dimension dim)
        Find a Dimension in this or a parent Group, using equals.
        dim - Dimension .
        the Dimension, or null if not found
      • findDimensionLocal

        public Dimension findDimensionLocal​(String shortName)
        Find a Dimension using its (short) name, in this group only
        shortName - Dimension name.
        the Dimension, or null if not found
      • attributes

        public AttributeContainer attributes()
        The attributes contained by this Group.
      • findAttributeString

        public String findAttributeString​(String attName,
                                          String defaultValue)
        Find a String-valued Attribute by name (ignore case), return the String value of the Attribute.
        Specified by:
        findAttributeString in interface AttributeContainer
        the attribute value, or defaultValue if not found
      • findEnumeration

        public EnumTypedef findEnumeration​(String name)
        Find a Enumeration in this Group, using its short name.
      • findEnumeration

        public EnumTypedef findEnumeration​(String name,
                                           boolean searchup)
        Find a Enumeration in this or optionally the parent Groups, using its short name.
      • findSimilarEnumTypedef

        public EnumTypedef findSimilarEnumTypedef​(EnumTypedef template,
                                                  boolean searchup)
        Locate an enum type definition that is structurally similar to the template type def. The Enum names are ignored.
        template - match this enum type def
        searchup - if true, then search this group and then parent groups.
      • commonParent

        public Group commonParent​(Group other)
        Get the common parent of this and the other group. Cant fail, since the root group is always a parent of any 2 groups.
        other - the other group
        common parent of this and the other group
      • isParent

        public boolean isParent​(Group other)
        Is this a parent of the other Group?
        other - another Group
        true is it is equal or a parent
      • getNameAndAttributes

        public String getNameAndAttributes()
        Get String with name and attributes. Used in short descriptions like tooltips.
        name and attributes String.
      • equals

        public boolean equals​(Object oo)
        Instances which have same name and parent are equal.
        equals in class Object
      • hashCode

        public int hashCode()
        Override Object.hashCode() to implement equals.
        hashCode in class Object
      • toBuilder

        public Group.Builder toBuilder()
        Turn into a mutable Builder. Can use toBuilder().build() to copy.