Package opendap.dap

Class DConnect2

  • All Implemented Interfaces:
    Closeable, AutoCloseable

    public class DConnect2
    extends Object
    implements Closeable
    Need more robust redirect and authentication.

    This class provides support for common DODS client-side operations such as dereferencing a OPeNDAP URL, communicating network activity status to the user and reading local OPeNDAP objects.

    Unlike its C++ counterpart, this class does not store instances of the DAS, DDS, etc. objects. Rather, the methods getDAS, etc. return instances of those objects.

    • Constructor Detail

      • DConnect2

        public DConnect2​(String urlString)
                  throws HTTPException
        Creates an instance bound to url which accepts compressed documents.
        urlString - connect to this URL.
        FileNotFoundException - thrown if urlString is not a valid URL, or a filename which exists on the system.
      • DConnect2

        public DConnect2​(String urlString,
                         boolean acceptCompress)
                  throws HTTPException
        Creates an instance bound to url. If acceptDeflate is true then HTTP Request headers will indicate to servers that this client can accept compressed documents.
        urlString - Connect to this URL.
        acceptCompress - true if this client will accept compressed responses
        FileNotFoundException - thrown if urlString is not a valid URL, or a filename which exists on the system.
    • Method Detail

      • setAllowSessions

        public static void setAllowSessions​(boolean b)
      • setServerVersion

        public void setServerVersion​(int major,
                                     int minor)
      • isLocal

        public boolean isLocal()
      • CE

        public final String CE()
        Returns the constraint expression supplied with the URL given to the constructor. If no CE was given this returns an empty String.

        Note that the CE supplied to one of this object's constructors is "sticky"; it will be used with every data request made with this object. The CE passed to getData, however, is not sticky; it is used only for that specific request. This method returns the sticky CE.

        the constraint expression associated with this connection.
      • URL

        public final String URL()
        Returns the URL supplied to the constructor. If the URL contained a constraint expression that is not returned.
        the URL of this connection.
      • getSession

        public HTTPSession getSession()
        Return the session associated with this connection
        this connections session (or null)
      • getServerVersion

        public final ServerVersion getServerVersion()
        Returns the ServerVersion of the last connection.
        the ServerVersion of the last connection.
      • getLastModifiedHeader

        public String getLastModifiedHeader()
        value of Last-Modified Header from last connection, may be null
      • getLastModifiedInvalidHeader

        public String getLastModifiedInvalidHeader()
        value of X-Last-Modified-Invalid Header from last connection, may be null
      • getLastExtendedHeader

        public String getLastExtendedHeader()
        value of Last-Extended Header from last connection, may be null
      • getDAS

        public DAS getDAS()
                   throws IOException,
        Returns the DAS object from the dataset referenced by this object's URL. The DAS object is referred to by appending `.das' to the end of a DODS URL.
        the DAS associated with the referenced dataset.
        MalformedURLException - if the URL given to the constructor has an error
        IOException - if an error connecting to the remote server
        DASException - on an error constructing the DAS
        DAP2Exception - if an error returned by the remote server
      • getDDS

        public DDS getDDS()
                   throws IOException,
        Returns the DDS object from the dataset referenced by this object's URL. The DDS object is referred to by appending `.dds' to the end of a OPeNDAP URL.
        the DDS associated with the referenced dataset.
        MalformedURLException - if the URL given to the constructor has an error
        IOException - if an error connecting to the remote server
        ParseException - if the DDS parser returned an error
        DDSException - on an error constructing the DDS
        DAP2Exception - if an error returned by the remote server
      • getDDS

        public DDS getDDS​(String CE)
                   throws IOException,
        Returns the DDS object from the dataset referenced by this object's URL. The DDS object is referred to by appending `.dds' to the end of a OPeNDAP URL. If reading from a file, access the DDS object from the captured .dods response.
        CE - The constraint expression to be applied to this request by the server. This is combined with any CE given in the constructor.
        the DDS associated with the referenced dataset.
        MalformedURLException - if the URL given to the constructor has an error
        IOException - if an error connecting to the remote server
        ParseException - if the DDS parser returned an error
        DDSException - on an error constructing the DDS
        DAP2Exception - if an error returned by the remote server
      • getDDX

        public DDS getDDX()
                   throws IOException,
        Returns the DDS object from the dataset referenced by this object's URL. The DDS object is referred to by appending `.ddx' to the end of a OPeNDAP URL. The server should send back a DDX (A DDS in XML format) which will get parsed here (locally) and a new DDS instantiated using the DDSXMLParser.
        the DDS associated with the referenced dataset.
        MalformedURLException - if the URL given to the constructor has an error
        IOException - if an error connecting to the remote server
        ParseException - if the DDS parser returned an error
        DDSException - on an error constructing the DDS
        DAP2Exception - if an error returned by the remote server
      • getDDX

        public DDS getDDX​(String CE)
                   throws IOException,
        Returns the DDS object from the dataset referenced by this object's URL. The DDS object is referred to by appending `.ddx' to the end of a OPeNDAP URL. The server should send back a DDX (A DDS in XML format) which will get parsed here (locally) and a new DDS instantiated using the DDSXMLParser.
        CE - The constraint expression to be applied to this request by the server. This is combined with any CE given in the constructor.
        the DDS associated with the referenced dataset.
        MalformedURLException - if the URL given to the constructor has an error
        IOException - if an error connecting to the remote server
        ParseException - if the DDS parser returned an error
        DDSException - on an error constructing the DDS
        DAP2Exception - if an error returned by the remote server
      • getDataDDX

        public DataDDS getDataDDX()
                           throws MalformedURLException,
        Returns the DataDDS object from the dataset referenced by this object's URL. The DDS object is referred to by appending `.ddx' to the end of a OPeNDAP URL. The server should send back a DDX (A DDS in XML format) which will get parsed here (locally) and a new DDS instantiated using the DDSXMLParser.
        the DataDDS associated with the referenced dataset.
        MalformedURLException - if the URL given to the constructor has an error
        IOException - if an error connecting to the remote server
        ParseException - if the DDS parser returned an error
        DDSException - on an error constructing the DDS
        DAP2Exception - if an error returned by the remote server
      • getDataDDX

        public DataDDS getDataDDX​(String CE)
                           throws MalformedURLException,
        Returns the DataDDS object from the dataset referenced by this object's URL. The DDS object is referred to by appending `.ddx' to the end of a OPeNDAP URL. The server should send back a DDX (A DDS in XML format) which will get parsed here (locally) and a new DDS instantiated using the DDSXMLParser.
        CE - The constraint expression to use for this request.
        the DataDDS associated with the referenced dataset.
        MalformedURLException - if the URL given to the constructor has an error
        IOException - if an error connecting to the remote server
        ParseException - if the DDS parser returned an error
        DDSException - on an error constructing the DDS
        DAP2Exception - if an error returned by the remote server
      • getDataDDX

        public DataDDS getDataDDX​(String CE,
                                  BaseTypeFactory btf)
                           throws MalformedURLException,
        Returns the DataDDS object from the dataset referenced by this object's URL. The DDS object is referred to by appending `.ddx' to the end of a OPeNDAP URL. The server should send back a DDX (A DDS in XML format) which will get parsed here (locally) and a new DDS instantiated using the DDSXMLParser.
        CE - The constraint expression to use for this request.
        btf - The BaseTypeFactory to build the member variables in the DDS with.
        the DataDDS associated with the referenced dataset.
        MalformedURLException - if the URL given to the constructor has an error
        IOException - if an error connecting to the remote server
        ParseException - if the DDS parser returned an error
        DDSException - on an error constructing the DDS
        DAP2Exception - if an error returned by the remote server
        See Also:
      • getData

        public DataDDS getData​(String CE,
                               StatusUI statusUI,
                               BaseTypeFactory btf)
                        throws MalformedURLException,
        Returns the `Data object' from the dataset referenced by this object's URL given the constraint expression CE. Note that the Data object is really just a DDS object with data bound to the variables. The DDS will probably contain fewer variables (and those might have different types) than in the DDS returned by getDDS() because that method returns the entire DDS (but without any data) while this method returns only those variables listed in the projection part of the constraint expression.

        Note that if CE is an empty String then the entire dataset will be returned, unless a "sticky" CE has been specified in the constructor.

        CE - The constraint expression to be applied to this request by the server. This is combined with any CE given in the constructor.
        statusUI - the StatusUI object to use for GUI updates and user cancellation notification (may be null).
        btf - The BaseTypeFactory to build the member variables in the DDS with.
        The DataDDS object that results from applying the given CE, combined with this object's sticky CE, on the referenced dataset.
        MalformedURLException - if the URL given to the constructor has an error
        IOException - if any error connecting to the remote server
        ParseException - if the DDS parser returned an error
        DDSException - on an error constructing the DDS
        DAP2Exception - if any error returned by the remote server
      • getData

        public DataDDS getData​(String CE,
                               StatusUI statusUI)
                        throws MalformedURLException,
        Returns the `Data object' from the dataset referenced by this object's URL given the constraint expression CE. Note that the Data object is really just a DDS object with data bound to the variables. The DDS will probably contain fewer variables (and those might have different types) than in the DDS returned by getDDS() because that method returns the entire DDS (but without any data) while this method returns only those variables listed in the projection part of the constraint expression.

        Note that if CE is an empty String then the entire dataset will be returned, unless a "sticky" CE has been specified in the constructor.

        CE - The constraint expression to be applied to this request by the server. This is combined with any CE given in the constructor.
        statusUI - the StatusUI object to use for GUI updates and user cancellation notification (may be null).
        The DataDDS object that results from applying the given CE, combined with this object's sticky CE, on the referenced dataset.
        MalformedURLException - if the URL given to the constructor has an error
        IOException - if any error connecting to the remote server
        ParseException - if the DDS parser returned an error
        DDSException - on an error constructing the DDS
        DAP2Exception - if any error returned by the remote server