Interface ProxyDatasetHandler

  • All Known Implementing Classes:
    LatestCompleteProxyDsHandler, SimpleLatestProxyDsHandler

    public interface ProxyDatasetHandler
    The ProxyDatasetHandler interface allows implementors to define a proxy CrawlableDataset, how its corresponding InvDataset should be added to collection InvDatasets, and how the proxy CrawlableDataset maps to the underlying concrete CrawlableDataset. This interface is used by both thredds.cataloggen.CollectionLevelScanner and thredds.catalog.InvDatasetScan. In CollectionLevelScanner, it is used to add proxy datasets to the InvCatalog being generated. In InvDatasetScan, it is used to map (proxy) dataset requests to the underlying CrawlableDataset. NOTE: todo Would this be better named AliasDatasetHandler???
    Nov 29, 2005 8:42:37 AM
    • Method Detail

      • getProxyDatasetName

        String getProxyDatasetName()
        Return the name of the proxy dataset.
        the name of the proxy dataset.
      • createProxyDataset

        CrawlableDataset createProxyDataset​(CrawlableDataset parent)
        Create a new dataset to add to the parent collection dataset.
        parent - the collection dataset in which to add the dataset being created.
        A new CrawlableDataset to be added to the parent dataset (in the InvDataset arena).
      • getProxyDatasetService

        InvService getProxyDatasetService​(CrawlableDataset parent)
        Return the InvService to be used by the InvDataset that corresponds to the created dataset.
        parent - the collection dataset in which to add the dataset being created.
        the InvService used by the InvDataset that corresponds to the created dataset.
      • getProxyDatasetLocation

        int getProxyDatasetLocation​(CrawlableDataset parent,
                                    int collectionDatasetSize)
        Return an integer which indicates the location/index at which the new dataset should be added to the parent collection dataset.
        parent - the collection dataset in which to add the dataset being created.
        collectionDatasetSize - the number of datasets currentlyin the parent collection dataset.
        The location at which the new dataset is to be added to the parent collection dataset.
      • isProxyDatasetResolver

        boolean isProxyDatasetResolver()
      • getActualDataset

        InvCrawlablePair getActualDataset​(List possibleDatasets)
        Determine the InvCrawlablePair from the given dataset collection (java.util.List) being proxied by this ProxyDatasetHandler.
        possibleDatasets - a list of InvCrawlablePair objects representing a dataset collection.
        the InvCrawlablePair being proxied by this proxy dataset
      • getConfigObject

        Object getConfigObject()
        Return the configuration object.
        the configuration Object (may be null).