Class S3URI

  • public class S3URI
    extends Object
    An identifier for objects stored in Amazon S3. Ultimately, the identifier is composed solely of a bucket name and a key, and an object of this class can be constructed with those two items. However, this class also supports URIs rendered in a path-like form: s3://<bucket>/<key>.

    Instances of this class are immutable.

    • Constructor Detail

      • S3URI

        public S3URI​(String uri)
        Creates a S3URI by extracting the S3 bucket and key names from uri. If the key has a trailing delimiter, it will be removed.
        uri - an S3 URI in the form s3://<bucket>/<key>.
        IllegalArgumentException - if uri is not in the expected form or if the bucket or key are invalid.
        See Also:
        S3URI(String, String)
      • S3URI

        public S3URI​(String bucket,
                     String key)
              throws IllegalArgumentException
        Creates a S3URI from the specified bucket and key. If the key has a trailing delimiter, it will be removed.
        bucket - a bucket name. Must be non-null and at least 3 characters.
        key - a key. May be null but cannot be the empty string. Also, it may not contain consecutive delimiters.
        IllegalArgumentException - if either argument fails the requirements.
    • Method Detail

      • getBucket

        public String getBucket()
        Returns the bucket.
        the bucket.
      • getKey

        public String getKey()
        Returns the key. May be null if the URI did not include a key, e.g. "s3://bucket". If not null, any trailing #S3_DELIMITER delimiter the key had when passed to the constructor will have been stripped.
        the key.
      • getKeyWithTrailingDelimiter

        public String getKeyWithTrailingDelimiter()
        Returns the key, adding a trailing delimiter. Returns null if the key is null.
        the key, with a trailing delimiter.
      • getBaseName

        public String getBaseName()
        Returns the base name of the file or directory denoted by this URI. This is just the last name in the key's name sequence. If the key is null, null is returned.
        the base name.
      • getParent

        public S3URI getParent()
        Returns the parent URI of this URI. The determination is completely text-based, using the delimiter. If the key is null, null is returned. If it is non-null, but doesn't have a logical parent, the returned URI will have a null key (but the same bucket). For example, the parent of s3://my-bucket/my-key (bucket="my-bucket", key="my-key") will be s3://my-bucket (bucket=="my-bucket", key=null).
        the parent URI of this URI.
      • getChild

        public S3URI getChild​(String relativePath)
                       throws IllegalArgumentException
        Creates a new URI by resolving the specified path relative to this. If key == null, the key of the returned URI will simply be relativePath.
        relativePath - a path relative to this. Must be non-null.
        the child URI.
        IllegalArgumentException - if the path starts with a delimiter. The path must be relative.
      • getTempFile

        public File getTempFile()
        Gets a temporary file to which the content of the S3Object that this URI points to can be downloaded. The path of the file is ${}/S3Objects/${hashCode()}/${getBaseName()}. This method does not cause the file to be created; we're just returning a suitable path.
        a temporary file to which the content of the S3Object that this URI points to can be downloaded.
      • toString

        public String toString()
        Returns a string representation of the URI in the form s3://<bucket>/<key>.
        toString in class Object
        a string representation of the URI.
      • hashCode

        public int hashCode()
        hashCode in class Object