Package ucar.nc2

Class Dimensions

  • public class Dimensions
    extends Object
    Static helper methods for Dimension.
    • Method Detail

      • makeSectionFromDimensions

        public static Section.Builder makeSectionFromDimensions​(Iterable<Dimension> dimensions)
        Make a ucar.ma2.Section.Builder from an ordered set of Dimension objects.
      • getSize

        public static long getSize​(Iterable<Dimension> dimensions)
        Get the total number of elements the dimensions represent.
      • makeShape

        public static int[] makeShape​(Iterable<Dimension> dimensions)
        Make an array of Dimension lengths.
      • makeDimensionsString

        public static String makeDimensionsString​(List<Dimension> dimensions)
        Make a space-delineated String from a list of Dimension names, inverse of makeDimensionsList().
      • makeDimensionsList

        public static<Dimension> makeDimensionsList​(Dimensions.FindDimensionByName finder,
                                                                                            String dimString)
                                                                                     throws IllegalArgumentException
        Make a list of Dimensions from a list of names.
        finder - interface to find a Dimension by name.
        dimString - space separated list of dimension names.
        equivalent list of Dimension objects.
        IllegalArgumentException - if cant find or parse the name.
      • makeDimensionsAnon

        public static<Dimension> makeDimensionsAnon​(int[] shape)
        Make a list of private dimensions from an array of lengths
      • makeDimensionsAll

        public static<Dimension> makeDimensionsAll​(Variable v)
        Get list of Dimensions, including parent Structure(s), if any.
        array of Dimension, rank of v plus all parent Structures.