Package ucar.nc2.dt

Interface GridDatatype

    • Method Detail

      • getFullName

        String getFullName()
        Get the full, unescaped name of the Grid
        the full, unescaped name of the Grid
      • getShortName

        String getShortName()
        Get the short name of the Grid
        the short name of the Grid
      • getName

        String getName()
        Alias for getFullName().
        the full, unescaped name
      • getDescription

        String getDescription()
        Get the description/long_name of the Grid, or null if none.
        the description/long_name of the Grid, or null if none.
      • getUnitsString

        String getUnitsString()
        Get the unit string
        the unit string
      • getDataType

        DataType getDataType()
        get the data type
        the data type
      • getRank

        int getRank()
        get the rank
        the rank
      • getShape

        int[] getShape()
        get the shape (canonical ordering)
        the shape (canonical ordering)
      • getAttributes

        List<Attribute> getAttributes()
        Get a List of Attribute specific to the Grid
        a List of Attribute
      • findAttributeIgnoreCase

        Attribute findAttributeIgnoreCase​(String name)
        Convenience function; lookup Attribute by name.
        name - the name of the attribute
        the attribute, or null if not found
      • findAttValueIgnoreCase

        String findAttValueIgnoreCase​(String attName,
                                      String defaultValue)
        Convenience function; lookup Attribute value by name. Must be String valued
        attName - name of the attribute
        defaultValue - if not found, use this as the default
        Attribute string value, or default if not found.
      • getDimensions

        List<Dimension> getDimensions()
        Returns a List of Dimension containing the dimensions used by this grid. The dimension are put into canonical order: (rt, e, t, z, y, x). Only the x and y are required. If the Horizontal axes are 2D, the x and y dimensions are arbitrarily chosen to be gcs.getXHorizAxis().getDimension(1), gcs.getXHorizAxis().getDimension(0), respectively.
        List with objects of type Dimension, in canonical order.
      • getDimension

        Dimension getDimension​(int i)
        get the ith dimension
        i - index of dimension
        the ith dimension
      • getTimeDimension

        Dimension getTimeDimension()
        get the time Dimension, if it exists
        the time Dimension, or null
      • getZDimension

        Dimension getZDimension()
        get the z Dimension, if it exists
        the z Dimension, or null
      • getYDimension

        Dimension getYDimension()
        get the y Dimension, if it exists
        the y Dimension, or null
      • getXDimension

        Dimension getXDimension()
        get the x Dimension, if it exists
        the x Dimension, or null
      • getEnsembleDimension

        Dimension getEnsembleDimension()
        get the ensemble Dimension, if it exists
        the ensemble Dimension, or null
      • getRunTimeDimension

        Dimension getRunTimeDimension()
        get the runtime Dimension, if it exists
        the runtime Dimension, or null
      • getTimeDimensionIndex

        int getTimeDimensionIndex()
        get the time Dimension index in the geogrid (canonical order), or -1 if none
        the time Dimension index in canonical order, or -1
      • getZDimensionIndex

        int getZDimensionIndex()
        get the z Dimension index in the geogrid (canonical order), or -1 if none
        the z Dimension index in canonical order, or -1
      • getYDimensionIndex

        int getYDimensionIndex()
        get the y Dimension index in the geogrid (canonical order)
        the y Dimension index in canonical order, or -1
      • getXDimensionIndex

        int getXDimensionIndex()
        get the x Dimension index in the geogrid (canonical order)
        the x Dimension index in canonical order, or -1
      • getEnsembleDimensionIndex

        int getEnsembleDimensionIndex()
        get the ensemble Dimension index in the geogrid (canonical order), or -1 if none
        the ensemble Dimension index in canonical order, or -1
      • getRunTimeDimensionIndex

        int getRunTimeDimensionIndex()
        get the runtime Dimension index in the geogrid (canonical order), or -1 if none
        the runtime Dimension index in canonical order, or -1
      • getCoordinateSystem

        GridCoordSystem getCoordinateSystem()
        get the Grid's Coordinate System.
        the Grid's Coordinate System.
      • getProjection

        ProjectionImpl getProjection()
        get the Projection, if it exists.
        the Projection, or null
      • hasMissingData

        boolean hasMissingData()
        true if there may be missing data
        true if there may be missing data
      • isMissingData

        boolean isMissingData​(double val)
        if val is missing data
        val - test this value
        true if val is missing data
      • getMinMaxSkipMissingData

        MAMath.MinMax getMinMaxSkipMissingData​(Array data)
        Get the minimum and the maximum data value of the previously read Array, skipping missing values as defined by isMissingData(double val).
        data - Array to get min/max values
        both min and max value.
      • setMissingToNaN

        float[] setMissingToNaN​(float[] data)
        Convert (in place) all values in the given array that are considered as "missing" to Float.NaN, according to isMissing(val).
        data - input array
        input array, with missing values converted to NaNs.
      • readDataSlice

        Array readDataSlice​(int rt_index,
                            int e_index,
                            int t_index,
                            int z_index,
                            int y_index,
                            int x_index)
                     throws IOException
        This reads an arbitrary data slice, returning the data in canonical order (rt-e-t-z-y-x). If any dimension does not exist, ignore it.
        rt_index - if < 0, get all of runtime dim; if valid index, fix slice to that value.
        e_index - if < 0, get all of ensemble dim; if valid index, fix slice to that value.
        t_index - if < 0, get all of time dim; if valid index, fix slice to that value.
        z_index - if < 0, get all of z dim; if valid index, fix slice to that value.
        y_index - if < 0, get all of y dim; if valid index, fix slice to that value.
        x_index - if < 0, get all of x dim; if valid index, fix slice to that value.
        data[rt,e,t,z,y,x], eliminating missing or fixed dimension.
        IOException - on io error
      • readDataSlice

        Array readDataSlice​(int t_index,
                            int z_index,
                            int y_index,
                            int x_index)
                     throws IOException
        This reads an arbitrary data slice, returning the data in canonical order (t-z-y-x). If any dimension does not exist, ignore it. For backwards compatibility for grids with no runtime or ensemble dimensions.
        t_index - if < 0, get all of time dim; if valid index, fix slice to that value.
        z_index - if < 0, get all of z dim; if valid index, fix slice to that value.
        y_index - if < 0, get all of y dim; if valid index, fix slice to that value.
        x_index - if < 0, get all of x dim; if valid index, fix slice to that value.
        data[rt,e,t,z,y,x], eliminating missing or fixed dimension.
        IOException - on io error
      • readVolumeData

        Array readVolumeData​(int t_index)
                      throws IOException
        Reads in the data "volume" at the given time index. If its a product set, put into canonical order (z-y-x). If not a product set, reorder to (z,i,j), where i, j are from the original
        t_index - time index; ignored if no time axis. you can set to -1 to read all times.
        data[z,y,x] or data[y,x] if no z axis.
        IOException - on io error
      • makeSubset

        GridDatatype makeSubset​(Range rt_range,
                                Range e_range,
                                Range t_range,
                                Range z_range,
                                Range y_range,
                                Range x_range)
                         throws InvalidRangeException
        Create a new GeoGrid that is a logical subset of this GeoGrid.
        rt_range - subset the runtime dimension, or null if you want all of it
        e_range - subset the ensemble dimension, or null if you want all of it
        t_range - subset the time dimension, or null if you want all of it
        z_range - subset the vertical dimension, or null if you want all of it
        y_range - subset the y dimension, or null if you want all of it
        x_range - subset the x dimension, or null if you want all of it
        subsetted GeoGrid
        InvalidRangeException - if ranges are invlaid
      • makeSubset

        GridDatatype makeSubset​(Range t_range,
                                Range z_range,
                                LatLonRect bbox,
                                int z_stride,
                                int y_stride,
                                int x_stride)
                         throws InvalidRangeException
        Create a new GeoGrid that is a logical subset of this GeoGrid. For backwards compatibility for grids with no runtime or ensemble dimensions.
        t_range - subset the time dimension, or null if you want all of it
        z_range - subset the vertical dimension, or null if you want all of it
        bbox - a lat/lon bounding box, or null if you want all x,y
        z_stride - use only if z_range is null, then take all z with this stride (1 means all)
        y_stride - use this stride on the y coordinate (1 means all)
        x_stride - use this stride on the x coordinate (1 means all)
        subsetted GeoGrid
        InvalidRangeException - if ranges are invlaid
      • getInfo

        String getInfo()
        human readable information about this Grid.
        human readable information about this Grid.
      • getVariable

        VariableDS getVariable()
        Get the underlying Variable, if it exists.
        the underlying Variable, if it exists, else null