See: Description
Class | Description |
BuoyShipSynop |
Ship/Buoy decoded netcdf files
CdmDirect |
CDM direct, used when we are implementing the IOSP.
CFpointObs |
CF "point obs" Convention.
CFpointObs.EncodingInfo | |
CFpointObsExt |
CFpointObs using extended model, namely netcdf-4 Structures
Cosmic |
TableConfigurer for cosmic data
FslRaob |
RAOBs from FSL
FslWindProfiler |
FLS Wind profile data
GempakCdm |
Gempak Point Obs data.
Iridl |
Class Description.
Jason |
Created by IntelliJ IDEA.
Madis |
Madis Convention
Madis.VNames | |
MadisAcars |
NdbcCoards |
Ndbc (National Data Buoy Center) Coards Convention (National Data Buoy Center)
NdbcNetcdf4 |
NDBC (National Data Buoy Center) Convention with netcdf4 files
Nldn |
RafNimbus |
RAF Nimbus conventions
SimpleTrajectory |
SimpleTrajectory netcdf files
One trajectory, one dimension (time), per file.
Suomi |
UnidataPointDatasetHelper |
Helper routines for point feature datasets using Unidata Conventions.
UnidataPointObs |
"Unidata Observation Dataset v1.0" point or station or trajectory.
Enum | Description |
CFpointObs.Encoding |