CoordInterval |
Convenience wrapper for interval coordinates.
CoordsSet |
An iterator over the coordinates in a set of CoverageCoordAxis.
CoordSysSet |
A set of coverages with the same coordsys.
Coverage |
Coverage - aka Grid or GeoGrid.
CoverageCollection |
A Collection of Coverages
Tracks unique coordinate systems.
CoverageCoordAxis |
Coverage CoordAxis abstract superclass
Immutable with (possible) lazy eval of values
CoverageCoordAxis1D |
Coverage CoordAxis 1D case
CoverageCoordAxisBuilder |
Mutable builder object for CoverageCoordAxis
CoverageCoordSys |
A Coverage Coordinate System
Immutable after setImmutable is called
CoverageDatasetFactory |
factory for CoverageDataset
1) Remote CdmrFeatureDataset: cdmremote:url
2) GRIB collections: must be a grib file, or grib index file
3) DtCoverageDataset (forked from ucar.nc2.dt.grid), the cdm IOSP / CoordSys stack
CoverageTransform |
Coverage Coordinate Transform.
FeatureDatasetCoverage |
A FeatureDataset with Coverage Features.
GeoReferencedArray |
A data array with GeoReferencing.
HorizCoordSys |
Horizontal CoordSys
HorizCoordSys.CoordReturn |
HorizCoordSys2D |
HorizCoordSys with LatLonAxis2D latAxis, lonAxis
some code forked from ucar.nc2.dataset.GridCoordinate2D
LatLonAxis2D |
LatLon axes : used by lat(y,x) and lon(y,x)
An instance represents just one of lat or lon.
SubsetParams |
Describes a subset of a Coverage.
Time2DCoordSys |
Time2DCoordSys with run and 2D time coordinate axes.
Time2DOffsetCoordSys |
Time2DCoordSys with run and timeOffset coordinate axes.
TimeAxis2DFmrc |
Fmrc TimeAxis: time(runtime, time)
values will contain nruns * ntimes values
TimeAxis2DFmrcReg |
TimeAxis2DSwath |
Swath TimeAxis: time(scan, xscan)
values will contain scan * xscan values
TimeHelper |
Helper class for Time coordinate axes
TimeOffsetAxis |
A new way to handle 2D time, a runtime axis with orthogonal offset values, so time = (runtime x offset).