Interface | Description |
Grib1IndexProto.Grib1GdsSectionOrBuilder | |
Grib1IndexProto.Grib1IndexOrBuilder | |
Grib1IndexProto.Grib1RecordOrBuilder |
Class | Description |
Grib1DataReader |
Decodes the GRIB1 binary data record
Grib1Gds |
GRIB1 GDS - subclass for each type
0 Latitude/longitude grid – equidistant cylindrical or Plate Carrée projection
1 Mercator projection
2 Gnomonic projection
3 Lambert conformal, secant or tangent, conic or bi-polar, projection
4 Gaussian latitude/longitude grid
5 Polar stereographic projection
6 Universal Transverse Mercator (UTM) projection
7 Simple polyconic projection
8 Albers equal-area, secant or tangent, conic or bi-polar, projection
9 Miller’s cylindrical projection
10 Rotated latitude/longitude grid
13 Oblique Lambert conformal, secant or tangent, conic or bi-polar, projection
14 Rotated Gaussian latitude/longitude grid
20 Stretched latitude/longitude grid
24 Stretched Gaussian latitude/longitude grid
30 Stretched and rotated latitude/longitude grids
34 Stretched and rotated Gaussian latitude/longitude grids
50 Spherical harmonic coefficients
60 Rotated spherical harmonic coefficients
70 Stretched spherical harmonics
80 Stretched and rotated spherical harmonic coefficients
90 Space view, perspective or orthographic
Grib1Gds.GaussianLatLon | |
Grib1Gds.LambertConformal | |
Grib1Gds.LatLon | |
Grib1Gds.Mercator | |
Grib1Gds.PolarStereographic | |
Grib1Gds.RotatedLatLon | |
Grib1Gds.SphericalHarmonicCoefficients | |
Grib1Gds.UnknownGds | |
Grib1GdsPredefined |
Helper class for pre-defined grid definition section (GDS) .
Grib1Index |
Read and Write Grib1 index (gbx9).
Grib1IndexProto | |
Grib1IndexProto.Grib1GdsSection |
Protobuf type
Grib1GdsSection |
Grib1IndexProto.Grib1GdsSection.Builder |
Protobuf type
Grib1GdsSection |
Grib1IndexProto.Grib1Index |
Protobuf type
Grib1Index |
Grib1IndexProto.Grib1Index.Builder |
Protobuf type
Grib1Index |
Grib1IndexProto.Grib1Record |
Protobuf type
Grib1Record |
Grib1IndexProto.Grib1Record.Builder |
Protobuf type
Grib1Record |
Grib1Parameter |
A Grib-1 Parameter
Grib1ParamLevel |
Level information contained in a particular PDS.
Grib1ParamTime |
Time coordinate from the PDS.
Grib1Record |
A Grib1 message.
Grib1RecordScanner |
Scan files and extract Grib1Records.
Grib1SectionBinaryData |
The Binary Data Section for GRIB-1 files
Grib1SectionBitMap |
Grib1 Section 3 (BitMap)
Grib1SectionGridDefinition |
The Grid Definition Section for GRIB-1 files
Effectively immutable, but caching lazy gds
Grib1SectionIndicator |
The Indicator Section for GRIB-1 files
Grib1SectionProductDefinition |
The Product Definition Section for GRIB-1 files
Grib1Utils |
static utilities for Grib-1
Grib1Variable |
Used to group records into a CDM variable
Herein lies the semantics of a variable object identity.