Class OceanSG1

  • All Implemented Interfaces:

    public class OceanSG1
    extends Object
    Implement CF "ocean_s_coordinate_g1".
     Ocean s-coordinate, generic form 1
     standard_name = "ocean_s_coordinate_g1"
       z(n,k,j,i) = S(k,j,i) + eta(n,j,i) * (1 + S(k,j,i) / depth(j,i))
       S(k,j,i) = depth_c * s(k) + (depth(j,i) - depth_c) * C(k)
     z(n,k,j,i) is height, positive upwards, relative to ocean datum (e.g. mean sea level) at gridpoint (n,k,j,i)
     eta(n,j,i) is the height of the ocean surface, positive upwards, relative to ocean datum at gridpoint (n,j,i)
     s(k) is the dimensionless coordinate at vertical gridpoint (k) with a range of -1 <= s(k) <= 0
     s(0) corresponds to eta(n,j,i) whereas s(-1) corresponds to depth(j,i)
     C(k) is the dimensionless vertical coordinate stretching function at gridpoint (k) with a range of -1 <= C(k) <= 0
     C(0) corresponds to eta(n,j,i) whereas C(-1) corresponds to depth(j,i)
     the constant depth_c, (positive value), is a critical depth controlling the stretching
     depth(j,i) is the distance from ocean datum to sea floor (positive value) at horizontal gridpoint (j,i).
     The format for the formula_terms attribute is
     formula_terms = "s: var1 C: var2 eta: var3 depth: var4 depth_c: var5"
    See Also: