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ABBREV - Static variable in class ucar.nc2.constants.CDM
abort() - Method in class ucar.nc2.write.NetcdfFormatWriter
Abort writing to this file.
absoluteDifference(double, double) - Static method in class ucar.nc2.util.Misc
The absolute difference between two doubles, i.e.
absoluteDifference(float, float) - Static method in class ucar.nc2.util.Misc
The absolute difference between two floats, i.e.
AbstractIOServiceProvider - Class in ucar.nc2.iosp
Abstract base class for IOSP implementations.
AbstractIOServiceProvider() - Constructor for class ucar.nc2.iosp.AbstractIOServiceProvider
Access - Class in thredds.client.catalog
A Dataset Access element.
Access - Static variable in class thredds.client.catalog.Dataset
Access(Dataset, String, Service, String, long) - Constructor for class thredds.client.catalog.Access
AccessBuilder - Class in thredds.client.catalog.builder
Build immutable Access object
AccessBuilder(DatasetBuilder, String, Service, String, long) - Constructor for class thredds.client.catalog.builder.AccessBuilder
AccessBuilder(DatasetBuilder, Access) - Constructor for class thredds.client.catalog.builder.AccessBuilder
ACDD - Class in ucar.nc2.constants
Attribute Conventions for Dataset Discovery
acknowledgement - Static variable in class ucar.nc2.constants.ACDD
acquire(String) - Static method in class ucar.unidata.io.RandomAccessFile
acquire(String) - Method in interface ucar.unidata.io.spi.RandomAccessFileProvider
Acquire a file for a location from a cache, if available
acquire(String, int) - Static method in class ucar.unidata.io.RandomAccessFile
acquire(String, int) - Method in interface ucar.unidata.io.spi.RandomAccessFileProvider
Acquire a file for a location, with the given buffer size, from a cache, if available
acquireDataset(DatasetUrl, boolean, CancelTask) - Static method in class ucar.nc2.dataset.NetcdfDatasets
Same as openDataset, but file is acquired through the File Cache, with optional enhancement.
acquireDataset(DatasetUrl, Set<NetcdfDataset.Enhance>, CancelTask, Object) - Static method in class ucar.nc2.dataset.NetcdfDatasets
Same as openDataset, but file is acquired through the File Cache, with specified enhancements.
acquireDataset(DatasetUrl, CancelTask) - Static method in class ucar.nc2.dataset.NetcdfDatasets
Same as openDataset, but file is acquired through the File Cache, with defaultEnhanceMode.
acquireDataset(FileFactory, DatasetUrl, Set<NetcdfDataset.Enhance>, int, CancelTask, Object) - Static method in class ucar.nc2.dataset.NetcdfDatasets
Same as openDataset, but file is acquired through the File Cache.
acquireFile(DatasetUrl, CancelTask) - Static method in class ucar.nc2.dataset.NetcdfDatasets
Same as openFile, but file is acquired through the File Cache.
acquireFile(FileFactory, Object, DatasetUrl, int, CancelTask, Object) - Static method in class ucar.nc2.dataset.NetcdfDatasets
Same as openFile, but file is acquired through the File Cache.
ACTUAL_RANGE - Static variable in class ucar.nc2.constants.CF
add(double, double) - Method in class ucar.unidata.geoloc.ProjectionRect.Builder
Extend the rectangle by the given point.
add(long, CalendarPeriod) - Method in interface ucar.nc2.calendar.CalendarDate
Multiply the given period and add to this CalendarDate, return a new one.
add(long, CalendarPeriod.Field) - Method in interface ucar.nc2.calendar.CalendarDate
Add the given period (value and unit) to this CalendarDate, return a new one.
add(TimeDuration) - Method in class thredds.client.catalog.DateType
add(CalendarDate) - Method in class ucar.nc2.units.TimeUnit
Add the time amount to the given Date, return a new Date.
add(CalendarPeriod) - Method in interface ucar.nc2.calendar.CalendarDate
Add the given period to this CalendarDate, return a new one.
add(TimeUnit) - Method in class thredds.client.catalog.DateType
add(ProjectionPoint) - Method in class ucar.unidata.geoloc.ProjectionRect.Builder
Extend the rectangle by the given point.
ADD_OFFSET - Static variable in class ucar.nc2.constants.CDM
ADD_OFFSET - Static variable in class ucar.nc2.constants.CF
addAccess(AccessBuilder) - Method in class thredds.client.catalog.builder.DatasetBuilder
addAll(Iterable<Attribute>) - Method in class ucar.nc2.AttributeContainerMutable
Add all; replace old if has same name.
addAttribute(String, Number) - Method in class ucar.nc2.AttributeContainerMutable
Add Attribute; name and value must not be null.
addAttribute(String, String) - Method in class ucar.nc2.AttributeContainerMutable
Add Attribute; name and value must not be null.
addAttribute(Attribute) - Method in class ucar.nc2.AttributeContainerMutable
Add an attribute to the container.
addAttribute(Attribute) - Method in class ucar.nc2.grid.GridAxis.Builder
addAttribute(Attribute) - Method in class ucar.nc2.Group.Builder
addAttribute(Attribute) - Method in class ucar.nc2.Variable.Builder
addAttribute(Attribute) - Method in class ucar.nc2.write.NetcdfFormatWriter.Builder
Add a global attribute
addAttributes(Iterable<Attribute>) - Method in class ucar.nc2.Group.Builder
addAttributes(Iterable<Attribute>) - Method in class ucar.nc2.Variable.Builder
addDataset(DatasetBuilder) - Method in class thredds.client.catalog.builder.CatalogBuilder
addDataset(DatasetBuilder) - Method in class thredds.client.catalog.builder.DatasetBuilder
addDimension(String, int) - Method in class ucar.nc2.write.NetcdfFormatWriter.Builder
Add a dimension to the root group.
addDimension(Dimension) - Method in class ucar.nc2.Group.Builder
Add Dimension with error if it already exists
addDimension(Dimension) - Method in class ucar.nc2.Variable.Builder
addDimension(Dimension) - Method in class ucar.nc2.write.NetcdfFormatWriter.Builder
Add a dimension to the root group.
addDimensionIfNotExists(Dimension) - Method in class ucar.nc2.Group.Builder
Add Dimension if one with same name doesnt already exist.
addDimensions(Collection<Dimension>) - Method in class ucar.nc2.Group.Builder
Add Dimensions with error if any already exist
addDimensions(Collection<Dimension>) - Method in class ucar.nc2.Variable.Builder
ADDE - thredds.client.catalog.ServiceType
addEnhanceMode(Set<NetcdfDataset.Enhance>) - Method in class ucar.nc2.dataset.VariableDS.Builder
addEnhanceMode(NetcdfDataset.Enhance) - Method in class ucar.nc2.dataset.NetcdfDataset.Builder
addEnhanceModes(Set<NetcdfDataset.Enhance>) - Method in class ucar.nc2.dataset.NetcdfDataset.Builder
addEnumTypedef(EnumTypedef) - Method in class ucar.nc2.Group.Builder
addEnumTypedefs(Collection<EnumTypedef>) - Method in class ucar.nc2.Group.Builder
addGroup(Group.Builder) - Method in class ucar.nc2.Group.Builder
Add a nested Group.
addGroups(Collection<Group.Builder>) - Method in class ucar.nc2.Group.Builder
addMember(int, StructureMembers.MemberBuilder) - Method in class ucar.array.StructureMembers.Builder
addMember(String, String, String, ArrayType, int[]) - Method in class ucar.array.StructureMembers.Builder
addMember(StructureMembers.MemberBuilder) - Method in class ucar.array.StructureMembers.Builder
addMemberVariable(String, ArrayType, String) - Method in class ucar.nc2.Structure.Builder
Add a Variable to the root group.
addMemberVariable(Variable.Builder<?>) - Method in class ucar.nc2.Structure.Builder
addMemberVariables(List<Variable.Builder<?>>) - Method in class ucar.nc2.Structure.Builder
addProperty(Property) - Method in class thredds.client.catalog.builder.CatalogBuilder
addService(Service) - Method in class thredds.client.catalog.builder.CatalogBuilder
addServiceToCatalog(Service) - Method in class thredds.client.catalog.builder.DatasetBuilder
addStructure(String, String) - Method in class ucar.nc2.write.NetcdfFormatWriter.Builder
Add a Structure to the root group.
addToList(String, Object) - Method in class thredds.client.catalog.builder.DatasetBuilder
addToList(String, Object) - Method in class thredds.client.catalog.ThreddsMetadata
addToList(Map<String, Object>, String, Object) - Static method in class thredds.client.catalog.builder.DatasetBuilder
Utility routine to keep list of objects small.
addToNewList(Map<String, Object>, String, Object) - Static method in class thredds.client.catalog.builder.DatasetBuilder
addUnlimitedDimension(String) - Method in class ucar.nc2.write.NetcdfFormatWriter.Builder
Add an unlimited dimension to the root group.
addVariable(String, ArrayType, String) - Method in class ucar.nc2.write.NetcdfFormatWriter.Builder
Add a Variable to the root group.
addVariable(String, ArrayType, List<Dimension>) - Method in class ucar.nc2.write.NetcdfFormatWriter.Builder
Add a Variable to the root group.
addVariable(Variable.Builder<?>) - Method in class ucar.nc2.Group.Builder
Add a Variable, throw error if one of the same name if it exists.
addVariables(Collection<Variable.Builder<?>>) - Method in class ucar.nc2.Group.Builder
Add Variables, throw error if one of the same name if it exists.
agg - Variable in class ucar.nc2.dataset.NetcdfDataset.Builder
AGGREGATION - Static variable in class ucar.nc2.dataset.NetcdfDataset
Airy1830 - Static variable in class ucar.unidata.geoloc.EarthEllipsoid
Airy 1830 ellipsoid from EPSG database version 6.14.
ALBERS_CONICAL_EQUAL_AREA - Static variable in class ucar.nc2.constants.CF
Alias - Static variable in class thredds.client.catalog.Dataset
AliasForDimension - Static variable in class ucar.nc2.constants._Coordinate
all - ucar.nc2.write.NcdumpArray.WantValues
all_leap - ucar.nc2.calendar.Calendar
ANCILLARY_VARIABLES - Static variable in class ucar.nc2.constants.CF
ANY - ucar.nc2.constants.FeatureType
ANY_POINT - ucar.nc2.constants.FeatureType
appendRange(int) - Method in class ucar.array.Section.Builder
Append a new Range(0,size-1)
appendRange(int, int) - Method in class ucar.array.Section.Builder
Append a new Range(first, last) to the Section
appendRange(int, int, int) - Method in class ucar.array.Section.Builder
Append a new Range(first,last,stride) to the Section.
appendRange(String, int, int, int) - Method in class ucar.array.Section.Builder
Append a new Range(name,first,last,stride) to the Section
appendRange(Range) - Method in class ucar.array.Section.Builder
Append a Range to the Section, may be null.
appendRanges(int[]) - Method in class ucar.array.Section.Builder
Append Ranges to the Section, Range(shape[i]) for each i.
appendRanges(List<Range>) - Method in class ucar.array.Section.Builder
Append Ranges to the Section
appendStructureData(Structure, StructureData) - Method in class ucar.nc2.write.NetcdfFormatWriter
Write StructureData along the unlimited dimension.
appendToFile(InputStream, String) - Static method in class ucar.nc2.util.IO
ApplyScaleOffset - ucar.nc2.dataset.NetcdfDataset.Enhance
Apply scale and offset to values, promoting the data type if needed.
ARAKAWA_E - Static variable in class ucar.nc2.constants.CDM
Array<T> - Class in ucar.array
Superclass for implementations of multidimensional arrays.
arraycopy(int, Object, int, long) - Method in interface ucar.array.Storage
Copy all or a portion to dest array.
arraycopy(int, Object, int, long) - Method in class ucar.array.StructureDataStorageBB
Copies internal data to dest.
Arrays - Class in ucar.array
Static helper classes for Array
arrayType() - Method in class ucar.nc2.grid.GridReferencedArray
The underlying data type.
ArrayType - Enum in ucar.array
Type-safe enumeration of Array data types.
ArrayType.Signedness - Enum in ucar.array
A property of integral data types that determines whether they can represent both positive and negative numbers (signed), or only non-negative numbers (unsigned).
ArrayVlen<T> - Class in ucar.array
Array of variable length primitive arrays of T, eg double[length][].
AtmosHybridSigmaPressure - Class in ucar.nc2.geoloc.vertical
Implement CF "atmosphere_sigma_coordinate".
AtmosHybridSigmaPressure.Builder - Class in ucar.nc2.geoloc.vertical
atmosphere_hybrid_height_coordinate - Static variable in class ucar.nc2.constants.CF
atmosphere_hybrid_sigma_pressure_coordinate - Static variable in class ucar.nc2.constants.CF
atmosphere_ln_pressure_coordinate - Static variable in class ucar.nc2.constants.CF
atmosphere_sigma_coordinate - Static variable in class ucar.nc2.constants.CF
atmosphere_sleve_coordinate - Static variable in class ucar.nc2.constants.CF
AtmosSigma - Class in ucar.nc2.geoloc.vertical
Implement CF "atmosphere_sigma_coordinate".
AtmosSigma.Builder - Class in ucar.nc2.geoloc.vertical
Attribute - Class in ucar.nc2
An Attribute is a name and a value, used for associating arbitrary metadata with another object.
Attribute(String, Number) - Constructor for class ucar.nc2.Attribute
Create a scalar, signed, numeric-valued Attribute.
Attribute(String, String) - Constructor for class ucar.nc2.Attribute
Create a String-valued Attribute.
Attribute.Builder - Class in ucar.nc2
AttributeContainer - Interface in ucar.nc2
An immutable Container of Attributes.
AttributeContainerMutable - Class in ucar.nc2
A mutable collection of Attributes.
AttributeContainerMutable(String) - Constructor for class ucar.nc2.AttributeContainerMutable
Constructor with container name.
AttributeContainerMutable(String, Iterable<Attribute>) - Constructor for class ucar.nc2.AttributeContainerMutable
Constructor with container name and list of Attributes to copy in.
attributes() - Method in interface ucar.nc2.grid.Grid
The Grid attributes.
attributes() - Method in class ucar.nc2.grid.GridAxis
The GridAxis attributes.
attributes() - Method in interface ucar.nc2.grid.GridDataset
Global attributes.
attributes() - Method in class ucar.nc2.Group
The attributes contained by this Group.
attributes() - Method in class ucar.nc2.Variable
The attributes contained by this Variable.
Authority - Static variable in class thredds.client.catalog.Dataset
available() - Method in class ucar.unidata.io.UncompressInputStream
Axes - Static variable in class ucar.nc2.constants._Coordinate
AXIS - Static variable in class ucar.nc2.constants.CF
AxisComparator() - Constructor for class ucar.nc2.dataset.CoordinateAxis.AxisComparator
AxisComparator() - Constructor for class ucar.nc2.grid.Grids.AxisComparator
axisOrder() - Method in enum ucar.nc2.constants.AxisType
axis ordering: runTime - ensemble - time - z - y - x or elev - azimuth - distance
axisType - Variable in class ucar.nc2.dataset.CoordinateAxis.Builder
axisType - Variable in class ucar.nc2.grid.GridAxis.Builder
AxisType - Enum in ucar.nc2.constants
Enumeration of Coordinate Axis types.
AxisType - Static variable in class ucar.nc2.constants._Coordinate
AxisTypes - Static variable in class ucar.nc2.constants._Coordinate
AZIMUTHAL_EQUIDISTANT - Static variable in class ucar.nc2.constants.CF


Bearing - Class in ucar.unidata.geoloc
Computes the distance, azimuth, and back azimuth between two lat-lon positions on the Earth's surface.
Bearing() - Constructor for class ucar.unidata.geoloc.Bearing
before(DateType) - Method in class thredds.client.catalog.DateType
Is this date before the given date.
betweenLon(double, double, double) - Static method in class ucar.unidata.geoloc.LatLonPoints
Test if a longitude lies in the interval [lonBeg, lonEnd].
BIG_ENDIAN - Static variable in class ucar.unidata.io.RandomAccessFile
binarySearch(double) - Method in class ucar.nc2.grid.GridAxis
Public by accident.
binarySearch(double) - Method in class ucar.nc2.grid.GridAxisInterval
binarySearch(double) - Method in class ucar.nc2.grid.GridAxisPoint
BitReader - Class in ucar.nc2.iosp
Helper for reading data that has been bit packed.
BitReader(byte[]) - Constructor for class ucar.nc2.iosp.BitReader
BitReader(RandomAccessFile, long) - Constructor for class ucar.nc2.iosp.BitReader
bits2SInt(int) - Method in class ucar.nc2.iosp.BitReader
Read the next nb bits and return the value as a signed long.
bits2UInt(int) - Method in class ucar.nc2.iosp.BitReader
Read the next nb bits and return the value as an unsigned long.
BOUNDS - Static variable in class ucar.nc2.constants.CF
BUFR - ucar.nc2.constants.DataFormatType
build() - Method in class thredds.client.catalog.TimeCoverage.Builder
build() - Method in class ucar.array.IndexFn.Builder
build() - Method in class ucar.array.Section.Builder
build() - Method in class ucar.array.StructureMembers.Builder
build() - Method in class ucar.nc2.Attribute.Builder
build() - Method in class ucar.nc2.dataset.NetcdfDataset.Builder
build() - Method in class ucar.nc2.Dimension.Builder
build() - Method in class ucar.nc2.grid.GridAxisInterval.Builder
build() - Method in class ucar.nc2.grid.GridAxisPoint.Builder
build() - Method in class ucar.nc2.grid.MaterializedCoordinateSystem.Builder
build() - Method in class ucar.nc2.Group.Builder
Build the root group, with parent = null.
build() - Method in class ucar.nc2.NetcdfFile.Builder
build() - Method in class ucar.nc2.write.NcdumpArray.Builder
build() - Method in class ucar.nc2.write.NetcdfFormatWriter.Builder
Once this is called, do not use the Builder again.
build() - Method in class ucar.unidata.geoloc.LatLonRect.Builder
build() - Method in class ucar.unidata.geoloc.ProjectionRect.Builder
build() - Method in class ucar.unidata.geoloc.Station.Builder
build(int, boolean) - Method in class ucar.array.StructureMembers.MemberBuilder
build(List<CoordinateAxis>, List<ProjectionCTV>) - Method in class ucar.nc2.dataset.CoordinateSystem.Builder
Build a CoordinateSystem
build(Group) - Method in class ucar.nc2.dataset.CoordinateAxis.Builder
build(Group) - Method in class ucar.nc2.dataset.CoordinateAxis1D.Builder
build(Group) - Method in class ucar.nc2.dataset.SequenceDS.Builder
Normally this is called by Group.build()
build(Group) - Method in class ucar.nc2.dataset.StructureDS.Builder
Normally this is called by Group.build()
build(Group) - Method in class ucar.nc2.dataset.VariableDS.Builder
Normally this is called by Group.build()
build(Group) - Method in class ucar.nc2.Sequence.Builder
build(Group) - Method in class ucar.nc2.Structure.Builder
Normally this is only called by Group.build()
build(Group) - Method in class ucar.nc2.Variable.Builder
Normally this is called by Group.build()
build(IOServiceProvider, RandomAccessFile, String, CancelTask) - Static method in class ucar.nc2.NetcdfFiles
build(RandomAccessFile, Group.Builder, CancelTask) - Method in interface ucar.nc2.iosp.IOServiceProvider
Read an existing RandomAccessFile, and populate rootGroup.
builder() - Static method in class ucar.array.Section
builder() - Static method in class ucar.array.StructureMembers
Create an StructureMembers builder.
builder() - Static method in class ucar.nc2.Attribute
Create an Attribute builder.
builder() - Static method in class ucar.nc2.dataset.CoordinateAxis
Get a Builder of CoordinateAxis
builder() - Static method in class ucar.nc2.dataset.CoordinateAxis1D
builder() - Static method in class ucar.nc2.dataset.CoordinateSystem
Get a Builder of CoordinateSystem
builder() - Static method in class ucar.nc2.dataset.NetcdfDataset
Get Builder for NetcdfDataset.
builder() - Static method in class ucar.nc2.dataset.SequenceDS
Get a Builder of SequenceDS.
builder() - Static method in class ucar.nc2.dataset.StructureDS
Get a Builder of StructureDS.
builder() - Static method in class ucar.nc2.dataset.VariableDS
Get Builder for this class that allows subclassing.
builder() - Static method in class ucar.nc2.Dimension
builder() - Static method in class ucar.nc2.grid.GridAxisInterval
Get Builder for this class that allows subclassing.
builder() - Static method in class ucar.nc2.grid.GridAxisPoint
Get Builder for this class that allows subclassing.
builder() - Static method in class ucar.nc2.grid.MaterializedCoordinateSystem
builder() - Static method in class ucar.nc2.Group
builder() - Static method in class ucar.nc2.NetcdfFile
Get Builder for this class.
builder() - Static method in class ucar.nc2.Sequence
Get Builder for this class that allows subclassing.
builder() - Static method in class ucar.nc2.Structure
Get Builder for this class that allows subclassing.
builder() - Static method in class ucar.nc2.Variable
Get Builder for this class that allows subclassing.
builder() - Static method in class ucar.nc2.write.NetcdfFormatWriter
Obtain a mutable Builder to create or modify the file metadata.
builder() - Static method in class ucar.unidata.geoloc.ProjectionRect
builder(double, double, double, double) - Static method in class ucar.unidata.geoloc.LatLonRect
Construct a lat/lon bounding box from unnormalized longitude.
builder(double, double, double, double) - Static method in class ucar.unidata.geoloc.ProjectionRect
builder(int[]) - Static method in class ucar.array.IndexFn
builder(String) - Static method in class ucar.nc2.Attribute
Create an Attribute builder with the given Attribute name.
builder(String) - Static method in class ucar.unidata.geoloc.Station
builder(String, int) - Static method in class ucar.nc2.Dimension
A builder with the Dimension name and length set
builder(DateType, DateType, TimeDuration, TimeDuration) - Static method in class thredds.client.catalog.TimeCoverage
builder(NetcdfFile) - Static method in class ucar.nc2.write.NcdumpArray
builder(LatLonPoint, double, double) - Static method in class ucar.unidata.geoloc.LatLonRect
Construct a lat/lon bounding box from a point, and a delta lat, lon.
builder(LatLonPoint, LatLonPoint) - Static method in class ucar.unidata.geoloc.LatLonRect
Construct a lat/lon bounding box from two points.
Builder() - Constructor for class ucar.array.Section.Builder
Builder() - Constructor for class ucar.nc2.dataset.CoordinateAxis.Builder
Builder() - Constructor for class ucar.nc2.dataset.CoordinateAxis1D.Builder
Builder() - Constructor for class ucar.nc2.dataset.CoordinateSystem.Builder
Builder() - Constructor for class ucar.nc2.dataset.NetcdfDataset.Builder
Builder() - Constructor for class ucar.nc2.dataset.SequenceDS.Builder
Builder() - Constructor for class ucar.nc2.dataset.StructureDS.Builder
Builder() - Constructor for class ucar.nc2.dataset.VariableDS.Builder
Builder() - Constructor for class ucar.nc2.geoloc.vertical.AtmosHybridSigmaPressure.Builder
Builder() - Constructor for class ucar.nc2.geoloc.vertical.AtmosSigma.Builder
Builder() - Constructor for class ucar.nc2.geoloc.vertical.ExistingFieldVerticalTransform.Builder
Builder() - Constructor for class ucar.nc2.geoloc.vertical.OceanS.Builder
Builder() - Constructor for class ucar.nc2.geoloc.vertical.OceanSG1.Builder
Builder() - Constructor for class ucar.nc2.geoloc.vertical.OceanSG2.Builder
Builder() - Constructor for class ucar.nc2.geoloc.vertical.OceanSigma.Builder
Builder() - Constructor for class ucar.nc2.geoloc.vertical.WrfEta.Builder
Builder() - Constructor for class ucar.nc2.grid.GridAxis.Builder
Builder() - Constructor for class ucar.nc2.grid.GridAxisInterval.Builder
Builder() - Constructor for class ucar.nc2.grid.GridAxisPoint.Builder
Builder() - Constructor for class ucar.nc2.grid.MaterializedCoordinateSystem.Builder
Builder() - Constructor for class ucar.nc2.Group.Builder
Builder() - Constructor for class ucar.nc2.NetcdfFile.Builder
Builder() - Constructor for class ucar.nc2.Sequence.Builder
Builder() - Constructor for class ucar.nc2.Structure.Builder
Builder() - Constructor for class ucar.nc2.Variable.Builder
Builder() - Constructor for class ucar.nc2.write.NetcdfFormatWriter.Builder
Builder() - Constructor for class ucar.unidata.geoloc.ProjectionRect.Builder
Builder(double, double) - Constructor for class ucar.unidata.geoloc.LatLonRect.Builder
Start with a point, use extend() to add points.
buildFinish(NetcdfFile) - Method in class ucar.nc2.iosp.AbstractIOServiceProvider
buildFinish(NetcdfFile) - Method in interface ucar.nc2.iosp.IOServiceProvider
Sometimes the builder needs access to the finished objects.
buildFromCatref(CatalogRef) - Method in class thredds.client.catalog.builder.CatalogBuilder
buildFromJdom(Element, URI) - Method in class thredds.client.catalog.builder.CatalogBuilder
buildFromLocation(String, URI) - Method in class thredds.client.catalog.builder.CatalogBuilder
buildFromStream(InputStream, URI) - Method in class thredds.client.catalog.builder.CatalogBuilder
buildFromString(String, URI) - Method in class thredds.client.catalog.builder.CatalogBuilder
buildFromURI(URI) - Method in class thredds.client.catalog.builder.CatalogBuilder
BYTE - ucar.array.ArrayType
BYTE - Static variable in class ucar.nc2.constants.CF


calcSize() - Method in class ucar.nc2.write.NetcdfFormatWriter
An estimate of the size of the file when written to disk.
calculateBearing(double, double, double, double) - Static method in class ucar.unidata.geoloc.Bearing
Computes distance (in km), azimuth (degrees clockwise positive from North, 0 to 360), and back azimuth (degrees clockwise positive from North, 0 to 360), from latitude-longituide point pt1 to latitude-longituide pt2.
calculateBearing(Earth, double, double, double, double) - Static method in class ucar.unidata.geoloc.Bearing
Computes distance (in km), azimuth (degrees clockwise positive from North, 0 to 360), and back azimuth (degrees clockwise positive from North, 0 to 360), from latitude-longituide point pt1 to latitude-longituide pt2.
calculateBearing(Earth, LatLonPoint, LatLonPoint) - Static method in class ucar.unidata.geoloc.Bearing
Calculate the bearing between the 2 points.
calculateBearing(LatLonPoint, LatLonPoint) - Static method in class ucar.unidata.geoloc.Bearing
Calculate the bearing between the 2 points.
Calendar - Enum in ucar.nc2.calendar
Implements CF calendar attribute.
CALENDAR - Static variable in class ucar.nc2.constants.CF
CalendarDate - Interface in ucar.nc2.calendar
A Calendar Date, replaces java.util.Date, using java.time.
CalendarDateFormatter - Class in ucar.nc2.calendar
Static routines for date formatting.
CalendarDateFormatter(String) - Constructor for class ucar.nc2.calendar.CalendarDateFormatter
Date formatter with specified pattern.
CalendarDateRange - Class in ucar.nc2.calendar
A range of CalendarDates: the half open interval [start, end)
CalendarDateUnit - Class in ucar.nc2.calendar
A Calendar Date Unit: "[CALENDAR] unit SINCE baseDate".
CalendarPeriod - Class in ucar.nc2.calendar
A CalendarPeriod is a logical duration of time, it requires a Calendar to convert to an actual duration of time.
CalendarPeriod.Field - Enum in ucar.nc2.calendar
cancel() - Method in interface ucar.nc2.util.CancelTask
Application asks to cancel the task.
cancel() - Method in class ucar.nc2.util.CancelTask.CancelTaskImpl
CancelTask - Interface in ucar.nc2.util
Allows long tasks to be cancelled by the user.
CancelTask.CancelTaskImpl - Class in ucar.nc2.util
CancelTaskImpl() - Constructor for class ucar.nc2.util.CancelTask.CancelTaskImpl
canOpen(String) - Static method in class ucar.nc2.NetcdfFiles
Find out if the location can be opened, but dont actually open it.
Catalog - Class in thredds.client.catalog
A Client Catalog
Catalog - thredds.client.catalog.ServiceType.AccessType
Catalog - thredds.client.catalog.ServiceType
Catalog(URI, String, Map<String, Object>, List<DatasetBuilder>) - Constructor for class thredds.client.catalog.Catalog
CATALOG_NAMESPACE_10 - Static variable in class thredds.client.catalog.Catalog
CatalogBuilder - Class in thredds.client.catalog.builder
Builds client Catalogs using JDOM2 Non validating.
CatalogBuilder() - Constructor for class thredds.client.catalog.builder.CatalogBuilder
CatalogBuilder(Catalog) - Constructor for class thredds.client.catalog.builder.CatalogBuilder
CatalogRef - Class in thredds.client.catalog
A Client CatalogRef
CatalogRef(DatasetNode, String, String, Map<String, Object>, List<AccessBuilder>, List<DatasetBuilder>) - Constructor for class thredds.client.catalog.CatalogRef
CatalogRefBuilder - Class in thredds.client.catalog.builder
Client CatalogRef Builder
CatalogRefBuilder(DatasetBuilder) - Constructor for class thredds.client.catalog.builder.CatalogRefBuilder
CatalogRefBuilder(DatasetBuilder, CatalogRef) - Constructor for class thredds.client.catalog.builder.CatalogRefBuilder
CDLWriter - Class in ucar.nc2.write
Netcdf Common Data Language (CDL) writer.
CDM - Class in ucar.nc2.constants
CDM constants.
cdm_data_type - Static variable in class ucar.nc2.constants.ACDD
Cdmr - thredds.client.catalog.ServiceType
CdmRemote - thredds.client.catalog.ServiceType
CdmrFeature - thredds.client.catalog.ServiceType
CELL_MEASURES - Static variable in class ucar.nc2.constants.CF
CELL_METHODS - Static variable in class ucar.nc2.constants.CF
CellBounds(int, int) - Constructor for class ucar.nc2.grid.GridHorizCoordinateSystem.CellBounds
CellBounds(GridHorizCoordinateSystem.CoordReturn, GridHorizCoordinateSystem.CoordReturn, GridHorizCoordinateSystem.CoordReturn, GridHorizCoordinateSystem.CoordReturn, int, int) - Constructor for class ucar.nc2.grid.GridHorizCoordinateSystem.CellBounds
cells() - Method in class ucar.nc2.grid.GridHorizCoordinateSystem
An iterator over each cell of the GridHorizCoordinateSystem.
cells() - Method in class ucar.nc2.grid.GridHorizCurvilinear
CF - Class in ucar.nc2.constants
Constants used in CF Conventions.
CF_EXTENDED - Static variable in class ucar.nc2.constants.CDM
CF_ROLE - Static variable in class ucar.nc2.constants.CF
CF.CellMethods - Enum in ucar.nc2.constants
Enumeration of CF cell methods.
CF.FeatureType - Enum in ucar.nc2.constants
Map from CF feature type names to CDM FeatureType enums.
changeUnits(double) - Method in class ucar.nc2.grid.GridAxisPoint.Builder
Change the value units by the given scale factor.
CHAR - ucar.array.ArrayType
CHAR - Static variable in class ucar.nc2.constants.CF
checkInRange(int[]) - Method in class ucar.array.Section
Check if this Section is legal for the given shape.
Chunk(long, int, long) - Constructor for class ucar.nc2.iosp.IndexChunker.Chunk
CHUNK_SIZES - Static variable in class ucar.nc2.constants.CDM
ChunkingIndex - Class in ucar.nc2.write
An index that computes chunk shapes.
ChunkingIndex(int[]) - Constructor for class ucar.nc2.write.ChunkingIndex
clear() - Method in class ucar.nc2.AttributeContainerMutable
Remove all attributes.
CLIMATOLOGY - Static variable in class ucar.nc2.constants.CF
close() - Method in class ucar.nc2.dataset.NetcdfDataset
Close all resources (files, sockets, etc) associated with this dataset.
close() - Method in class ucar.nc2.iosp.AbstractIOServiceProvider
close() - Method in interface ucar.nc2.iosp.IOServiceProvider
Close the file.
close() - Method in class ucar.nc2.NetcdfFile
Close all resources (files, sockets, etc) associated with this file.
close() - Method in class ucar.nc2.write.NetcdfCopier
close() - Method in class ucar.nc2.write.NetcdfFormatWriter
Close the file.
close() - Method in class ucar.unidata.io.RandomAccessFile
Close the file, and release any associated system resources.
close() - Method in class ucar.unidata.io.RemoteRandomAccessFile
closeRemote() - Method in interface ucar.unidata.io.ReadableRemoteFile
Close any resources used to enable remote reading.
CollectionType - Static variable in class thredds.client.catalog.Dataset
combine(ArrayType, int[], List<Array<?>>) - Static method in class ucar.array.Arrays
Combine list of Array's by copying the underlying Array's into a single primitive array
comment - Static variable in class ucar.nc2.constants.ACDD
COMMENT - Static variable in class ucar.nc2.constants.CF
commonParent(Group) - Method in class ucar.nc2.Group
Get the common parent of this and the other group.
commonParent(Group.Builder) - Method in class ucar.nc2.Group.Builder
Find the common parent with the other group ?
compact() - Method in class ucar.array.Range
Create a new Range by compacting this Range by removing the stride.
compact() - Method in class ucar.array.Section
Create a new Section by compacting each Range.
compare(byte[], byte[], Formatter) - Static method in class ucar.nc2.util.Misc
For testing, use Truth.assertThat(raw1).isEqualTo(raw2)
compare(float[], float[], Formatter) - Static method in class ucar.nc2.util.Misc
For testing, use Truth.assertThat(raw1).isEqualTo(raw2)
compare(int[], int[], Formatter) - Static method in class ucar.nc2.util.Misc
For testing, use Truth.assertThat(raw1).isEqualTo(raw2)
compare(CoordinateAxis, CoordinateAxis) - Method in class ucar.nc2.dataset.CoordinateAxis.AxisComparator
compare(GridAxis, GridAxis) - Method in class ucar.nc2.grid.Grids.AxisComparator
compareTo(ThreddsMetadata.Variable) - Method in class thredds.client.catalog.ThreddsMetadata.Variable
compareTo(Dimension) - Method in class ucar.nc2.Dimension
Dimensions are compared by name.
compareTo(GridAxis) - Method in class ucar.nc2.grid.GridAxis
compareTo(Variable) - Method in class ucar.nc2.Variable
Sort by name
compareTo(Station) - Method in class ucar.unidata.geoloc.Station
compose(Range) - Method in class ucar.array.Range
Create a new Range by composing a Range that is reletive to this Range.
compose(Section) - Method in class ucar.array.Section
Create a new Section by composing with a Section that is reletive to this Section.
Compound - thredds.client.catalog.ServiceType
COMPRESS - Static variable in class ucar.nc2.constants.CDM
COMPRESS - Static variable in class ucar.nc2.constants.CF
COMPRESS_DEFLATE - Static variable in class ucar.nc2.constants.CDM
computeChunking(Variable.Builder<?>) - Method in interface ucar.nc2.write.Nc4Chunking
Compute the chunk size for this Variable.
computeChunking(Variable.Builder<?>) - Method in class ucar.nc2.write.Nc4ChunkingDefault
computeChunking(Variable.Builder<?>) - Method in class ucar.nc2.write.Nc4ChunkingStrategyGrib
computeChunkShape(long) - Method in class ucar.nc2.write.ChunkingIndex
Computes the shape of the largest possible contiguous chunk, starting at ChunkingIndex.currentCounter() and with numElems <= maxChunkElems.
computeSize() - Method in class ucar.array.Section
Compute total number of elements represented by the section.
computeSize(int[]) - Static method in class ucar.array.Arrays
Compute total number of elements in the array.
computeSize(int[]) - Static method in class ucar.nc2.iosp.IndexLong
computeUnlimitedChunking(List<Dimension>, int) - Method in class ucar.nc2.write.Nc4ChunkingDefault
config() - Method in class ucar.nc2.write.NetcdfFormatWriter
Obtain a WriteConfig to configure data writing.
containedIn(LatLonRect) - Method in class ucar.unidata.geoloc.LatLonRect
Determine if this bounding box is contained in another LatLonRect.
contains(double, double) - Method in class ucar.unidata.geoloc.LatLonRect
Determine if the given lat/lon point is contined inside this rectangle.
contains(int) - Method in class ucar.array.Range
Is want contained in this Range?
contains(int...) - Method in class ucar.array.Array
Check if the given index is valid.
contains(int...) - Method in class ucar.array.IndexFn
Check if the given index is valid.
contains(StructureMembers.Member) - Method in class ucar.array.StructureMembers
Check that a member exists
contains(CalendarDate) - Method in class thredds.client.catalog.TimeCoverage
Determine if the given date is contained in this date range.
contains(Dimension) - Method in class ucar.nc2.Group.Builder
Find Dimension in this Group or a parent Group
contains(LatLonPoint) - Method in class ucar.unidata.geoloc.LatLonRect
Determine if a specified LatLonPoint is contained in this bounding box.
contains(ProjectionPoint) - Method in class ucar.unidata.geoloc.ProjectionRect
Returns true if this bounding box contains point.
contains(ProjectionRect) - Method in class ucar.unidata.geoloc.ProjectionRect
Returns true if this bounding box contains rect.
containsAxis(String) - Method in class ucar.nc2.dataset.CoordinateSystem
Do we have the named axis?
containsNested(StructureMembers.Member) - Method in class ucar.array.StructureMembers
Test a nested member exists, arbitrary depth.
contentObject - Variable in class thredds.client.catalog.ThreddsMetadata.MetadataOther
contiguousInterval - ucar.nc2.grid.GridAxisSpacing
Irregular contiguous intervals values[npts+1]; values are the edges, midpoints halfway between edges.
Contributor(String, String) - Constructor for class thredds.client.catalog.ThreddsMetadata.Contributor
contributor_info - Static variable in class ucar.nc2.constants.ACDD
Contributors - Static variable in class thredds.client.catalog.Dataset
Convention - Static variable in class ucar.nc2.constants._Coordinate
CONVENTIONS - Static variable in class ucar.nc2.constants.CDM
CONVENTIONS - Static variable in class ucar.nc2.constants.CF
convert(CF.FeatureType) - Static method in enum ucar.nc2.constants.CF.FeatureType
convert(FeatureType) - Static method in enum ucar.nc2.constants.CF.FeatureType
convertArray(Array<?>) - Method in class ucar.nc2.dataset.VariableDS
Convert the data using the VariableDS enhancements.
convertCharToByte(char[]) - Static method in class ucar.array.Arrays
ConvertEnums - ucar.nc2.dataset.NetcdfDataset.Enhance
Convert enums to Strings.
ConvertMissing - ucar.nc2.dataset.NetcdfDataset.Enhance
Replace missing data with NaNs, for efficiency.
convertNeeded() - Method in class ucar.nc2.dataset.VariableDS
Does data need to be converted?
convertTo(double, SimpleUnit) - Method in class ucar.nc2.units.SimpleUnit
Convert given value of this unit to the new unit.
convertTo(double, TimeUnit) - Method in class ucar.nc2.units.TimeUnit
Convert given value of this unit to the new unit.
convertToProperties(AttributeContainer) - Static method in class thredds.client.catalog.Property
ConvertUnsigned - ucar.nc2.dataset.NetcdfDataset.Enhance
Convert unsigned values to signed values.
coordAxesNames - Variable in class ucar.nc2.dataset.CoordinateSystem.Builder
CoordinateAxis - Class in ucar.nc2.dataset
A Variable that specifies one of the coordinates of a CoordinateSystem, this is a legacy class, use GridAxis for new code.
CoordinateAxis.AxisComparator - Class in ucar.nc2.dataset
CoordinateAxis.Builder<T extends CoordinateAxis.Builder<T>> - Class in ucar.nc2.dataset
CoordinateAxis1D - Class in ucar.nc2.dataset
A 1-dimensional Coordinate Axis, this is a legacy class, use GridAxis1D for new code.
CoordinateAxis1D.Builder<T extends CoordinateAxis1D.Builder<T>> - Class in ucar.nc2.dataset
COORDINATES - Static variable in class ucar.nc2.constants.CF
CoordinateSystem - Class in ucar.nc2.dataset
Specifies the coordinates of a Variable's values, this is a legacy class, use GridCoordinateSystem for new code.
CoordinateSystem.Builder<T extends CoordinateSystem.Builder<T>> - Class in ucar.nc2.dataset
CoordInterval - Class in ucar.nc2.grid
A Coordinate represented by an interval [start, end).
CoordInterval() - Constructor for class ucar.nc2.grid.CoordInterval
CoordReturn(double, double, int, int) - Constructor for class ucar.nc2.grid.GridHorizCoordinateSystem.CoordReturn
coords - Variable in class ucar.nc2.dataset.NetcdfDataset.Builder
coordsOnly - ucar.nc2.write.NcdumpArray.WantValues
CoordSystemBuilderFactory - Interface in ucar.nc2.dataset.spi
A Service Provider of CoordSystemBuilder.
CoordSystems - ucar.nc2.dataset.NetcdfDataset.Enhance
Build coordinate systems.
copy() - Method in class ucar.nc2.dataset.VariableDS.Builder
Copy of this builder.
copy() - Method in class ucar.nc2.Variable.Builder
copy(InputStream, OutputStream) - Static method in class ucar.nc2.util.IO
Copy all bytes from in to out.
copy2File(byte[], String) - Static method in class ucar.nc2.util.IO
copy bytes to File
copy2null(InputStream, int) - Static method in class ucar.nc2.util.IO
copy all bytes from in and throw them away.
copy2null(FileChannel, int) - Static method in class ucar.nc2.util.IO
copy all bytes from in and throw them away.
copyB(InputStream, OutputStream, int) - Static method in class ucar.nc2.util.IO
copy all bytes from in to out, specify buffer size
copyBuffered(InputStream, OutputStream, int) - Static method in class ucar.nc2.util.IO
Copy all bytes from in to out, setting buffer size.
copyDataset(DatasetNode) - Method in class thredds.client.catalog.builder.DatasetBuilder
copyDirTree(String, String) - Static method in class ucar.nc2.util.IO
Copy an entire directory tree.
copyFile(File, File) - Static method in class ucar.nc2.util.IO
copy one file to another.
copyFile(String, OutputStream) - Static method in class ucar.nc2.util.IO
copy file to output stream
copyFile(String, String) - Static method in class ucar.nc2.util.IO
copy one file to another.
copyFileB(File, OutputStream, int) - Static method in class ucar.nc2.util.IO
copy file to output stream, specify internal buffer size
copyFrom(AttributeContainer) - Static method in class ucar.nc2.AttributeContainerMutable
Create mutable from immutable container.
copyFrom(VariableDS.Builder<?>) - Method in class ucar.nc2.dataset.CoordinateAxis.Builder
copyFrom(VariableDS.Builder<?>) - Method in class ucar.nc2.dataset.VariableDS.Builder
copyFrom(NetcdfFile) - Method in class ucar.nc2.dataset.NetcdfDataset.Builder
Copy metadata from orgFile.
copyFrom(Sequence) - Method in class ucar.nc2.dataset.SequenceDS.Builder
Copy metadata from orgVar.
copyFrom(Structure) - Method in class ucar.nc2.dataset.StructureDS.Builder
Copy metadata from orgVar.
copyFrom(Variable) - Method in class ucar.nc2.dataset.VariableDS.Builder
Copy metadata from orgVar.
copyFrom(Variable) - Method in class ucar.nc2.Variable.Builder
Copy metadata from orgVar.
copyFrom(Variable.Builder<?>) - Method in class ucar.nc2.Variable.Builder
copyMaxBytes(InputStream, OutputStream, int) - Static method in class ucar.nc2.util.IO
Copy up to maxBytes bytes from in to out.
copyPrimitiveArray(Array<?>) - Static method in class ucar.array.Arrays
Copy all the data out of the Array into a 1d primitive array of the appropriate type.
copyRafB(RandomAccessFile, long, long, OutputStream, byte[]) - Static method in class ucar.nc2.util.IO
Copy part of a RandomAccessFile to output stream, specify internal buffer size
copyUrlB(String, OutputStream, int) - Static method in class ucar.unidata.io.ReadFromUrl
copy contents of URL to output stream, specify internal buffer size.
copyWithName(String) - Method in class ucar.array.Range
Make a copy with a different name.
copyWithName(String) - Method in interface ucar.array.RangeIterator
Make a copy with a different name.
copyWithStride(int) - Method in class ucar.array.Range
Make a copy with a different stride.
COVERAGE - ucar.nc2.constants.FeatureType
coverage_content_type - Static variable in class ucar.nc2.constants.ACDD
create() - Static method in class ucar.nc2.grid.GridSubset
create() - Static method in interface ucar.nc2.util.CancelTask
create(double, double) - Static method in class ucar.array.MinMax
create(double, double) - Static method in class ucar.nc2.grid.CoordInterval
Create an interval.
create(double, double) - Static method in class ucar.unidata.geoloc.LatLonPoint
Create a LatLonPoint.
create(double, double) - Static method in class ucar.unidata.geoloc.ProjectionPoint
Create a ProjectionPoint.
create(double, double, double) - Static method in class ucar.unidata.geoloc.Bearing
Create a Bearing object.
create(double, double, double) - Static method in class ucar.unidata.geoloc.EarthLocation
Create an EarthLocation.
create(double, double, double, String) - Static method in class ucar.unidata.geoloc.EarthLocation
Create an EarthLocation.
create(double, String) - Static method in class ucar.nc2.units.TimeUnit
Constructor from a value and a unit name.
create(String) - Static method in class ucar.nc2.units.TimeUnit
Constructor from a String.
create(String) - Static method in interface ucar.nc2.util.DebugFlags
Create a set of debug flags from a list of flag names.
create(String, ArrayType, Array<Number>, MaterializedCoordinateSystem) - Static method in class ucar.nc2.grid.GridReferencedArray
Factory method for creating.
create(DateType, DateType, TimeDuration, TimeDuration) - Static method in class thredds.client.catalog.TimeCoverage
Encapsulates a range of dates, using DateType start/end, and/or a TimeDuration.
create(ServiceType, String) - Static method in class ucar.nc2.dataset.DatasetUrl
Create a DatasetUrl, which annotates a url with its service type.
create(NetcdfDataset, AttributeContainer, Formatter) - Static method in class ucar.nc2.geoloc.vertical.AtmosHybridSigmaPressure
create(NetcdfDataset, AttributeContainer, Formatter) - Static method in class ucar.nc2.geoloc.vertical.AtmosSigma
create(NetcdfDataset, AttributeContainer, Formatter) - Static method in class ucar.nc2.geoloc.vertical.ExistingFieldVerticalTransform
create(NetcdfDataset, AttributeContainer, Formatter) - Static method in class ucar.nc2.geoloc.vertical.OceanS
create(NetcdfDataset, AttributeContainer, Formatter) - Static method in class ucar.nc2.geoloc.vertical.OceanSG1
create(NetcdfDataset, AttributeContainer, Formatter) - Static method in class ucar.nc2.geoloc.vertical.OceanSG2
create(NetcdfDataset, AttributeContainer, Formatter) - Static method in class ucar.nc2.geoloc.vertical.OceanSigma
create(NetcdfDataset, CoordinateSystem, AttributeContainer, Formatter) - Method in class ucar.nc2.geoloc.vertical.AtmosHybridSigmaPressure.Builder
create(NetcdfDataset, CoordinateSystem, AttributeContainer, Formatter) - Method in class ucar.nc2.geoloc.vertical.AtmosSigma.Builder
create(NetcdfDataset, CoordinateSystem, AttributeContainer, Formatter) - Method in class ucar.nc2.geoloc.vertical.CsmHybridSigmaBuilder
create(NetcdfDataset, CoordinateSystem, AttributeContainer, Formatter) - Method in class ucar.nc2.geoloc.vertical.ExistingFieldVerticalTransform.Builder
create(NetcdfDataset, CoordinateSystem, AttributeContainer, Formatter) - Method in class ucar.nc2.geoloc.vertical.OceanS.Builder
create(NetcdfDataset, CoordinateSystem, AttributeContainer, Formatter) - Method in class ucar.nc2.geoloc.vertical.OceanSG1.Builder
create(NetcdfDataset, CoordinateSystem, AttributeContainer, Formatter) - Method in class ucar.nc2.geoloc.vertical.OceanSG2.Builder
create(NetcdfDataset, CoordinateSystem, AttributeContainer, Formatter) - Method in class ucar.nc2.geoloc.vertical.OceanSigma.Builder
create(NetcdfDataset, CoordinateSystem, AttributeContainer, Formatter) - Method in interface ucar.nc2.geoloc.vertical.VerticalTransform.Builder
create(NetcdfDataset, CoordinateSystem, AttributeContainer, Formatter) - Method in class ucar.nc2.geoloc.vertical.WrfEta.Builder
create(NetcdfDataset, CoordinateSystem, AttributeContainer, Formatter) - Static method in class ucar.nc2.geoloc.vertical.WrfEta
create(GridAxisPoint, GridAxisPoint, Array<Number>, Array<Number>) - Static method in class ucar.nc2.grid.GridHorizCurvilinear
Create a GridHorizCurvilinear from the x/y axes and 2D lat/lon arrays.
create(NetcdfFile, NetcdfFormatWriter.Builder<?>) - Static method in class ucar.nc2.write.NetcdfCopier
createFromEdges(GridAxisPoint, GridAxisPoint, Array<Double>, Array<Double>) - Static method in class ucar.nc2.grid.GridHorizCurvilinear
Create a GridHorizCurvilinear from the x/y axes and 2D lat/lon edge arrays.
createFromStorage(ArrayType, int[], StorageMutable) - Static method in class ucar.array.ArrayVlen
Creates a Vlen of type dataType, and the given shape and primitive array like double[][].
createNewNetcdf3(String) - Static method in class ucar.nc2.write.NetcdfFormatWriter
Create a new Netcdf3 file.
createNewNetcdf4(String) - Static method in class ucar.nc2.write.NetcdfFormatWriter
Create a new NetcdfFileFormat.NETCDF4 file, with default chunker.
createNewNetcdf4(NetcdfFileFormat, String, Nc4Chunking) - Static method in class ucar.nc2.write.NetcdfFormatWriter
Create a new Netcdf4 file.
createStorage(ArrayType, int, Object) - Static method in class ucar.array.ArrayVlen
Creates storage for a Vlen of type dataType, and the given length and primitive array like double[][].
createVlenArray(ArrayType, int) - Static method in class ucar.array.ArrayVlen
Creates primitive array like double[length][] for a Vlen of type dataType, and the given length.
creator_email - Static variable in class ucar.nc2.constants.ACDD
creator_institution_info - Static variable in class ucar.nc2.constants.ACDD
creator_name - Static variable in class ucar.nc2.constants.ACDD
creator_project - Static variable in class ucar.nc2.constants.ACDD
creator_project_info - Static variable in class ucar.nc2.constants.ACDD
creator_url - Static variable in class ucar.nc2.constants.ACDD
Creators - Static variable in class thredds.client.catalog.Dataset
crossDateline() - Method in class ucar.unidata.geoloc.LatLonRect
Get whether the bounding box crosses the +/- 180 seam
crossSeam(ProjectionPoint, ProjectionPoint) - Method in interface ucar.unidata.geoloc.Projection
Does the line between these two points cross the projection "seam", which is a discontinuity in the function latlon to/from projection plane
CsmHybridSigmaBuilder - Class in ucar.nc2.geoloc.vertical
Implement CSM "ocean_sigma_coordinate".
CsmHybridSigmaBuilder() - Constructor for class ucar.nc2.geoloc.vertical.CsmHybridSigmaBuilder
CSV - ucar.nc2.constants.DataFormatType
currentCounter() - Method in class ucar.nc2.write.ChunkingIndex
Get the current counter.
currentElement() - Method in class ucar.nc2.iosp.IndexLong
currentElement() - Method in class ucar.nc2.write.ChunkingIndex
Get the current element's index into the 1D backing array.
CURVILINEAR - ucar.nc2.constants.FeatureType
CurvilinearOrthogonal - Static variable in class ucar.nc2.constants.CDM


DAP4 - thredds.client.catalog.ServiceType
DAP4_LITTLE_ENDIAN - Static variable in class ucar.nc2.constants.CDM
data() - Method in class ucar.nc2.grid.GridReferencedArray
The actual data read, not reduced.
DataAccess - thredds.client.catalog.ServiceType.AccessType
DataChunk(int[], long) - Constructor for class ucar.nc2.iosp.LayoutTiled.DataChunk
DataFormatType - Enum in ucar.nc2.constants
Redo thredds.catalog.DataFormatType as enum in order to break dependency of ucar.nc2 on server catalog.
DataFormatType - Static variable in class thredds.client.catalog.Dataset
Dataset - Class in thredds.client.catalog
A Client Catalog Dataset
Dataset(DatasetNode, String, Map<String, Object>, List<AccessBuilder>, List<DatasetBuilder>) - Constructor for class thredds.client.catalog.Dataset
DatasetBuilder - Class in thredds.client.catalog.builder
Builder of client catalog Dataset
DatasetBuilder(DatasetBuilder) - Constructor for class thredds.client.catalog.builder.DatasetBuilder
DatasetBuilder(DatasetBuilder, Dataset) - Constructor for class thredds.client.catalog.builder.DatasetBuilder
DatasetHash - Static variable in class thredds.client.catalog.Catalog
DatasetNode - Class in thredds.client.catalog
A node in a tree of datasets, superclass of Catalog and Dataset
DatasetRoots - Static variable in class thredds.client.catalog.Catalog
Datasets - Static variable in class thredds.client.catalog.Dataset
DatasetUrl - Class in ucar.nc2.dataset
Detection of the protocol from a location string.
DataSize - Static variable in class thredds.client.catalog.Dataset
dataType - Variable in class ucar.nc2.Variable.Builder
date - Static variable in class ucar.nc2.grid.GridSubset
date_created - Static variable in class ucar.nc2.constants.ACDD
date_modified - Static variable in class ucar.nc2.constants.ACDD
dateRange - Static variable in class ucar.nc2.grid.GridSubset
DateType - Class in thredds.client.catalog
The thredds "dateType" and "dateTypeFormatted" XML element types.
DateType(CalendarDate) - Constructor for class thredds.client.catalog.DateType
Constructor using a CalendarDate
DateTypes - Static variable in class thredds.client.catalog.Dataset
Day - ucar.nc2.calendar.CalendarPeriod.Field
DebugFlags - Interface in ucar.nc2.util
A set of boolean flags.
DebugFlags.DebugFlagsImpl - Class in ucar.nc2.util
decr() - Method in class ucar.nc2.util.Indent
Decrement the indent level
DEFAULT - Static variable in class ucar.unidata.geoloc.Earth
default_file_buffersize - Static variable in class ucar.nc2.util.IO
defaultDiffFLoat - Static variable in class ucar.nc2.util.Misc
The default maximum relative difference for floats, when comparing as doubles.
defaultMaxRelativeDiffDouble - Static variable in class ucar.nc2.util.Misc
The default maximum relative difference that two doubles can have in order to be deemed nearly equal.
defaultMaxRelativeDiffFloat - Static variable in class ucar.nc2.util.Misc
The default maximum relative difference that two floats can have in order to be deemed nearly equal.
defNS - Static variable in class thredds.client.catalog.Catalog
dependent - ucar.nc2.grid.GridAxisDependenceType
Auxilary coordinate, eg reftime(time) or time_bounds(time).
desc - Variable in class thredds.client.catalog.ThreddsMetadata.Variable
DESCRIPTION - Static variable in class ucar.nc2.constants.CDM
dimension - ucar.nc2.grid.GridAxisDependenceType
Eg swath(scan, scanAcross).
Dimension - Class in ucar.nc2
A Dimension defines the array shape of a Variable.
Dimension - ucar.nc2.constants.AxisType
Dimension(String, int) - Constructor for class ucar.nc2.Dimension
Default Constructor, shared, not unlimited, not variable length.
Dimension(String, int, boolean, boolean, boolean) - Constructor for class ucar.nc2.Dimension
General Constructor.
Dimension.Builder - Class in ucar.nc2
Dimensions - Class in ucar.nc2
Static helper methods for Dimension.
Dimensions.FindDimensionByName - Interface in ucar.nc2
A Function that finds a Dimension by name.
disableNetcdfFileCache() - Static method in class ucar.nc2.dataset.NetcdfDatasets
discontiguousInterval - ucar.nc2.grid.GridAxisSpacing
Irregular discontiguous intervals values[2*npts]; values are the edges: low0, high0, low1, high1, ...
Documentation - Class in thredds.client.catalog
Client catalog documentation element
Documentation - Static variable in class thredds.client.catalog.Dataset
Documentation(String, URI, String, String, String) - Constructor for class thredds.client.catalog.Documentation
DODS - thredds.client.catalog.ServiceType
DOUBLE - ucar.array.ArrayType
DOUBLE - Static variable in class ucar.nc2.constants.CF
DSG_REPRESENTATION - Static variable in class ucar.nc2.constants.CF


Earth - Class in ucar.unidata.geoloc
Defines the shape of the earth ellipsoid.
Earth() - Constructor for class ucar.unidata.geoloc.Earth
Spherical earth with canonical radius.
Earth(double) - Constructor for class ucar.unidata.geoloc.Earth
Assume a spherical cow, I mean earth.
Earth(double, double, double) - Constructor for class ucar.unidata.geoloc.Earth
Create an ellipsoidal earth.
Earth(double, double, double, String) - Constructor for class ucar.unidata.geoloc.Earth
Create an ellipsoidal earth with a name.
EARTH_RADIUS - Static variable in class ucar.nc2.constants.CF
EarthEllipsoid - Class in ucar.unidata.geoloc
Type-safe enumeration of Earth Ellipsoids.
EarthEllipsoid(String, int, double, double, double) - Constructor for class ucar.unidata.geoloc.EarthEllipsoid
EarthLocation - Class in ucar.unidata.geoloc
A location on the earth, specified by lat, lon and optionally altitude.
eastwest - Variable in class thredds.client.catalog.ThreddsMetadata.GeospatialCoverage
edges - Variable in class ucar.nc2.grid.GridAxisPoint.Builder
EDU_UCAR_PREFIX - Static variable in class ucar.nc2.constants.CDM
eject(String) - Static method in class ucar.unidata.io.RandomAccessFile
element(int) - Method in class ucar.array.Range
Get ith element
email - Variable in class thredds.client.catalog.ThreddsMetadata.Source
EMPTY - Static variable in class ucar.array.Range
emptyValued(String, ArrayType) - Static method in class ucar.nc2.Attribute
Create an Attribute with a datatype but no value.
enableDefaultGlobalFileCache() - Static method in class ucar.unidata.io.RandomAccessFile
end() - Method in class ucar.nc2.grid.CoordInterval
The ending value of the coordinate interval
endValue - Variable in class ucar.nc2.grid.GridAxisInterval.Builder
enhance(NetcdfFile, Set<NetcdfDataset.Enhance>, CancelTask) - Static method in class ucar.nc2.dataset.NetcdfDatasets
Make NetcdfFile into NetcdfDataset and enhance if needed
enhanceMode - Variable in class ucar.nc2.dataset.VariableDS.Builder
ensCoord - Static variable in class ucar.nc2.grid.GridSubset
Ensemble - ucar.nc2.constants.AxisType
ENSEMBLE - Static variable in class ucar.nc2.constants.CF
ENUM1 - ucar.array.ArrayType
ENUM2 - ucar.array.ArrayType
ENUM4 - ucar.array.ArrayType
EnumTypedef - Class in ucar.nc2
A named map from integers to Strings; a user-defined Enum used as a Variable's data type.
EnumTypedef(String, Map<Integer, String>) - Constructor for class ucar.nc2.EnumTypedef
Make an EnumTypedef with base type ENUM4.
EnumTypedef(String, Map<Integer, String>, ArrayType) - Constructor for class ucar.nc2.EnumTypedef
Make an EnumTypedef setting the base type (must be ENUM1, ENUM2, ENUM4).
enumTypedefs - Variable in class ucar.nc2.Group.Builder
equalDoubles(Array<Double>, Array<Double>) - Static method in class ucar.array.Arrays
Compare values which must be equal to within Misc.defaultMaxRelativeDiffDouble.
equalFloats(Array<Float>, Array<Float>) - Static method in class ucar.array.Arrays
Compare values which must be equal to within Misc.defaultMaxRelativeDiffFloat.
equalNumbers(Array<Number>, Array<Number>) - Static method in class ucar.array.Arrays
Compare values which must be equal to within Misc.defaultMaxRelativeDiffFloat.
equals(Object) - Method in class thredds.client.catalog.Access
equals(Object) - Method in class thredds.client.catalog.DateType
equals(Object) - Method in class thredds.client.catalog.Documentation
equals(Object) - Method in class thredds.client.catalog.Property
equals(Object) - Method in class thredds.client.catalog.Service
equals(Object) - Method in class thredds.client.catalog.TimeCoverage
equals(Object) - Method in class thredds.client.catalog.TimeDuration
equals(Object) - Method in class ucar.array.Array
Equal if the type and indexFn are equal, doesnt test the contents.
equals(Object) - Method in class ucar.array.IndexFn
equals(Object) - Method in class ucar.array.Range
Does not include the name.
equals(Object) - Method in class ucar.array.Section
equals(Object) - Method in class ucar.array.StructureMembers
equals(Object) - Method in class ucar.array.StructureMembers.Member
equals(Object) - Method in class ucar.nc2.Attribute
equals(Object) - Method in class ucar.nc2.calendar.CalendarDateRange
equals(Object) - Method in class ucar.nc2.calendar.CalendarDateUnit
equals(Object) - Method in class ucar.nc2.calendar.CalendarPeriod
equals(Object) - Method in class ucar.nc2.dataset.CoordinateAxis
Instances which have same content are equal.
equals(Object) - Method in class ucar.nc2.dataset.CoordinateSystem
equals(Object) - Method in class ucar.nc2.dataset.DatasetUrl
equals(Object) - Method in class ucar.nc2.Dimension
equals(Object) - Method in class ucar.nc2.EnumTypedef
equals(Object) - Method in class ucar.nc2.grid.GridAxis
equals(Object) - Method in class ucar.nc2.grid.GridAxisPoint
equals(Object) - Method in class ucar.nc2.grid.GridCoordinateSystem
equals(Object) - Method in class ucar.nc2.grid.GridHorizCoordinateSystem.CoordReturn
equals(Object) - Method in class ucar.nc2.grid.GridHorizCoordinateSystem
equals(Object) - Method in class ucar.nc2.grid.GridHorizCurvilinear
equals(Object) - Method in class ucar.nc2.grid.GridSubset
equals(Object) - Method in class ucar.nc2.Group
equals(Object) - Method in class ucar.nc2.units.TimeUnit
TimeUnits with same value and unitString are equal
equals(Object) - Method in class ucar.nc2.Variable
equals(Object) - Method in class ucar.unidata.geoloc.Earth
equals(Object) - Method in class ucar.unidata.geoloc.EarthEllipsoid
EarthEllipsoid with same name are equal
equals(Object) - Method in class ucar.unidata.geoloc.EarthLocation
equals(Object) - Method in class ucar.unidata.geoloc.LatLonRect
equals(Object) - Method in class ucar.unidata.geoloc.ProjectionRect
equalsMapOnly(Object) - Method in class ucar.nc2.EnumTypedef
Compare only the values in the map.
equivalent(int[]) - Method in class ucar.array.Section
Is this section equivilent to the given shape.
ESML - ucar.nc2.constants.DataFormatType
existingDataField - Static variable in class ucar.nc2.geoloc.vertical.ExistingFieldVerticalTransform
ExistingFieldVerticalTransform - Class in ucar.nc2.geoloc.vertical
Create a Vertical Transform from a variable in the dataset.
ExistingFieldVerticalTransform.Builder - Class in ucar.nc2.geoloc.vertical
expand(double) - Method in class ucar.unidata.geoloc.LatLonRect.Builder
Expand rect in all directions by delta amount.
Expires - Static variable in class thredds.client.catalog.Catalog
extend(double, double) - Method in class ucar.unidata.geoloc.LatLonRect.Builder
Extend the bounding box to contain this point
extend(TimeCoverage) - Method in class thredds.client.catalog.TimeCoverage
Extend this TimeCoverage by the given one.
extend(CalendarDate) - Method in class thredds.client.catalog.TimeCoverage
Extend this TimeCoverage by the given date.
extend(CalendarDateRange) - Method in class ucar.nc2.calendar.CalendarDateRange
Extend the range by another range.
extend(LatLonPoint) - Method in class ucar.unidata.geoloc.LatLonRect.Builder
Extend the bounding box to contain this point
extend(LatLonRect) - Method in class ucar.unidata.geoloc.LatLonRect.Builder
Extend the bounding box to contain the given rectangle
extend(ProjectionRect) - Method in class ucar.unidata.geoloc.ProjectionRect.Builder
Extend the rectangle by the given rectangle.
EXTERNAL_VARIABLES - Static variable in class ucar.nc2.constants.CF
extractMemberArray(StructureMembers.Member) - Method in class ucar.array.StructureDataArray
Extract data for one member, over all structures in this StructureDataArray.
extractNestedMemberArray(StructureMembers.Member, StructureMembers.Member) - Method in class ucar.array.StructureDataArray
Extract data for one member, over all nested structures in this StructureDataArray.


factory(String) - Static method in class ucar.nc2.units.SimpleUnit
Create a SimpleUnit from the given name, catch Exceptions.
factory(ArrayType, int[]) - Static method in class ucar.array.ArrayVlen
Creates a Vlen of type dataType, and the given shape.
factory(ArrayType, int[], Object) - Static method in class ucar.array.Arrays
Create Array using java array of T, or java primitive array, as storage.
factory(ArrayType, int[], Object) - Static method in class ucar.array.ArrayVlen
Creates a Vlen of type dataType, and the given shape and primitive array like double[][].
factory(Nc4Chunking.Strategy, int, boolean) - Static method in class ucar.nc2.write.Nc4ChunkingStrategy
factoryFill(ArrayType, int[], Number) - Static method in class ucar.array.Arrays
Create Array using empty java array of T, or java primitive array, same size as shape.
factoryWithExceptions(String) - Static method in class ucar.nc2.units.SimpleUnit
Create a SimpleUnit from the given name, allow Exceptions.
FALSE_EASTING - Static variable in class ucar.nc2.constants.CF
FALSE_NORTHING - Static variable in class ucar.nc2.constants.CF
FEATURE_TYPE - Static variable in class ucar.nc2.constants.CF
FeatureType - Enum in ucar.nc2.constants
Enumeration of CDM Feature types, aka "Scientific Data Types".
FeatureType - Static variable in class thredds.client.catalog.Dataset
featureTypeAtt2 - Static variable in class ucar.nc2.constants.CF
featureTypeAtt3 - Static variable in class ucar.nc2.constants.CF
FIELD_ATTS - Static variable in class ucar.nc2.constants.CDM
File - thredds.client.catalog.ServiceType
FILE_FORMAT - Static variable in class ucar.nc2.constants.CDM
filePos - Variable in class ucar.nc2.iosp.LayoutTiled.DataChunk
fill(int[]) - Method in class ucar.array.Section
Fil any null sections with the ccorresponding value from shape.
fill(Section, int[]) - Static method in class ucar.array.Section
Return a Section guaranteed to be non null, with no null Ranges, and within the bounds set by shape.
FILL_VALUE - Static variable in class ucar.nc2.constants.CDM
fillValueIsMissing - Static variable in class ucar.nc2.dataset.NetcdfDataset
filter(AttributeContainer, String...) - Static method in interface ucar.nc2.AttributeContainer
Create a new AttributeContainer, removing any whose name starts with one in the remove list.
find(String) - Method in class ucar.array.Section
Find a Range by its name.
findAccess(String) - Method in class thredds.client.catalog.Dataset
Get access element that matches the given access standard URL.
findAttribute(String) - Method in interface ucar.nc2.AttributeContainer
Find an Attribute by exact match on name.
findAttribute(String) - Method in class ucar.nc2.AttributeContainerMutable
findAttribute(String) - Method in class ucar.nc2.Group
Find the attribute by name, or null if not exist
findAttribute(String) - Method in class ucar.nc2.NetcdfFile
Find an attribute, with the specified (escaped full) name.
findAttribute(String) - Method in class ucar.nc2.Variable
Find the attribute by name, return null if not exist
findAttributeDouble(String, double) - Method in interface ucar.nc2.AttributeContainer
Find a Numeric Attribute by name (ignore case), return the double value of the Attribute.
findAttributeDouble(String, double) - Method in class ucar.nc2.AttributeContainerMutable
findAttributeIgnoreCase(String) - Method in interface ucar.nc2.AttributeContainer
Find an Attribute by name, first doing an exact match, then ignoring case.
findAttributeIgnoreCase(String) - Method in class ucar.nc2.AttributeContainerMutable
findAttributeInteger(String, int) - Method in interface ucar.nc2.AttributeContainer
Find a Numeric Attribute by name (ignore case), return the integer value of the Attribute.
findAttributeInteger(String, int) - Method in class ucar.nc2.AttributeContainerMutable
findAttributeString(String, String) - Method in interface ucar.nc2.AttributeContainer
Find a String Attribute by name (ignore case), return the String value of the Attribute.
findAttributeString(String, String) - Method in class ucar.nc2.AttributeContainerMutable
findAttributeString(String, String) - Method in class ucar.nc2.Group
Find a String-valued Attribute by name (ignore case), return the String value of the Attribute.
findAttributeString(String, String) - Method in class ucar.nc2.Variable
Find a String-valued Attribute by name (ignore case), return the String value of the Attribute.
findAxis(String) - Method in class ucar.nc2.grid.GridCoordinateSystem
Find the named axis.
findAxis(AxisType) - Method in class ucar.nc2.dataset.CoordinateSystem
Find the CoordinateAxis that has the given AxisType.
findAxis(AxisType...) - Method in class ucar.nc2.dataset.CoordinateSystem
Find CoordinateAxis of one of the given types, in the order given.
findByName(String) - Method in interface ucar.nc2.Dimensions.FindDimensionByName
findCoordAxisByType(AxisType...) - Method in class ucar.nc2.grid.GridCoordinateSystem
Find the first axis having one of the given AxisTypes.
findCoordElement(double) - Method in class ucar.nc2.dataset.CoordinateAxis1D
Given a coordinate value, find what grid element contains it.
findCoordElementBounded(double) - Method in class ucar.nc2.dataset.CoordinateAxis1D
Given a coordinate position, find what grid element contains it, or is closest to it.
findCoordinateAxis(String) - Method in class ucar.nc2.dataset.NetcdfDataset
Retrieve the CoordinateAxis with the specified fullName.
findCoordinateAxis(AxisType) - Method in class ucar.nc2.dataset.NetcdfDataset
Retrieve the CoordinateAxis with the specified Axis Type.
findCoordinateSystem(String) - Method in class ucar.nc2.dataset.NetcdfDataset
Retrieve the CoordinateSystem with the specified name.
findDatasetByID(String) - Method in class thredds.client.catalog.Catalog
findDatasetByName(String) - Method in class thredds.client.catalog.DatasetNode
findDatasetUrl(String) - Static method in class ucar.nc2.dataset.DatasetUrl
This creates a DatasetUrl, figures out the ServiceType if possible, and canonicalizes the URL string.
findDimension(String) - Method in class ucar.nc2.Group.Builder
Find Dimension in this Group or a parent Group
findDimension(String) - Method in class ucar.nc2.Group
Find a Dimension in this or a parent Group, matching on short name
findDimension(String) - Method in class ucar.nc2.NetcdfFile
Finds a Dimension with the specified full name.
findDimension(String) - Method in class ucar.nc2.write.NetcdfFormatWriter
Find the named Dimension in the output file.
findDimension(Dimension) - Method in class ucar.nc2.Group
Find a Dimension in this or a parent Group, using equals, or null if not found
findDimensionIndex(String) - Method in class ucar.nc2.Variable
Find the index of the named Dimension in this Variable.
findDimensionLocal(String) - Method in class ucar.nc2.Group.Builder
Find Dimension local to this Group
findDimensionLocal(String) - Method in class ucar.nc2.Group
Find a Dimension using its (short) name, in this group only, or null if not found
findEnumeration(String) - Method in class ucar.nc2.Group.Builder
findEnumeration(String) - Method in class ucar.nc2.Group
Find a Enumeration in this or a parent Group, using its short name.
findGlobalAttribute(String) - Method in class ucar.nc2.write.NetcdfFormatWriter
Find the named global attribute in the output file.
findGrid(String) - Method in interface ucar.nc2.grid.GridDataset
Find grid using its full name.
findGridByAttribute(String, String) - Method in interface ucar.nc2.grid.GridDataset
Find first grid whose name and String value match those given.
findGroup(String) - Method in class ucar.nc2.NetcdfFile
Find a Group, with the specified (full) name.
findGroupLocal(String) - Method in class ucar.nc2.Group.Builder
findGroupLocal(String) - Method in class ucar.nc2.Group
Retrieve the local Group with the specified (short) name.
findGroupNested(String) - Method in class ucar.nc2.Group.Builder
Find a subgroup of this Group, with the specified reletive name.
findGroupNested(String) - Method in class ucar.nc2.Group
Retrieve the nested Group with the specified (short) name.
findMember(String) - Method in class ucar.array.StructureMembers
Find the member by its name.
findMemberVariable(String) - Method in class ucar.nc2.Structure.Builder
findNetcdfFormatType(RandomAccessFile) - Static method in enum ucar.nc2.iosp.NetcdfFileFormat
Figure out what kind of netcdf-related file we have.
findOrAddEnumTypedef(String, Map<Integer, String>) - Method in class ucar.nc2.Group.Builder
Add a EnumTypedef if it does not already exist.
findPoint(double, double, double, double) - Static method in class ucar.unidata.geoloc.Bearing
Calculate a position given an azimuth and distance from another point.
findPoint(Earth, double, double, double, double) - Static method in class ucar.unidata.geoloc.Bearing
Calculate a position given an azimuth and distance from another point.
findPoint(Earth, LatLonPoint, double, double) - Static method in class ucar.unidata.geoloc.Bearing
Calculate a position given an azimuth and distance from another point.
findPoint(LatLonPoint, double, double) - Static method in class ucar.unidata.geoloc.Bearing
Calculate a position given an azimuth and distance from another point.
findProperty(String) - Method in class thredds.client.catalog.Dataset
findService(String) - Method in class thredds.client.catalog.Catalog
findService(ServiceType) - Method in class thredds.client.catalog.Catalog
findVariable(String) - Method in interface ucar.nc2.dataset.StructureEnhanced
Find the Variable member with the specified (short) name, or null if not found.
findVariable(String) - Method in class ucar.nc2.Group.Builder
Find a Variable, with the specified (escaped full) name.
findVariable(String) - Method in class ucar.nc2.NetcdfFile
Find a Variable, with the specified (escaped full) name.
findVariable(String) - Method in class ucar.nc2.Structure
Find the Variable member with the specified (short) name, or null if not found.
findVariable(String) - Method in class ucar.nc2.write.NetcdfFormatWriter
Find the named Variable in the output file.
findVariableByAttribute(String, String) - Method in class ucar.nc2.Group
Look in this Group and in its nested Groups for a Variable with a String valued Attribute with the given name and value.
findVariableLocal(String) - Method in class ucar.nc2.Group.Builder
findVariableLocal(String) - Method in class ucar.nc2.Group
Find the Variable with the specified (short) name in this group, or null if not found
findVariableNested(String) - Method in class ucar.nc2.Group.Builder
Find a Variable, with the specified reletive name.
findVariableOrInParent(String) - Method in class ucar.nc2.Group.Builder
Find the Variable with the specified (short) name in this group or a parent group.
findVariableOrInParent(String) - Method in class ucar.nc2.Group
Find the Variable with the specified (short) name in this group or a parent group, or null if not found
findVerticalTransformByHash(int) - Method in interface ucar.nc2.grid.GridDataset
Find VerticalTransform using its hashCode.
findXYindexFromCoord(double, double) - Method in class ucar.nc2.grid.GridHorizCoordinateSystem
From the (x,y) projection point, find the indices and coordinates of the horizontal 2D grid.
findXYindexFromCoord(double, double) - Method in class ucar.nc2.grid.GridHorizCurvilinear
Find the grid indexes of the given longitude and latitude.
findXYindexFromCoord(double, double, int[]) - Method in class ucar.nc2.grid.GridHorizCoordinateSystem
From the (x,y) projection point, find the indices and coordinates of the horizontal 2D grid, with an initial guess.
findXYindexFromCoord(double, double, int[]) - Method in class ucar.nc2.grid.GridHorizCurvilinear
Find the grid indexes of the given longitude and latitude, with a starting guess.
finish() - Method in class thredds.client.catalog.ThreddsMetadata
first() - Method in class ucar.array.Range
The first value in range
FIXED_ANGLE_AXIS - Static variable in class ucar.nc2.constants.CF
fixedDuration() - Method in class thredds.client.catalog.TimeCoverage
Get if the duration is fixed.
fixedEnd() - Method in class thredds.client.catalog.TimeCoverage
Get if the end is fixed.
fixedResolution() - Method in class thredds.client.catalog.TimeCoverage
Get if the resolution is set.
fixedStart() - Method in class thredds.client.catalog.TimeCoverage
Get if the start is fixed.
FLAG_MASKS - Static variable in class ucar.nc2.constants.CF
FLAG_MEANINGS - Static variable in class ucar.nc2.constants.CF
FLAG_VALUES - Static variable in class ucar.nc2.constants.CF
flip(Array<T>, int) - Static method in class ucar.array.Arrays
Create a new Array using same backing store as the org Array, by flipping the index so that it runs from shape[index]-1 to 0.
FLOAT - ucar.array.ArrayType
FLOAT - Static variable in class ucar.nc2.constants.CF
flush() - Method in class ucar.unidata.io.RandomAccessFile
Copy the contents of the buffer to the disk.
FMRC - ucar.nc2.constants.FeatureType
fmrcReg - ucar.nc2.grid.GridAxisDependenceType
Eg time(reftime, hourOfDay).
format(DateTimeFormatter) - Method in interface ucar.nc2.calendar.CalendarDate
String using the given formatter
formatName() - Method in enum ucar.nc2.iosp.NetcdfFileFormat
formula_terms - Static variable in class ucar.nc2.constants.CF
FORMULA_TERMS - Static variable in class ucar.nc2.constants.CF
forPrimitiveClass(Class<?>, boolean) - Static method in enum ucar.array.ArrayType
Find the ArrayType used for this primitive class type.
forVariable(String) - Method in class ucar.nc2.write.NetcdfFormatWriter.WriteConfig
Write to this named Variable.
forVariable(Variable) - Method in class ucar.nc2.write.NetcdfFormatWriter.WriteConfig
Write to this Variable.
fromArray(String, Array<?>) - Static method in class ucar.nc2.Attribute
Create an Attribute from an Array.
fromAttributes(AttributeContainer, String) - Static method in class ucar.nc2.calendar.CalendarDateUnit
Create a CalendarDateUnit from attributes.
fromSpec(String) - Static method in class ucar.unidata.geoloc.LatLonRect
Construct a lat/lon bounding box from a string, or null if format is wrong.
fromSpec(String) - Static method in class ucar.unidata.geoloc.ProjectionRect
Construct a bounding box from a string, or null if incorrect format.
fromStringMap(Map<String, String>) - Static method in class ucar.nc2.grid.GridSubset
fromUdunitIsoDate(String, String) - Static method in interface ucar.nc2.calendar.CalendarDate
Create a CalendarDate from an ISO date string, with extensions for udunit backward compatibility.
fromUdunitString(Calendar, String) - Static method in class ucar.nc2.calendar.CalendarDateUnit
Create a CalendarDateUnit from a calendar and a udunit string = "unit since calendarDate"
fromUnitString(String) - Static method in class ucar.nc2.calendar.CalendarPeriod
Convert a udunit period string into a CalendarPeriod.Field.
fromVar(Group, Variable, boolean) - Static method in class ucar.nc2.dataset.VariableDS
Create a VariableDS from orgVar, with default enhancements if requested.
fromVariableDS(VariableDS.Builder<?>) - Static method in class ucar.nc2.dataset.CoordinateAxis
Create a coordinate axis from an existing VariableDS.Builder.
FTP - thredds.client.catalog.ServiceType
fuzzyEquals(CoordInterval, double) - Method in class ucar.nc2.grid.CoordInterval
Compare two intervals to within the given tolerence.


GAUSSIAN - Static variable in class ucar.nc2.constants.CDM
gbuilders - Variable in class ucar.nc2.Group.Builder
GCDM - thredds.client.catalog.ServiceType
GEMPAK - ucar.nc2.constants.DataFormatType
GEOMETRY - Static variable in class ucar.nc2.constants.CF
GEOMETRY_TYPE - Static variable in class ucar.nc2.constants.CF
GeospatialCoverage - Static variable in class thredds.client.catalog.Dataset
GeospatialCoverage(ThreddsMetadata.GeospatialRange, ThreddsMetadata.GeospatialRange, ThreddsMetadata.GeospatialRange, List<ThreddsMetadata.Vocab>, String) - Constructor for class thredds.client.catalog.ThreddsMetadata.GeospatialCoverage
GeospatialCoverage(LatLonRect, CoordinateAxis1D, double, double) - Constructor for class thredds.client.catalog.ThreddsMetadata.GeospatialCoverage
GeospatialRange(double, double, double, String) - Constructor for class thredds.client.catalog.ThreddsMetadata.GeospatialRange
GeospatialRange(ThreddsMetadata.GeospatialRange) - Constructor for class thredds.client.catalog.ThreddsMetadata.GeospatialRange
Copy constructor
GEOSTATIONARY - Static variable in class ucar.nc2.constants.CF
GeoX - ucar.nc2.constants.AxisType
GeoY - ucar.nc2.constants.AxisType
GeoZ - ucar.nc2.constants.AxisType
get(int...) - Method in class ucar.array.Array
Get the element indicated by the list of multidimensional indices.
get(int...) - Method in class ucar.array.ArrayVlen
get(int...) - Method in class ucar.array.IndexFn
Get the 1-d index indicated by the list of multidimensional indices.
get(int...) - Method in class ucar.array.StructureDataArray
get(long) - Method in interface ucar.array.Storage
Get the ith element.
get(long) - Method in class ucar.array.StructureDataStorageBB
get(String) - Method in class thredds.client.catalog.builder.DatasetBuilder
get(String) - Method in class thredds.client.catalog.DatasetNode
get(String) - Static method in enum ucar.nc2.calendar.Calendar
Convert CF attribute into a Calendar object.
get(Index) - Method in class ucar.array.Array
Get the element indicated by Index.
get(Index) - Method in class ucar.array.ArrayVlen
get(Index) - Method in class ucar.array.StructureDataArray
getAccess() - Method in class thredds.client.catalog.Dataset
getAccess(ServiceType) - Method in class thredds.client.catalog.Dataset
getAccessType() - Method in class thredds.client.catalog.Service
getAccessType() - Method in enum thredds.client.catalog.ServiceType
getAll() - Static method in class ucar.unidata.geoloc.EarthEllipsoid
get a collection of all defined EarthEllipsoid objects
getAllDatasets() - Method in class thredds.client.catalog.Catalog
getAltitude() - Method in class ucar.unidata.geoloc.EarthLocation
Returns the altitude in some unit.
getAltitudeUnits() - Method in class ucar.unidata.geoloc.EarthLocation
Returns the units of the altitude.
getArrayType() - Method in class ucar.array.Array
The ArrayType for this Array.
getArrayType() - Method in class ucar.array.StructureMembers.Member
Get the ArrayType.
getArrayType() - Method in class ucar.nc2.Attribute
Get the data type of the Attribute value.
getArrayType() - Method in class ucar.nc2.dataset.VariableDS
getArrayType() - Method in interface ucar.nc2.grid.Grid
The underlying data type.
getArrayType() - Method in class ucar.nc2.Variable
Get the data type of the Variable.
getArrayValues() - Method in class ucar.nc2.Attribute
Get the values as an ucar.array.Array.
getAttributeContainer() - Method in class ucar.nc2.Group.Builder
getAttributeContainer() - Method in class ucar.nc2.Variable.Builder
getAuthority() - Method in class thredds.client.catalog.Dataset
getAxisType() - Method in class ucar.nc2.dataset.CoordinateAxis
Get type of axis
getAxisType() - Method in class ucar.nc2.grid.GridAxis
The GridAxis type.
getAzimuth() - Method in class ucar.unidata.geoloc.Bearing
Get the azimuth in degrees, 0 = north, clockwise positive
getBackAzimuth() - Method in class ucar.unidata.geoloc.Bearing
Get the back azimuth in degrees, 0 = north, clockwise positive
getBase() - Method in class thredds.client.catalog.Service
getBaseArrayType() - Method in class ucar.nc2.EnumTypedef
One of ArrayType.ENUM1, ArrayType.ENUM2, or ArrayType.ENUM4.
getBaseDate() - Method in class ucar.nc2.grid.GridTimeCoordinateSystem
The earliest runtime or observation date.
getBaseDateTime() - Method in class ucar.nc2.calendar.CalendarDateUnit
The base date "[CALENDAR] unit SINCE baseDate".
getBaseURI() - Method in class thredds.client.catalog.Catalog
getBound1() - Method in class ucar.nc2.dataset.CoordinateAxis1D
Get the coordinate bound1 as a double array.
getBound2() - Method in class ucar.nc2.dataset.CoordinateAxis1D
Get the coordinate bound1 as a double array.
getBoundingBox() - Method in class thredds.client.catalog.ThreddsMetadata.GeospatialCoverage
getBoundingBox() - Method in class ucar.nc2.grid.GridHorizCoordinateSystem
Get horizontal bounding box in projection coordinates.
getBufferSize() - Method in class ucar.unidata.io.RandomAccessFile
Get the buffer size
getByteBuffer() - Method in interface ucar.nc2.iosp.LayoutBB.Chunk
getByteBuffer() - Method in interface ucar.nc2.iosp.LayoutBBTiled.DataChunk
getByteOrder() - Method in class ucar.array.StructureMembers.Member
The ByteOrder used when storing in StructureDataStorageBB.
getByteString(Array<Byte>) - Static method in class ucar.array.Arrays
Convert the Array into a ByteString.
getCalendar() - Method in interface ucar.nc2.calendar.CalendarDate
Get the Calendar used by this CalendarDate.
getCalendar() - Method in class ucar.nc2.calendar.CalendarDateUnit
The Calendar used (default proleptic_gregorian).
getCalendarField() - Method in class ucar.nc2.calendar.CalendarDateUnit
The period field taken from the unit: "[CALENDAR] unit SINCE baseDate".
getCalendarFromAttribute() - Method in class ucar.nc2.dataset.CoordinateAxis
Figure out what calendar to use from the axis' attributes.
getCalendarFromAttribute(NetcdfFile, AttributeContainer) - Static method in class ucar.nc2.dataset.CoordinateAxis
Figure out what calendar to use from the given attributes.
getCalendarPeriod() - Method in class ucar.nc2.calendar.CalendarDateUnit
The period taken from the unit: "[CALENDAR] unit SINCE baseDate".
getCanonicalString() - Method in class ucar.nc2.units.SimpleUnit
getCatalogUrl() - Method in class thredds.client.catalog.Dataset
Get URL to this dataset.
getCenterLon() - Method in class ucar.unidata.geoloc.LatLonRect
return center Longitude, always in the range +/-180
getCenterX() - Method in class ucar.unidata.geoloc.ProjectionRect
getCenterY() - Method in class ucar.unidata.geoloc.ProjectionRect
getCFAxisName() - Method in enum ucar.nc2.constants.AxisType
getChild() - Method in class ucar.nc2.ParsedArraySectionSpec
Optional nested member of the Variable.
getChronology() - Method in enum ucar.nc2.calendar.Calendar
getChronoUnit() - Method in class ucar.nc2.calendar.CalendarPeriod
The java.time.ChronoUnit
getChunking(Variable) - Method in interface ucar.nc2.write.Nc4Chunking
getChunking(Variable) - Method in class ucar.nc2.write.Nc4ChunkingStrategy
getClassName() - Method in interface ucar.unidata.geoloc.Projection
The name of the implementing class.
getCollectionType() - Method in class thredds.client.catalog.Dataset
getContentObject() - Method in class thredds.client.catalog.ThreddsMetadata.MetadataOther
getContributors() - Method in class thredds.client.catalog.Dataset
getConventionName() - Method in interface ucar.nc2.dataset.spi.CoordSystemBuilderFactory
getConventionUsed() - Method in class ucar.nc2.dataset.NetcdfDataset
Get conventions used to analyse coordinate systems.
getConversionFactor(String, String) - Static method in class ucar.nc2.units.SimpleUnit
Get the conversion factor to convert inputUnit to outputUnit.
getConvertFactor(CalendarPeriod) - Method in class ucar.nc2.calendar.CalendarPeriod
Get the conversion factor of the other CalendarPeriod to this one.
getCoordBounds(int) - Method in class ucar.nc2.dataset.CoordinateAxis1D
Get the coordinate bounds for the ith coordinate.
getCoordDouble(int) - Method in class ucar.nc2.grid.GridAxis
The nominal value of the coordinate, cast to a double.
getCoordDouble(int) - Method in class ucar.nc2.grid.GridAxisInterval
The nominal value of the interval, cast to a double.
getCoordDouble(int) - Method in class ucar.nc2.grid.GridAxisPoint
The same as getCoordinate(), cast to a double.
getCoordEdge(int) - Method in class ucar.nc2.dataset.CoordinateAxis1D
Get the ith coordinate edge.
getCoordEdgeMinMax(GridAxis<?>) - Static method in class ucar.nc2.grid.Grids
Find the minimum values of a GridAxis' coordinate edges.
getCoordEdges() - Method in class ucar.nc2.dataset.CoordinateAxis1D
Get the coordinate edges as a double array.
getCoordinate(int) - Method in class ucar.nc2.grid.GridAxis
The nominal value of the coordinate.
getCoordinate(int) - Method in class ucar.nc2.grid.GridAxisInterval
getCoordinate(int) - Method in class ucar.nc2.grid.GridAxisPoint
getCoordinateArray1D(int, int, int) - Method in class ucar.nc2.geoloc.vertical.OceanS
getCoordinateArray1D(int, int, int) - Method in interface ucar.nc2.geoloc.vertical.VerticalTransform
Get the 1D vertical coordinate array for this time step and point
getCoordinateArray3D(int) - Method in class ucar.nc2.geoloc.vertical.AtmosHybridSigmaPressure
getCoordinateArray3D(int) - Method in class ucar.nc2.geoloc.vertical.AtmosSigma
getCoordinateArray3D(int) - Method in class ucar.nc2.geoloc.vertical.ExistingFieldVerticalTransform
getCoordinateArray3D(int) - Method in class ucar.nc2.geoloc.vertical.OceanS
getCoordinateArray3D(int) - Method in class ucar.nc2.geoloc.vertical.OceanSG1
getCoordinateArray3D(int) - Method in class ucar.nc2.geoloc.vertical.OceanSG2
getCoordinateArray3D(int) - Method in class ucar.nc2.geoloc.vertical.OceanSigma
getCoordinateArray3D(int) - Method in interface ucar.nc2.geoloc.vertical.VerticalTransform
Get the 3D vertical coordinate array for this time step.
getCoordinateArray3D(int) - Method in class ucar.nc2.geoloc.vertical.WrfEta
getCoordinateAxes() - Method in class ucar.nc2.dataset.CoordinateSystem
Get the List of CoordinateAxes
getCoordinateAxes() - Method in class ucar.nc2.dataset.NetcdfDataset
Get the list of all CoordinateAxis used by this dataset.
getCoordinateSystem() - Method in interface ucar.nc2.grid.Grid
The Grid's GridCoordinateSystem.
getCoordinateSystems() - Method in class ucar.nc2.dataset.NetcdfDataset
Get the list of all CoordinateSystem objects used by this dataset.
getCoordinateSystems() - Method in class ucar.nc2.dataset.SequenceDS
getCoordinateSystems() - Method in class ucar.nc2.dataset.StructureDS
getCoordinateSystems() - Method in class ucar.nc2.dataset.VariableDS
getCoordinateSystems() - Method in interface ucar.nc2.dataset.VariableEnhanced
Get the list of Coordinate Systems for this Variable, larger number of axes first.
getCoordInterval(int) - Method in class ucar.nc2.grid.GridAxis
The nominal edges of the coordinate.
getCoordInterval(int) - Method in class ucar.nc2.grid.GridAxisInterval
getCoordInterval(int) - Method in class ucar.nc2.grid.GridAxisPoint
CoordIntervals are midway between the point, cast to a double.
getCoordName(int) - Method in class ucar.nc2.dataset.CoordinateAxis1D
The "name" of the ith coordinate.
getCoordValue(int) - Method in class ucar.nc2.dataset.CoordinateAxis1D
Get the ith coordinate value.
getCoordValues() - Method in class ucar.nc2.dataset.CoordinateAxis1D
Get the coordinate values as a double array.
getCreators() - Method in class thredds.client.catalog.Dataset
getCtvName() - Method in interface ucar.nc2.geoloc.vertical.VerticalTransform
The name of the Coordinate Variable Transform container.
getCurrentIndex() - Method in class ucar.array.Index
Get the current index as int[] .
getDataFormatName() - Method in class thredds.client.catalog.Access
getDataFormatName() - Method in class thredds.client.catalog.Dataset
getDataFormatType() - Method in class thredds.client.catalog.Access
getDataFormatType() - Method in class thredds.client.catalog.Dataset
getDataset() - Method in class thredds.client.catalog.Access
getDatasetLocation() - Method in class ucar.nc2.dataset.VariableDS
getDatasetLocation() - Method in class ucar.nc2.Variable
The location of the dataset this belongs to.
getDatasets() - Method in class thredds.client.catalog.builder.CatalogBuilder
getDatasets() - Method in class thredds.client.catalog.builder.DatasetBuilder
getDatasets() - Method in class thredds.client.catalog.CatalogRef
getDatasets() - Method in class thredds.client.catalog.DatasetNode
Get top level datasets contained in this catalog, or if its a catref, get the datasets in the referenced catalog only if already read in.
getDatasetsLocal() - Method in class thredds.client.catalog.DatasetNode
Get top level datasets contained directly in this catalog.
getDatasetsLogical() - Method in class thredds.client.catalog.CatalogRef
getDatasetsLogical() - Method in class thredds.client.catalog.DatasetNode
Get top level datasets logically contained in this catalog.
getDataSize() - Method in class thredds.client.catalog.Access
getDataSize() - Method in class thredds.client.catalog.Dataset
getDate() - Method in class ucar.nc2.grid.GridSubset
getDateRange() - Method in class ucar.nc2.grid.GridSubset
getDateTypes() - Method in class thredds.client.catalog.Dataset
getDayOfMonth() - Method in interface ucar.nc2.calendar.CalendarDate
Get the day of the month field for this chronology.
getDefault() - Static method in enum ucar.nc2.calendar.Calendar
getDefaultChunkSize() - Method in class ucar.nc2.write.Nc4ChunkingDefault
getDefaultEnhanceMode() - Static method in class ucar.nc2.dataset.NetcdfDataset
The set of default enhancements.
getDeflateLevel(Variable.Builder<?>) - Method in interface ucar.nc2.write.Nc4Chunking
Get the deflation level.
getDeflateLevel(Variable.Builder<?>) - Method in class ucar.nc2.write.Nc4ChunkingStrategy
getDeflateLevel(Variable.Builder<?>) - Method in class ucar.nc2.write.Nc4ChunkingStrategyNone
getDependenceType() - Method in class ucar.nc2.grid.GridAxis
The way that the Axis depends on other axes.
getDependsOn() - Method in class ucar.nc2.grid.GridAxis
The list of other Axis this one depends on.
getDesc() - Method in class thredds.client.catalog.Service
getDescription() - Method in enum thredds.client.catalog.ServiceType
getDescription() - Method in class thredds.client.catalog.ThreddsMetadata.Variable
getDescription() - Method in class ucar.array.StructureMembers.Member
Get the description, if any.
getDescription() - Method in enum ucar.nc2.constants.DataFormatType
getDescription() - Method in class ucar.nc2.dataset.StructureDS
getDescription() - Method in class ucar.nc2.dataset.VariableDS.Builder
getDescription() - Method in class ucar.nc2.dataset.VariableDS
getDescription() - Method in interface ucar.nc2.dataset.VariableEnhanced
Get the description of the Variable, or null if none.
getDescription() - Method in interface ucar.nc2.grid.Grid
The Grid description.
getDescription() - Method in class ucar.nc2.grid.GridAxis
The GridAxis description.
getDescription() - Method in class ucar.nc2.Variable
Get the description of the Variable.
getDescription() - Method in class ucar.unidata.geoloc.Station
Station description or null
getDestElem() - Method in class ucar.nc2.iosp.IndexChunker.Chunk
getDestElem() - Method in interface ucar.nc2.iosp.Layout.Chunk
Get starting element position as a 1D element index into the destination, eg the requested array with shape "wantSection".
getDetailInfo() - Method in class ucar.nc2.iosp.AbstractIOServiceProvider
getDetailInfo() - Method in interface ucar.nc2.iosp.IOServiceProvider
Show debug / underlying implementation details
getDetailInfo() - Method in class ucar.nc2.NetcdfFile
Show debug / underlying implementation details
getDetailInfo(Formatter) - Method in class ucar.nc2.dataset.NetcdfDataset
Show debug / underlying implementation details
getDetailInfo(Formatter) - Method in class ucar.nc2.NetcdfFile
Show debug / underlying implementation details
getDifferenceInMsecs(CalendarDate) - Method in interface ucar.nc2.calendar.CalendarDate
Get difference between (this - other) in millisecs.
getDimension(int) - Method in class ucar.nc2.Variable.Builder
getDimension(int) - Method in class ucar.nc2.Variable
Get the ith dimension.
getDimensionName(int) - Method in class ucar.nc2.Variable.Builder
getDimensionNames() - Method in class ucar.nc2.Variable.Builder
getDimensionNamesAll() - Method in class ucar.nc2.Variable.Builder
getDimensions() - Method in class ucar.nc2.Group.Builder
getDimensions() - Method in class ucar.nc2.Group
Get the shared Dimensions contained directly in this group.
getDimensions() - Method in class ucar.nc2.NetcdfFile
Get all shared Dimensions used in this file, in all groups.
getDimensions() - Method in class ucar.nc2.Variable.Builder
getDimensions() - Method in class ucar.nc2.Variable
Get the list of dimensions used by this variable.
getDimensionSet() - Method in class ucar.nc2.Variable
Get the variable's Dimensions as a Set.
getDimensionsString() - Method in class ucar.nc2.Variable
Get the list of Dimension names, space delineated.
getDistance() - Method in class ucar.unidata.geoloc.Bearing
Get the distance in kilometers
getDocumentation() - Method in class thredds.client.catalog.Dataset
getDocumentation(String) - Method in class thredds.client.catalog.Dataset
getDomain() - Method in class ucar.nc2.dataset.CoordinateSystem
Get the Collection of Dimensions used by any of the CoordinateAxes.
getDoubleBuffer() - Method in interface ucar.nc2.iosp.LayoutBB.Chunk
getDuration() - Method in class thredds.client.catalog.TimeCoverage
Get the duration of the interval
getDurationInSecs() - Method in class ucar.nc2.calendar.CalendarDateRange
The duration of the range in seconds.
getEastWestRange() - Method in class thredds.client.catalog.ThreddsMetadata.GeospatialCoverage
getEccentricity() - Method in class ucar.unidata.geoloc.Earth
Get the Eccentricity .
getEccentricitySquared() - Method in class ucar.unidata.geoloc.Earth
Get the Eccentricity squared.
getElementSize() - Method in class ucar.nc2.Structure
The size of one element of this structure - equals the sum of sizes of its members.
getElementSize() - Method in class ucar.nc2.Variable.Builder
getElementSize() - Method in class ucar.nc2.Variable
Get the number of bytes for one element of this Variable.
getElemSize() - Method in interface ucar.nc2.iosp.Layout
Get size of each element in bytes.
getElemSize() - Method in class ucar.nc2.iosp.LayoutBBTiled
getElemSize() - Method in class ucar.nc2.iosp.LayoutRegular
getElemSize() - Method in class ucar.nc2.iosp.LayoutRegularSegmented
getElemSize() - Method in class ucar.nc2.iosp.LayoutSegmented
getElemSize() - Method in class ucar.nc2.iosp.LayoutTiled
getEmail() - Method in class thredds.client.catalog.ThreddsMetadata.Source
getEnd() - Method in class thredds.client.catalog.TimeCoverage
Get the ending Date.
getEnd() - Method in class ucar.nc2.calendar.CalendarDateRange
Ending date.
getEnhanceAll() - Static method in class ucar.nc2.dataset.NetcdfDataset
The set of all enhancements.
getEnhanceMode() - Method in class ucar.nc2.dataset.NetcdfDataset.Builder
getEnhanceMode() - Method in class ucar.nc2.dataset.NetcdfDataset
Get the current state of dataset enhancement.
getEnhanceMode() - Method in class ucar.nc2.dataset.VariableDS
Returns the enhancements applied to this variable.
getEnhanceNone() - Static method in class ucar.nc2.dataset.NetcdfDataset
The set of no enhancements.
getEnsCoord() - Method in class ucar.nc2.grid.GridSubset
getEnsembleAxis() - Method in class ucar.nc2.grid.GridCoordinateSystem
Get the ensemble axis, if any.
getEnsembleAxis() - Method in class ucar.nc2.grid.MaterializedCoordinateSystem
Get the Ensemble GridAxis, may be null.
getEntries() - Method in class ucar.nc2.grid.GridSubset
getEnumType() - Method in class ucar.nc2.Attribute
Get the EnumTypedef of the Attribute value, if DataType is an ENUM.
getEnumTypedef() - Method in class ucar.nc2.Variable
Get the EnumTypedef, only use if getDataType.isEnum()
getEnumTypedefs() - Method in class ucar.nc2.Group
Get the enumerations contained directly in this group.
getEnumTypeName() - Method in class ucar.nc2.Variable.Builder
getEpsgId() - Method in class ucar.unidata.geoloc.EarthEllipsoid
getEquatorRadius() - Method in class ucar.unidata.geoloc.Earth
Get the Equatorial Radius in meters.
getErrorMessage() - Method in class thredds.client.catalog.builder.CatalogBuilder
getExpires() - Method in class thredds.client.catalog.Catalog
getFactor() - Method in class ucar.nc2.units.TimeUnit
Get the factor that converts this unit to seconds.
getFeatureType() - Method in class thredds.client.catalog.Dataset
getFeatureType() - Method in class ucar.nc2.grid.GridCoordinateSystem
getFeatureType() - Method in interface ucar.nc2.grid.GridDataset
FeatureType.GRID or FeatureType.CURVILINEAR.
getFeatureType(String) - Static method in enum ucar.nc2.constants.CF.FeatureType
getFeatureTypeFromGlobalAttribute(NetcdfFile) - Static method in enum ucar.nc2.constants.CF.FeatureType
getFeatureTypeName() - Method in class thredds.client.catalog.Dataset
getField() - Method in class ucar.nc2.calendar.CalendarPeriod
The underlying Field, eg minutes.
getFieldValue(CalendarPeriod.Field) - Method in interface ucar.nc2.calendar.CalendarDate
Get the value of the given field, eg Year, Month, Day, Hour...
getFilePointer() - Method in class ucar.unidata.io.RandomAccessFile
Returns the current position in the file, where the next read or write will occur.
getFileResource(String) - Static method in class ucar.nc2.util.IO
Open a resource as a Stream.
getFileTypeDescription() - Method in class ucar.nc2.dataset.NetcdfDataset
getFileTypeDescription() - Method in interface ucar.nc2.iosp.IOServiceProvider
Get a human-readable description for this file type.
getFileTypeDescription() - Method in class ucar.nc2.NetcdfFile
Get a human-readable description for this file type.
getFileTypeId() - Method in class ucar.nc2.dataset.NetcdfDataset
getFileTypeId() - Method in interface ucar.nc2.iosp.IOServiceProvider
Get a unique id for this file type.
getFileTypeId() - Method in class ucar.nc2.NetcdfFile
Get the file type id for the underlying data source.
getFileTypeId() - Method in class ucar.nc2.Variable
Get the file type id for the underlying data source.
getFileTypeVersion() - Method in class ucar.nc2.iosp.AbstractIOServiceProvider
getFileTypeVersion() - Method in interface ucar.nc2.iosp.IOServiceProvider
Get the version of this file type.
getFileTypeVersion() - Method in class ucar.nc2.NetcdfFile
Get the version of this file type.
getFillValueDefault(ArrayType) - Static method in class ucar.nc2.iosp.NetcdfFormatUtils
The default fill value for Netcdf 3 files.
getFirstDimensionName() - Method in class ucar.nc2.Variable.Builder
getFirstInInterval(int) - Method in class ucar.array.Range
Find the first element in a strided array after some index start.
getFlattening() - Method in class ucar.unidata.geoloc.Earth
Get the Flattening.
getFldIterator() - Method in class thredds.client.catalog.DatasetNode
getFldIterator() - Method in class thredds.client.catalog.ThreddsMetadata
getFldOrInherited(String) - Method in class thredds.client.catalog.builder.DatasetBuilder
getFlds() - Method in class thredds.client.catalog.ThreddsMetadata
getFloatBuffer() - Method in interface ucar.nc2.iosp.LayoutBB.Chunk
getFormat() - Method in class thredds.client.catalog.DateType
Get the SimpleDateFormat format for parsing the text, passed into the constructor.
getFormat() - Method in class ucar.nc2.write.NetcdfFormatWriter
The output file's format.
getFullName() - Method in interface ucar.nc2.dataset.VariableEnhanced
Get the full name of this Variable, with Group names
getFullName() - Method in class ucar.nc2.Group
Get the full name of this Group.
getFullName() - Method in class ucar.nc2.Variable.Builder
getFullName() - Method in class ucar.nc2.Variable
Get the full name of this Variable.
getGeospatialCoverage() - Method in class thredds.client.catalog.Dataset
getGeoUnits() - Method in class ucar.nc2.grid.GridHorizCoordinateSystem
Get the horizontal coordinate units, null for latlon.
getGlobalAttributes() - Method in class ucar.nc2.NetcdfFile
Get all of the group attributes in the file, in all groups.
getGlobalFileCache() - Static method in class ucar.unidata.io.RandomAccessFile
getGridAxes() - Method in class ucar.nc2.grid.GridCoordinateSystem
The GridAxes that constitute this Coordinate System.
getGridAxes() - Method in interface ucar.nc2.grid.GridDataset
All of the GridAxes.
getGridAxes() - Method in class ucar.nc2.grid.MaterializedCoordinateSystem
Get the GridAxes in this MaterializedCoordinateSystem.
getGridCoordinateSystems() - Method in interface ucar.nc2.grid.GridDataset
All of the GridCoordinateSystem.
getGridName() - Method in class ucar.nc2.grid.GridSubset
getGrids() - Method in interface ucar.nc2.grid.GridDataset
All of the Grids.
getGroups() - Method in class ucar.nc2.Group
Get the Groups contained directly in this Group.
getHeapIndex() - Method in class ucar.array.StructureMembers.Member
Get the heap index in the Members list.
getHeight() - Method in class ucar.unidata.geoloc.LatLonRect
return height of bounding box in degrees latitude, always between 0 and 180 degrees.
getHeight() - Method in class ucar.unidata.geoloc.ProjectionRect
getHeightExtent() - Method in class thredds.client.catalog.ThreddsMetadata.GeospatialCoverage
getHeightResolution() - Method in class thredds.client.catalog.ThreddsMetadata.GeospatialCoverage
getHeightStart() - Method in class thredds.client.catalog.ThreddsMetadata.GeospatialCoverage
getHeightUnits() - Method in class thredds.client.catalog.ThreddsMetadata.GeospatialCoverage
getHistory() - Method in class thredds.client.catalog.Dataset
getHorizCoordinateSystem() - Method in interface ucar.nc2.grid.Grid
The Grid's GridHorizCoordinateSystem.
getHorizCoordinateSystem() - Method in class ucar.nc2.grid.GridCoordinateSystem
Get the Horizontal CoordinateSystem.
getHorizCoordinateSystem() - Method in class ucar.nc2.grid.MaterializedCoordinateSystem
Get the GridHorizCoordinateSystem.
getHorizStride() - Method in class ucar.nc2.grid.GridSubset
getHourOfDay() - Method in interface ucar.nc2.calendar.CalendarDate
Get the hour of day field for this chronology.
getId() - Method in class thredds.client.catalog.Dataset
getId() - Method in class ucar.nc2.NetcdfFile
Get the globally unique dataset identifier, if it exists.
getID() - Method in class thredds.client.catalog.Dataset
getIdOrPath() - Method in class thredds.client.catalog.Dataset
getImplementingClass() - Method in class ucar.nc2.units.SimpleUnit
getIncrement() - Method in class ucar.nc2.dataset.CoordinateAxis1D
Get increment value if isRegular()
getIndex() - Method in class ucar.array.Array
An Index that can be used instead of int[], with the same rank as this Array.
getInheritableMetadata() - Method in class thredds.client.catalog.builder.DatasetBuilder
getInlineContent() - Method in class thredds.client.catalog.Documentation
getInputStreamFromUrl(String) - Static method in class ucar.unidata.io.ReadFromUrl
get input stream from URL
getIntBuffer() - Method in interface ucar.nc2.iosp.LayoutBB.Chunk
getIterator(int[]) - Method in class ucar.array.Section
Iterate over a section, returning the index in an equivalent 1D array of shape[], and optionally the corresponding index[n] So this is a section in a (possibly) larger array described by shape[].
getKeywords() - Method in class thredds.client.catalog.Dataset
getLastModified() - Method in class ucar.nc2.dataset.NetcdfDataset
getLastModified() - Method in class ucar.nc2.iosp.AbstractIOServiceProvider
Returns the time that the underlying file(s) were last modified.
getLastModified() - Method in interface ucar.nc2.iosp.IOServiceProvider
Get last time the file was modified.
getLastModified() - Method in class ucar.nc2.NetcdfFile
getLastModified() - Method in class ucar.unidata.io.RandomAccessFile
getLastModifiedCalendarDate() - Method in class thredds.client.catalog.Dataset
Find a DateType with type "modified", return it as a CalendarDate.
getLatEdges() - Method in class ucar.nc2.grid.GridHorizCurvilinear
The latitude edge array.
getLatExtent() - Method in class thredds.client.catalog.ThreddsMetadata.GeospatialCoverage
getLatitude() - Method in class ucar.unidata.geoloc.EarthLocation
The latitude in decimal degrees north.
getLatitude() - Method in class ucar.unidata.geoloc.LatLonPoint
Returns the latitude, between +/- 90 degrees.
getLatLon() - Method in class ucar.unidata.geoloc.EarthLocation
Get the lat/lon as a LatLonPoint.
getLatLon(int, int) - Method in class ucar.nc2.grid.GridHorizCoordinateSystem
Get the Lat/Lon coordinates of the midpoint of a grid cell, using the x,y indices.
getLatLon(int, int) - Method in class ucar.nc2.grid.GridHorizCurvilinear
getLatLonBoundingBox() - Method in class ucar.nc2.grid.GridHorizCoordinateSystem
Get horizontal bounding box in lat, lon coordinates.
getLatLonBoundingBox() - Method in class ucar.nc2.grid.GridSubset
getLatLonPoint() - Method in class ucar.nc2.grid.GridSubset
getLatMax() - Method in class ucar.unidata.geoloc.LatLonRect
Get maximum latitude, aka "north" edge
getLatMin() - Method in class ucar.unidata.geoloc.LatLonRect
Get minimum latitude, aka "south" edge
getLatNorth() - Method in class thredds.client.catalog.ThreddsMetadata.GeospatialCoverage
getLatResolution() - Method in class thredds.client.catalog.ThreddsMetadata.GeospatialCoverage
getLatSouth() - Method in class thredds.client.catalog.ThreddsMetadata.GeospatialCoverage
getLatStart() - Method in class thredds.client.catalog.ThreddsMetadata.GeospatialCoverage
getLatUnits() - Method in class thredds.client.catalog.ThreddsMetadata.GeospatialCoverage
getLength() - Method in class ucar.nc2.Attribute
Get the length of the array of values
getLength() - Method in class ucar.nc2.Dimension
Get the length of the Dimension.
getLength() - Method in class ucar.nc2.write.UnlimitedDimension
Get the length of the Dimension.
getLocalField(String) - Method in class thredds.client.catalog.Dataset
getLocalField(String) - Method in class thredds.client.catalog.ThreddsMetadata
getLocalField(String) - Method in interface thredds.client.catalog.ThreddsMetadataContainer
getLocalFieldAsList(String) - Method in class thredds.client.catalog.DatasetNode
getLocalFieldAsList(String) - Method in class thredds.client.catalog.ThreddsMetadata
getLocalFieldAsList(String) - Method in interface thredds.client.catalog.ThreddsMetadataContainer
getLocation() - Method in interface ucar.nc2.grid.GridDataset
The location, eg filename or url.
getLocation() - Method in class ucar.nc2.NetcdfFile
Get the NetcdfFile location.
getLocation() - Method in class ucar.unidata.io.RandomAccessFile
Get the file location, or name.
getLonEast() - Method in class thredds.client.catalog.ThreddsMetadata.GeospatialCoverage
getLonEdges() - Method in class ucar.nc2.grid.GridHorizCurvilinear
The longitude edge array.
getLonExtent() - Method in class thredds.client.catalog.ThreddsMetadata.GeospatialCoverage
getLongBuffer() - Method in interface ucar.nc2.iosp.LayoutBB.Chunk
getLongitude() - Method in class ucar.unidata.geoloc.EarthLocation
The longitude in decimal degrees east.
getLongitude() - Method in class ucar.unidata.geoloc.LatLonPoint
Returns the longitude, between +/-180 degrees
getLonMax() - Method in class ucar.unidata.geoloc.LatLonRect
Get maximum longitude, aka "east" edge.
getLonMin() - Method in class ucar.unidata.geoloc.LatLonRect
Get minimum longitude, aka "west" edge.
getLonResolution() - Method in class thredds.client.catalog.ThreddsMetadata.GeospatialCoverage
getLonStart() - Method in class thredds.client.catalog.ThreddsMetadata.GeospatialCoverage
getLonUnits() - Method in class thredds.client.catalog.ThreddsMetadata.GeospatialCoverage
getLonWest() - Method in class thredds.client.catalog.ThreddsMetadata.GeospatialCoverage
getLowerLeftPoint() - Method in class ucar.unidata.geoloc.LatLonRect
Get the lower left corner of the bounding box.
getLowerLeftPoint() - Method in class ucar.unidata.geoloc.ProjectionRect
Get the Lower Right Point (same as getMinPoint)
getLowerRightPoint() - Method in class ucar.unidata.geoloc.LatLonRect
Get the lower left corner of the bounding box.
getLowerRightPoint() - Method in class ucar.unidata.geoloc.ProjectionRect
Get the Lower Right Point
getMajor() - Method in class ucar.unidata.geoloc.Earth
Get the equatorial radius (semimajor axis) of the earth, in meters.
getMap() - Method in class ucar.nc2.EnumTypedef
The Map from integer to enum name.
getMatchLength() - Method in class ucar.unidata.io.KMPMatch
getMaterializedCoordinateSystem() - Method in class ucar.nc2.grid.GridReferencedArray
The MaterializedCoordinateSystem describing the data that was read.
getMaterializedShape() - Method in class ucar.nc2.grid.GridTimeCoordinateSystem
The materialized shape (use only from MaterializedCoordinateSystem).
getMaterializedShape() - Method in class ucar.nc2.grid.MaterializedCoordinateSystem
The shape of this array.
getMaxPoint() - Method in class ucar.unidata.geoloc.ProjectionRect
Get the maximum corner of the bounding box.
getMaxX() - Method in class ucar.unidata.geoloc.ProjectionRect
getMaxY() - Method in class ucar.unidata.geoloc.ProjectionRect
getMember(int) - Method in class ucar.array.StructureMembers
Get the index-th member
getMemberData(String) - Method in class ucar.array.StructureData
Get member data array of any type as an Array.
getMemberData(StructureMembers.Member) - Method in class ucar.array.StructureData
Get member data array of any type as an Array.
getMemberNames() - Method in class ucar.array.StructureMembers
Get the names of the members.
getMembers() - Method in class ucar.array.StructureMembers
Get the list of Member objects.
getMetadata(String) - Method in class thredds.client.catalog.Dataset
getMetadataOther() - Method in class thredds.client.catalog.Dataset
getMillisFromEpoch() - Method in interface ucar.nc2.calendar.CalendarDate
Get the milliseconds of the datetime instant from the Java epoch of 1970-01-01T00:00:00Z.
getMillisOfSecond() - Method in interface ucar.nc2.calendar.CalendarDate
Get the hour of day field for this chronology.
getMinChunksize() - Method in class ucar.nc2.write.Nc4ChunkingDefault
getMinMaxSkipMissingData(Array<? extends Number>, IsMissingEvaluator) - Static method in class ucar.array.Arrays
Get the min and max of the array, skipping missing data if eval.hasMissing().
getMinor() - Method in class ucar.unidata.geoloc.Earth
Get the polar radius (semiminor axis) of the earth, in meters.
getMinPoint() - Method in class ucar.unidata.geoloc.ProjectionRect
Get the minimum corner of the bounding box.
getMinuteOfHour() - Method in interface ucar.nc2.calendar.CalendarDate
Get the hour of day field for this chronology.
getMinVariableSize() - Method in class ucar.nc2.write.Nc4ChunkingDefault
getMinX() - Method in class ucar.unidata.geoloc.ProjectionRect
getMinY() - Method in class ucar.unidata.geoloc.ProjectionRect
getMonthOfYear() - Method in interface ucar.nc2.calendar.CalendarDate
Get the month of year field for this chronology.
getName() - Method in class thredds.client.catalog.builder.DatasetBuilder
getName() - Method in class thredds.client.catalog.DatasetNode
getName() - Method in class thredds.client.catalog.Property
getName() - Method in class thredds.client.catalog.Service
getName() - Method in enum thredds.client.catalog.ServiceType.AccessType
getName() - Method in class thredds.client.catalog.ThreddsMetadata.Contributor
getName() - Method in class thredds.client.catalog.ThreddsMetadata.Source
getName() - Method in class thredds.client.catalog.ThreddsMetadata.Variable
getName() - Method in class ucar.array.StructureData
The name of Structure
getName() - Method in class ucar.array.StructureMembers
Get the StructureMembers' name.
getName() - Method in class ucar.array.StructureMembers.Member
Get the StructureMember's name.
getName() - Method in class ucar.array.StructureMembers.MemberBuilder
getName() - Method in class ucar.nc2.Attribute
Get the Attribute name, same as the short name.
getName() - Method in interface ucar.nc2.AttributeContainer
Get the (optional) name of the AttributeContainer.
getName() - Method in class ucar.nc2.AttributeContainerMutable
getName() - Method in class ucar.nc2.dataset.CoordinateSystem
Get the name of the Coordinate System
getName() - Method in interface ucar.nc2.geoloc.vertical.VerticalTransform
The name of the Vertical Transform.
getName() - Method in interface ucar.nc2.grid.Grid
The Grid name.
getName() - Method in class ucar.nc2.grid.GridAxis
The GridAxis name.
getName() - Method in class ucar.nc2.grid.GridCoordinateSystem
The name of the Grid Coordinate System.
getName() - Method in interface ucar.nc2.grid.GridDataset
The name of the gridDataset.
getName() - Method in class ucar.unidata.geoloc.Earth
Get the Name.
getName() - Method in interface ucar.unidata.geoloc.Projection
The name of this projection.
getName() - Method in class ucar.unidata.geoloc.Station
Station name or id.
getNameAndAttributes() - Method in class ucar.nc2.Group
Get String with name and attributes.
getNameAndAttributes() - Method in class ucar.nc2.Structure
Get String with name and attributes.
getNameAndDimensions() - Method in class ucar.nc2.Variable
Get the display name plus the dimensions, eg 'float name(dim1, dim2)'
getNameAndDimensions(Formatter, boolean, boolean) - Method in class ucar.nc2.Variable
Add display name plus the dimensions to the Formatter
getNames() - Method in class thredds.client.catalog.ThreddsMetadata.GeospatialCoverage
getNamespace() - Method in class ucar.nc2.write.NcmlWriter
Gets the XML namespace for the elements in the NcML.
getNamespaceURI() - Method in class thredds.client.catalog.ThreddsMetadata.MetadataOther
getNameVocab() - Method in class thredds.client.catalog.ThreddsMetadata.Source
getNcmlElement() - Method in class thredds.client.catalog.Dataset
getNelems() - Method in class ucar.nc2.iosp.IndexChunker.Chunk
getNelems() - Method in interface ucar.nc2.iosp.Layout.Chunk
Get number of elements to transfer contiguously (Note: elements, not bytes)
getNestedServices() - Method in class thredds.client.catalog.Service
getNetcdfFile() - Method in class ucar.nc2.dataset.VariableDS
getNetcdfFile() - Method in class ucar.nc2.Group
Get the NetcdfFile that owns this Group.
getNetcdfFile() - Method in class ucar.nc2.Variable
Get the NetcdfFile that this variable is contained in.
getNetcdfFileCache() - Static method in class ucar.nc2.dataset.NetcdfDatasets
Get the File Cache
getNobs() - Method in class ucar.unidata.geoloc.Station
The Number of obs at this station, or -1 if unknown
getNominalShape() - Method in class ucar.nc2.grid.GridCoordinateSystem
Nominal shape, may differ from materialized shape.
getNominalShape() - Method in class ucar.nc2.grid.GridTimeCoordinateSystem
The nominal shape.
getNominalSize() - Method in class ucar.nc2.grid.GridAxis
Nominal in the sense that it may not match the materialized data array.
getNominalSize() - Method in class ucar.nc2.grid.GridAxisInterval
getNominalSize() - Method in class ucar.nc2.grid.GridAxisPoint
getNorthSouthRange() - Method in class thredds.client.catalog.ThreddsMetadata.GeospatialCoverage
getNumberOfMemberVariables() - Method in class ucar.nc2.Structure
Get the number of variables contained directly in this Structure.
getNumericValue() - Method in class ucar.nc2.Attribute
Retrieve first numeric value.
getNumericValue(int) - Method in class ucar.nc2.Attribute
Retrieve a numeric value by index.
getOffset() - Method in class ucar.array.StructureMembers.Member
The offset from the start of th STructure, used when storing in StructureDataStorageBB.
getOffset() - Method in interface ucar.nc2.iosp.LayoutBBTiled.DataChunk
getOffsetPeriod() - Method in class ucar.nc2.grid.GridTimeCoordinateSystem
The units of the TimeOffsetAxis.
getOpaqueValue(int) - Method in class ucar.nc2.Attribute
Retrieve the ith Opaque value, only call if isOpaque().
getOrigin() - Method in class ucar.array.Section
Get origin array using the Range.first() values.
getOrigin(int) - Method in class ucar.array.Section
Get origin of the ith Range
getOriginalArrayType() - Method in class ucar.nc2.dataset.VariableDS
When this wraps another Variable, get the original Variable's ArrayType.
getOriginalName() - Method in class ucar.nc2.dataset.SequenceDS
getOriginalName() - Method in class ucar.nc2.dataset.StructureDS
When this wraps another Variable, get the original Variable's name.
getOriginalName() - Method in class ucar.nc2.dataset.VariableDS
When this wraps another Variable, get the original Variable's name.
getOriginalName() - Method in interface ucar.nc2.dataset.VariableEnhanced
The original name of the Variable (in case it was renamed in NcML).
getOriginalVariable() - Method in class ucar.nc2.dataset.SequenceDS
getOriginalVariable() - Method in class ucar.nc2.dataset.StructureDS
A StructureDS may wrap another Structure.
getOriginalVariable() - Method in class ucar.nc2.dataset.VariableDS
A VariableDS usually wraps another Variable.
getOriginalVariable() - Method in interface ucar.nc2.dataset.VariableEnhanced
A VariableDS usually wraps another Variable.
getParent() - Method in class thredds.client.catalog.builder.DatasetBuilder
getParent() - Method in class thredds.client.catalog.DatasetNode
getParentCatalog() - Method in class thredds.client.catalog.DatasetNode
getParentDataset() - Method in class thredds.client.catalog.DatasetNode
getParentGroup() - Method in interface ucar.nc2.dataset.VariableEnhanced
Get the containing Group.
getParentGroup() - Method in class ucar.nc2.Group.Builder
getParentGroup() - Method in class ucar.nc2.Group
Get the parent Group, or null if its the root group.
getParentGroup() - Method in class ucar.nc2.Variable
Get its containing Group, never null
getParentGroupBuilder() - Method in class ucar.nc2.Variable.Builder
getParentStructure() - Method in class ucar.nc2.Variable
Get its parent structure, or null if not in structure
getParentStructureBuilder() - Method in class ucar.nc2.Variable.Builder
getPoleRadius() - Method in class ucar.unidata.geoloc.Earth
Get the Polar Radius in meters.
getPos() - Method in class ucar.nc2.iosp.BitReader
Get the current file offset in bytes.
getPrefix() - Method in class thredds.client.catalog.ThreddsMetadata.MetadataOther
getPrimitiveArray(int) - Method in interface ucar.array.StorageMutable
Get the ith element.
getPrimitiveClass() - Method in enum ucar.array.ArrayType
The primitive Java class type, inverse of forPrimitiveClass()
getProcessing() - Method in class thredds.client.catalog.Dataset
getProjection() - Method in class ucar.nc2.dataset.CoordinateSystem
Get the Projection for this coordinate system.
getProjection() - Method in class ucar.nc2.grid.GridHorizCoordinateSystem
Get the horizontal Projection.
getProjectionAttributes() - Method in interface ucar.unidata.geoloc.Projection
Get projection parameters.
getProjectionBoundingBox() - Method in class ucar.nc2.grid.GridSubset
getProjectionPoint() - Method in class ucar.nc2.grid.GridSubset
getProjects() - Method in class thredds.client.catalog.Dataset
getProperties() - Method in class thredds.client.catalog.Catalog
getProperties() - Method in class thredds.client.catalog.Dataset
getProperties() - Method in class thredds.client.catalog.Service
getProtocol() - Method in enum thredds.client.catalog.ServiceType
getProtocol() - Method in interface ucar.nc2.dataset.spi.GridDatasetProvider
The leading protocol string (without a trailing ":").
getProtocol() - Method in interface ucar.nc2.dataset.spi.NetcdfFileProvider
The leading protocol string (without a trailing ":").
getPublishers() - Method in class thredds.client.catalog.Dataset
getRandomAccessFile() - Method in class ucar.unidata.io.RandomAccessFile
Allow access to the underlying java.io.RandomAccessFile.
getRange(int) - Method in class ucar.array.Section
Get the ith Range
getRanges() - Method in class ucar.array.Section
Get an unmodifyable list of Ranges.
getRank() - Method in class ucar.array.Array
Get the number of dimensions of the array.
getRank() - Method in class ucar.array.IndexFn
Get the number of dimensions in the array.
getRank() - Method in class ucar.array.Section
Get rank = number of Ranges.
getRank() - Method in class ucar.nc2.Variable.Builder
getRank() - Method in class ucar.nc2.Variable
Get the number of dimensions of the Variable, aka the rank.
getReader() - Method in interface ucar.nc2.grid.Grid
A GridReader to read data out of this Grid.
getResolution() - Method in class thredds.client.catalog.ThreddsMetadata.GeospatialRange
getResolution() - Method in class thredds.client.catalog.TimeCoverage
Get the time resolution.
getResolution() - Method in class ucar.nc2.grid.GridAxis
For isRegular, this is also the increment.
getRestrictAccess() - Method in class thredds.client.catalog.Dataset
getRights() - Method in class thredds.client.catalog.Dataset
getRole() - Method in class thredds.client.catalog.ThreddsMetadata.Contributor
getRootGroup() - Method in class ucar.nc2.NetcdfFile
Get the root group.
getRootGroup() - Method in class ucar.nc2.write.NetcdfFormatWriter.Builder
Get the root group
getRootGroup() - Method in class ucar.nc2.write.NetcdfFormatWriter
The output file's root group.
getRunTime() - Method in class ucar.nc2.grid.GridSubset
getRunTimeAll() - Method in class ucar.nc2.grid.GridSubset
getRunTimeAxis() - Method in class ucar.nc2.grid.GridTimeCoordinateSystem
Get the Runtime axis.
getRuntimeDate(int) - Method in class ucar.nc2.grid.GridTimeCoordinateSystem
Get the ith runtime CalendarDate.
getRuntimeDateUnit() - Method in class ucar.nc2.grid.GridTimeCoordinateSystem
The runtime CalendarDateUnit.
getRunTimeLatest() - Method in class ucar.nc2.grid.GridSubset
getScalar() - Method in class ucar.array.Array
Get the first element of the Array
getSecondOfMinute() - Method in interface ucar.nc2.calendar.CalendarDate
Get the hour of day field for this chronology.
getSection() - Method in class ucar.array.Array
Get the section: list of Ranges, one for each dimension.
getSection() - Method in class ucar.array.IndexFn
Get the shape: length of array in each dimension.
getSection() - Method in class ucar.nc2.ParsedArraySectionSpec
The section of the Variable.
getSection() - Method in class ucar.nc2.Variable
Get shape as a Section object.
getSequenceIterator(Sequence, int) - Method in class ucar.nc2.iosp.AbstractIOServiceProvider
getSequenceIterator(Sequence, int) - Method in interface ucar.nc2.iosp.IOServiceProvider
Get the structure iterator.
getService() - Method in class thredds.client.catalog.Access
getServiceDefault() - Method in class thredds.client.catalog.Dataset
getServiceNameDefault() - Method in class thredds.client.catalog.Dataset
getServices() - Method in class thredds.client.catalog.builder.DatasetBuilder
getServices() - Method in class thredds.client.catalog.Catalog
getServiceType() - Method in class ucar.nc2.dataset.DatasetUrl
The ServiceType, or null if not known.
getServiceTypeIgnoreCase(String) - Static method in enum thredds.client.catalog.ServiceType
getServiceTypeName() - Method in class thredds.client.catalog.Service
getShape() - Method in class ucar.array.Array
Get the shape: length of array in each dimension.
getShape() - Method in class ucar.array.IndexFn
Get the shape: length of array in each dimension.
getShape() - Method in class ucar.array.Section
Get shape array using the Range.length() values.
getShape() - Method in class ucar.array.StructureMembers.Member
Get the array shape.
getShape() - Method in class ucar.nc2.grid.GridHorizCoordinateSystem
The nominal sizes of the yaxis, xaxis as a list.
getShape() - Method in class ucar.nc2.Variable.Builder
getShape() - Method in class ucar.nc2.Variable
Get the shape: length of Variable in each dimension.
getShape(int) - Method in class ucar.array.IndexFn
Get the length of the ith dimension.
getShape(int) - Method in class ucar.array.Section
Get length of the ith Range
getShape(int) - Method in class ucar.nc2.Variable
Get the size of the ith dimension
getShortBuffer() - Method in interface ucar.nc2.iosp.LayoutBB.Chunk
getShortName() - Method in class ucar.nc2.Attribute
Get the Attribute name.
getShortName() - Method in interface ucar.nc2.dataset.VariableEnhanced
Get the short name of this Variable, local to its parent Group.
getShortName() - Method in class ucar.nc2.Dimension
Get the name of the Dimension.
getShortName() - Method in class ucar.nc2.EnumTypedef
The EnumTypedef name.
getShortName() - Method in class ucar.nc2.Group
Get the short name of the Group.
getShortName() - Method in class ucar.nc2.Variable
The short name of the variable
getSignedness() - Method in enum ucar.array.ArrayType
Returns the signedness of this data type.
getSize() - Method in class thredds.client.catalog.ThreddsMetadata.GeospatialRange
getSize() - Method in class ucar.array.Array
Get the total Number of elements
getSize() - Method in enum ucar.array.ArrayType
Size in bytes of one element of this data type.
getSize() - Method in class ucar.nc2.Variable.Builder
getSize() - Method in class ucar.nc2.Variable
Get the total number of elements in the Variable.
getSize(Iterable<Dimension>) - Static method in class ucar.nc2.Dimensions
Get the total number of elements the dimensions represent.
getSizeToCache() - Method in class ucar.nc2.Variable
If total data size is less than SizeToCache in bytes, then cache.
getSpacing() - Method in class ucar.nc2.grid.GridAxis
The spacing of the coordinate values.
getSPobject() - Method in class ucar.nc2.Variable
Get immutable service provider opaque object.
getSrcElem() - Method in class ucar.nc2.iosp.IndexChunker.Chunk
Get the position in source where to read or write
getSrcElem() - Method in interface ucar.nc2.iosp.LayoutBB.Chunk
Get the position as a element index where to read or write: "buffer position"
getSrcPos() - Method in class ucar.nc2.iosp.IndexChunker.Chunk
getSrcPos() - Method in interface ucar.nc2.iosp.Layout.Chunk
Get the position in source where to read or write: eg "file position"
getStandardUri() - Method in class thredds.client.catalog.Access
Construct the standard THREDDS access URI for this dataset access method, resolved agaisnt the parent catalog if the URI is relative.
getStandardUrlName() - Method in class thredds.client.catalog.Access
Get the standard URL, with resolution if the URL is reletive.
getStart() - Method in class thredds.client.catalog.ThreddsMetadata.GeospatialRange
getStart() - Method in class thredds.client.catalog.TimeCoverage
Get the starting Date.
getStart() - Method in class ucar.nc2.calendar.CalendarDateRange
Starting date.
getStorageSizeBytes() - Method in class ucar.array.StructureMembers.Builder
Get the total size of the Structure in bytes.
getStorageSizeBytes() - Method in class ucar.array.StructureMembers
Get the total size of one Structure in bytes.
getStorageSizeBytes() - Method in class ucar.array.StructureMembers.Member
Get the total size in bytes needed for storing the data in this Member.
getStride() - Method in class ucar.array.Section
Get stride array using the Range.stride() values.
getStride(int) - Method in class ucar.array.Section
Get stride of the ith Range
getStringValue() - Method in class ucar.nc2.Attribute
Retrieve first String value if this is a String valued attribute, else null.
getStringValue(int) - Method in class ucar.nc2.Attribute
Retrieve ith String value; only call if isString() is true.
getStructureMemberNames() - Method in class ucar.array.StructureDataArray
Get a list of structure member names.
getStructureMembers() - Method in class ucar.array.StructureData
The StructureMembers
getStructureMembers() - Method in class ucar.array.StructureDataArray
Get the StructureMembers.
getStructureMembers() - Method in class ucar.array.StructureMembers.Builder
getStructureMembers() - Method in class ucar.array.StructureMembers.Member
Get nested StructureMembers, if this is a Structure or Sequence.
getStructureMembers() - Method in class ucar.array.StructureMembers.MemberBuilder
getStructureSize() - Method in class ucar.array.StructureDataArray
Get the size of one StructureData in bytes.
getStructureSize() - Method in class ucar.array.StructureDataStorageBB
Get the total size of one Structure in bytes.
getStructureSize() - Method in class ucar.array.StructureMembers.Member
Convenience method for members.getStorageSizeBytes().
getSubsetRange() - Method in class ucar.nc2.grid.GridAxis
For subsets, the range in the original axis that constitutes the subset.
getSubsetRange() - Method in class ucar.nc2.grid.GridAxisInterval
getSubsetRange() - Method in class ucar.nc2.grid.GridAxisPoint
getSubsetRanges() - Method in class ucar.nc2.grid.GridTimeCoordinateSystem
For subsets, the ranges of the original axes that constitutes the subset.
getSubsetRanges() - Method in class ucar.nc2.grid.MaterializedCoordinateSystem
For subsets, the ranges of the original axes that constitutes the subset.
getSuffix() - Method in class thredds.client.catalog.Service
getSummary() - Method in class thredds.client.catalog.Dataset
getText() - Method in class thredds.client.catalog.DateType
Get the original text passed to the constructor.
getText() - Method in class thredds.client.catalog.ThreddsMetadata.Vocab
getText() - Method in class thredds.client.catalog.TimeDuration
Get the text
getTimeAll() - Method in class ucar.nc2.grid.GridSubset
getTimeCoordinateSystem() - Method in interface ucar.nc2.grid.Grid
The Grid's GridTimeCoordinateSystem.
getTimeCoordinateSystem() - Method in class ucar.nc2.grid.GridCoordinateSystem
Get the Time CoordinateSystem.
getTimeCoordSystem() - Method in class ucar.nc2.grid.MaterializedCoordinateSystem
Get the GridTimeCoordinateSystem, may be null.
getTimeCoverageNew() - Method in class thredds.client.catalog.Dataset
getTimeFirst() - Method in class ucar.nc2.grid.GridSubset
getTimeLatest() - Method in class ucar.nc2.grid.GridSubset
getTimeOffset() - Method in class ucar.nc2.grid.GridSubset
getTimeOffsetAxis(int) - Method in class ucar.nc2.grid.GridTimeCoordinateSystem
Get the ith timeOffset axis.
getTimeOffsetDate() - Method in class ucar.nc2.grid.GridSubset
getTimeOffsetIntv() - Method in class ucar.nc2.grid.GridSubset
getTimeOffsetRange() - Method in class ucar.nc2.grid.GridSubset
getTimeOffsetUnit() - Method in class ucar.nc2.grid.GridSubset
getTimePresent() - Method in class ucar.nc2.grid.GridSubset
getTimesForRuntime(int) - Method in class ucar.nc2.grid.GridTimeCoordinateSystem
Get the forecast/valid dates for a given run.
getTimeStride() - Method in class ucar.nc2.grid.GridSubset
getTimeUnit() - Method in class thredds.client.catalog.TimeDuration
Get the time unit
getTitle() - Method in class thredds.client.catalog.ThreddsMetadata.MetadataOther
getTitle() - Method in class ucar.nc2.NetcdfFile
Get the human-readable title, if it exists.
getTopDataset() - Method in class thredds.client.catalog.builder.CatalogBuilder
getTotalNelems() - Method in class ucar.nc2.iosp.IndexChunker
Get total number of elements in wantSection
getTotalNelems() - Method in class ucar.nc2.iosp.IndexChunkerTiled
getTotalNelems() - Method in interface ucar.nc2.iosp.Layout
Get total number of elements in the wanted subset.
getTotalNelems() - Method in class ucar.nc2.iosp.LayoutBBTiled
getTotalNelems() - Method in class ucar.nc2.iosp.LayoutRegular
getTotalNelems() - Method in class ucar.nc2.iosp.LayoutRegularSegmented
getTotalNelems() - Method in class ucar.nc2.iosp.LayoutSegmented
getTotalNelems() - Method in class ucar.nc2.iosp.LayoutTiled
getTrueurl() - Method in class ucar.nc2.dataset.DatasetUrl
The actual URL string which you give to the service specified by getServiceType().
getType() - Method in class thredds.client.catalog.DateType
Get the type of Date, passed into the constructor.
getType() - Method in class thredds.client.catalog.Documentation
getType() - Method in class thredds.client.catalog.Service
getType() - Method in class thredds.client.catalog.ThreddsMetadata.MetadataOther
getType() - Method in class ucar.nc2.grid.GridTimeCoordinateSystem
The GridTimeCoordinateSystem.Type.
getType(int) - Static method in class ucar.unidata.geoloc.EarthEllipsoid
Find the EarthEllipsoid that matches this EPSG Id.
getType(String) - Static method in enum ucar.nc2.constants.AxisType
Find the AxisType that matches this name.
getType(String) - Static method in enum ucar.nc2.constants.DataFormatType
case insensitive name lookup.
getType(String) - Static method in enum ucar.nc2.constants.FeatureType
Find the FeatureType that matches this name.
getType(String) - Static method in class ucar.unidata.geoloc.EarthEllipsoid
Find the EarthEllipsoid that matches this name.
getTypeByName(String) - Static method in enum ucar.array.ArrayType
Find the ArrayType that matches this name.
getUnits() - Method in class thredds.client.catalog.ThreddsMetadata.GeospatialRange
getUnits() - Method in class thredds.client.catalog.ThreddsMetadata.Variable
getUnits() - Method in class ucar.nc2.dataset.VariableDS.Builder
getUnits() - Method in interface ucar.nc2.grid.Grid
The Grid unit string.
getUnits() - Method in class ucar.nc2.grid.GridAxis
The GridAxis units.
getUnitsString() - Method in class ucar.array.StructureMembers.Member
Get the units string, if any.
getUnitsString() - Method in class ucar.nc2.dataset.CoordinateAxis
getUnitsString() - Method in class ucar.nc2.dataset.StructureDS
getUnitsString() - Method in class ucar.nc2.dataset.VariableDS
getUnitsString() - Method in interface ucar.nc2.dataset.VariableEnhanced
Get the Unit String for the Variable, or null if none.
getUnitsString() - Method in class ucar.nc2.Variable
Get the Unit String for the Variable.
getUnitString() - Method in interface ucar.nc2.geoloc.vertical.VerticalTransform
The unit string for the vertical coordinate.
getUnitString() - Method in class ucar.nc2.units.SimpleUnit
Extract the simple unit string (no number), eg "s" or "m".
getUnitString() - Method in class ucar.nc2.units.TimeUnit
Get the "base" unit String, eg "secs" or "days"
getUnlimitedDimension() - Method in class ucar.nc2.NetcdfFile
Return the unlimited (record) dimension, or null if not exist.
getUnresolvedUrlName() - Method in class thredds.client.catalog.Access
Construct "unresolved" URL: service.getBase() + getUrlPath() + service.getSuffix().
getUpDownRange() - Method in class thredds.client.catalog.ThreddsMetadata.GeospatialCoverage
getUpperLeftPoint() - Method in class ucar.unidata.geoloc.LatLonRect
Get the upper left corner of the bounding box.
getUpperLeftPoint() - Method in class ucar.unidata.geoloc.ProjectionRect
Get the Upper Left Point
getUpperRightPoint() - Method in class ucar.unidata.geoloc.LatLonRect
Get the upper right corner of the bounding box.
getUpperRightPoint() - Method in class ucar.unidata.geoloc.ProjectionRect
Get the Upper Left Point (same as getMaxPoint)
getURI() - Method in class thredds.client.catalog.CatalogRef
getURI() - Method in class thredds.client.catalog.Documentation
if its a XLink, get the absolute URI
getUriString() - Method in class thredds.client.catalog.Catalog
getUrl() - Method in class thredds.client.catalog.ThreddsMetadata.Source
getUrlPath() - Method in class thredds.client.catalog.Access
getUrlPath() - Method in class thredds.client.catalog.Dataset
getValidationMessage() - Method in class thredds.client.catalog.builder.CatalogBuilder
getValue() - Method in class thredds.client.catalog.Property
getValue() - Method in class thredds.client.catalog.TimeDuration
Get the duration in natural units, ie units of getTimeUnit()
getValue() - Method in class ucar.nc2.calendar.CalendarPeriod
The number of Fields, eg 30 minutes.
getValue() - Method in class ucar.nc2.units.SimpleUnit
Extract the value, can only be called for ScaledUnit.
getValue() - Method in class ucar.nc2.units.TimeUnit
Get the value.
getValue(int) - Method in class ucar.nc2.Attribute
Get the value as an Object (String or Number).
getValue(String) - Method in class thredds.client.catalog.TimeDuration
Get the time duration in a specified unit of time.
getValue(TimeUnit) - Method in class thredds.client.catalog.TimeDuration
Get the time duration in a specified unit of time.
getValueInSeconds() - Method in class thredds.client.catalog.TimeDuration
Get the duration in seconds
getValueInSeconds() - Method in class ucar.nc2.units.TimeUnit
Get the time duration in seconds.
getVariable() - Method in class ucar.nc2.ParsedArraySectionSpec
Applies to this Variable.
getVariableList() - Method in class thredds.client.catalog.ThreddsMetadata.VariableGroup
getVariableMap() - Method in class thredds.client.catalog.ThreddsMetadata.VariableGroup
getVariableMapLink() - Method in class thredds.client.catalog.Dataset
getVariableNames() - Method in class ucar.nc2.Structure
Get the (short) names of the variables contained directly in this Structure.
getVariables() - Method in class thredds.client.catalog.Dataset
getVariables() - Method in interface ucar.nc2.dataset.StructureEnhanced
Get the variables contained directly in this Structure.
getVariables() - Method in class ucar.nc2.Group
Get the Variables contained directly in this group.
getVariables() - Method in class ucar.nc2.NetcdfFile
Get all of the variables in the file, in all groups.
getVariables() - Method in class ucar.nc2.Structure
Get the variables contained directly in this Structure.
getVersion() - Method in class thredds.client.catalog.Catalog
getVerticalAxis() - Method in class ucar.nc2.grid.GridCoordinateSystem
Get the Z axis (GeoZ, Height, Pressure), if any.
getVerticalAxis() - Method in class ucar.nc2.grid.MaterializedCoordinateSystem
Get the Vertical GridAxis, may be null.
getVerticalTransform() - Method in class ucar.nc2.grid.GridCoordinateSystem
Get the vertical transform, if any.
getVertIntv() - Method in class ucar.nc2.grid.GridSubset
getVertPoint() - Method in class ucar.nc2.grid.GridSubset
getVocabulary() - Method in class thredds.client.catalog.ThreddsMetadata.Source
getVocabulary() - Method in class thredds.client.catalog.ThreddsMetadata.VariableGroup
getVocabulary() - Method in class thredds.client.catalog.ThreddsMetadata.Vocab
getVocabularyId() - Method in class thredds.client.catalog.ThreddsMetadata.Variable
getVocabularyName() - Method in class thredds.client.catalog.ThreddsMetadata.Variable
getVocabUri() - Method in class thredds.client.catalog.ThreddsMetadata.VariableGroup
getWidth() - Method in class ucar.unidata.geoloc.LatLonRect
return width of bounding box in degrees longitude, always between 0 and 360 degrees.
getWidth() - Method in class ucar.unidata.geoloc.ProjectionRect
getWmoId() - Method in class ucar.unidata.geoloc.Station
WMO station id or null.
getWrappedUrlName() - Method in class thredds.client.catalog.Access
getWriteValuesPredicate() - Method in class ucar.nc2.write.NcmlWriter
Gets the predicate that will be applied to variables to determine wither their values should be written in addition to their metadata.
getX() - Method in class ucar.unidata.geoloc.ProjectionPoint
Get the X coordinate
getXHorizAxis() - Method in class ucar.nc2.grid.GridCoordinateSystem
Get the X axis (either GeoX or Lon).
getXHorizAxis() - Method in class ucar.nc2.grid.GridHorizCoordinateSystem
Get the 1D X axis (either GeoX or Lon).
getXHorizAxis() - Method in class ucar.nc2.grid.MaterializedCoordinateSystem
Get the X axis (either GeoX or Lon).
getXlinkHref() - Method in class thredds.client.catalog.CatalogRef
getXlinkHref() - Method in class thredds.client.catalog.Documentation
if its a XLink, get the href, to display the link to the user.
getXlinkHref() - Method in class thredds.client.catalog.ThreddsMetadata.MetadataOther
getXlinkTitle() - Method in class thredds.client.catalog.Documentation
if its a XLink, get the title, to display the link to the user.
getXmlFormat() - Method in class ucar.nc2.write.NcmlWriter
Gets the object that encapsulates XML formatting options.
getY() - Method in class ucar.unidata.geoloc.ProjectionPoint
Get the Y coordinate
getYear() - Method in interface ucar.nc2.calendar.CalendarDate
Get the year field for this chronology.
getYHorizAxis() - Method in class ucar.nc2.grid.GridCoordinateSystem
Get the Y axis (either GeoY or Lat).
getYHorizAxis() - Method in class ucar.nc2.grid.GridHorizCoordinateSystem
Get the 1D Y axis (either GeoY or Lat).
getYHorizAxis() - Method in class ucar.nc2.grid.MaterializedCoordinateSystem
Get the Y axis (either GeoY or Lat).
getZPositive() - Method in class thredds.client.catalog.ThreddsMetadata.GeospatialCoverage
GIF - ucar.nc2.constants.DataFormatType
GINI - ucar.nc2.constants.DataFormatType
gregorian - ucar.nc2.calendar.Calendar
grib - ucar.nc2.write.Nc4Chunking.Strategy
GRIB1 - ucar.nc2.constants.DataFormatType
GRIB2 - ucar.nc2.constants.DataFormatType
Grid - Interface in ucar.nc2.grid
A georeferenced Field.
GRID - ucar.nc2.constants.FeatureType
GRID_LATITUDE - Static variable in class ucar.nc2.constants.CF
GRID_LONGITUDE - Static variable in class ucar.nc2.constants.CF
GRID_MAPPING - Static variable in class ucar.nc2.constants.CF
GRID_MAPPING_NAME - Static variable in class ucar.nc2.constants.CF
GRID_NORTH_POLE_LATITUDE - Static variable in class ucar.nc2.constants.CF
GRID_NORTH_POLE_LONGITUDE - Static variable in class ucar.nc2.constants.CF
GridAxis<T> - Class in ucar.nc2.grid
A GridAxis represents a 1D Coordinate Variable used for a Grid.
GridAxis.Builder<T extends GridAxis.Builder<T>> - Class in ucar.nc2.grid
GridAxisDependenceType - Enum in ucar.nc2.grid
The way that the Axis depends on other axes.
GridAxisInterval - Class in ucar.nc2.grid
Interval Grid coordinates.
GridAxisInterval.Builder<T extends GridAxisInterval.Builder<T>> - Class in ucar.nc2.grid
GridAxisPoint - Class in ucar.nc2.grid
Point Grid coordinates.
GridAxisPoint.Builder<T extends GridAxisPoint.Builder<T>> - Class in ucar.nc2.grid
GridAxisSpacing - Enum in ucar.nc2.grid
The spacing of the coordinate values.
GridCoordinateSystem - Class in ucar.nc2.grid
A Coordinate System for gridded data, consisting of orthogonal 1D GridAxes.
GridCoordinateSystem(List<GridAxis<?>>, GridTimeCoordinateSystem, VerticalTransform, GridHorizCoordinateSystem) - Constructor for class ucar.nc2.grid.GridCoordinateSystem
GridDataset - Interface in ucar.nc2.grid
A Dataset that contains Grids.
GridDatasetFactory - Class in ucar.nc2.grid
A factory of Grid Datasets.
GridDatasetFactory() - Constructor for class ucar.nc2.grid.GridDatasetFactory
GridDatasetProvider - Interface in ucar.nc2.dataset.spi
A Service Provider of GridDataset, used by cdmr.
GRIDFTP - thredds.client.catalog.ServiceType
GridHorizCoordinateSystem - Class in ucar.nc2.grid
Manages the Projection GeoX/GeoY or Lat/Lon horizontal CoordinateSystem, with orthogonal axes.
GridHorizCoordinateSystem(GridAxisPoint, GridAxisPoint, Projection) - Constructor for class ucar.nc2.grid.GridHorizCoordinateSystem
GridHorizCoordinateSystem.CellBounds - Class in ucar.nc2.grid
The bounds of a particular grid cell, in projection coordinates.
GridHorizCoordinateSystem.CoordReturn - Class in ucar.nc2.grid
The cell index in which a grid coordinate is found.
GridHorizCurvilinear - Class in ucar.nc2.grid
A "Curvilinear" horizontal CoordinateSystem does not have a closed form projection function, nor orthogonal lat/lon axes.
gridName - Static variable in class ucar.nc2.grid.GridSubset
gridName() - Method in class ucar.nc2.grid.GridReferencedArray
The Grid's name.
GridReader - Class in ucar.nc2.grid
Fluent Api for creating subset parameters, and then reading with those.
GridReader(Grid) - Constructor for class ucar.nc2.grid.GridReader
GridReferencedArray - Class in ucar.nc2.grid
A Grid's data array with Geo referencing.
GridReferencedArray() - Constructor for class ucar.nc2.grid.GridReferencedArray
Grids - Class in ucar.nc2.grid
Static methods for Grids and GridDatasets.
Grids() - Constructor for class ucar.nc2.grid.Grids
Grids.AxisComparator - Class in ucar.nc2.grid
Standard sort on GridAxis.
GridSubset - Class in ucar.nc2.grid
Coordinate value-based subsetting of a Grid.
GridSubset(Map<String, Object>) - Constructor for class ucar.nc2.grid.GridSubset
GridTimeCoordinateSystem - Class in ucar.nc2.grid
Manages the time coordinates of a GridCoordinateSystem.
GridTimeCoordinateSystem.Type - Enum in ucar.nc2.grid
Types of GridTimeCoordinateSystem.
Group - Class in ucar.nc2
A logical collection of Variables, Attributes, and Dimensions.
Group.Builder - Class in ucar.nc2


H5Service - thredds.client.catalog.ServiceType
Harvest - Static variable in class thredds.client.catalog.Dataset
hasAccess() - Method in class thredds.client.catalog.Dataset
hasAttribute(String) - Method in interface ucar.nc2.AttributeContainer
Determine if named attribute exists (exact match).
hasAttributeIgnoreCase(String) - Method in interface ucar.nc2.AttributeContainer
Determine if named attribute exists, ignoring case.
hasAxis(String) - Method in class ucar.nc2.grid.GridHorizCoordinateSystem
Does the named axis exist as the x or y axis?
hasCachedData() - Method in class ucar.nc2.Variable
If this has cached data, or source data.
hasDataSize() - Method in class thredds.client.catalog.Dataset
hasFatalError() - Method in class thredds.client.catalog.builder.CatalogBuilder
hashCode() - Method in class thredds.client.catalog.Access
hashCode() - Method in class thredds.client.catalog.DateType
hashCode() - Method in class thredds.client.catalog.Documentation
hashCode() - Method in class thredds.client.catalog.Property
hashCode() - Method in class thredds.client.catalog.Service
hashCode() - Method in class thredds.client.catalog.TimeCoverage
hashCode() - Method in class thredds.client.catalog.TimeDuration
hashCode() - Method in class ucar.array.Array
Consistent with equals.
hashCode() - Method in class ucar.array.IndexFn
hashCode() - Method in class ucar.array.Range
hashCode() - Method in class ucar.array.Section
hashCode() - Method in class ucar.array.StructureMembers
hashCode() - Method in class ucar.array.StructureMembers.Member
hashCode() - Method in class ucar.nc2.Attribute
hashCode() - Method in class ucar.nc2.calendar.CalendarDateRange
hashCode() - Method in class ucar.nc2.calendar.CalendarDateUnit
hashCode() - Method in class ucar.nc2.calendar.CalendarPeriod
hashCode() - Method in class ucar.nc2.dataset.CoordinateAxis
Override Object.hashCode() to implement equals.
hashCode() - Method in class ucar.nc2.dataset.CoordinateSystem
hashCode() - Method in class ucar.nc2.dataset.DatasetUrl
hashCode() - Method in class ucar.nc2.Dimension
hashCode() - Method in class ucar.nc2.EnumTypedef
hashCode() - Method in class ucar.nc2.grid.GridAxis
hashCode() - Method in class ucar.nc2.grid.GridAxisPoint
hashCode() - Method in class ucar.nc2.grid.GridCoordinateSystem
hashCode() - Method in class ucar.nc2.grid.GridHorizCoordinateSystem.CoordReturn
hashCode() - Method in class ucar.nc2.grid.GridHorizCoordinateSystem
hashCode() - Method in class ucar.nc2.grid.GridHorizCurvilinear
hashCode() - Method in class ucar.nc2.grid.GridSubset
hashCode() - Method in class ucar.nc2.Group
hashCode() - Method in class ucar.nc2.units.TimeUnit
hashCode() - Method in class ucar.nc2.Variable
hashCode() - Method in class ucar.unidata.geoloc.Earth
hashCode() - Method in class ucar.unidata.geoloc.EarthEllipsoid
hashCode() - Method in class ucar.unidata.geoloc.EarthLocation
hashCode() - Method in class ucar.unidata.geoloc.LatLonRect
hashCode() - Method in class ucar.unidata.geoloc.ProjectionRect
hasMember(String) - Method in class ucar.array.StructureMembers.Builder
hasMissing() - Method in interface ucar.array.IsMissingEvaluator
true if there may be missing data
hasMissing() - Method in class ucar.nc2.dataset.VariableDS
true if Variable has missing data values
hasNestedDatasets() - Method in class thredds.client.catalog.CatalogRef
hasNestedDatasets() - Method in class thredds.client.catalog.DatasetNode
hasNext() - Method in class ucar.array.Section.Iterator
Return true if there are more elements
hasNext() - Method in class ucar.nc2.iosp.IndexChunker
If there are more chunks to process
hasNext() - Method in class ucar.nc2.iosp.IndexChunkerTiled
hasNext() - Method in interface ucar.nc2.iosp.Layout
Is there more to do?
hasNext() - Method in interface ucar.nc2.iosp.LayoutBBTiled.DataChunkIterator
hasNext() - Method in class ucar.nc2.iosp.LayoutBBTiled
hasNext() - Method in class ucar.nc2.iosp.LayoutRegular
hasNext() - Method in class ucar.nc2.iosp.LayoutRegularSegmented
hasNext() - Method in class ucar.nc2.iosp.LayoutSegmented
hasNext() - Method in interface ucar.nc2.iosp.LayoutTiled.DataChunkIterator
hasNext() - Method in class ucar.nc2.iosp.LayoutTiled
hasProperty(String) - Method in class thredds.client.catalog.Dataset
hasProperty(Property) - Method in class thredds.client.catalog.Dataset
hasResolution() - Method in class thredds.client.catalog.ThreddsMetadata.GeospatialRange
hasService(String) - Method in class thredds.client.catalog.builder.CatalogBuilder
hasService(String) - Method in class thredds.client.catalog.Catalog
hasServiceInDataset(String) - Method in class thredds.client.catalog.builder.CatalogBuilder
hasUnlimitedDimension() - Method in class ucar.nc2.NetcdfFile
Return true if this file has one or more unlimited (record) dimension.
hasVerticalTransformFor(AttributeContainer) - Static method in class ucar.nc2.geoloc.vertical.VerticalTransformFactory
Does this AttributeContainer contain metadata we can make a VerticalTransform from? Return empty if not, else return transform name.
hasXlink() - Method in class thredds.client.catalog.Documentation
HDF4 - ucar.nc2.constants.DataFormatType
HDF5 - ucar.nc2.constants.DataFormatType
Height - ucar.nc2.constants.AxisType
history - Static variable in class ucar.nc2.constants.ACDD
HISTORY - Static variable in class ucar.nc2.constants.CDM
HISTORY - Static variable in class ucar.nc2.constants.CF
horizStride - Static variable in class ucar.nc2.grid.GridSubset
Hour - ucar.nc2.calendar.CalendarPeriod.Field
Hour - Static variable in class ucar.nc2.calendar.CalendarPeriod
1 hour
href - Variable in class thredds.client.catalog.ThreddsMetadata.UriResolved
HTML - ucar.nc2.constants.DataFormatType
HTTPServer - thredds.client.catalog.ServiceType


IAG_GRS80 - Static variable in class ucar.unidata.geoloc.EarthEllipsoid
IAU - Static variable in class ucar.unidata.geoloc.EarthEllipsoid
id - Variable in class thredds.client.catalog.ThreddsMetadata.Variable
id - Static variable in class ucar.nc2.constants.ACDD
Id - Static variable in class thredds.client.catalog.Dataset
IMAGE - ucar.nc2.constants.FeatureType
includes(CalendarDate) - Method in class ucar.nc2.calendar.CalendarDateRange
Does the range include this date?
IncompleteCoordSystems - ucar.nc2.dataset.NetcdfDataset.Enhance
Build coordinate systems allowing for incomplete coordinate systems (i.e.
incr() - Method in class ucar.nc2.iosp.IndexLong
incr() - Method in class ucar.nc2.util.Indent
Increment the indent level
incr() - Method in class ucar.nc2.write.ChunkingIndex
Increment the current element by 1.
incr(int) - Method in class ucar.array.Index
Increment the ith dimension.
incrByte() - Method in class ucar.nc2.iosp.BitReader
Go to the next byte in the stream
Indent - Class in ucar.nc2.util
Maintains indentation level for printing nested structures.
Indent(int) - Constructor for class ucar.nc2.util.Indent
Create an Indent with nspaces per level.
independent - ucar.nc2.grid.GridAxisDependenceType
Has its own dimension, so is a coordinate variable, eg x(x).
index(int) - Method in class ucar.array.Range
Given an element in the Range, find its index in the array of elements.
Index - Class in ucar.array
Indexes for Arrays.
Index(Index) - Constructor for class ucar.array.Index
Copy constructor.
IndexChunker - Class in ucar.nc2.iosp
Iterator to read/write subsets of a multidimensional array, finding the contiguous chunks.
IndexChunker(int[], Section) - Constructor for class ucar.nc2.iosp.IndexChunker
IndexChunker.Chunk - Class in ucar.nc2.iosp
A chunk of data that is contiguous in both the source and destination.
IndexChunkerTiled - Class in ucar.nc2.iosp
Assume that the data is stored divided into sections, described by dataSection.
IndexChunkerTiled(Section, Section) - Constructor for class ucar.nc2.iosp.IndexChunkerTiled
IndexFn - Class in ucar.array
Public by accident.
IndexFn.Builder - Class in ucar.array
IndexLong - Class in ucar.nc2.iosp
Uses longs for indexing, otherwise similar to ucar.ma2.Index
IndexLong() - Constructor for class ucar.nc2.iosp.IndexLong
IndexLong(int[], long[]) - Constructor for class ucar.nc2.iosp.IndexLong
indexOf(byte[], int, int) - Method in class ucar.unidata.io.KMPMatch
Finds the first occurrence of match in data.
initNetcdfFileCache(int, int, int) - Static method in class ucar.nc2.dataset.NetcdfDatasets
Enable file caching.
initNetcdfFileCache(int, int, int, int) - Static method in class ucar.nc2.dataset.NetcdfDatasets
Enable file caching.
InMemoryRandomAccessFile - Class in ucar.unidata.io
A RandomAccessFile stored entirely in memory as a byte array.
InMemoryRandomAccessFile(String, byte[]) - Constructor for class ucar.unidata.io.InMemoryRandomAccessFile
insertRange(int, Range) - Method in class ucar.array.Section.Builder
Insert a range at the specified index in the list.
INSTANCE_DIMENSION - Static variable in class ucar.nc2.constants.CF
INSTITUTION - Static variable in class ucar.nc2.constants.CF
INT - ucar.array.ArrayType
INT - Static variable in class ucar.nc2.constants.CF
INTERIOR_RING - Static variable in class ucar.nc2.constants.CF
intersect(TimeCoverage) - Method in class thredds.client.catalog.TimeCoverage
Intersect with another TimeCoverage
intersect(Range) - Method in class ucar.array.Range
Create a new Range by intersecting with another Range.
intersect(Section) - Method in class ucar.array.Section
Create a new Section by intersection with another Section
intersect(CalendarDateRange) - Method in class ucar.nc2.calendar.CalendarDateRange
Create a new CalendarDateRange as the intersection of this and the given other range.
intersect(LatLonRect) - Method in class ucar.unidata.geoloc.LatLonRect
Create the intersection of this LatLonRect with another LatLonRect.
intersect(ProjectionRect, ProjectionRect) - Static method in class ucar.unidata.geoloc.ProjectionRect
Intersects the pair of specified source Rectangle2D objects and puts the result into the specified destination Rectangle2D object.
intersects(double, double, double, double) - Method in class ucar.unidata.geoloc.ProjectionRect
intersects(TimeCoverage) - Method in class thredds.client.catalog.TimeCoverage
Determine if the given range intersects this TimeCoverage.
intersects(Range) - Method in class ucar.array.Range
Determine if a given Range interval intersects this one.
intersects(Section) - Method in class ucar.array.Section
See if this Section intersects with another Section.
intersects(CalendarDateRange) - Method in class ucar.nc2.calendar.CalendarDateRange
Does the range intersect another range?
intersects(CalendarDate, CalendarDate) - Method in class thredds.client.catalog.TimeCoverage
Determine if the given range intersects this TimeCoverage.
intersects(ProjectionRect) - Method in class ucar.unidata.geoloc.ProjectionRect
INVALID - ucar.nc2.iosp.NetcdfFileFormat
INVALID - Static variable in class ucar.unidata.geoloc.LatLonPoint
INVALID - Static variable in class ucar.unidata.geoloc.LatLonRect
invalidDataIsMissing - Static variable in class ucar.nc2.dataset.NetcdfDataset
InvalidRangeException - Exception in ucar.array
Thrown if an attempt is made to use an invalid Range to index an array.
InvalidRangeException(String) - Constructor for exception ucar.array.InvalidRangeException
INVERSE_FLATTENING - Static variable in class ucar.nc2.constants.CF
IO - Class in ucar.nc2.util
Input/Output static utilities.
IO() - Constructor for class ucar.nc2.util.IO
IOServiceProvider - Interface in ucar.nc2.iosp
This is the service provider interface for the low-level I/O access classes (read only).
IOSP_MESSAGE_ADD_RECORD_STRUCTURE - Static variable in class ucar.nc2.NetcdfFile
IOSP_MESSAGE_GET_IOSP - Static variable in class ucar.nc2.NetcdfFile
IOSP_MESSAGE_GET_NETCDF_FILE_FORMAT - Static variable in class ucar.nc2.NetcdfFile
IOSP_MESSAGE_RANDOM_ACCESS_FILE - Static variable in class ucar.nc2.NetcdfFile
IospArrayHelper - Class in ucar.nc2.iosp
Helper methods for IOSP's for reading data.
IospArrayHelper() - Constructor for class ucar.nc2.iosp.IospArrayHelper
irregularPoint - ucar.nc2.grid.GridAxisSpacing
Irregular spaced points values[npts]; edges halfway between coords.
isAfter(CalendarDate) - Method in interface ucar.nc2.calendar.CalendarDate
Return true if this CalendarDate is after the given one.
isAllLongitude() - Method in class ucar.unidata.geoloc.LatLonRect
Get whether the bounding box contains all longitudes.
isArray() - Method in class ucar.nc2.Attribute
True if value is an array (getLength() > 1)
isAscending(GridAxis<?>) - Static method in class ucar.nc2.grid.Grids
Does the GridAxis values ascend or descend?
isAtEndOfFile() - Method in class ucar.unidata.io.RandomAccessFile
Return true if file pointer is at end of file.
isBefore(CalendarDate) - Method in interface ucar.nc2.calendar.CalendarDate
Return true if this CalendarDate is before the given one.
isBlank() - Method in class thredds.client.catalog.DateType
Was blank text passed to the constructor?
isBlank() - Method in class thredds.client.catalog.TimeDuration
If this is a blank string
isCaching() - Method in class ucar.nc2.Variable
Will this Variable be cached when read.
isCalendarField() - Method in class ucar.nc2.calendar.CalendarDateUnit
Was CALENDAR specified? Only affects Period.Month, Period.Year.
isCancel() - Method in class ucar.nc2.util.CancelTask.CancelTaskImpl
isCancel() - Method in interface ucar.nc2.util.CancelTask
Called routine checks to see if task was cancelled.
isChunked(Variable) - Method in interface ucar.nc2.write.Nc4Chunking
Should this variable be chunked?
isChunked(Variable) - Method in class ucar.nc2.write.Nc4ChunkingDefault
isChunked(Variable) - Method in class ucar.nc2.write.Nc4ChunkingStrategyGrib
isChunked(Variable) - Method in class ucar.nc2.write.Nc4ChunkingStrategyNone
isChunked(Variable.Builder<?>) - Method in interface ucar.nc2.write.Nc4Chunking
isChunked(Variable.Builder<?>) - Method in class ucar.nc2.write.Nc4ChunkingDefault
isChunked(Variable.Builder<?>) - Method in class ucar.nc2.write.Nc4ChunkingStrategyGrib
isChunked(Variable.Builder<?>) - Method in class ucar.nc2.write.Nc4ChunkingStrategyNone
isClassicModel() - Method in enum ucar.nc2.iosp.NetcdfFileFormat
isCompatible(String) - Method in class ucar.nc2.units.SimpleUnit
Return true if unitString1 is compatible to unitString2, meaning one can be converted to the other.
isCompatible(String, String) - Static method in class ucar.nc2.units.SimpleUnit
Return true if unitString1 is compatible to unitString2, meaning one can be converted to the other.
isCompatibleWithExceptions(String, String) - Static method in class ucar.nc2.units.SimpleUnit
Return true if unitString1 is convertible to unitString2
isComplete(Collection<Dimension>, Collection<Dimension>) - Static method in class ucar.nc2.dataset.CoordinateSystem
True if all variableDomain dimensions are contained in csysDomain, or have length < 2.
isComplete(Variable) - Method in class ucar.nc2.dataset.CoordinateSystem
Check if this Coordinate System is complete for v, ie if all v's dimensions are used by the Coordinate System.
isContiguous() - Method in class ucar.nc2.dataset.CoordinateAxis1D
If the edges are contiguous (true) or disjoint (false).
isCoordinateSystemFor(Collection<Dimension>, Variable) - Static method in class ucar.nc2.Dimensions
Can this be a coordinate system for v? True if each dimension of v is in this domain, or is 1 dimensional.
isCoordinateSystemFor(Variable) - Method in class ucar.nc2.dataset.CoordinateSystem
Check if this Coordinate System can be used for the given variable, by checking if each CoordinateAxis can be used for the Variable.
isCoordinateVariable() - Method in class ucar.nc2.Variable
Calculate if this is a classic coordinate variable: has same name as its first dimension.
isCoverageFeatureType() - Method in enum ucar.nc2.constants.FeatureType
isCurvilinear() - Method in class ucar.nc2.grid.GridHorizCoordinateSystem
If its curvilinear (will be instance of HorizCurviliner)
isDatasetScan() - Method in class thredds.client.catalog.Dataset
isDateUnit(String) - Static method in class ucar.nc2.units.SimpleUnit
Return true if the given unit is convertible to a date Unit.
isDateUnit(Unit) - Static method in class ucar.nc2.units.SimpleUnit
Return true if this ucar.units.Unit is a Date.
isDefaultCalendarField() - Method in class ucar.nc2.calendar.CalendarPeriod
Whether a field has CALENDAR on by default.
isEmpty() - Method in class thredds.client.catalog.TimeCoverage
If the range is empty
isEmpty() - Method in interface ucar.nc2.AttributeContainer
True if there are no attributes in the container.
isEmpty() - Method in class ucar.nc2.AttributeContainerMutable
isEmpty() - Method in class ucar.nc2.grid.GridSubset
isEmpty() - Method in class ucar.unidata.geoloc.ProjectionRect
isEnum() - Method in enum ucar.array.ArrayType
Is this an enumeration types?
isExtendedModel() - Method in enum ucar.nc2.iosp.NetcdfFileFormat
isFloatingPoint() - Method in enum ucar.array.ArrayType
Is Float or Double
isGeoReferencing() - Method in class ucar.nc2.dataset.CoordinateSystem
True if isGeoXY or isLatLon
isGeoXY() - Method in class ucar.nc2.dataset.CoordinateSystem
True if it has X and Y CoordinateAxis, and a Projection
isGlobal - Variable in class thredds.client.catalog.ThreddsMetadata.GeospatialCoverage
isGlobal() - Method in class thredds.client.catalog.ThreddsMetadata.GeospatialCoverage
isGlobalLon() - Method in class ucar.nc2.grid.GridHorizCoordinateSystem
Is this a global coverage over longitude ?
isHarvest() - Method in class thredds.client.catalog.Dataset
isHoriz() - Method in enum ucar.nc2.constants.AxisType
isImmutable() - Method in class thredds.client.catalog.ThreddsMetadata
isImplicit() - Method in class ucar.nc2.dataset.CoordinateSystem
Implicit Coordinate System are constructed based on which Coordinate Variables exist for the Dimensions of the Variable.
isIndependentCoordinate(CoordinateAxis) - Method in class ucar.nc2.dataset.NetcdfDataset
Return true if axis is 1D with a unique dimension.
isInfinite(ProjectionPoint) - Static method in class ucar.unidata.geoloc.LatLonPoints
See if either coordinate in pt is +/- infinite.
isInherited - Variable in class thredds.client.catalog.ThreddsMetadata.MetadataOther
isInherited() - Method in class thredds.client.catalog.ThreddsMetadata.MetadataOther
isIntegral() - Method in enum ucar.array.ArrayType
Is Byte, Int, Short, or Long
isInterval() - Method in class ucar.nc2.dataset.CoordinateAxis1D
If this coordinate has interval values.
isInterval() - Method in class ucar.nc2.grid.GridAxis
Is it an interval coordinate?
isInterval() - Method in enum ucar.nc2.grid.GridAxisSpacing
If the coordinate values are intervals.
isLargeFile() - Method in enum ucar.nc2.iosp.NetcdfFileFormat
isLatLon() - Method in class ucar.nc2.dataset.CoordinateSystem
True if it has Lat and Lon CoordinateAxis
isLatLon() - Method in class ucar.nc2.grid.GridHorizCoordinateSystem
Does this use lat/lon horizontal axes?
isLatLon() - Method in class ucar.nc2.grid.GridHorizCurvilinear
Always true for GridHorizCurvilinear.
isLatLon() - Method in interface ucar.unidata.geoloc.Projection
Is this the lat/lon Projection?
isMemberOfStructure() - Method in class ucar.nc2.Variable
Is this a Structure Member?
isMetadata() - Method in class ucar.nc2.Variable
Is this variable metadata?.
isMine(NetcdfFile) - Method in interface ucar.nc2.dataset.spi.CoordSystemBuilderFactory
isMissing() - Method in class ucar.unidata.geoloc.EarthLocation
Are either lat or lon missing?
isMissing(double) - Method in interface ucar.array.IsMissingEvaluator
Test if val is a missing data value
isMissing(double) - Method in class ucar.nc2.dataset.VariableDS
true if the argument is a missing value.
IsMissingEvaluator - Interface in ucar.array
A mix-in interface for evaluating if a value is missing.
ISNETCDF4 - Static variable in class ucar.nc2.constants.CDM
isNetdf3format() - Method in enum ucar.nc2.iosp.NetcdfFileFormat
isNetdf4format() - Method in enum ucar.nc2.iosp.NetcdfFileFormat
isNumeric() - Method in enum ucar.array.ArrayType
Is Byte, Float, Double, Int, Short, or Long
isNumeric() - Method in class ucar.nc2.dataset.CoordinateAxis
Does the axis have numeric values?
ISO - thredds.client.catalog.ServiceType
isOpaque() - Method in class ucar.nc2.Attribute
True if value is of type Opaque and values instanceof ArrayVlen.
isOwnerOf(String) - Method in interface ucar.nc2.dataset.spi.GridDatasetProvider
Determine if this Provider owns this location.
isOwnerOf(String) - Method in interface ucar.nc2.dataset.spi.NetcdfFileProvider
Determine if this Provider owns this location.
isOwnerOf(String) - Method in interface ucar.unidata.io.spi.RandomAccessFileProvider
Determine if this Provider owns this location.
isOwnerOf(DatasetUrl) - Method in interface ucar.nc2.dataset.spi.GridDatasetProvider
Determine if this Provider owns this DatasetUrl.
isOwnerOf(DatasetUrl) - Method in interface ucar.nc2.dataset.spi.NetcdfFileProvider
Determine if this Provider owns this DatasetUrl.
isParent(Group) - Method in class ucar.nc2.Group
Is this a parent of the other Group?
isParent(Group.Builder) - Method in class ucar.nc2.Group.Builder
Is this group a parent of the other group ?
isPoint() - Method in class thredds.client.catalog.TimeCoverage
Return true if start date equals end date, so date range is a point.
isPointFeatureType() - Method in enum ucar.nc2.constants.FeatureType
isPresent() - Method in class thredds.client.catalog.DateType
Does this represent the present time?
isRegular() - Method in class ucar.nc2.dataset.CoordinateAxis1D
If true, then value(i) = getStart() + i * getIncrement().
isRegular() - Method in class ucar.nc2.grid.GridAxis
Is it regularly spaced?
isRegular() - Method in enum ucar.nc2.grid.GridAxisSpacing
If the spacing is regular.
isRelativeBase() - Method in class thredds.client.catalog.Service
See if the service Base is reletive
isRoot() - Method in class ucar.nc2.Group
Is this the root group?
isScalar() - Method in class ucar.array.StructureMembers.Member
Is this a scalar (size == 1).
isScalar() - Method in class ucar.nc2.Variable
Whether this is a scalar Variable (rank == 0).
isScalar(int[]) - Static method in class ucar.array.Section
Is this a scalar Section? Allows int[], int[1] {0}, int[1] {1}
isSet(String) - Method in class ucar.nc2.util.DebugFlags.DebugFlagsImpl
isSet(String) - Method in interface ucar.nc2.util.DebugFlags
Test if named debug flag is set.
isShared() - Method in class ucar.nc2.Dimension
If this Dimension is shared, or is private to a Variable.
isShuffle(Variable.Builder<?>) - Method in interface ucar.nc2.write.Nc4Chunking
Set true to turn shuffling on which may improve compression.
isShuffle(Variable.Builder<?>) - Method in class ucar.nc2.write.Nc4ChunkingStrategy
isShuffle(Variable.Builder<?>) - Method in class ucar.nc2.write.Nc4ChunkingStrategyNone
isSimpleGeometry() - Method in enum ucar.nc2.constants.FeatureType
isSpherical() - Method in class ucar.unidata.geoloc.Earth
Is this a spherical earth?
isStandardTdsService() - Method in enum thredds.client.catalog.ServiceType
isStrided() - Method in class ucar.array.Section
isString() - Method in enum ucar.array.ArrayType
Is String or Char
isString() - Method in class ucar.nc2.Attribute
True if value is of type String and not null.
isStruct() - Method in enum ucar.array.ArrayType
Is this a Structure type?
isSubset() - Method in class ucar.nc2.Structure
Find if this was created from a subset() method.
isSubset(Collection<Dimension>, Collection<Dimension>) - Static method in class ucar.nc2.Dimensions
Test if all the Dimensions in subset are in set
isSubset(Set<String>, Set<String>) - Static method in class ucar.nc2.Dimensions
Test if all the Strings in subset are in set
isTime() - Method in enum ucar.nc2.constants.AxisType
isTimeUnit(String) - Static method in class ucar.nc2.units.SimpleUnit
Return true if the given unit is a time Unit, eg "seconds".
isTimeUnit(Unit) - Static method in class ucar.nc2.units.SimpleUnit
Return true if this ucar.units.Unit is convertible to secs.
isUnknownUnit() - Method in class ucar.nc2.units.SimpleUnit
Is this an instance of an UnknownUnit?
isUnlimited() - Method in class ucar.nc2.Dimension
If this is a NetCDF unlimited dimension.
isUnlimited() - Method in class ucar.nc2.Variable.Builder
isUnlimited() - Method in class ucar.nc2.Variable
Can this variable's size grow?.
isUnsigned() - Method in enum ucar.array.ArrayType
Returns true if the data type is unsigned.
isUnstructuredGridFeatureType() - Method in enum ucar.nc2.constants.FeatureType
isValid() - Method in class thredds.client.catalog.ThreddsMetadata.GeospatialCoverage
isValidFile(RandomAccessFile) - Method in interface ucar.nc2.iosp.IOServiceProvider
Check if this is a valid file for this IOServiceProvider.
isValidNetcdfObjectName(String) - Static method in class ucar.nc2.iosp.NetcdfFormatUtils
Determine if the given name can be used for a NetCDF object, i.e.
isVariableLength() - Method in class ucar.array.Section
Does this contain a VLEN range?
isVariableLength() - Method in class ucar.nc2.Dimension
If variable length, then the length is unknown until the data is read.
isVariableLength() - Method in class ucar.nc2.Variable.Builder
isVariableLength() - Method in class ucar.nc2.Variable
Does this variable have a variable length dimension? If so, it has as one of its dimensions Dimension.VLEN.
isVert() - Method in enum ucar.nc2.constants.AxisType
isVlen() - Method in class ucar.array.Array
Is variable length and will be represented by Vlen<T>
isVlen() - Method in class ucar.array.ArrayVlen
isVlen() - Method in class ucar.array.StructureMembers.Member
If its a variable length array.
isZPositive() - Method in class ucar.nc2.grid.GridCoordinateSystem
True if increasing z coordinate values means "up" in altitude
isZPositiveUp() - Method in class thredds.client.catalog.ThreddsMetadata.GeospatialCoverage
iterator() - Method in class ucar.array.Array
Iterates in canonical order over all the elements of the Array.
iterator() - Method in class ucar.array.ArrayVlen
iterator() - Method in class ucar.array.IndexFn
iterator() - Method in class ucar.array.Range
iterator() - Method in interface ucar.array.RangeIterator
iterator() - Method in class ucar.array.StructureDataArray
iterator() - Method in class ucar.array.StructureDataStorageBB
Fast iterator over StructureData objects.
iterator() - Method in class ucar.array.StructureMembers
Iterate over the Members.
iterator() - Method in interface ucar.nc2.AttributeContainer
An unordered iterator over the contained attributes.
iterator() - Method in class ucar.nc2.AttributeContainerMutable
iterator() - Method in class ucar.nc2.dataset.SequenceDS
An iterator over all the data in the sequence, enhanced if needed.
iterator() - Method in class ucar.nc2.grid.GridAxisInterval
iterator() - Method in class ucar.nc2.grid.GridAxisPoint
iterator() - Method in class ucar.nc2.Sequence
An iterator over all the data in the sequence.
iterator(int, long) - Method in class ucar.array.IndexFn


JPEG - ucar.nc2.constants.DataFormatType
julian - ucar.nc2.calendar.Calendar
JupyterNotebook - thredds.client.catalog.ServiceType


keywords - Static variable in class ucar.nc2.constants.ACDD
Keywords - Static variable in class thredds.client.catalog.Dataset
keywords_vocabulary - Static variable in class ucar.nc2.constants.ACDD
KMPMatch - Class in ucar.unidata.io
Knuth-Morris-Pratt Algorithm for Pattern Matching.
KMPMatch(byte[]) - Constructor for class ucar.unidata.io.KMPMatch
kmUnit - Static variable in class ucar.nc2.units.SimpleUnit


LAMBERT_AZIMUTHAL_EQUAL_AREA - Static variable in class ucar.nc2.constants.CF
LAMBERT_CONFORMAL_CONIC - Static variable in class ucar.nc2.constants.CF
LAMBERT_CYLINDRICAL_EQUAL_AREA - Static variable in class ucar.nc2.constants.CF
LAS - thredds.client.catalog.ServiceType
last() - Method in class ucar.array.Range
The last value in range, inclusive
Lat - ucar.nc2.constants.AxisType
LAT_MAX - Static variable in class ucar.nc2.constants.ACDD
LAT_MIN - Static variable in class ucar.nc2.constants.ACDD
LAT_RESOLUTION - Static variable in class ucar.nc2.constants.ACDD
LAT_UNITS - Static variable in class ucar.nc2.constants.ACDD
LAT_UNITS - Static variable in class ucar.nc2.constants.CDM
LATITUDE - Static variable in class ucar.nc2.constants.CF
LATITUDE_LONGITUDE - Static variable in class ucar.nc2.constants.CF
LATITUDE_OF_PRIME_MERIDIAN - Static variable in class ucar.nc2.constants.CF
LATITUDE_OF_PROJECTION_ORIGIN - Static variable in class ucar.nc2.constants.CF
latlonBB - Static variable in class ucar.nc2.grid.GridSubset
latlonPoint - Static variable in class ucar.nc2.grid.GridSubset
LatLonPoint - Class in ucar.unidata.geoloc
Points on the Earth's surface, represented as (longitude,latitude), in units of degrees.
LatLonPoint() - Constructor for class ucar.unidata.geoloc.LatLonPoint
LatLonPoints - Class in ucar.unidata.geoloc
Static utilities for LatLonPoint.
LatLonPoints() - Constructor for class ucar.unidata.geoloc.LatLonPoints
LatLonRect - Class in ucar.unidata.geoloc
Bounding box for latitude/longitude points.
LatLonRect() - Constructor for class ucar.unidata.geoloc.LatLonRect
Create a LatLonRect that covers the whole world.
LatLonRect(double, double, double, double) - Constructor for class ucar.unidata.geoloc.LatLonRect
Construct a lat/lon bounding box from unnormalized longitudes.
LatLonRect(LatLonPoint, double, double) - Constructor for class ucar.unidata.geoloc.LatLonRect
Construct a lat/lon bounding box from a point, and a delta lat, lon.
LatLonRect.Builder - Class in ucar.unidata.geoloc
latLonToProj(double, double) - Method in interface ucar.unidata.geoloc.Projection
Convert lat, lon to Projection point.
latLonToProj(LatLonPoint) - Method in interface ucar.unidata.geoloc.Projection
Convert a LatLonPoint to projection coordinates.
latLonToProjBB(LatLonRect) - Method in interface ucar.unidata.geoloc.Projection
Convert a lat/lon bounding box to a world coordinate bounding box, by finding the minimum enclosing box.
latNormal(double) - Static method in class ucar.unidata.geoloc.LatLonPoints
Normalize the latitude to lie between +/-90
latToString(double, int) - Static method in class ucar.unidata.geoloc.LatLonPoints
Make a nicely formatted representation of a latitude, eg 40.34N or 12.9S.
Layout - Interface in ucar.nc2.iosp
Iterator to read/write subsets of a multidimensional array, finding the contiguous chunks.
Layout.Chunk - Interface in ucar.nc2.iosp
A chunk of data that is contiguous in both the source and destination.
LayoutBB - Interface in ucar.nc2.iosp
A Layout that supplies the "source" ByteBuffer.
LayoutBB.Chunk - Interface in ucar.nc2.iosp
A contiguous chunk of data as a ByteBuffer.
LayoutBBTiled - Class in ucar.nc2.iosp
For datasets where the data are stored in chunks, and must be processed, eg compressed or filtered.
LayoutBBTiled(LayoutBBTiled.DataChunkIterator, int[], int, Section) - Constructor for class ucar.nc2.iosp.LayoutBBTiled
LayoutBBTiled.DataChunk - Interface in ucar.nc2.iosp
LayoutBBTiled.DataChunkIterator - Interface in ucar.nc2.iosp
LayoutRegular - Class in ucar.nc2.iosp
Indexer into data that has a "regular" layout, like netcdf-3 and hdf5 compact and contiguous storage.
LayoutRegular(long, int, int[], Section) - Constructor for class ucar.nc2.iosp.LayoutRegular
LayoutRegularSegmented - Class in ucar.nc2.iosp
LayoutRegularSegmented has data stored in segments that are regularly spaced.
LayoutRegularSegmented(long, int, long, int[], Section) - Constructor for class ucar.nc2.iosp.LayoutRegularSegmented
LayoutSegmented - Class in ucar.nc2.iosp
LayoutSegmented has data stored in segments.
LayoutSegmented(long[], int[], int, int[], Section) - Constructor for class ucar.nc2.iosp.LayoutSegmented
LayoutTiled - Class in ucar.nc2.iosp
For datasets where the data are stored in chunks.
LayoutTiled(LayoutTiled.DataChunkIterator, int[], int, Section) - Constructor for class ucar.nc2.iosp.LayoutTiled
LayoutTiled.DataChunk - Class in ucar.nc2.iosp
The chunks of a tiled layout.
LayoutTiled.DataChunkIterator - Interface in ucar.nc2.iosp
An iterator over DataChunk's
LEAP_MONTH - Static variable in class ucar.nc2.constants.CF
LEAP_YEAR - Static variable in class ucar.nc2.constants.CF
length() - Method in class ucar.array.Array
Get the total number of elements in the array.
length() - Method in class ucar.array.IndexFn
Get the total number of elements in the array.
length() - Method in class ucar.array.Range
The number of elements in the range.
length() - Method in interface ucar.array.RangeIterator
The number of elements in this iterator.
length() - Method in interface ucar.array.Storage
Number of elements.
length() - Method in class ucar.array.StructureDataStorageBB
length() - Method in class ucar.array.StructureMembers.Member
Get the total number of elements.
length() - Method in class ucar.unidata.io.InMemoryRandomAccessFile
length() - Method in class ucar.unidata.io.RandomAccessFile
Get the length of the file.
level() - Method in class ucar.nc2.util.Indent
Get the indent level
license - Static variable in class ucar.nc2.constants.ACDD
line - ucar.nc2.constants.CF.FeatureType
LINE - Static variable in class ucar.nc2.constants.CF
listFlds - Static variable in class thredds.client.catalog.Dataset
LITTLE_ENDIAN - Static variable in class ucar.unidata.io.RandomAccessFile
ll - Variable in class ucar.nc2.grid.GridHorizCoordinateSystem.CellBounds
lower left.
location - Variable in class ucar.nc2.NetcdfFile.Builder
Lon - ucar.nc2.constants.AxisType
LON_MAX - Static variable in class ucar.nc2.constants.ACDD
LON_MIN - Static variable in class ucar.nc2.constants.ACDD
LON_RESOLUTION - Static variable in class ucar.nc2.constants.ACDD
LON_UNITS - Static variable in class ucar.nc2.constants.ACDD
LON_UNITS - Static variable in class ucar.nc2.constants.CDM
lonDiff(double, double) - Static method in class ucar.unidata.geoloc.LatLonPoints
Find difference (lon1 - lon2) normalized so that maximum value is += 180.
LONG - ucar.array.ArrayType
LONG_NAME - Static variable in class ucar.nc2.constants.CDM
LONG_NAME - Static variable in class ucar.nc2.constants.CF
LONGITUDE - Static variable in class ucar.nc2.constants.CF
LONGITUDE_OF_CENTRAL_MERIDIAN - Static variable in class ucar.nc2.constants.CF
LONGITUDE_OF_PRIME_MERIDIAN - Static variable in class ucar.nc2.constants.CF
LONGITUDE_OF_PROJECTION_ORIGIN - Static variable in class ucar.nc2.constants.CF
lonNormal(double) - Static method in class ucar.unidata.geoloc.LatLonPoints
Normalize the longitude to lie between +/-180
lonNormal(double, double) - Static method in class ucar.unidata.geoloc.LatLonPoints
put longitude into the range [center +/- 180] deg
lonNormal360(double) - Static method in class ucar.unidata.geoloc.LatLonPoints
put longitude into the range [0, 360] deg
lonNormalFrom(double, double) - Static method in class ucar.unidata.geoloc.LatLonPoints
put longitude into the range [start, start+360] deg
lonToString(double, int) - Static method in class ucar.unidata.geoloc.LatLonPoints
Make a nicely formatted representation of a longitude, eg 120.3W or 99.99E.
lookupEnumInt(String) - Method in class ucar.nc2.EnumTypedef
Get the enum value corresponding to the name.
lookupEnumString(int) - Method in class ucar.nc2.dataset.VariableDS
lookupEnumString(int) - Method in class ucar.nc2.EnumTypedef
Get the name corresponding to the enum value.
lookupEnumString(int) - Method in class ucar.nc2.Variable
Lookup the enum string for this value.
lr - Variable in class ucar.nc2.grid.GridHorizCoordinateSystem.CellBounds
lower right.


main(String[]) - Static method in class ucar.nc2.write.Nccopy
main(String[]) - Static method in class ucar.nc2.write.NcdumpArray
Main program.
make(int, int) - Static method in class ucar.array.Range
Make an unnamed Range from first to last.
make(int, int, int) - Static method in class ucar.array.Range
Make an unnamed Range from first to last with stride.
make(String, int) - Static method in class ucar.array.Range
Make a named Range from 0 to len-1.
makeAccess(Dataset) - Method in class thredds.client.catalog.builder.AccessBuilder
makeArray(ArrayType, int, double, double, int...) - Static method in class ucar.array.Arrays
Make a regular numeric array from a start and incr.
makeArraySectionFromDimensions(Iterable<Dimension>) - Static method in class ucar.nc2.Dimensions
Make a ucar.array.Section.Builder from an ordered set of Dimension objects.
makeAttributeElement(Attribute) - Method in class ucar.nc2.write.NcmlWriter
makeCalendarDate(long) - Method in class ucar.nc2.calendar.CalendarDateUnit
Add the given integer (value * period) to the baseDateTime to make a new CalendarDate.
makeCatalog() - Method in class thredds.client.catalog.builder.CatalogBuilder
makeDataset(DatasetNode) - Method in class thredds.client.catalog.builder.CatalogRefBuilder
makeDataset(DatasetNode) - Method in class thredds.client.catalog.builder.DatasetBuilder
makeDimensionElement(Dimension) - Method in class ucar.nc2.write.NcmlWriter
makeDimensionsAll(Variable) - Static method in class ucar.nc2.Dimensions
Get list of Dimensions, including parent Structure(s), if any.
makeDimensionsAnon(int[]) - Static method in class ucar.nc2.Dimensions
Make a list of private dimensions from an array of lengths
makeDimensionsList(String) - Method in class ucar.nc2.Group.Builder
Make list of dimensions by looking in this Group or parent groups
makeDimensionsList(String) - Method in class ucar.nc2.Group
Create a dimension list using dimension names.
makeDimensionsList(Dimensions.FindDimensionByName, String) - Static method in class ucar.nc2.Dimensions
Make a list of Dimensions from a list of names.
makeDimensionsString() - Method in class ucar.nc2.Variable.Builder
makeDimensionsString(Iterable<Dimension>) - Static method in class ucar.nc2.Dimensions
Make a space-delineated String from a list of Dimension names, inverse of makeDimensionsList().
makeDomain(Iterable<? extends Variable>, boolean) - Static method in class ucar.nc2.Dimensions
Make the set of Dimensions used by axes.
makeEnumTypedefElement(EnumTypedef) - Method in class ucar.nc2.write.NcmlWriter
makeExplicitNetcdfElement(NetcdfFile, String) - Method in class ucar.nc2.write.NcmlWriter
makeFractionalCalendarDate(double) - Method in class ucar.nc2.calendar.CalendarDateUnit
Add the given (value * period) to the baseDateTime to make a new CalendarDate.
makeFractionalOffsetFromRefDate(CalendarDate) - Method in class ucar.nc2.calendar.CalendarDateUnit
Find the offset of date in fractional units of this period from the baseDateTime.
makeFromVariable(Variable, String) - Static method in class ucar.nc2.ParsedArraySectionSpec
Make a ParsedArraySectionSpec for the given Variable and a selector.
makeFullName() - Method in class ucar.nc2.Group.Builder
Make the full name of the this group.
makeFullName(Group) - Method in class ucar.nc2.Dimension
Make the full name, starting with any group which contains the dimension in itself or a parent group.
makeFullName(Group) - Static method in class ucar.nc2.NetcdfFiles
Create a Groups's full name with appropriate backslash escaping.
makeFullName(Variable) - Method in class ucar.nc2.Dimension
Make the full name by searching for the containing group starting from the Variable's parent group.
makeFullName(Variable) - Static method in class ucar.nc2.NetcdfFiles
Create a Variable's full name with appropriate backslash escaping.
makeFullNameSectionSpec(Variable) - Static method in class ucar.nc2.NetcdfFiles
Create a Variable's full name with appropriate backslash escaping for use in a section spec.
makeGroupElement(Group) - Method in class ucar.nc2.write.NcmlWriter
makeName(List<CoordinateAxis>) - Static method in class ucar.nc2.dataset.CoordinateSystem
Create standard name from list of axes.
makeNameUnescaped(String) - Static method in class ucar.nc2.NetcdfFiles
Unescape any escaped characters in a name.
makeNetcdfElement(NetcdfFile, String) - Method in class ucar.nc2.write.NcmlWriter
Make the netcdf element for this file.
makeOffsetDateUnit(int) - Method in class ucar.nc2.grid.GridTimeCoordinateSystem
The CalendarDateUnit for the offset time axis for runIdx.
makeOffsetFromRefDate(CalendarDate) - Method in class ucar.nc2.calendar.CalendarDateUnit
Find the offset of date in integral units of this period from the baseDateTime.
makePrimitiveArray(int, ArrayType) - Static method in class ucar.nc2.iosp.IospArrayHelper
Create 1D primitive array of the given size and type
makePrimitiveArray(int, ArrayType, Object) - Static method in class ucar.nc2.iosp.IospArrayHelper
Create 1D primitive array of the given size and type, fill it with the given value
makeSectionSpecString() - Method in class ucar.nc2.ParsedArraySectionSpec
Inverse of toString().
makeSectionSpecString(Variable, Section) - Static method in class ucar.nc2.ParsedArraySectionSpec
Make section specification String from a ucar.array.Section for a Variable.
makeShape(Iterable<Dimension>) - Static method in class ucar.nc2.Dimensions
Make an array of Dimension lengths.
makeShapeAll(Variable) - Static method in class ucar.nc2.Dimensions
Make an array of Dimension lengths from all the dimensions in a variable, including parentStructures.
makeSliceBuilder(int, int) - Method in class ucar.nc2.Variable.Builder
Create a new Variable.Builder that is a logical slice of this one, by fixing the specified dimension at the specified index value.
makeStandalone(String, String, String, String) - Static method in class thredds.client.catalog.Dataset
Construct an Dataset which refers to a urlPath.
makeStringFromChar(Array<Byte>) - Static method in class ucar.array.Arrays
Create a String out of an Array\ of rank zero or one.
makeStringsFromChar(Array<Byte>) - Static method in class ucar.array.Arrays
Create an Array of Strings out of an Array\ of any rank.
makeStructureMembersBuilder() - Method in class ucar.nc2.Structure
Create a StructureMembers.Builder from the Variables of this Structure.
makeValidCDLName(String) - Static method in class ucar.nc2.NetcdfFiles
Escape special characters in a netcdf short name when it is intended for use in CDL.
makeValidCdmObjectName(String) - Static method in class ucar.nc2.NetcdfFiles
Create a valid CDM object name.
makeValidNetcdfObjectName(String) - Static method in class ucar.nc2.iosp.NetcdfFormatUtils
Convert a name to a legal netcdf-3 name.
makeValidPathName(String) - Static method in class ucar.nc2.NetcdfFiles
Escape special characters in a netcdf short name when it is intended for use in a fullname
makeValuesElement(Variable, boolean) - Method in class ucar.nc2.write.NcmlWriter
Creates a <values> element from the variable's data.
makeVariableElement(Variable, boolean) - Method in class ucar.nc2.write.NcmlWriter
makeVerticalTransform(String, NetcdfDataset, CoordinateSystem, AttributeContainer, Formatter) - Static method in class ucar.nc2.geoloc.vertical.VerticalTransformFactory
Make a CoordinateTransform object from the parameters in a Coordinate Transform Variable, using an intrinsic or registered CoordTransBuilder.
markSupported() - Method in class ucar.unidata.io.UncompressInputStream
This stream does not support mark/reset on the stream.
MaterializedCoordinateSystem - Class in ucar.nc2.grid
A Coordinate System for materialized gridded data, ie that has been read into memory.
MaterializedCoordinateSystem.Builder - Class in ucar.nc2.grid
max() - Method in class ucar.array.MinMax
The maximum value.
maximum - ucar.nc2.constants.CF.CellMethods
MCIDAS_AREA - ucar.nc2.constants.DataFormatType
mean - ucar.nc2.constants.CF.CellMethods
median - ucar.nc2.constants.CF.CellMethods
memberBuilder() - Static method in class ucar.array.StructureMembers
Create an StructureMembers builder.
MERCATOR - Static variable in class ucar.nc2.constants.CF
Metadata - thredds.client.catalog.ServiceType.AccessType
MetadataOther - Static variable in class thredds.client.catalog.Dataset
MetadataOther(String, String, String, boolean, Object) - Constructor for class thredds.client.catalog.ThreddsMetadata.MetadataOther
MetadataOther(String, String, String, String, String, boolean) - Constructor for class thredds.client.catalog.ThreddsMetadata.MetadataOther
meterUnit - Static variable in class ucar.nc2.units.SimpleUnit
mid_range - ucar.nc2.constants.CF.CellMethods
midpoint() - Method in class ucar.nc2.grid.CoordInterval
The midpoint between start and end.
Millisec - ucar.nc2.calendar.CalendarPeriod.Field
Millisec - Static variable in class ucar.nc2.calendar.CalendarPeriod
1 millisec
min() - Method in class ucar.array.MinMax
The minimum value.
minimum - ucar.nc2.constants.CF.CellMethods
MinMax - Class in ucar.array
A value class holding a minimum and a maximum double value.
MinMax() - Constructor for class ucar.array.MinMax
Minute - ucar.nc2.calendar.CalendarPeriod.Field
Minute - Static variable in class ucar.nc2.calendar.CalendarPeriod
1 minute
Misc - Class in ucar.nc2.util
Miscellaneous static routines.
Misc() - Constructor for class ucar.nc2.util.Misc
MISSING_VALUE - Static variable in class ucar.nc2.constants.CDM
MISSING_VALUE - Static variable in class ucar.nc2.constants.CF
missingDataIsMissing - Static variable in class ucar.nc2.dataset.NetcdfDataset
mode - ucar.nc2.constants.CF.CellMethods
ModelBaseDate - Static variable in class ucar.nc2.constants._Coordinate
ModelRunDate - Static variable in class ucar.nc2.constants._Coordinate
Month - ucar.nc2.calendar.CalendarPeriod.Field
MPEG - ucar.nc2.constants.DataFormatType


name - Variable in class thredds.client.catalog.ThreddsMetadata.Contributor
name - Variable in class thredds.client.catalog.ThreddsMetadata.Source
name - Variable in class thredds.client.catalog.ThreddsMetadata.Variable
name() - Method in class ucar.array.Range
name() - Method in interface ucar.array.RangeIterator
The name of this Range iterator.
names - Variable in class thredds.client.catalog.ThreddsMetadata.GeospatialCoverage
namespaceURI - Variable in class thredds.client.catalog.ThreddsMetadata.MetadataOther
naming_authority - Static variable in class ucar.nc2.constants.ACDD
NC_FILL_BYTE - Static variable in class ucar.nc2.iosp.NetcdfFormatUtils
NC_FILL_CHAR - Static variable in class ucar.nc2.iosp.NetcdfFormatUtils
NC_FILL_DOUBLE - Static variable in class ucar.nc2.iosp.NetcdfFormatUtils
NC_FILL_FLOAT - Static variable in class ucar.nc2.iosp.NetcdfFormatUtils
NC_FILL_INT - Static variable in class ucar.nc2.iosp.NetcdfFormatUtils
NC_FILL_INT64 - Static variable in class ucar.nc2.iosp.NetcdfFormatUtils
NC_FILL_SHORT - Static variable in class ucar.nc2.iosp.NetcdfFormatUtils
NC_FILL_STRING - Static variable in class ucar.nc2.iosp.NetcdfFormatUtils
NC_FILL_UBYTE - Static variable in class ucar.nc2.iosp.NetcdfFormatUtils
NC_FILL_UINT - Static variable in class ucar.nc2.iosp.NetcdfFormatUtils
NC_FILL_UINT64 - Static variable in class ucar.nc2.iosp.NetcdfFormatUtils
NC_FILL_USHORT - Static variable in class ucar.nc2.iosp.NetcdfFormatUtils
Nc4Chunking - Interface in ucar.nc2.write
Interface for strategies deciding how to chunk netcdf-4 variables.
Nc4Chunking.Strategy - Enum in ucar.nc2.write
Nc4ChunkingDefault - Class in ucar.nc2.write
Default chunking strategy.
Nc4ChunkingDefault() - Constructor for class ucar.nc2.write.Nc4ChunkingDefault
Nc4ChunkingDefault(int, boolean) - Constructor for class ucar.nc2.write.Nc4ChunkingDefault
Nc4ChunkingStrategy - Class in ucar.nc2.write
Abstract superclass for netcdf-4 chunking strategy.
Nc4ChunkingStrategyGrib - Class in ucar.nc2.write
chunk on last 2 dimensions, like GRIB
Nc4ChunkingStrategyGrib(int, boolean) - Constructor for class ucar.nc2.write.Nc4ChunkingStrategyGrib
Nc4ChunkingStrategyNone - Class in ucar.nc2.write
No chunking is done.
Nc4ChunkingStrategyNone() - Constructor for class ucar.nc2.write.Nc4ChunkingStrategyNone
Nccopy - Class in ucar.nc2.write
Utility to implement nccopy command line utility.
Nccopy() - Constructor for class ucar.nc2.write.Nccopy
ncdump(String, Writer, CancelTask) - Static method in class ucar.nc2.write.NcdumpArray
ncdump that parses a command string.
ncdump(NetcdfFile, String, Writer, CancelTask) - Static method in class ucar.nc2.write.NcdumpArray
ncdump, parsing command string, file already open.
NcdumpArray - Class in ucar.nc2.write
Utility to implement ncdump.
NcdumpArray.Builder - Class in ucar.nc2.write
NcdumpArray.WantValues - Enum in ucar.nc2.write
Tell Ncdump if you want values printed.
ncfile - Variable in class ucar.nc2.Variable.Builder
NcJSON - thredds.client.catalog.ServiceType
Ncml - Static variable in class thredds.client.catalog.Dataset
NCML - thredds.client.catalog.ServiceType
NCML - ucar.nc2.constants.DataFormatType
ncmlNS - Static variable in class thredds.client.catalog.Catalog
ncmlNSHttps - Static variable in class thredds.client.catalog.Catalog
NcmlWriter - Class in ucar.nc2.write
Helper class to write NcML.
NcmlWriter() - Constructor for class ucar.nc2.write.NcmlWriter
Constructor with default values
NcmlWriter(Namespace, Format, Predicate<? super Variable>) - Constructor for class ucar.nc2.write.NcmlWriter
Constructor allows you to set parameters.
NcmlWriter.WriteVariablesWithNamesPredicate - Class in ucar.nc2.write
Predicate that returns true for variables whose names are specified to the constructor.
NCPROPERTIES - Static variable in class ucar.nc2.constants.CDM
nearlyEquals(double, double) - Static method in class ucar.nc2.util.Misc
RelativeDifference is less than Misc.defaultMaxRelativeDiffDouble.
nearlyEquals(double, double, double) - Static method in class ucar.nc2.util.Misc
RelativeDifference is less than maxRelDiff.
nearlyEquals(float, float) - Static method in class ucar.nc2.util.Misc
RelativeDifference is less than Misc.defaultMaxRelativeDiffFloat.
nearlyEquals(float, float, float) - Static method in class ucar.nc2.util.Misc
RelativeDifference is less than maxRelDiff.
nearlyEquals(LatLonPoint) - Method in class ucar.unidata.geoloc.LatLonPoint
nearlyEquals(LatLonPoint, double) - Method in class ucar.unidata.geoloc.LatLonPoint
Returns true if this point is nearly equal to that.
nearlyEquals(LatLonRect) - Method in class ucar.unidata.geoloc.LatLonRect
nearlyEquals(LatLonRect, double) - Method in class ucar.unidata.geoloc.LatLonRect
Returns true if this rectangle is nearly equal to other.
nearlyEquals(ProjectionPoint) - Method in class ucar.unidata.geoloc.ProjectionPoint
nearlyEquals(ProjectionPoint, double) - Method in class ucar.unidata.geoloc.ProjectionPoint
Returns true if this point is nearly equal to other.
nearlyEquals(ProjectionRect) - Method in class ucar.unidata.geoloc.ProjectionRect
nearlyEquals(ProjectionRect, double) - Method in class ucar.unidata.geoloc.ProjectionRect
Returns true if this rectangle is nearly equal to other.
nearlyEqualsAbs(double, double, double) - Static method in class ucar.nc2.util.Misc
AbsoluteDifference is less than maxAbsDiff.
nearlyEqualsAbs(float, float, float) - Static method in class ucar.nc2.util.Misc
AbsoluteDifference is less than maxAbsDiff.
NETCDF - ucar.nc2.constants.DataFormatType
NETCDF3 - ucar.nc2.iosp.NetcdfFileFormat
NETCDF3_64BIT_DATA - ucar.nc2.iosp.NetcdfFileFormat
NETCDF3_64BIT_OFFSET - ucar.nc2.iosp.NetcdfFileFormat
NETCDF4 - ucar.nc2.constants.DataFormatType
NETCDF4 - ucar.nc2.iosp.NetcdfFileFormat
NETCDF4_CLASSIC - ucar.nc2.iosp.NetcdfFileFormat
NETCDF4_COORDINATES - Static variable in class ucar.nc2.iosp.NetcdfFormatUtils
NETCDF4_DIMID - Static variable in class ucar.nc2.iosp.NetcdfFormatUtils
NETCDF4_NON_COORD - Static variable in class ucar.nc2.iosp.NetcdfFormatUtils
NETCDF4_SPECIAL_ATTS - Static variable in class ucar.nc2.constants.CDM
NETCDF4_STRICT - Static variable in class ucar.nc2.iosp.NetcdfFormatUtils
NetcdfCopier - Class in ucar.nc2.write
Utility class for copying a NetcdfFile object, or parts of one, to a netcdf-3 or netcdf-4 file.
NetcdfDataset - Class in ucar.nc2.dataset
An "enhanced" NetcdfFile, adding standard attribute parsing such as scale and offset, and explicit support for Coordinate Systems.
NetcdfDataset.Builder<T extends NetcdfDataset.Builder<T>> - Class in ucar.nc2.dataset
NetcdfDataset.Enhance - Enum in ucar.nc2.dataset
Possible enhancements for a NetcdfDataset
NetcdfDatasets - Class in ucar.nc2.dataset
Static helper methods for NetcdfDataset
NetcdfFile - Class in ucar.nc2
Read-only scientific datasets that are accessible through the netCDF API.
NetcdfFile.Builder<T extends NetcdfFile.Builder<T>> - Class in ucar.nc2
NetcdfFileFormat - Enum in ucar.nc2.iosp
Enumeration of the kinds of NetCDF file formats.
NetcdfFileProvider - Interface in ucar.nc2.dataset.spi
A Service Provider of NetcdfFile, used by remote protocols (dods, cdmremote) or anything not reading from a RandomAccessFile.
NetcdfFiles - Class in ucar.nc2
Static helper methods for NetcdfFile objects.
NetcdfFormatUtils - Class in ucar.nc2.iosp
Utilities and Constants specific to the Netcdf file format (Netcdf-3 and Netcdf-4)
NetcdfFormatUtils() - Constructor for class ucar.nc2.iosp.NetcdfFormatUtils
NetcdfFormatWriter - Class in ucar.nc2.write
Creates new Netcdf 3/4 format files.
NetcdfFormatWriter.Builder<T extends NetcdfFormatWriter.Builder<T>> - Class in ucar.nc2.write
NetcdfFormatWriter.WriteConfig - Class in ucar.nc2.write
Fluid API for writing.
NetcdfSubset - thredds.client.catalog.ServiceType
newValue(double) - Method in class ucar.nc2.units.TimeUnit
Create a new TimeUnit with the given value.
newValueInSeconds(double) - Method in class ucar.nc2.units.TimeUnit
Create a new TimeUnit with the given value in seconds.
NEXRAD2 - ucar.nc2.constants.DataFormatType
next() - Method in class ucar.nc2.iosp.IndexChunker
Get the next chunk
next() - Method in class ucar.nc2.iosp.IndexChunkerTiled
next() - Method in interface ucar.nc2.iosp.Layout
Get the next chunk, not null if hasNext() is true.
next() - Method in interface ucar.nc2.iosp.LayoutBB
next() - Method in interface ucar.nc2.iosp.LayoutBBTiled.DataChunkIterator
next() - Method in class ucar.nc2.iosp.LayoutBBTiled
next() - Method in class ucar.nc2.iosp.LayoutRegular
next() - Method in class ucar.nc2.iosp.LayoutRegularSegmented
next() - Method in class ucar.nc2.iosp.LayoutSegmented
next() - Method in interface ucar.nc2.iosp.LayoutTiled.DataChunkIterator
next() - Method in class ucar.nc2.iosp.LayoutTiled
next(int[]) - Method in class ucar.array.Section.Iterator
Get the position in the equivalant 1D array of shape[]
nextOuter() - Method in class ucar.nc2.iosp.LayoutRegularSegmented
nextOuter() - Method in class ucar.nc2.iosp.LayoutSegmented
NIDS - ucar.nc2.constants.DataFormatType
NJ22_NAMESPACE - Static variable in class thredds.client.catalog.Catalog
NJ22_NAMESPACE_HTTPS - Static variable in class thredds.client.catalog.Catalog
NODE_COORDINATES - Static variable in class ucar.nc2.constants.CF
NODE_COUNT - Static variable in class ucar.nc2.constants.CF
NODES - Static variable in class ucar.nc2.constants.CF
noleap - ucar.nc2.calendar.Calendar
nominalPoint - ucar.nc2.grid.GridAxisSpacing
Edges are not halfway between coords, but are specified in edges[npts+1].
none - ucar.nc2.calendar.Calendar
none - ucar.nc2.write.Nc4Chunking.Strategy
none - ucar.nc2.write.NcdumpArray.WantValues
NORTH_POLE_GRID_LONGITUDE - Static variable in class ucar.nc2.constants.CF
northsouth - Variable in class thredds.client.catalog.ThreddsMetadata.GeospatialCoverage
NotAThreddsDataset - Static variable in class thredds.client.catalog.Dataset
numberOfMembers() - Method in class ucar.array.StructureMembers
Get the number of members


objectSize - Static variable in class ucar.nc2.util.Misc
Estimates object size in bytes
Observation - ucar.nc2.grid.GridTimeCoordinateSystem.Type
Observational data, no runtimes.
ocean_double_sigma_coordinate - Static variable in class ucar.nc2.constants.CF
ocean_s_coordinate - Static variable in class ucar.nc2.constants.CF
ocean_s_coordinate_g1 - Static variable in class ucar.nc2.constants.CF
ocean_s_coordinate_g2 - Static variable in class ucar.nc2.constants.CF
ocean_sigma_coordinate - Static variable in class ucar.nc2.constants.CF
ocean_sigma_z_coordinate - Static variable in class ucar.nc2.constants.CF
OceanS - Class in ucar.nc2.geoloc.vertical
Implement CF "ocean_s_coordinate".
OceanS.Builder - Class in ucar.nc2.geoloc.vertical
OceanSG1 - Class in ucar.nc2.geoloc.vertical
Implement CF "ocean_s_coordinate_g1".
OceanSG1.Builder - Class in ucar.nc2.geoloc.vertical
OceanSG2 - Class in ucar.nc2.geoloc.vertical
Implement CF "ocean_s_coordinate_g2".
OceanSG2.Builder - Class in ucar.nc2.geoloc.vertical
OceanSigma - Class in ucar.nc2.geoloc.vertical
Implement CF "ocean_sigma_coordinate".
OceanSigma.Builder - Class in ucar.nc2.geoloc.vertical
odometer(long) - Method in class ucar.array.IndexFn
what is the odometer (n-dim index) for element (1-d index)?
of(int...) - Static method in class ucar.array.Index
An Index with the current value passed in.
of(int, int, int, int, int, int) - Static method in interface ucar.nc2.calendar.CalendarDate
Create Calendar date from fields, using UTC and ISO8601 calendar.
of(int, CalendarPeriod.Field) - Static method in class ucar.nc2.calendar.CalendarPeriod
of(long) - Static method in interface ucar.nc2.calendar.CalendarDate
Create CalendarDate from msecs since epoch, using ISO8601 UTC.
of(String) - Static method in class ucar.nc2.calendar.CalendarPeriod
Convert a udunit period string into a CalendarPeriod
of(Date) - Static method in interface ucar.nc2.calendar.CalendarDate
Create CalendarDate from a java.util.Date.
of(Date, Date) - Static method in class ucar.nc2.calendar.CalendarDateRange
of(CalendarDate, long) - Static method in class ucar.nc2.calendar.CalendarDateRange
of(CalendarDate, CalendarDate) - Static method in class ucar.nc2.calendar.CalendarDateRange
of(CalendarPeriod.Field, boolean, CalendarDate) - Static method in class ucar.nc2.calendar.CalendarDateUnit
Create a CalendarDateUnit from a CalendarPeriod.Field, and a base date
of(CalendarPeriod, boolean, CalendarDate) - Static method in class ucar.nc2.calendar.CalendarDateUnit
Create a CalendarDateUnit from a CalendarPeriod, and a base date
of(Calendar, int, int, int, int, int, int, int, ZoneOffset) - Static method in interface ucar.nc2.calendar.CalendarDate
Create Calendar date from fields.
ofDoy(int, int, int, int, int, int) - Static method in interface ucar.nc2.calendar.CalendarDate
Create Calendar date from dayOfYear and other fields, using UTC and ISO8601 calendar.
offset - Variable in class ucar.nc2.iosp.LayoutTiled.DataChunk
offset(Section) - Method in class ucar.array.Section
Compute the element offset of an intersecting subrange of this.
Offset - ucar.nc2.grid.GridTimeCoordinateSystem.Type
Muliple runtimes all having the same time offsets (orthogonal).
OffsetIrregular - ucar.nc2.grid.GridTimeCoordinateSystem.Type
Runtimes that have irregular offsets.
OffsetRegular - ucar.nc2.grid.GridTimeCoordinateSystem.Type
All runtimes, grouped by time since 0z, have the same offsets (regulat).
ofInstant(Calendar, Instant) - Static method in interface ucar.nc2.calendar.CalendarDate
Public by accident.
ofRank(int) - Static method in class ucar.array.Index
An Index of the given rank.
OPAQUE - ucar.array.ArrayType
open(String) - Static method in class ucar.nc2.NetcdfFiles
Open an existing netcdf file (read only).
open(String) - Method in interface ucar.unidata.io.spi.RandomAccessFileProvider
Open a location that this Provider is the owner of.
open(String, int) - Method in interface ucar.unidata.io.spi.RandomAccessFileProvider
Open a location that this Provider is the owner of, with the given buffer size
open(String, int, CancelTask) - Static method in class ucar.nc2.NetcdfFiles
Open an existing file (read only), with option of cancelling, setting the RandomAccessFile buffer size for efficiency.
open(String, int, CancelTask, Object) - Static method in class ucar.nc2.NetcdfFiles
Open an existing file (read only), with option of cancelling, setting the RandomAccessFile buffer size for efficiency, with an optional special object for the iosp.
open(String, String, int, CancelTask, Object) - Static method in class ucar.nc2.NetcdfFiles
Open an existing file (read only), specifying which IOSP is to be used.
open(String, CancelTask) - Method in interface ucar.nc2.dataset.spi.GridDatasetProvider
Open a location that this Provider is the owner of.
open(String, CancelTask) - Method in interface ucar.nc2.dataset.spi.NetcdfFileProvider
Open a location that this Provider is the owner of.
open(String, CancelTask) - Static method in class ucar.nc2.NetcdfFiles
Open an existing file (read only), with option of cancelling.
open(NetcdfDataset.Builder<?>) - Method in interface ucar.nc2.dataset.spi.CoordSystemBuilderFactory
open(RandomAccessFile, String, CancelTask, Object) - Static method in class ucar.nc2.NetcdfFiles
Open a RandomAccessFile as a NetcdfFile, if possible.
OPENDAP - thredds.client.catalog.ServiceType
OPENDAPG - thredds.client.catalog.ServiceType
openDataset(String) - Static method in class ucar.nc2.dataset.NetcdfDatasets
Factory method for opening a dataset through the netCDF API, and identifying its coordinate variables.
openDataset(String, boolean, CancelTask) - Static method in class ucar.nc2.dataset.NetcdfDatasets
Factory method for opening a dataset through the netCDF API, and identifying its coordinate variables.
openDataset(String, boolean, CancelTask, Object) - Static method in class ucar.nc2.dataset.NetcdfDatasets
Factory method for opening a dataset through the netCDF API, and identifying its coordinate variables.
openDataset(String, Set<NetcdfDataset.Enhance>, CancelTask) - Static method in class ucar.nc2.dataset.NetcdfDatasets
Factory method for opening a dataset through the netCDF API, and identifying its coordinate variables.
openDataset(DatasetUrl, Set<NetcdfDataset.Enhance>, int, CancelTask, Object) - Static method in class ucar.nc2.dataset.NetcdfDatasets
Factory method for opening a dataset through the netCDF API, and identifying its coordinate variables.
openExisting(String) - Static method in class ucar.nc2.write.NetcdfFormatWriter
Open an existing Netcdf format file for writing data.
openFile(String, CancelTask) - Static method in class ucar.nc2.dataset.NetcdfDatasets
openFile(DatasetUrl, int, CancelTask, Object) - Static method in class ucar.nc2.dataset.NetcdfDatasets
Factory method for opening a NetcdfFile through the netCDF API.
openGridDataset(String, Formatter) - Static method in class ucar.nc2.grid.GridDatasetFactory
Open the named dataset as a GridDataset, using GridDatasetProviders present on the classpath, then GribGridDataset (if present) and then GridNetcdfDataset.
openInMemory(String) - Static method in class ucar.nc2.NetcdfFiles
Read a local CDM file into memory.
openInMemory(String, byte[]) - Static method in class ucar.nc2.NetcdfFiles
Open an in-memory netcdf file.
openInMemory(String, byte[], String) - Static method in class ucar.nc2.NetcdfFiles
Open an in-memory netcdf file, with a specific iosp.
openInMemory(URI) - Static method in class ucar.nc2.NetcdfFiles
Read a remote CDM file into memory.
openNcmlDataset(Reader, String, CancelTask) - Static method in class ucar.nc2.dataset.NetcdfDatasets
Read NcML doc from a Reader, and construct a NetcdfDataset.Builder.
openNetcdfAsGrid(String, Formatter) - Static method in class ucar.nc2.grid.GridDatasetFactory
Open the named dataset using GridNetcdfDataset.
order(int) - Method in class ucar.unidata.io.RandomAccessFile
Change the current endian mode.
order(ByteOrder) - Method in class ucar.unidata.io.RandomAccessFile
orgDataType - Variable in class ucar.nc2.dataset.VariableDS.Builder
orgFile - Variable in class ucar.nc2.dataset.NetcdfDataset.Builder
orgFileTypeId - Variable in class ucar.nc2.dataset.VariableDS.Builder
orgVar - Variable in class ucar.nc2.dataset.VariableDS.Builder
ORTHOGRAPHIC - Static variable in class ucar.nc2.constants.CF


parse(String) - Static method in class thredds.client.catalog.DateType
Parse text to get a DateType.
parse(String) - Static method in class thredds.client.catalog.TimeDuration
Construct from 1) udunit time unit string, 2) xsd:duration syntax, 3) blank string.
parse(String) - Method in class ucar.nc2.calendar.CalendarDateFormatter
parse(String) - Static method in class ucar.nc2.grid.CoordInterval
The inverse of toString(), or null if cant parse.
parse(String, String, String, Calendar) - Static method in class thredds.client.catalog.DateType
Parse text to get a DateType.
ParsedArraySectionSpec - Class in ucar.nc2
A String expression for denoting a section of a Variable to be read.
ParsedArraySectionSpec(Variable, Section) - Constructor for class ucar.nc2.ParsedArraySectionSpec
parseDateString(String) - Static method in class ucar.nc2.calendar.CalendarDateFormatter
Parse a date only in the form "yyyy-MM-dd".
parseLatLonPoint(String) - Static method in class ucar.unidata.geoloc.LatLonPoints
The inverse of toString(LatLonPoint), or null if cant parse
parseVariableSection(NetcdfFile, String) - Static method in class ucar.nc2.ParsedArraySectionSpec
Parse a section specification String.
parseW3CDuration(String) - Static method in class thredds.client.catalog.TimeDuration
A time span as defined in the W3C XML Schema 1.0 specification: "PnYnMnDTnHnMnS, where nY represents the number of years, nM the number of months, nD the number of days, 'T' is the date/time separator, nH the number of hours, nM the number of minutes and nS the number of seconds.
PART_NODE_COUNT - Static variable in class ucar.nc2.constants.CF
permitCaching - Static variable in class ucar.nc2.Variable
Globally permit or prohibit caching.
permute(Array<T>, int[]) - Static method in class ucar.array.Arrays
Create a new Array using same backing store as the org Array, by permuting the indices.
PERSPECTIVE_POINT_HEIGHT - Static variable in class ucar.nc2.constants.CF
PLAIN - ucar.nc2.constants.DataFormatType
PLATFORM_ID - Static variable in class ucar.nc2.constants.CF
PLATFORM_NAME - Static variable in class ucar.nc2.constants.CF
point - ucar.nc2.constants.CF.CellMethods
point - ucar.nc2.constants.CF.FeatureType
POINT - ucar.nc2.constants.FeatureType
POINT - Static variable in class ucar.nc2.constants.CF
POLAR_STEREOGRAPHIC - Static variable in class ucar.nc2.constants.CF
polygon - ucar.nc2.constants.CF.FeatureType
POLYGON - Static variable in class ucar.nc2.constants.CF
PositioningDataInputStream - Class in ucar.unidata.io
Similar to a DataInputStream that keeps track of position.
PositioningDataInputStream(InputStream) - Constructor for class ucar.unidata.io.PositioningDataInputStream
POSITIVE - Static variable in class ucar.nc2.constants.CF
POSITIVE_DOWN - Static variable in class ucar.nc2.constants.CF
POSITIVE_UP - Static variable in class ucar.nc2.constants.CF
prefix - Variable in class thredds.client.catalog.ThreddsMetadata.MetadataOther
present() - Static method in class thredds.client.catalog.DateType
Get the DateType representing the present time.
present() - Static method in interface ucar.nc2.calendar.CalendarDate
Create a CalendarDate representing the present moment in ISO8601 UTC
Pressure - ucar.nc2.constants.AxisType
pressureUnit - Static variable in class ucar.nc2.units.SimpleUnit
print() - Method in class ucar.nc2.write.NcdumpArray
printArray(Array<?>) - Static method in class ucar.nc2.write.NcdumpArray
Print array to returned String.
printArray(Array<?>, String, CancelTask) - Static method in class ucar.nc2.write.NcdumpArray
Print named array to returned String.
printArrayPlain(Array<?>) - Static method in class ucar.nc2.write.NcdumpArray
Print array as undifferentiated sequence of values.
printSequenceData(Sequence, CancelTask) - Static method in class ucar.nc2.write.NcdumpArray
Print all the StructureData from a Sequence.
printStructureData(StructureData) - Static method in class ucar.nc2.write.NcdumpArray
Print StructureData.
printVariableData(Variable, CancelTask) - Static method in class ucar.nc2.write.NcdumpArray
Print all the data of the given Variable.
processing_level - Static variable in class ucar.nc2.constants.ACDD
profile - ucar.nc2.constants.CF.FeatureType
PROFILE - ucar.nc2.constants.FeatureType
PROFILE_ID - Static variable in class ucar.nc2.constants.CF
projBB - Static variable in class ucar.nc2.grid.GridSubset
Projection - Interface in ucar.unidata.geoloc
Projective geometry transformations from (lat,lon) to (x,y) on a projective cartesian surface.
Projection - Static variable in class ucar.nc2.constants.CDM
PROJECTION_X_COORDINATE - Static variable in class ucar.nc2.constants.CF
PROJECTION_Y_COORDINATE - Static variable in class ucar.nc2.constants.CF
projectionPoint - Static variable in class ucar.nc2.grid.GridSubset
ProjectionPoint - Class in ucar.unidata.geoloc
Points on the Projective geometry plane.
ProjectionPoint() - Constructor for class ucar.unidata.geoloc.ProjectionPoint
ProjectionRect - Class in ucar.unidata.geoloc
Bounding box for ProjectionPoints.
ProjectionRect() - Constructor for class ucar.unidata.geoloc.ProjectionRect
default constructor, initialized to center (0,0) and width (10000, 10000)
ProjectionRect(double, double, double, double) - Constructor for class ucar.unidata.geoloc.ProjectionRect
construct a ProjectionRect from any two opposite corner points
ProjectionRect(ProjectionPoint, double, double) - Constructor for class ucar.unidata.geoloc.ProjectionRect
Construct a ProjectionRect from any two opposite corner points.
ProjectionRect(ProjectionPoint, ProjectionPoint) - Constructor for class ucar.unidata.geoloc.ProjectionRect
Construct a ProjectionRect from any two opposite corner points.
ProjectionRect.Builder - Class in ucar.unidata.geoloc
Projects - Static variable in class thredds.client.catalog.Dataset
projToLatLon(double, double) - Method in interface ucar.unidata.geoloc.Projection
Convert projection x, y to LatLonPoint point.
projToLatLon(ProjectionPoint) - Method in interface ucar.unidata.geoloc.Projection
Convert projection coordinates to a LatLonPoint.
projToLatLonBB(ProjectionRect) - Method in interface ucar.unidata.geoloc.Projection
Compute lat/lon bounding box from projection bounding box.
proleptic_gregorian - ucar.nc2.calendar.Calendar
Properties - Static variable in class thredds.client.catalog.Dataset
Property - Class in thredds.client.catalog
Client catalog name/value pair
Property(String, String) - Constructor for class thredds.client.catalog.Property
proxyReadArray(Variable, Section, CancelTask) - Method in class ucar.nc2.dataset.StructureDS
proxyReadArray(Variable, Section, CancelTask) - Method in class ucar.nc2.dataset.VariableDS
proxyReadArray(Variable, Section, CancelTask) - Method in interface ucar.nc2.ProxyReader
Read a section of the data for a Variable, returning ucar.array.Array.
proxyReadArray(Variable, Section, CancelTask) - Method in class ucar.nc2.Variable
public by accident, do not call directly.
proxyReadArray(Variable, CancelTask) - Method in class ucar.nc2.dataset.StructureDS
proxyReadArray(Variable, CancelTask) - Method in class ucar.nc2.dataset.VariableDS
proxyReadArray(Variable, CancelTask) - Method in interface ucar.nc2.ProxyReader
Read all the data for a Variable, returning ucar.array.Array.
proxyReadArray(Variable, CancelTask) - Method in class ucar.nc2.Variable
public by accident, do not call directly.
proxyReader - Variable in class ucar.nc2.Variable.Builder
ProxyReader - Interface in ucar.nc2
Reader of the data for a Variable.
publisher_email - Static variable in class ucar.nc2.constants.ACDD
publisher_institution - Static variable in class ucar.nc2.constants.ACDD
publisher_institution_info - Static variable in class ucar.nc2.constants.ACDD
publisher_name - Static variable in class ucar.nc2.constants.ACDD
publisher_project - Static variable in class ucar.nc2.constants.ACDD
publisher_project_info - Static variable in class ucar.nc2.constants.ACDD
publisher_url - Static variable in class ucar.nc2.constants.ACDD
Publishers - Static variable in class thredds.client.catalog.Dataset
put(String, Object) - Method in class thredds.client.catalog.builder.DatasetBuilder
putInheritedField(String, Object) - Method in class thredds.client.catalog.builder.DatasetBuilder
putOnHeap(Object) - Method in class ucar.array.StructureDataStorageBB
Put the object on the heap, return heap index.


QUICKTIME - ucar.nc2.constants.DataFormatType


RADIAL - ucar.nc2.constants.FeatureType
RadialAzimuth - ucar.nc2.constants.AxisType
RadialDistance - ucar.nc2.constants.AxisType
RadialElevation - ucar.nc2.constants.AxisType
RAGGED_PARENTINDEX - Static variable in class ucar.nc2.constants.CF
RAGGED_ROWSIZE - Static variable in class ucar.nc2.constants.CF
RandomAccessFile - Class in ucar.unidata.io
A drop-in replacement for java.io.RandomAccessFile with extensions.
RandomAccessFile(String, String) - Constructor for class ucar.unidata.io.RandomAccessFile
Constructor, default buffer size.
RandomAccessFile(String, String, int) - Constructor for class ucar.unidata.io.RandomAccessFile
RandomAccessFileProvider - Interface in ucar.unidata.io.spi
A Service Provider of RandomAccessFile.
Range - Class in ucar.array
A strided subset of the interval of positive integers [first(), last()] inclusive.
Range(int) - Constructor for class ucar.array.Range
Create a range starting at zero, with unit stride.
Range(int, int) - Constructor for class ucar.array.Range
Create a range with unit stride.
Range(int, int, int) - Constructor for class ucar.array.Range
Create a range with a specified first, last, stride.
Range(String, int, int) - Constructor for class ucar.array.Range
Create a named range with unit stride.
Range(String, int, int, int) - Constructor for class ucar.array.Range
Create a named range with a specified name, first, last, stride.
range180(double) - Static method in class ucar.unidata.geoloc.LatLonPoints
put longitude into the range [-180, 180] deg
RangeIterator - Interface in ucar.array
Generalization of Range (which is restricted to (start:stop:stride).
reacquire() - Method in class ucar.nc2.dataset.NetcdfDataset
reacquire() - Method in class ucar.nc2.iosp.AbstractIOServiceProvider
reacquire() - Method in interface ucar.nc2.iosp.IOServiceProvider
Reacquire any resources like file handles Used when reactivating in cache.
reacquire() - Method in class ucar.nc2.NetcdfFile
Public by accident.
reacquire() - Method in class ucar.unidata.io.RandomAccessFile
read() - Method in class ucar.nc2.grid.GridReader
Read the subset of the Grid's data described by the setters.
read() - Method in class ucar.unidata.io.RandomAccessFile
Read a byte of data from the file, blocking until data is available.
read() - Method in class ucar.unidata.io.UncompressInputStream
read(byte[]) - Method in class ucar.unidata.io.RandomAccessFile
Read up to b.length( ) bytes into an array.
read(byte[], int, int) - Method in class ucar.unidata.io.RandomAccessFile
Read up to len bytes into an array, at a specified offset.
read(byte[], int, int) - Method in class ucar.unidata.io.UncompressInputStream
read(long, byte[], int, int) - Method in class ucar.unidata.io.PositioningDataInputStream
ReadableRemoteFile - Interface in ucar.unidata.io
A remote file that can be read.
readArray() - Method in class ucar.nc2.dataset.VariableDS
readArray() - Method in class ucar.nc2.Sequence
Read all data into memory.
readArray() - Method in class ucar.nc2.Variable
Read all the data for this Variable and return a memory resident Array.
readArray(Section) - Method in class ucar.nc2.dataset.VariableDS
readArray(Section) - Method in class ucar.nc2.Variable
Read a section of the data for this Variable from the netcdf file and return a memory resident Array.
readArrayData(Variable, Section) - Method in interface ucar.nc2.iosp.IOServiceProvider
Read data from a top level Variable and return a memory resident Array.
readBoolean() - Method in class ucar.unidata.io.RandomAccessFile
Reads a boolean from this file.
readByte() - Method in class ucar.unidata.io.RandomAccessFile
Reads a signed 8-bit value from this file.
readBytes(byte[], int, int) - Method in class ucar.unidata.io.RandomAccessFile
Read up to len bytes into an array, at a specified offset.
readBytes(int) - Method in class ucar.unidata.io.RandomAccessFile
Read fully count number of bytes
readCatref(Formatter) - Method in class thredds.client.catalog.CatalogRef
readChar() - Method in class ucar.unidata.io.RandomAccessFile
Reads a Unicode character from this file.
readContents(InputStream) - Static method in class ucar.nc2.util.IO
Read the contents from the inputStream and place into a String, with any error messages put in the return String.
readContents(InputStream, Charset) - Static method in class ucar.nc2.util.IO
Read the contents from the inputStream and place into a String, with any error messages put in the return String.
readContentsToByteArray(InputStream) - Static method in class ucar.nc2.util.IO
Read the contents from the inputStream and place into a byte array.
readData(GridSubset) - Method in interface ucar.nc2.grid.Grid
Read the specified subset of data, return result as a Georeferenced Array.
readData(LayoutBB, ArrayType, Object) - Static method in class ucar.nc2.iosp.IospArrayHelper
Read data subset from ByteBuffer, place in given primitive array.
readData(PositioningDataInputStream, Layout, ArrayType, Object) - Static method in class ucar.nc2.iosp.IospArrayHelper
Read data subset from PositioningDataInputStream, place in given primitive array.
readData(RandomAccessFile, Layout, ArrayType, Object, ByteOrder) - Static method in class ucar.nc2.iosp.IospArrayHelper
Read data subset from RandomAccessFile, place in given primitive array.
readDataFill(LayoutBB, ArrayType, Object) - Static method in class ucar.nc2.iosp.IospArrayHelper
Read data subset from ByteBuffer, create primitive array of size Layout.getTotalNelems.
readDataFill(PositioningDataInputStream, Layout, ArrayType, Object) - Static method in class ucar.nc2.iosp.IospArrayHelper
Read data subset from PositioningDataInputStream, create primitive array of size Layout.getTotalNelems.
readDataFill(RandomAccessFile, Layout, ArrayType, Object, ByteOrder) - Static method in class ucar.nc2.iosp.IospArrayHelper
Read data subset from RandomAccessFile, create primitive array of size Layout.getTotalNelems.
readDataSection(Section) - Method in interface ucar.nc2.grid.Grid
readDouble() - Method in class ucar.unidata.io.RandomAccessFile
Reads a double from this file.
readDouble(double[], int, int) - Method in class ucar.unidata.io.RandomAccessFile
Read an array of doubles
readDouble(long, double[], int, int) - Method in class ucar.unidata.io.PositioningDataInputStream
readFile(String) - Static method in class ucar.nc2.util.IO
Read the contents from the named file and place into a String, assuming UTF-8 encoding.
readFileToByteArray(String) - Static method in class ucar.nc2.util.IO
Read the file and place contents into a byte array, with any error messages put in the return String.
readFloat() - Method in class ucar.unidata.io.RandomAccessFile
Reads a float from this file.
readFloat(float[], int, int) - Method in class ucar.unidata.io.RandomAccessFile
Read an array of floats
readFloat(long, float[], int, int) - Method in class ucar.unidata.io.PositioningDataInputStream
ReadFromUrl - Class in ucar.unidata.io
Note: checks for gzip.
ReadFromUrl() - Constructor for class ucar.unidata.io.ReadFromUrl
readFully(byte[]) - Method in class ucar.unidata.io.RandomAccessFile
Reads b.length bytes from this file into the byte array.
readFully(byte[], int, int) - Method in class ucar.unidata.io.RandomAccessFile
Reads exactly len bytes from this file into the byte array.
readInt() - Method in class ucar.unidata.io.RandomAccessFile
Reads a signed 32-bit integer from this file.
readInt(int[], int, int) - Method in class ucar.unidata.io.RandomAccessFile
Read an array of ints
readInt(long, int[], int, int) - Method in class ucar.unidata.io.PositioningDataInputStream
readIntUnbuffered(long) - Method in class ucar.unidata.io.RandomAccessFile
Read an integer at the given position, bypassing all buffering.
readLine() - Method in class ucar.unidata.io.RandomAccessFile
Reads the next line of text from this file.
readLine(Charset) - Method in class ucar.unidata.io.RandomAccessFile
Read the next line of text as the specified charset The charset parameter is an extension not implemented in java.io.RandomAccessFile.
readLong() - Method in class ucar.unidata.io.RandomAccessFile
Reads a signed 64-bit integer from this file.
readLong(long[], int, int) - Method in class ucar.unidata.io.RandomAccessFile
Read an array of longs
readLong(long, long[], int, int) - Method in class ucar.unidata.io.PositioningDataInputStream
readRecord(int) - Method in class ucar.nc2.Sequence
readRecord(int) - Method in class ucar.nc2.Structure
Read one StructureData at index recno.
readRemote(long, byte[], int, int) - Method in interface ucar.unidata.io.ReadableRemoteFile
Read directly from the remote service.
readScalarByte() - Method in class ucar.nc2.Variable
Get the first value as a byte.
readScalarDouble() - Method in class ucar.nc2.Variable
Get the first value as a double.
readScalarFloat() - Method in class ucar.nc2.Variable
Get the first value as a float.
readScalarInt() - Method in class ucar.nc2.Variable
Get the first value as an int.
readScalarLong() - Method in class ucar.nc2.Variable
Get the first value as a long.
readScalarShort() - Method in class ucar.nc2.Variable
Get the first value as a short.
readScalarString() - Method in class ucar.nc2.Variable
Get the first value as a String for a STRING or CHAR Variable.
readSectionArray(String) - Method in class ucar.nc2.NetcdfFile
Read a variable using the given section specification.
readShort() - Method in class ucar.unidata.io.RandomAccessFile
Reads a signed 16-bit number from this file.
readShort(long, short[], int, int) - Method in class ucar.unidata.io.PositioningDataInputStream
readShort(short[], int, int) - Method in class ucar.unidata.io.RandomAccessFile
Read an array of shorts
readSpecial(Grid) - Method in class ucar.nc2.grid.MaterializedCoordinateSystem
Public by accident.
readString(int) - Method in class ucar.unidata.io.RandomAccessFile
Read a String of known length.
readString(int, Charset) - Method in class ucar.unidata.io.RandomAccessFile
Read a String of known length as the specified charset.
readStringMax(int) - Method in class ucar.unidata.io.RandomAccessFile
Read a String of max length, zero terminate.
readStringMax(int, Charset) - Method in class ucar.unidata.io.RandomAccessFile
Read a String of max length as the specified charset, zero terminate.
readToByteChannel(WritableByteChannel, long, long) - Method in class ucar.unidata.io.InMemoryRandomAccessFile
readToByteChannel(WritableByteChannel, long, long) - Method in class ucar.unidata.io.RandomAccessFile
Read nbytes bytes, at the specified file offset, send to a WritableByteChannel.
readToByteChannel(WritableByteChannel, long, long) - Method in class ucar.unidata.io.RemoteRandomAccessFile
readUnsignedByte() - Method in class ucar.unidata.io.RandomAccessFile
Reads an unsigned 8-bit number from this file.
readUnsignedShort() - Method in class ucar.unidata.io.RandomAccessFile
Reads an unsigned 16-bit number from this file.
readURLcontents(String) - Static method in class ucar.unidata.io.ReadFromUrl
Read the contents from the named URL and place into a String.
readUTF() - Method in class ucar.unidata.io.RandomAccessFile
Reads in a string from this file.
readVariable(Element) - Static method in class thredds.client.catalog.builder.CatalogBuilder
readXlinkContent() - Method in class thredds.client.catalog.Documentation
Get inline content as a string, else null if there is none
REAL - Static variable in class ucar.nc2.constants.CF
REALTIME - ucar.nc2.constants.DataFormatType
reduce(List<Dimension>) - Method in class ucar.nc2.Variable
Create a new Variable that is a logical view of this Variable, by eliminating the specified dimension(s) of length 1.
reduce(Array<T>) - Static method in class ucar.array.Arrays
Create a new Array using same backing store as the org Array, by eliminating any dimensions with length one.
reduce(Array<T>, int) - Static method in class ucar.array.Arrays
Create a new Array using same backing store as the org Array, by eliminating the specified dimension, which must have length 1.
reduceFirst(Array<T>, int) - Static method in class ucar.array.Arrays
Create a new Array using same backing store as the org Array, by eliminating the first ndim dimensions, iff they have length 1.
REFERENCES - Static variable in class ucar.nc2.constants.CF
referenceSize - Static variable in class ucar.nc2.util.Misc
Estimates pointer size in bytes
registerIOProvider(Class<?>) - Static method in class ucar.nc2.NetcdfFiles
Register an IOServiceProvider.
registerIOProvider(String) - Static method in class ucar.nc2.NetcdfFiles
Register an IOServiceProvider, using its class string name.
registerTransform(String, Class<?>) - Static method in class ucar.nc2.geoloc.vertical.VerticalTransformFactory
Register a class that implements a Coordinate Transform.
registerTransform(String, String) - Static method in class ucar.nc2.geoloc.vertical.VerticalTransformFactory
Register a class that implements a Coordinate Transform.
regularInterval - ucar.nc2.grid.GridAxisSpacing
Regular contiguous intervals (start, end, npts); start and end are edges, midpoints halfway between edges, resol = (start - end) / npts.
regularPoint - ucar.nc2.grid.GridAxisSpacing
Regularly spaced points (start, end, npts); start and end are midpoints, edges halfway between midpoints, resol = (start - end) / (npts-1)
relativeDifference(double, double) - Static method in class ucar.nc2.util.Misc
Same as Misc.relativeDifference(float, float), but for doubles.
relativeDifference(float, float) - Static method in class ucar.nc2.util.Misc
Returns the relative difference between two numbers, i.e.
release() - Method in class ucar.nc2.dataset.NetcdfDataset
release() - Method in class ucar.nc2.iosp.AbstractIOServiceProvider
release() - Method in interface ucar.nc2.iosp.IOServiceProvider
Release any system resources like file handles.
release() - Method in class ucar.nc2.NetcdfFile
Public by accident.
release() - Method in class ucar.unidata.io.RandomAccessFile
RemoteRandomAccessFile - Class in ucar.unidata.io
An abstract superclass for remote RandomAccessFile.
remove(Attribute) - Method in class ucar.nc2.AttributeContainerMutable
Remove an Attribute : uses the attribute hashCode to find it.
removeAnyService() - Method in class thredds.client.catalog.builder.CatalogBuilder
removeAttribute(String) - Method in class ucar.nc2.AttributeContainerMutable
Remove an Attribute by name.
removeAttribute(String) - Method in class ucar.nc2.Variable.Builder
removeAttributeIgnoreCase(String) - Method in class ucar.nc2.AttributeContainerMutable
Remove an Attribute by name, ignoring case
removeDimension(String) - Method in class ucar.nc2.Group.Builder
Remove dimension, if it exists.
removeDimensionFromAllGroups(Group.Builder, Dimension) - Method in class ucar.nc2.Group.Builder
Remove the given dimension from this group and any subgroups
removeDups(List<Property>) - Static method in class thredds.client.catalog.Property
removeEnhanceMode(NetcdfDataset.Enhance) - Method in class ucar.nc2.dataset.NetcdfDataset.Builder
removeFirst(int) - Method in class ucar.array.Section.Builder
Remove the first n Ranges, n ≤ number of ranges.
removeGroup(String) - Method in class ucar.nc2.Group.Builder
Remove group, if it exists.
removeLast() - Method in class ucar.array.Section.Builder
Remove the last range, if it exists.
removeMemberVariable(String) - Method in class ucar.nc2.Structure.Builder
Remove memeber variable, if present.
removeRange(int) - Method in class ucar.array.Section.Builder
Remove a range at the specified index in the list.
removeVariable(String) - Method in class ucar.nc2.Group.Builder
Remove variable, if it exists.
removeVlen() - Method in class ucar.array.Section.Builder
Remove the last range, if it exists and is a Vlen.
removeVlen(int[]) - Static method in class ucar.array.Arrays
If there are any VLEN dimensions (length < 0), remove it and all dimensions to the right.
replace(Attribute, String) - Method in class ucar.nc2.AttributeContainerMutable
Replace an Attribute with a different name, same value.
replaceCoordinateAxis(Group.Builder, CoordinateAxis.Builder<?>) - Method in class ucar.nc2.dataset.NetcdfDataset.Builder
Add a CoordinateAxis to the dataset coordinates and to the list of variables.
replaceDimension(int, Dimension) - Method in class ucar.nc2.Variable.Builder
Replace the ith dimension.
replaceDimension(Dimension) - Method in class ucar.nc2.Group.Builder
Replace dimension if it exists, else just add it.
replaceDimensionByName(Dimension) - Method in class ucar.nc2.Variable.Builder
Find the dimension with the same name as dim, and replace it with dim
replaceMemberVariable(Variable.Builder<?>) - Method in class ucar.nc2.Structure.Builder
Add a member variable, replacing one of same name if there is one.
replaceRange(int, Range) - Method in class ucar.array.Section.Builder
Replace a range at the specified index in the list.
replaceVariable(Variable.Builder<?>) - Method in class ucar.nc2.Group.Builder
Replace variable of same name, if it exists, else just add it.
reservedFullName - Static variable in class ucar.nc2.NetcdfFiles
resetAutoGen() - Method in class ucar.nc2.Variable.Builder
resetCache() - Method in class ucar.nc2.Variable.Builder
reshape(Array<T>, int[]) - Static method in class ucar.array.Arrays
Create a new Array using same backing store with given shape
resolution - Variable in class thredds.client.catalog.ThreddsMetadata.GeospatialRange
resolved - Variable in class thredds.client.catalog.ThreddsMetadata.UriResolved
Resolver - thredds.client.catalog.ServiceType
resolveUri(String) - Method in class thredds.client.catalog.Catalog
Resolve reletive URIs, using the catalog's base URI.
resolveUri(URI, String) - Static method in class thredds.client.catalog.Catalog
RestrictAccess - Static variable in class thredds.client.catalog.Dataset
RLATLON_UNITS - Static variable in class ucar.nc2.constants.CDM
role - Variable in class thredds.client.catalog.ThreddsMetadata.Contributor
rootGroup - Variable in class ucar.nc2.NetcdfFile.Builder
ROTATED_LATITUDE_LONGITUDE - Static variable in class ucar.nc2.constants.CF
runtime - Static variable in class ucar.nc2.grid.GridSubset
RunTime - ucar.nc2.constants.AxisType
RUNTIME_COORDINATE - Static variable in class ucar.nc2.constants.CDM
runtimeAll - Static variable in class ucar.nc2.grid.GridSubset
runtimeLatest - Static variable in class ucar.nc2.grid.GridSubset


SAMPLE_DIMENSION - Static variable in class ucar.nc2.constants.CF
scalar - ucar.nc2.grid.GridAxisDependenceType
A scalar doesnt involve indices.
SCALAR - Static variable in class ucar.array.Range
SCALAR - Static variable in class ucar.array.Section
SCALE_FACTOR - Static variable in class ucar.nc2.constants.CDM
SCALE_FACTOR - Static variable in class ucar.nc2.constants.CF
SCALE_FACTOR_AT_CENTRAL_MERIDIAN - Static variable in class ucar.nc2.constants.CF
SCALE_FACTOR_AT_PROJECTION_ORIGIN - Static variable in class ucar.nc2.constants.CF
scaleMissingUnsignedProxy() - Method in class ucar.nc2.dataset.VariableDS
Visible for testing, do not use directly.
scaleValues(double) - Method in class ucar.nc2.grid.GridAxisInterval.Builder
scaleValues(double) - Method in class ucar.nc2.grid.GridAxisPoint.Builder
Multiply the values by the given scale factor
searchForward(KMPMatch, int) - Method in class ucar.unidata.io.RandomAccessFile
Search forward from the current pos, looking for a match.
Second - ucar.nc2.calendar.CalendarPeriod.Field
Second - Static variable in class ucar.nc2.calendar.CalendarPeriod
1 second
section(Array<T>, Section) - Static method in class ucar.array.Arrays
Create a new Array as a subsection of the org Array, without rank reduction.
section(Section) - Method in class ucar.nc2.Sequence
section(Section) - Method in class ucar.nc2.Variable
Create a new Variable that is a logical subsection of this Variable.
Section - Class in ucar.array
A section of multidimensional array indices.
Section(int[]) - Constructor for class ucar.array.Section
Create Section from a shape array, assumes 0 origin.
Section(int[], int[]) - Constructor for class ucar.array.Section
Create Section from a shape and origin arrays.
Section(String) - Constructor for class ucar.array.Section
Parse an index section String specification, return equivilent Section.
Section(List<Range>) - Constructor for class ucar.array.Section
Create Section from a List.
Section(List<Range>, int[]) - Constructor for class ucar.array.Section
Create Section from a List, filling in nulls with shape.
Section(Range...) - Constructor for class ucar.array.Section
Create Section from a variable length argument list of Ranges
Section.Builder - Class in ucar.array
Section.Iterator - Class in ucar.array
seek(long) - Method in class ucar.unidata.io.RandomAccessFile
Set the position in the file for the next read or write.
select(String) - Method in class ucar.nc2.Structure
Create a subset of the Structure consisting only of the one member variable
select(List<String>) - Method in class ucar.nc2.Structure
Create a subset of the Structure consisting only of the given member variables
SEMI_MAJOR_AXIS - Static variable in class ucar.nc2.constants.CF
SEMI_MINOR_AXIS - Static variable in class ucar.nc2.constants.CF
sendIospMessage(Object) - Method in class ucar.nc2.dataset.NetcdfDataset
sendIospMessage(Object) - Method in class ucar.nc2.iosp.AbstractIOServiceProvider
sendIospMessage(Object) - Method in interface ucar.nc2.iosp.IOServiceProvider
A way to communicate arbitrary information to and from an iosp.
sendIospMessage(Object) - Method in class ucar.nc2.NetcdfFile
Generic way to send a "message" to the underlying IOSP.
Sequence - Class in ucar.nc2
A one-dimensional Structure with indeterminate length, possibly 0.
SEQUENCE - ucar.array.ArrayType
Sequence.Builder<T extends Sequence.Builder<T>> - Class in ucar.nc2
SequenceDS - Class in ucar.nc2.dataset
An "enhanced" Sequence
SequenceDS.Builder<T extends SequenceDS.Builder<T>> - Class in ucar.nc2.dataset
Service - Class in thredds.client.catalog
Client catalog service
Service(String, String, String, String, String, List<Service>, List<Property>, String) - Constructor for class thredds.client.catalog.Service
ServiceName - Static variable in class thredds.client.catalog.Dataset
Services - Static variable in class thredds.client.catalog.Catalog
ServiceType - Enum in thredds.client.catalog
Service Type enums
ServiceType.AccessType - Enum in thredds.client.catalog
Access Type enums
set(int...) - Method in class ucar.array.Index
Set the current element's index.
set(int, Object) - Method in class ucar.array.ArrayVlen
Set the ith value.
set(String, boolean) - Method in class ucar.nc2.util.DebugFlags.DebugFlagsImpl
set(String, boolean) - Method in interface ucar.nc2.util.DebugFlags
Set named debug flag.
set(String, Object) - Method in class thredds.client.catalog.ThreddsMetadata
set0(int) - Method in class ucar.array.Index
set current element at dimension 0 to v
set1(int) - Method in class ucar.array.Index
set current element at dimension 1 to v
set2(int) - Method in class ucar.array.Index
set current element at dimension 2 to v
set3(int) - Method in class ucar.array.Index
set current element at dimension 3 to v
set4(int) - Method in class ucar.array.Index
set current element at dimension 4 to v
set5(int) - Method in class ucar.array.Index
set current element at dimension 5 to v
set6(int) - Method in class ucar.array.Index
set current element at dimension 6 to v
setAggregation(Aggregation) - Method in class ucar.nc2.dataset.NetcdfDataset.Builder
setAltitude(double) - Method in class ucar.unidata.geoloc.Station.Builder
setAltUnits(String) - Method in class ucar.unidata.geoloc.Station.Builder
setArrayType(ArrayType) - Method in class ucar.array.StructureMembers.MemberBuilder
setArrayType(ArrayType) - Method in class ucar.nc2.Attribute.Builder
setArrayType(ArrayType) - Method in class ucar.nc2.Variable.Builder
setArrayValues(Array<?>) - Method in class ucar.nc2.Attribute.Builder
Set the values as an Array.
setAttributes(AttributeContainer) - Method in class ucar.nc2.grid.GridAxis.Builder
setAutoGen(double, double) - Method in class ucar.nc2.Variable.Builder
setAxisType(AxisType) - Method in class ucar.nc2.dataset.CoordinateAxis.Builder
setAxisType(AxisType) - Method in class ucar.nc2.grid.GridAxis.Builder
setBaseURI(URI) - Method in class thredds.client.catalog.builder.CatalogBuilder
setBitOffset(int) - Method in class ucar.nc2.iosp.BitReader
Position file at bitOffset from startPos
setBoundary(String) - Method in class ucar.nc2.dataset.CoordinateAxis.Builder
setBufferSize(int) - Method in class ucar.unidata.io.InMemoryRandomAccessFile
setBufferSize(int) - Method in class ucar.unidata.io.RandomAccessFile
Set the buffer size.
setByteOrder(ByteOrder) - Method in class ucar.array.StructureMembers.MemberBuilder
setCaching(boolean) - Method in class ucar.nc2.dataset.VariableDS
setCaching(boolean) - Method in class ucar.nc2.Variable
Set whether to cache or not.
setCancelTask(CancelTask) - Method in class ucar.nc2.write.NcdumpArray.Builder
allow task to be cancelled
setChunker(Nc4Chunking) - Method in class ucar.nc2.write.NetcdfFormatWriter.Builder
Nc4Chunking, used only for netcdf4
setConventionUsed(String) - Method in class ucar.nc2.dataset.NetcdfDataset.Builder
setCoordAxesNames(String) - Method in class ucar.nc2.dataset.CoordinateSystem.Builder
setCoordinateTransformName(String) - Method in class ucar.nc2.dataset.CoordinateSystem.Builder
setCurrentCounter(long) - Method in class ucar.nc2.write.ChunkingIndex
Set the current counter from the 1D "current element" currElement = offset + stride[0]*current[0] + ...
setCylindricalCoord(CylindricalCoord) - Method in class ucar.nc2.grid.MaterializedCoordinateSystem.Builder
setDate(CalendarDate) - Method in class ucar.nc2.grid.GridReader
setDate(CalendarDate) - Method in class ucar.nc2.grid.GridSubset
setDateRange(CalendarDateRange) - Method in class ucar.nc2.grid.GridReader
setDateRange(CalendarDateRange) - Method in class ucar.nc2.grid.GridSubset
setDebugFlags(DebugFlags) - Static method in class ucar.nc2.write.NetcdfCopier
setDefaultChunkSize(int) - Method in class ucar.nc2.write.Nc4ChunkingDefault
setDefaultEnhanceMode(Set<NetcdfDataset.Enhance>) - Static method in class ucar.nc2.dataset.NetcdfDataset
Set the default set of Enhancements to do for all subsequent dataset opens and acquires.
setDependenceType(GridAxisDependenceType) - Method in class ucar.nc2.grid.GridAxis.Builder
setDependsOn(String) - Method in class ucar.nc2.grid.GridAxis.Builder
setDependsOn(List<String>) - Method in class ucar.nc2.grid.GridAxis.Builder
setDesc(String) - Method in class ucar.array.StructureMembers.MemberBuilder
setDesc(String) - Method in class ucar.nc2.dataset.StructureDS.Builder
setDesc(String) - Method in class ucar.nc2.dataset.VariableDS.Builder
setDescription(String) - Method in class ucar.nc2.grid.GridAxis.Builder
setDescription(String) - Method in class ucar.unidata.geoloc.Station.Builder
setDim(int, int) - Method in class ucar.array.Index
Set current element at dimension dim
setDimensions(List<Dimension>) - Method in class ucar.nc2.Variable.Builder
setDimensionsAnonymous(int[]) - Method in class ucar.nc2.Variable.Builder
Set the dimensions using all anonymous (unshared) dimensions
setDimensionsByName(String) - Method in class ucar.nc2.Variable.Builder
Set dimensions by name.
setDuration(TimeDuration) - Method in class thredds.client.catalog.TimeCoverage.Builder
Set the duration of the interval.
setEdges(double[]) - Method in class ucar.nc2.grid.GridAxisPoint.Builder
Spacing.nominalPoint: pts[ncoords+1]
setEnd(DateType) - Method in class thredds.client.catalog.TimeCoverage.Builder
Set the ending Date.
setEnhanceMode(Set<NetcdfDataset.Enhance>) - Method in class ucar.nc2.dataset.NetcdfDataset.Builder
setEnhanceMode(Set<NetcdfDataset.Enhance>) - Method in class ucar.nc2.dataset.VariableDS.Builder
setEnsAxis(GridAxisPoint) - Method in class ucar.nc2.grid.MaterializedCoordinateSystem.Builder
setEnsCoord(Number) - Method in class ucar.nc2.grid.GridSubset
setEnsCoord(Object) - Method in class ucar.nc2.grid.GridReader
setEnumType(EnumTypedef) - Method in class ucar.nc2.Attribute.Builder
setEnumTypeName(String) - Method in class ucar.nc2.Variable.Builder
setExpires(CalendarDate) - Method in class thredds.client.catalog.builder.CatalogBuilder
setExtendMode() - Method in class ucar.unidata.io.RandomAccessFile
Set extendMode for truncated, yet valid files - old NetCDF code allowed this when NOFILL on, and user doesnt write all variables.
setExtraHeader(int) - Method in class ucar.nc2.write.NetcdfFormatWriter.Builder
Set extra bytes to reserve in the header.
setFileCache(FileCacheIF) - Method in class ucar.nc2.NetcdfFile
Public by accident.
setFileCache(FileCacheIF) - Method in class ucar.unidata.io.RandomAccessFile
setFileTypeId(String) - Method in class ucar.nc2.dataset.NetcdfDataset.Builder
setFill(boolean) - Method in class ucar.nc2.write.NetcdfFormatWriter.Builder
Set the fill flag.
setFillValueIsMissing(boolean) - Method in class ucar.nc2.dataset.VariableDS.Builder
setFormat(NetcdfFileFormat) - Method in class ucar.nc2.write.NetcdfFormatWriter.Builder
Set the format version.
setGlobalFileCache(FileCacheIF) - Static method in class ucar.unidata.io.RandomAccessFile
setGridName(String) - Method in class ucar.nc2.grid.GridSubset
setHeight(double) - Method in class ucar.unidata.geoloc.ProjectionRect.Builder
setHorizCoordSys(GridHorizCoordinateSystem) - Method in class ucar.nc2.grid.MaterializedCoordinateSystem.Builder
setHorizStride(int) - Method in class ucar.nc2.grid.GridReader
setHorizStride(int) - Method in class ucar.nc2.grid.GridSubset
setHref(String) - Method in class thredds.client.catalog.builder.CatalogRefBuilder
setId(String) - Method in class ucar.nc2.NetcdfFile.Builder
setImplicit(boolean) - Method in class ucar.nc2.dataset.CoordinateSystem.Builder
setIndentLevel(int) - Method in class ucar.nc2.util.Indent
Set the indent level
setInvalidDataIsMissing(boolean) - Method in class ucar.nc2.dataset.VariableDS.Builder
setIosp(AbstractIOServiceProvider) - Method in class ucar.nc2.NetcdfFile.Builder
setIosp(IOServiceProvider) - Method in class ucar.nc2.write.NetcdfFormatWriter.Builder
setIsCaching(boolean) - Method in class ucar.nc2.Variable.Builder
setIsContiguous(boolean) - Method in class ucar.nc2.dataset.CoordinateAxis1D.Builder
setIsExisting() - Method in class ucar.nc2.write.NetcdfFormatWriter.Builder
setIsScalar() - Method in class ucar.nc2.Variable.Builder
setIsShared(boolean) - Method in class ucar.nc2.Dimension.Builder
Set whether this is shared.
setIsSubset(boolean) - Method in class ucar.nc2.grid.GridAxis.Builder
setIsUnlimited(boolean) - Method in class ucar.nc2.Dimension.Builder
Set is unlimited.
setIsVariableLength(boolean) - Method in class ucar.nc2.Dimension.Builder
Set variable length is true.
setLatitude(double) - Method in class ucar.unidata.geoloc.Station.Builder
setLatLonBoundingBox(LatLonRect) - Method in class ucar.nc2.grid.GridReader
setLatLonBoundingBox(LatLonRect) - Method in class ucar.nc2.grid.GridSubset
setLatLonPoint(LatLonPoint) - Method in class ucar.nc2.grid.GridReader
setLatLonPoint(LatLonPoint) - Method in class ucar.nc2.grid.GridSubset
setLength(int) - Method in class ucar.nc2.Dimension.Builder
Set the Dimension length.
setLength(int) - Method in class ucar.nc2.write.UnlimitedDimension
Set the Dimension length.
setLocation(String) - Method in class ucar.nc2.NetcdfFile.Builder
Set the location, a URL or local filename.
setLocation(String) - Method in class ucar.nc2.write.NetcdfFormatWriter.Builder
The file locatipn
setLocationName(String) - Method in class ucar.nc2.write.NcdumpArray.Builder
setLongitude(double) - Method in class ucar.unidata.geoloc.Station.Builder
setMemberData(int, StructureMembers.Member, Array<?>) - Method in class ucar.array.StructureDataStorageBB
Copy Array data into ByteBuffer at recordOffset + member.getOffset().
setMemberDataNested(int, StructureMembers.Member, Array<?>) - Method in class ucar.array.StructureDataStorageBB
Copy Array data into ByteBuffer at recordOffset + member.getOffset().
setMinChunksize(int) - Method in class ucar.nc2.write.Nc4ChunkingDefault
setMinLength(long) - Method in class ucar.unidata.io.RandomAccessFile
Make sure file is at least this long when its closed.
setMinVariableSize(int) - Method in class ucar.nc2.write.Nc4ChunkingDefault
setMissingDataIsMissing(boolean) - Method in class ucar.nc2.dataset.VariableDS.Builder
setName(String) - Method in class thredds.client.catalog.builder.CatalogBuilder
setName(String) - Method in class thredds.client.catalog.builder.DatasetBuilder
setName(String) - Method in class ucar.array.StructureMembers.Builder
setName(String) - Method in class ucar.array.StructureMembers.MemberBuilder
setName(String) - Method in class ucar.nc2.Attribute.Builder
setName(String) - Method in class ucar.nc2.AttributeContainerMutable
Set the AttributeContainer name.
setName(String) - Method in class ucar.nc2.Dimension.Builder
setName(String) - Method in class ucar.nc2.grid.GridAxis.Builder
setName(String) - Method in class ucar.nc2.Group.Builder
setName(String) - Method in class ucar.nc2.Variable.Builder
setName(String) - Method in class ucar.unidata.geoloc.Station.Builder
setNcfile(NetcdfFile) - Method in class ucar.nc2.Group.Builder
setNcfile(NetcdfFile) - Method in class ucar.nc2.Variable.Builder
setNcml(boolean) - Method in class ucar.nc2.write.NcdumpArray.Builder
set true if outout should be ncml, otherwise CDL.
setNcoords(int) - Method in class ucar.nc2.grid.GridAxisInterval.Builder
setNcoords(int) - Method in class ucar.nc2.grid.GridAxisPoint.Builder
setNobs(int) - Method in class ucar.unidata.geoloc.Station.Builder
setNumericValue(Number, boolean) - Method in class ucar.nc2.Attribute.Builder
setOffset(int) - Method in class ucar.array.StructureMembers.MemberBuilder
The offset of the member in the ByteBuffer.
setOrgFile(NetcdfFile) - Method in class ucar.nc2.dataset.NetcdfDataset.Builder
setOriginalArrayType(ArrayType) - Method in class ucar.nc2.dataset.VariableDS.Builder
setOriginalFileTypeId(String) - Method in class ucar.nc2.dataset.VariableDS.Builder
setOriginalName(String) - Method in class ucar.nc2.dataset.SequenceDS.Builder
setOriginalName(String) - Method in class ucar.nc2.dataset.StructureDS.Builder
setOriginalName(String) - Method in class ucar.nc2.dataset.VariableDS.Builder
setOriginalSequence(Sequence) - Method in class ucar.nc2.dataset.SequenceDS.Builder
setOriginalVariable(Structure) - Method in class ucar.nc2.dataset.StructureDS.Builder
setOriginalVariable(Variable) - Method in class ucar.nc2.dataset.VariableDS.Builder
setParentGroup(Group.Builder) - Method in class ucar.nc2.Group.Builder
setParentGroupBuilder(Group.Builder) - Method in class ucar.nc2.Variable.Builder
setPreallocateSize(long) - Method in class ucar.nc2.write.NetcdfFormatWriter.Builder
Preallocate the file size, for efficiency.
setPrimitiveArray(int, Object) - Method in interface ucar.array.StorageMutable
Set the ith element.
setProjectionBoundingBox(ProjectionRect) - Method in class ucar.nc2.grid.GridReader
setProjectionBoundingBox(ProjectionRect) - Method in class ucar.nc2.grid.GridSubset
setProjectionPoint(ProjectionPoint) - Method in class ucar.nc2.grid.GridReader
setProjectionPoint(ProjectionPoint) - Method in class ucar.nc2.grid.GridSubset
setProxyReader(ProxyReader) - Method in class ucar.nc2.Variable.Builder
setRaf(RandomAccessFile) - Method in class ucar.nc2.iosp.AbstractIOServiceProvider
setRange(int, Range) - Method in class ucar.array.Section.Builder
Set the range at the specified index in the list, previous Range is discarded
setRange(Range) - Method in class ucar.nc2.grid.GridAxisInterval.Builder
setRange(Range) - Method in class ucar.nc2.grid.GridAxisPoint.Builder
setRect(double, double, double, double) - Method in class ucar.unidata.geoloc.ProjectionRect.Builder
setRect(ProjectionRect) - Method in class ucar.unidata.geoloc.ProjectionRect.Builder
setRegular(int, double, double) - Method in class ucar.nc2.grid.GridAxisInterval.Builder
Only used when spacing.regularInterval.
setRegular(int, double, double) - Method in class ucar.nc2.grid.GridAxisPoint.Builder
Only used when spacing.regularPoint.
setResolution(double) - Method in class ucar.nc2.grid.GridAxis.Builder
When spacing.isRegular, same as increment.
setResolution(TimeDuration) - Method in class thredds.client.catalog.TimeCoverage.Builder
Set the time resolution.
setRootGroup(Group.Builder) - Method in class ucar.nc2.NetcdfFile.Builder
setRootGroup(Group.Builder) - Method in class ucar.nc2.write.NetcdfFormatWriter.Builder
Set the root group.
setRunTime(CalendarDate) - Method in class ucar.nc2.grid.GridReader
setRunTime(CalendarDate) - Method in class ucar.nc2.grid.GridSubset
setRunTimeAll() - Method in class ucar.nc2.grid.GridSubset
setRunTimeCoord(Object) - Method in class ucar.nc2.grid.GridSubset
setRunTimeLatest() - Method in class ucar.nc2.grid.GridReader
setRunTimeLatest() - Method in class ucar.nc2.grid.GridSubset
setShape(int[]) - Method in class ucar.array.StructureMembers.MemberBuilder
setShowAllValues() - Method in class ucar.nc2.write.NcdumpArray.Builder
show all Variable's values
setShowCoordValues() - Method in class ucar.nc2.write.NcdumpArray.Builder
show Coordinate Variable's values only
setSourceData(Array<?>) - Method in class ucar.nc2.Variable.Builder
setSpacing(GridAxisSpacing) - Method in class ucar.nc2.grid.GridAxis.Builder
setSpacing(GridAxisSpacing) - Method in class ucar.nc2.grid.GridAxisInterval.Builder
setSpacing(GridAxisSpacing) - Method in class ucar.nc2.grid.GridAxisPoint.Builder
setSPobject(Object) - Method in class ucar.nc2.Variable.Builder
setStandardOffsets() - Method in class ucar.array.StructureMembers.Builder
Set structureSize and offsets yourself, or call setStandardOffsets.
setStart(DateType) - Method in class thredds.client.catalog.TimeCoverage.Builder
Set the starting Date.
setStartValue(double) - Method in class ucar.nc2.grid.GridAxisInterval.Builder
setStartValue(double) - Method in class ucar.nc2.grid.GridAxisPoint.Builder
setStrict(boolean) - Method in class ucar.nc2.write.NcdumpArray.Builder
strict CDL representation, default false
setStringValue(String) - Method in class ucar.nc2.Attribute.Builder
Set the value as a String, trimming trailing zeros
setStructureMembers(StructureMembers.Builder) - Method in class ucar.array.StructureMembers.MemberBuilder
setStructureSize(int) - Method in class ucar.array.StructureMembers.Builder
Set structureSize and offsets yourself, or call setStandardOffsets.
setTimeAll() - Method in class ucar.nc2.grid.GridReader
setTimeAll() - Method in class ucar.nc2.grid.GridSubset
setTimeCoordSys(GridTimeCoordinateSystem) - Method in class ucar.nc2.grid.MaterializedCoordinateSystem.Builder
setTimeFirst() - Method in class ucar.nc2.grid.GridReader
setTimeFirst() - Method in class ucar.nc2.grid.GridSubset
setTimeLatest() - Method in class ucar.nc2.grid.GridReader
setTimeLatest() - Method in class ucar.nc2.grid.GridSubset
setTimeOffsetCoord(Object) - Method in class ucar.nc2.grid.GridReader
setTimeOffsetCoord(Object) - Method in class ucar.nc2.grid.GridSubset
setTimeOffsetRange(CoordInterval) - Method in class ucar.nc2.grid.GridReader
setTimeOffsetRange(CoordInterval) - Method in class ucar.nc2.grid.GridSubset
setTimePresent() - Method in class ucar.nc2.grid.GridReader
setTimePresent() - Method in class ucar.nc2.grid.GridSubset
setTimeStride(int) - Method in class ucar.nc2.grid.GridSubset
setTitle(String) - Method in class thredds.client.catalog.builder.CatalogRefBuilder
setTitle(String) - Method in class ucar.nc2.NetcdfFile.Builder
Set the dataset "human readable" title.
setUnits(String) - Method in class ucar.array.StructureMembers.MemberBuilder
setUnits(String) - Method in class ucar.nc2.dataset.StructureDS.Builder
setUnits(String) - Method in class ucar.nc2.dataset.VariableDS.Builder
setUnits(String) - Method in class ucar.nc2.grid.GridAxis.Builder
setUseJna(boolean) - Method in class ucar.nc2.write.NetcdfFormatWriter.Builder
Set if you want to use JNA / netcdf c library to do the writing.
setValues(double[]) - Method in class ucar.nc2.grid.GridAxisInterval.Builder
Spacing.regularXXX: not used Spacing.contiguousInterval: edges[ncoords+1] Spacing.discontiguousInterval: bounds[2*ncoords]
setValues(double[]) - Method in class ucar.nc2.grid.GridAxisPoint.Builder
Spacing.regularXXX: not used Spacing.irregularPoint: pts[ncoords] Spacing.nominalPoint: pts[ncoords]
setValues(List<?>, boolean) - Method in class ucar.nc2.Attribute.Builder
Set the values from a list of String or one of the primitives Integer, Float, Double, Short, Long, Integer, Byte.
setValues(List<Number>) - Method in class ucar.nc2.grid.GridAxisInterval.Builder
setValues(List<Number>) - Method in class ucar.nc2.grid.GridAxisPoint.Builder
setVarNames(String) - Method in class ucar.nc2.write.NcdumpArray.Builder
setVersion(String) - Method in class thredds.client.catalog.builder.CatalogBuilder
setVertAxis(GridAxis<?>) - Method in class ucar.nc2.grid.MaterializedCoordinateSystem.Builder
setVertCoord(Object) - Method in class ucar.nc2.grid.GridReader
setVertCoord(Object) - Method in class ucar.nc2.grid.GridSubset
setWantValues(NcdumpArray.WantValues) - Method in class ucar.nc2.write.NcdumpArray.Builder
set what Variables' values you want output.
setWidth(double) - Method in class ucar.unidata.geoloc.ProjectionRect.Builder
setWmoId(String) - Method in class ucar.unidata.geoloc.Station.Builder
setX(double) - Method in class ucar.unidata.geoloc.ProjectionRect.Builder
setY(double) - Method in class ucar.unidata.geoloc.ProjectionRect.Builder
SHORT - ucar.array.ArrayType
SHORT - Static variable in class ucar.nc2.constants.CF
shortName - Variable in class ucar.nc2.Group.Builder
shortName - Variable in class ucar.nc2.Variable.Builder
show() - Method in class ucar.array.Array
showBits(byte[]) - Static method in class ucar.nc2.util.Misc
showClassPath() - Static method in class ucar.nc2.util.Misc
showFnSummary() - Method in class ucar.nc2.grid.GridCoordinateSystem
Function description, eg GRID(T,Z,Y,Z):R
shutdown() - Static method in class ucar.nc2.dataset.NetcdfDatasets
Call when application exits, if you have previously called initNetcdfFileCache.
shutdown() - Static method in class ucar.unidata.io.RandomAccessFile
SIGNED - ucar.array.ArrayType.Signedness
The data type can represent both positive and negative numbers.
SIMPLE_GEOMETRY - ucar.nc2.constants.FeatureType
SimpleGeometryID - ucar.nc2.constants.AxisType
SimpleGeometryX - ucar.nc2.constants.AxisType
SimpleGeometryY - ucar.nc2.constants.AxisType
SimpleGeometryZ - ucar.nc2.constants.AxisType
SimpleUnit - Class in ucar.nc2.units
Convenience routines on top of ucar.units package.
since(CalendarDate, CalendarPeriod) - Method in interface ucar.nc2.calendar.CalendarDate
Return value of (this - start) in the given CalendarPeriod units.
since(CalendarDate, CalendarPeriod.Field) - Method in interface ucar.nc2.calendar.CalendarDate
Return value of (this - start) in the given Field units.
SingleRuntime - ucar.nc2.grid.GridTimeCoordinateSystem.Type
Single runtime.
SINUSOIDAL - Static variable in class ucar.nc2.constants.CF
size - Variable in class thredds.client.catalog.ThreddsMetadata.GeospatialRange
size() - Method in class ucar.nc2.write.ChunkingIndex
skip(long) - Method in class ucar.unidata.io.UncompressInputStream
skipBytes(int) - Method in class ucar.unidata.io.RandomAccessFile
Skips exactly n bytes of input.
skipBytes(long) - Method in class ucar.unidata.io.RandomAccessFile
slice(int, int) - Method in class ucar.nc2.Sequence
slice(int, int) - Method in class ucar.nc2.Variable
Create a new Variable that is a logical slice of this Variable, by fixing the specified dimension at the specified index value.
slice(Array<T>, int, int) - Static method in class ucar.array.Arrays
Create a new Array using same backing store as the org Array, by fixing the specified dimension at the specified index value.
Source(ThreddsMetadata.Vocab, String, String) - Constructor for class thredds.client.catalog.ThreddsMetadata.Source
SOURCE - Static variable in class ucar.nc2.constants.CF
specialReadNeeded() - Method in class ucar.nc2.grid.MaterializedCoordinateSystem
Public by accident.
Spectral - ucar.nc2.constants.AxisType
spiObject - Variable in class ucar.nc2.Variable.Builder
Stagger - Static variable in class ucar.nc2.constants._Coordinate
StaggerType - Static variable in class ucar.nc2.constants.CDM
standard - ucar.nc2.write.Nc4Chunking.Strategy
standard_deviation - ucar.nc2.constants.CF.CellMethods
STANDARD_NAME - Static variable in class ucar.nc2.constants.CF
standard_name_vocabulary - Static variable in class ucar.nc2.constants.ACDD
STANDARD_PARALLEL - Static variable in class ucar.nc2.constants.CF
start - Variable in class thredds.client.catalog.ThreddsMetadata.GeospatialRange
start() - Method in class ucar.nc2.grid.CoordInterval
The starting value of the coordinate interval
startValue - Variable in class ucar.nc2.grid.GridAxisInterval.Builder
startValue - Variable in class ucar.nc2.grid.GridAxisPoint.Builder
Station - Class in ucar.unidata.geoloc
A named location on the earth.
Station(String, String, String, double, double, double, int) - Constructor for class ucar.unidata.geoloc.Station
STATION - ucar.nc2.constants.FeatureType
STATION_ALTITUDE - Static variable in class ucar.nc2.constants.CF
STATION_DESC - Static variable in class ucar.nc2.constants.CF
STATION_ID - Static variable in class ucar.nc2.constants.CF
STATION_PROFILE - ucar.nc2.constants.FeatureType
STATION_RADIAL - ucar.nc2.constants.FeatureType
STATION_WMOID - Static variable in class ucar.nc2.constants.CF
Station.Builder - Class in ucar.unidata.geoloc
STEREOGRAPHIC - Static variable in class ucar.nc2.constants.CF
Storage<T> - Interface in ucar.array
Abstraction for storing Array data.
StorageMutable<T> - Interface in ucar.array
Storage that can be changed.
STRAIGHT_VERTICAL_LONGITUDE_FROM_POLE - Static variable in class ucar.nc2.constants.CF
stride() - Method in class ucar.array.Range
The stride, must be ≥ 1.
STRING - ucar.array.ArrayType
Structure - Class in ucar.nc2
A Structure is a type of Variable that contains other Variables, like a struct in C.
STRUCTURE - ucar.array.ArrayType
Structure.Builder<T extends Structure.Builder<T>> - Class in ucar.nc2
StructureData - Class in ucar.array
A container for a Structure's data.
StructureDataArray - Class in ucar.array
Concrete implementation of Array specialized for StructureData.
StructureDataArray(StructureMembers, int[], Storage<StructureData>) - Constructor for class ucar.array.StructureDataArray
Create an Array of type StructureData and the given shape and storage.
StructureDataArray(StructureMembers, int[], StructureData[]) - Constructor for class ucar.array.StructureDataArray
Create an Array of type StructureData and the given shape and storage.
StructureDataStorageBB - Class in ucar.array
Storage for StructureDataArray with all data in a single ByteBuffer, using member's offsets and ByteOrder, and a heap for vlen data such as Strings, Vlens, and Sequences.
StructureDataStorageBB(StructureMembers, ByteBuffer, int) - Constructor for class ucar.array.StructureDataStorageBB
StructureDS - Class in ucar.nc2.dataset
An "enhanced" Structure.
StructureDS.Builder<T extends StructureDS.Builder<T>> - Class in ucar.nc2.dataset
StructureEnhanced - Interface in ucar.nc2.dataset
Interface to an "enhanced Structure".
StructureMembers - Class in ucar.array
A collection of members contained in StructureData.
StructureMembers.Builder - Class in ucar.array
StructureMembers.Member - Class in ucar.array
A member of a StructureData.
StructureMembers.MemberBuilder - Class in ucar.array
structuresOnHeap() - Method in class ucar.array.StructureMembers
subset(int, double, double, double, Range) - Method in class ucar.nc2.grid.GridAxisInterval.Builder
subset(GridSubset, Formatter) - Method in class ucar.nc2.grid.GridAxis
Create a logically subset of this GridAxis.
subset(GridSubset, Formatter) - Method in class ucar.nc2.grid.GridAxisInterval
subset(GridSubset, Formatter) - Method in class ucar.nc2.grid.GridAxisPoint
subset(GridSubset, Formatter) - Method in class ucar.nc2.grid.GridCoordinateSystem
Create a MaterializedCoordinateSystem based on the supplied subset parameters.
subset(GridSubset, Formatter) - Method in class ucar.nc2.grid.GridTimeCoordinateSystem
Create a subsetted GridTimeCoordinateSystem.
subsetCatalogOnDataset(Dataset) - Method in class thredds.client.catalog.Catalog
subsetWithRange(Range) - Method in class ucar.nc2.grid.GridAxisPoint.Builder
Subset with given range.
subsetWithSingleValue(double, Range) - Method in class ucar.nc2.grid.GridAxisPoint.Builder
subsetWithStride(int) - Method in class ucar.nc2.grid.GridAxisPoint.Builder
Subset with stride > 1; Turns into a nominalPoint.
subtract(TimeDuration) - Method in class thredds.client.catalog.DateType
subtract(TimeUnit) - Method in class thredds.client.catalog.DateType
sum - ucar.nc2.constants.CF.CellMethods
sumDouble(Array<?>) - Static method in class ucar.array.Arrays
Sum all the values in the Array as doubles.
summary - Static variable in class ucar.nc2.constants.ACDD
SUPERBLOCKVERSION - Static variable in class ucar.nc2.constants.CDM
SURFACE_ALTITUDE - Static variable in class ucar.nc2.constants.CF
SWATH - ucar.nc2.constants.FeatureType
SWEEP_ANGLE_AXIS - Static variable in class ucar.nc2.constants.CF
SystemFor - Static variable in class ucar.nc2.constants._Coordinate
Systems - Static variable in class ucar.nc2.constants._Coordinate


test(Variable) - Method in class ucar.nc2.write.NcmlWriter.WriteVariablesWithNamesPredicate
text - Variable in class thredds.client.catalog.ThreddsMetadata.Vocab
THREDDS - thredds.client.catalog.ServiceType
thredds.client.catalog - package thredds.client.catalog
THREDDS Catalog reading.
thredds.client.catalog.builder - package thredds.client.catalog.builder
THREDDS Catalog builders.
ThreddsMetadata - Class in thredds.client.catalog
Thredds Metadata.
ThreddsMetadata() - Constructor for class thredds.client.catalog.ThreddsMetadata
ThreddsMetadata(ThreddsMetadata) - Constructor for class thredds.client.catalog.ThreddsMetadata
ThreddsMetadata.Contributor - Class in thredds.client.catalog
Metadata Contributor type, named roles for a dataset.
ThreddsMetadata.GeospatialCoverage - Class in thredds.client.catalog
Metadata GeospatialCoverage type, the x/y/z bounding boxes of a dataset.
ThreddsMetadata.GeospatialRange - Class in thredds.client.catalog
Metadata GeospatialCoverage range (x,y, or z).
ThreddsMetadata.MetadataOther - Class in thredds.client.catalog
The metadata element contains or refers to structured information (in XML) about datasets.
ThreddsMetadata.Source - Class in thredds.client.catalog
Metadata Source type, used by publisher and creator elements.
ThreddsMetadata.UriResolved - Class in thredds.client.catalog
A resource reference that has been resolved to a URI.
ThreddsMetadata.Variable - Class in thredds.client.catalog
The variables (aka fields or parameters) that are available in the dataset.
ThreddsMetadata.VariableGroup - Class in thredds.client.catalog
A group of variables from the same vocabulary.
ThreddsMetadata.Vocab - Class in thredds.client.catalog
Text with an optional "vocabulary" attribute.
ThreddsMetadataContainer - Interface in thredds.client.catalog
Container of ThreddsMetadata: Dataset or ThreddsMetadata
ThreddsMetadataInheritable - Static variable in class thredds.client.catalog.Dataset
TIFF - ucar.nc2.constants.DataFormatType
Time - ucar.nc2.constants.AxisType
TIME - Static variable in class ucar.nc2.constants.CF
TIME_DURATION - Static variable in class ucar.nc2.constants.ACDD
TIME_END - Static variable in class ucar.nc2.constants.ACDD
TIME_OFFSET - Static variable in class ucar.nc2.constants.CDM
TIME_OFFSET - Static variable in class ucar.nc2.constants.CF
TIME_OFFSET_MINUTES - Static variable in class ucar.nc2.constants.CDM
TIME_REFERENCE - Static variable in class ucar.nc2.constants.CF
TIME_RESOLUTION - Static variable in class ucar.nc2.constants.ACDD
TIME_START - Static variable in class ucar.nc2.constants.ACDD
timeAll - Static variable in class ucar.nc2.grid.GridSubset
TimeCoverage - Class in thredds.client.catalog
A range of dates, using DateType start/end, and/or a TimeDuration.
TimeCoverage.Builder - Class in thredds.client.catalog
TimeCoverageNew - Static variable in class thredds.client.catalog.Dataset
TimeDuration - Class in thredds.client.catalog
The thredds "duration" XML element type: specifies a length of time.
TimeDuration(TimeUnit) - Constructor for class thredds.client.catalog.TimeDuration
Construct from a TimeUnit.
timeFirst - Static variable in class ucar.nc2.grid.GridSubset
timeLatest - Static variable in class ucar.nc2.grid.GridSubset
timeOffset - Static variable in class ucar.nc2.grid.GridSubset
TimeOffset - ucar.nc2.constants.AxisType
timeOffsetDate - Static variable in class ucar.nc2.grid.GridSubset
timeOffsetIntv - Static variable in class ucar.nc2.grid.GridSubset
timeOffsetRange - Static variable in class ucar.nc2.grid.GridSubset
timeOffsetUnit - Static variable in class ucar.nc2.grid.GridSubset
timePresent - Static variable in class ucar.nc2.grid.GridSubset
timeSeries - ucar.nc2.constants.CF.FeatureType
TIMESERIES_ID - Static variable in class ucar.nc2.constants.CF
timeSeriesProfile - ucar.nc2.constants.CF.FeatureType
timeStride - Static variable in class ucar.nc2.grid.GridSubset
TimeUnit - Class in ucar.nc2.units
Handles Units that are time durations, eg in seconds, hours, days, years.
title - Variable in class thredds.client.catalog.ThreddsMetadata.MetadataOther
title - Static variable in class ucar.nc2.constants.ACDD
TITLE - Static variable in class ucar.nc2.constants.CDM
TITLE - Static variable in class ucar.nc2.constants.CF
toBuilder() - Method in class thredds.client.catalog.TimeCoverage
toBuilder() - Method in class ucar.array.IndexFn
toBuilder() - Method in class ucar.array.Section
toBuilder() - Method in class ucar.array.StructureMembers.Member
Turn into a mutable Builder.
toBuilder() - Method in class ucar.array.StructureMembers
Turn into a mutable Builder.
toBuilder() - Method in class ucar.nc2.Attribute
Turn into a mutable Builder.
toBuilder() - Method in class ucar.nc2.dataset.CoordinateAxis
toBuilder() - Method in class ucar.nc2.dataset.CoordinateAxis1D
toBuilder() - Method in class ucar.nc2.dataset.CoordinateSystem
Convert to a mutable Builder.
toBuilder() - Method in class ucar.nc2.dataset.NetcdfDataset
toBuilder() - Method in class ucar.nc2.dataset.SequenceDS
toBuilder() - Method in class ucar.nc2.dataset.StructureDS
toBuilder() - Method in class ucar.nc2.dataset.VariableDS
toBuilder() - Method in class ucar.nc2.Dimension
Turn into a mutable Builder, use toBuilder().build() to make a copy.
toBuilder() - Method in class ucar.nc2.grid.GridAxisInterval
toBuilder() - Method in class ucar.nc2.grid.GridAxisPoint
toBuilder() - Method in class ucar.nc2.grid.MaterializedCoordinateSystem
Turn into a mutable Builder.
toBuilder() - Method in class ucar.nc2.Group
Turn into a mutable Builder.
toBuilder() - Method in class ucar.nc2.NetcdfFile
Turn into a mutable Builder.
toBuilder() - Method in class ucar.nc2.Sequence
Turn into a mutable Builder.
toBuilder() - Method in class ucar.nc2.Structure
Turn into a mutable Builder.
toBuilder() - Method in class ucar.nc2.Variable
Turn into a mutable Builder.
toBuilder() - Method in class ucar.unidata.geoloc.LatLonRect
Convert to a mutable Builder
toBuilder() - Method in class ucar.unidata.geoloc.ProjectionRect
Turn into a mutable Builder.
toCalendarDate() - Method in class thredds.client.catalog.DateType
Get the CalendarDate, may be null if isBlank().
toCalendarPeriod() - Method in class thredds.client.catalog.TimeDuration
toCdl() - Method in enum ucar.array.ArrayType
The name used for CDL
toDate() - Method in interface ucar.nc2.calendar.CalendarDate
Get the equivilent java.util.Date.
toDateString() - Method in class thredds.client.catalog.DateType
Same as CalendarDateFormatter.toDateString
toDateString(CalendarDate) - Static method in class ucar.nc2.calendar.CalendarDateFormatter
toDateTimeString() - Method in class thredds.client.catalog.DateType
Same as CalendarDateFormatter.toDateTimeStringISO
toDateTimeString(CalendarDate) - Static method in class ucar.nc2.calendar.CalendarDateFormatter
toDateTimeStringISO(long) - Static method in class ucar.nc2.calendar.CalendarDateFormatter
toDateTimeStringISO(Date) - Static method in class ucar.nc2.calendar.CalendarDateFormatter
toDateTimeStringISO(CalendarDate) - Static method in class ucar.nc2.calendar.CalendarDateFormatter
toDateTimeStringNoSecs(CalendarDate) - Static method in class ucar.nc2.calendar.CalendarDateFormatter
toDateTimeStringWithMillis(CalendarDate) - Static method in class ucar.nc2.calendar.CalendarDateFormatter
toDouble(Array<?>) - Static method in class ucar.array.Arrays
Convert a numeric array to double values.
toImmutable() - Method in class ucar.nc2.AttributeContainerMutable
Turn into an immutable AttributeContainer
toInstant() - Method in interface ucar.nc2.calendar.CalendarDate
Public by accident.
toNcml() - Method in enum ucar.array.ArrayType
The name used for Ncml.
toNcml(String) - Method in class ucar.nc2.NetcdfFile
NcML representation of Netcdf header info, non strict
toString() - Method in class thredds.client.catalog.Access
toString() - Method in class thredds.client.catalog.DateType
toString() - Method in class thredds.client.catalog.Documentation
toString() - Method in class thredds.client.catalog.Property
toString() - Method in class thredds.client.catalog.Service
toString() - Method in class thredds.client.catalog.TimeCoverage
toString() - Method in class thredds.client.catalog.TimeDuration
toString() - Method in class ucar.array.Array
toString() - Method in enum ucar.array.ArrayType
toString() - Method in class ucar.array.IndexFn
toString() - Method in class ucar.array.MinMax
toString() - Method in class ucar.array.Range
toString() - Method in class ucar.array.Section
Convert List of Ranges to String sectionSpec.
toString() - Method in class ucar.array.StructureMembers.Member
toString() - Method in class ucar.array.StructureMembers.MemberBuilder
toString() - Method in class ucar.array.StructureMembers
toString() - Method in class ucar.nc2.Attribute
toString() - Method in interface ucar.nc2.calendar.CalendarDate
String in ISO8601 format
toString() - Method in class ucar.nc2.calendar.CalendarDateRange
toString() - Method in class ucar.nc2.calendar.CalendarDateUnit
toString() - Method in enum ucar.nc2.calendar.CalendarPeriod.Field
toString() - Method in class ucar.nc2.calendar.CalendarPeriod
toString() - Method in class ucar.nc2.dataset.CoordinateSystem
toString() - Method in class ucar.nc2.dataset.VariableDS
toString() - Method in class ucar.nc2.Dimension
toString() - Method in class ucar.nc2.EnumTypedef
toString() - Method in class ucar.nc2.grid.CoordInterval
toString() - Method in class ucar.nc2.grid.GridAxis.Builder
toString() - Method in class ucar.nc2.grid.GridAxis
toString() - Method in class ucar.nc2.grid.GridCoordinateSystem
toString() - Method in class ucar.nc2.grid.GridHorizCoordinateSystem.CellBounds
toString() - Method in class ucar.nc2.grid.GridHorizCoordinateSystem.CoordReturn
toString() - Method in class ucar.nc2.grid.GridHorizCoordinateSystem
toString() - Method in class ucar.nc2.grid.GridReader
toString() - Method in class ucar.nc2.grid.GridSubset
toString() - Method in class ucar.nc2.grid.GridTimeCoordinateSystem
toString() - Method in class ucar.nc2.Group
toString() - Method in class ucar.nc2.iosp.IndexChunker.Chunk
toString() - Method in class ucar.nc2.iosp.IndexChunker
toString() - Method in class ucar.nc2.iosp.IndexChunkerTiled
toString() - Method in class ucar.nc2.iosp.LayoutBBTiled
toString() - Method in class ucar.nc2.iosp.LayoutTiled
toString() - Method in class ucar.nc2.NetcdfFile
CDL representation of Netcdf header info, non strict
toString() - Method in class ucar.nc2.ParsedArraySectionSpec
toString() - Method in class ucar.nc2.units.SimpleUnit
Unit string representation.
toString() - Method in class ucar.nc2.units.TimeUnit
String representation.
toString() - Method in class ucar.nc2.util.Indent
Return a String of nspaces * level blanks which is the indentation.
toString() - Method in class ucar.nc2.Variable.Builder
toString() - Method in class ucar.nc2.Variable
toString() - Method in class ucar.unidata.geoloc.Earth
toString() - Method in class ucar.unidata.geoloc.EarthEllipsoid
toString() - Method in class ucar.unidata.geoloc.LatLonPoint
toString() - Method in class ucar.unidata.geoloc.LatLonRect
Return a String representation of this LatLonRect that can be used in LatLonRect.fromSpec(String): "lat, lon, deltaLat, deltaLon"
toString() - Method in class ucar.unidata.geoloc.ProjectionRect
Return a String representation of this ProjectionRect that can be used in new ProjectionRect(String): "x, y, width, height"
toString() - Method in class ucar.unidata.io.RandomAccessFile
Create a string representation of this object.
toString(int) - Method in class ucar.nc2.grid.CoordInterval
Show the interval with given decimal precision.
toString(Formatter) - Method in interface ucar.nc2.grid.GridDataset
toString(CalendarDate) - Method in class ucar.nc2.calendar.CalendarDateFormatter
toString(LatLonPoint, int) - Static method in class ucar.unidata.geoloc.LatLonPoints
String representation of LatLonPoint in the form, eg 40.23, -105.1
toString(ProjectionPoint, int) - Static method in class ucar.unidata.geoloc.LatLonPoints
String representation of ProjectionPoint in the form, eg x, y
toString1() - Method in class ucar.unidata.geoloc.LatLonRect
Return a String representation of this object.
toString2() - Method in class ucar.array.IndexFn
toString2() - Method in class ucar.unidata.geoloc.LatLonRect
Return a String representation of this object.
toStringDebug(Object) - Method in class ucar.nc2.iosp.AbstractIOServiceProvider
toStringDebug(Object) - Method in interface ucar.nc2.iosp.IOServiceProvider
Debug info for this object.
toStringNDec(int) - Method in class ucar.unidata.geoloc.ProjectionRect
Get a String representation of this object, with user settable number of decomal places.
toStringShort() - Method in class ucar.nc2.grid.GridHorizCoordinateSystem.CoordReturn
totalLength() - Method in class ucar.array.ArrayVlen
Element count of all the values in this Array.
trajectory - ucar.nc2.constants.CF.FeatureType
TRAJECTORY - ucar.nc2.constants.FeatureType
TRAJECTORY_ID - Static variable in class ucar.nc2.constants.CF
TRAJECTORY_PROFILE - ucar.nc2.constants.FeatureType
trajectoryProfile - ucar.nc2.constants.CF.FeatureType
transferInheritedMetadata(DatasetNode) - Method in class thredds.client.catalog.builder.DatasetBuilder
transferMetadata(DatasetNode, boolean) - Method in class thredds.client.catalog.builder.DatasetBuilder
transform_name - Static variable in class ucar.nc2.geoloc.vertical.CsmHybridSigmaBuilder
transform_name - Static variable in class ucar.nc2.geoloc.vertical.ExistingFieldVerticalTransform
TRANSFORM_NAME - Static variable in class ucar.nc2.constants.CDM
Transforms - Static variable in class ucar.nc2.constants._Coordinate
TransformType - Static variable in class ucar.nc2.constants._Coordinate
transpose(Array<T>, int, int) - Static method in class ucar.array.Arrays
Create a new Array using same backing store as the org Array, by transposing two of the indices.
TRANSVERSE_MERCATOR - Static variable in class ucar.nc2.constants.CF
truncate(CalendarPeriod.Field) - Method in interface ucar.nc2.calendar.CalendarDate
Truncate the CalendarDate, by zeroing all the fields that are less than the named field.
TSV - ucar.nc2.constants.DataFormatType
twoD - ucar.nc2.grid.GridAxisDependenceType
A coordinate needing two dimensions, eg lat(x,y).
type - Variable in class thredds.client.catalog.ThreddsMetadata.MetadataOther


UBYTE - ucar.array.ArrayType
ucar.array - package ucar.array
Multidimensional arrays stored in memory.
ucar.nc2 - package ucar.nc2
The public API to the Java-NetCDF library.
ucar.nc2.calendar - package ucar.nc2.calendar
Public API for Calendar Date handling, using java.time.
ucar.nc2.constants - package ucar.nc2.constants
Static final and enumerated constants used throughout the CDM library.
ucar.nc2.dataset - package ucar.nc2.dataset
An extension to the netCDF API which provides support for coordinate systems, scale/offset/missing data, and NcML.
ucar.nc2.dataset.spi - package ucar.nc2.dataset.spi
Service Provider interfaces for NetcdfDatasets.
ucar.nc2.geoloc.vertical - package ucar.nc2.geoloc.vertical
Vertical transformations, using ucar.array.
ucar.nc2.grid - package ucar.nc2.grid
Public interface for scientific feature type grid.
ucar.nc2.iosp - package ucar.nc2.iosp
General classes used by I/O Service Providers.
ucar.nc2.units - package ucar.nc2.units
Utility classes for scientific units.
ucar.nc2.util - package ucar.nc2.util
Miscellaneous utility classes.
ucar.nc2.write - package ucar.nc2.write
Classes to create and update Netcdf 3/4, and copy and dump utilities for all cdm files.
ucar.unidata.geoloc - package ucar.unidata.geoloc
Support library for georeferencing coordinate systems and transformations.
ucar.unidata.io - package ucar.unidata.io
Classes for reading data from local and remote files.
ucar.unidata.io.spi - package ucar.unidata.io.spi
Service Provider interfaces for IO.
UDDC - thredds.client.catalog.ServiceType
UDUNITS - Static variable in class ucar.nc2.constants.CDM
UGRID - ucar.nc2.constants.FeatureType
UINT - ucar.array.ArrayType
ul - Variable in class ucar.nc2.grid.GridHorizCoordinateSystem.CellBounds
upper left.
ULONG - ucar.array.ArrayType
uncompress(String, FileOutputStream) - Static method in class ucar.unidata.io.UncompressInputStream
UncompressInputStream - Class in ucar.unidata.io
This class decompresses an input stream containing data compressed with the unix "compress" utility (LZC, a LZW variant).
UncompressInputStream(InputStream) - Constructor for class ucar.unidata.io.UncompressInputStream
uniform30day - ucar.nc2.calendar.Calendar
units - Variable in class thredds.client.catalog.ThreddsMetadata.GeospatialRange
units - Variable in class thredds.client.catalog.ThreddsMetadata.Variable
UNITS - Static variable in class ucar.nc2.constants.CDM
UNITS - Static variable in class ucar.nc2.constants.CF
unixDateUnit - Static variable in class ucar.nc2.calendar.CalendarDateUnit
"seconds since the Unix epoch".
unixEpoch - Static variable in interface ucar.nc2.calendar.CalendarDate
The Unix epoch (Jan, 1, 1970 00:00 UTC)
Unknown - thredds.client.catalog.ServiceType.AccessType
UnlimitedDimension - Class in ucar.nc2.write
A Dimension whose length may change.
UnlimitedDimension(String, int) - Constructor for class ucar.nc2.write.UnlimitedDimension
unread() - Method in class ucar.unidata.io.RandomAccessFile
Unread the last byte read.
UNSIGNED - ucar.array.ArrayType.Signedness
The data type can represent only non-negative numbers.
UNSIGNED - Static variable in class ucar.nc2.constants.CDM
unsignedByteToShort(byte) - Static method in enum ucar.array.ArrayType
Converts the argument to a short by an unsigned conversion.
unsignedIntToLong(int) - Static method in enum ucar.array.ArrayType
Converts the argument to a long by an unsigned conversion.
unsignedLongToBigInt(long) - Static method in enum ucar.array.ArrayType
Converts the argument to a BigInteger by an unsigned conversion.
unsignedShortToInt(short) - Static method in enum ucar.array.ArrayType
Converts the argument to an int by an unsigned conversion.
updateAttribute(Variable, Attribute) - Method in class ucar.nc2.write.NetcdfFormatWriter
Update the value of an existing attribute.
updown - Variable in class thredds.client.catalog.ThreddsMetadata.GeospatialCoverage
ur - Variable in class ucar.nc2.grid.GridHorizCoordinateSystem.CellBounds
upper right.
UriResolved(String, URI) - Constructor for class thredds.client.catalog.ThreddsMetadata.UriResolved
url - Variable in class thredds.client.catalog.ThreddsMetadata.Source
UrlPath - Static variable in class thredds.client.catalog.Dataset
useRemoteCatalogService() - Method in class thredds.client.catalog.CatalogRef
UseRemoteCatalogService - Static variable in class thredds.client.catalog.Dataset
USHORT - ucar.array.ArrayType


VALID_MAX - Static variable in class ucar.nc2.constants.CDM
VALID_MAX - Static variable in class ucar.nc2.constants.CF
VALID_MIN - Static variable in class ucar.nc2.constants.CDM
VALID_MIN - Static variable in class ucar.nc2.constants.CF
VALID_RANGE - Static variable in class ucar.nc2.constants.CDM
VALID_RANGE - Static variable in class ucar.nc2.constants.CF
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum thredds.client.catalog.ServiceType.AccessType
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum thredds.client.catalog.ServiceType
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum ucar.array.ArrayType.Signedness
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum ucar.array.ArrayType
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum ucar.nc2.calendar.Calendar
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum ucar.nc2.calendar.CalendarPeriod.Field
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum ucar.nc2.constants.AxisType
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum ucar.nc2.constants.CF.CellMethods
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum ucar.nc2.constants.CF.FeatureType
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum ucar.nc2.constants.DataFormatType
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum ucar.nc2.constants.FeatureType
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum ucar.nc2.dataset.NetcdfDataset.Enhance
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum ucar.nc2.grid.GridAxisDependenceType
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum ucar.nc2.grid.GridAxisSpacing
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum ucar.nc2.grid.GridTimeCoordinateSystem.Type
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum ucar.nc2.iosp.NetcdfFileFormat
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum ucar.nc2.write.Nc4Chunking.Strategy
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum ucar.nc2.write.NcdumpArray.WantValues
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
values - Variable in class ucar.nc2.grid.GridAxisInterval.Builder
values - Variable in class ucar.nc2.grid.GridAxisPoint.Builder
values() - Static method in enum thredds.client.catalog.ServiceType.AccessType
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum thredds.client.catalog.ServiceType
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum ucar.array.ArrayType.Signedness
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum ucar.array.ArrayType
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum ucar.nc2.calendar.Calendar
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum ucar.nc2.calendar.CalendarPeriod.Field
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum ucar.nc2.constants.AxisType
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum ucar.nc2.constants.CF.CellMethods
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum ucar.nc2.constants.CF.FeatureType
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum ucar.nc2.constants.DataFormatType
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum ucar.nc2.constants.FeatureType
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum ucar.nc2.dataset.NetcdfDataset.Enhance
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum ucar.nc2.grid.GridAxisDependenceType
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum ucar.nc2.grid.GridAxisSpacing
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum ucar.nc2.grid.GridTimeCoordinateSystem.Type
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum ucar.nc2.iosp.NetcdfFileFormat
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum ucar.nc2.write.Nc4Chunking.Strategy
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum ucar.nc2.write.NcdumpArray.WantValues
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
Variable - Class in ucar.nc2
A logical container for data, with a dataType, a set of Dimensions that define its array shape, and a set of Attributes.
Variable(String, String, String, String, String) - Constructor for class thredds.client.catalog.ThreddsMetadata.Variable
Variable.Builder<T extends Variable.Builder<T>> - Class in ucar.nc2
VariableDS - Class in ucar.nc2.dataset
A wrapper around a Variable, creating an "enhanced" Variable.
VariableDS.Builder<T extends VariableDS.Builder<T>> - Class in ucar.nc2.dataset
VariableEnhanced - Interface in ucar.nc2.dataset
Interface to an "enhanced Variable".
VariableGroup(String, ThreddsMetadata.UriResolved, ThreddsMetadata.UriResolved, List<ThreddsMetadata.Variable>) - Constructor for class thredds.client.catalog.ThreddsMetadata.VariableGroup
VariableGroups - Static variable in class thredds.client.catalog.Dataset
variableMap - Variable in class thredds.client.catalog.ThreddsMetadata.VariableGroup
VariableMapLinkURI - Static variable in class thredds.client.catalog.Dataset
variables - Variable in class thredds.client.catalog.ThreddsMetadata.VariableGroup
variance - ucar.nc2.constants.CF.CellMethods
vbuilders - Variable in class ucar.nc2.Group.Builder
vbuilders - Variable in class ucar.nc2.Structure.Builder
version() - Method in enum ucar.nc2.iosp.NetcdfFileFormat
Version - Static variable in class thredds.client.catalog.Catalog
VERT_IS_POSITIVE - Static variable in class ucar.nc2.constants.ACDD
VERT_MAX - Static variable in class ucar.nc2.constants.ACDD
VERT_MIN - Static variable in class ucar.nc2.constants.ACDD
VERT_RESOLUTION - Static variable in class ucar.nc2.constants.ACDD
VERT_UNITS - Static variable in class ucar.nc2.constants.ACDD
Vertical - Static variable in class ucar.nc2.constants.CDM
VERTICAL_PERSPECTIVE - Static variable in class ucar.nc2.constants.CF
VerticalTransform - Interface in ucar.nc2.geoloc.vertical
A transformation to a vertical reference coordinate system, such as height or pressure.
VerticalTransform.Builder - Interface in ucar.nc2.geoloc.vertical
A Builder of VerticalTransforms.
VerticalTransformFactory - Class in ucar.nc2.geoloc.vertical
Factory for Vertical Coordinate Transforms.
VerticalTransformFactory() - Constructor for class ucar.nc2.geoloc.vertical.VerticalTransformFactory
vertIntv - Static variable in class ucar.nc2.grid.GridSubset
vertPoint - Static variable in class ucar.nc2.grid.GridSubset
VLEN - Static variable in class ucar.array.Range
VLEN - Static variable in class ucar.nc2.Dimension
A variable-length dimension: the length is not known until the data is read.
Vocab(String, String) - Constructor for class thredds.client.catalog.ThreddsMetadata.Vocab
vocabulary - Variable in class thredds.client.catalog.ThreddsMetadata.VariableGroup
vocabulary - Variable in class thredds.client.catalog.ThreddsMetadata.Vocab
vocabulary_name - Variable in class thredds.client.catalog.ThreddsMetadata.Variable
vocabUri - Variable in class thredds.client.catalog.ThreddsMetadata.VariableGroup


WCS - thredds.client.catalog.ServiceType
WebForm - thredds.client.catalog.ServiceType
WFS - thredds.client.catalog.ServiceType
WGS84 - Static variable in class ucar.unidata.geoloc.EarthEllipsoid
Ellipsoid for WGS84 (edavis - correct 1/f as per EPSG database ver 6.14)
WGS84_EARTH_RADIUS_KM - Static variable in class ucar.unidata.geoloc.Earth
Get canonical radius of the spherical earth in km from "WGS 84"
WGS84_EARTH_RADIUS_METERS - Static variable in class ucar.unidata.geoloc.Earth
Get canonical radius of the spherical earth in meters from "WGS 84"
widenNumber(Number) - Static method in enum ucar.array.ArrayType
Convert the argument to the next largest integral data type by an unsigned conversion.
widenNumberIfNegative(Number) - Static method in enum ucar.array.ArrayType
This method is similar to ArrayType.widenNumber(java.lang.Number), but only integral types that are negative are widened.
withArray(Array<?>) - Method in class ucar.nc2.write.NetcdfFormatWriter.WriteConfig
The values to write.
withOrigin(int...) - Method in class ucar.nc2.write.NetcdfFormatWriter.WriteConfig
The starting element as an int[].
withOrigin(Index) - Method in class ucar.nc2.write.NetcdfFormatWriter.WriteConfig
The starting element, ie write(int[] origin, int[] shape).
withPrimitiveArray(Object) - Method in class ucar.nc2.write.NetcdfFormatWriter.WriteConfig
The values to write as a 1D java primitive array, eg float[].
withShape(int...) - Method in class ucar.nc2.write.NetcdfFormatWriter.WriteConfig
Shape of primitive array to write, ie write(int[] origin, int[] shape).
withSignedness(ArrayType.Signedness) - Method in enum ucar.array.ArrayType
Returns an ArrayType that is related to this, but with the specified signedness.
withString(String) - Method in class ucar.nc2.write.NetcdfFormatWriter.WriteConfig
For writing a String into a CHAR Variable.
withValue(int) - Method in class ucar.nc2.calendar.CalendarPeriod
Create a new CalendarPeriod with same Field and different value.
WMS - thredds.client.catalog.ServiceType
wrapGridDataset(NetcdfDataset, Formatter) - Static method in class ucar.nc2.grid.GridDatasetFactory
Wrap an already open NetcdfDataset as a GridDataset if possible.
WRF_ETA_COORDINATE - Static variable in class ucar.nc2.geoloc.vertical.WrfEta
WrfEta - Class in ucar.nc2.geoloc.vertical
Implement Weather Research and Forecast (WRF) model's vertical Eta coordinate.
WrfEta.Builder - Class in ucar.nc2.geoloc.vertical
write() - Method in class ucar.nc2.write.NetcdfFormatWriter.WriteConfig
Do the write to the file, agter constructing the WriteConfig.
write(byte[]) - Method in class ucar.unidata.io.RandomAccessFile
Writes b.length bytes from the specified byte array starting at offset off to this file.
write(byte[], int, int) - Method in class ucar.unidata.io.RandomAccessFile
Writes len bytes from the specified byte array starting at offset off to this file.
write(int) - Method in class ucar.unidata.io.RandomAccessFile
Write a byte to the file.
write(String, Index, Array<?>) - Method in class ucar.nc2.write.NetcdfFormatWriter
write(CancelTask) - Method in class ucar.nc2.write.NetcdfCopier
Write the input file to the output file.
write(Variable, Index, Array<?>) - Method in class ucar.nc2.write.NetcdfFormatWriter
Write to Variable with an ucar.array.Array.
writeAllVariablesPredicate - Static variable in class ucar.nc2.write.NcmlWriter
Predicate that always returns true.
writeBoolean(boolean) - Method in class ucar.unidata.io.RandomAccessFile
Writes a boolean to the file as a 1-byte value.
writeBoolean(boolean[], int, int) - Method in class ucar.unidata.io.RandomAccessFile
Write an array of booleans
writeByte(int) - Method in class ucar.unidata.io.RandomAccessFile
Writes a byte to the file as a 1-byte value.
writeBytes(byte[], int, int) - Method in class ucar.unidata.io.RandomAccessFile
Write len bytes from an array to the file.
writeBytes(char[], int, int) - Method in class ucar.unidata.io.RandomAccessFile
Writes the character array to the file as a sequence of bytes.
writeBytes(String) - Method in class ucar.unidata.io.RandomAccessFile
Writes the string to the file as a sequence of bytes.
writeCDL(NetcdfFile, Formatter, boolean, String) - Static method in class ucar.nc2.write.CDLWriter
Write CDL to a Formatter
writeChar(char[], int, int) - Method in class ucar.unidata.io.RandomAccessFile
Write an array of chars
writeChar(char[], int, int, int) - Method in class ucar.unidata.io.RandomAccessFile
Write an array of chars with the provided endianness.
writeChar(char[], int, int, ByteOrder) - Method in class ucar.unidata.io.RandomAccessFile
Write an array of chars with the provided byte order.
writeChar(int) - Method in class ucar.unidata.io.RandomAccessFile
Writes a char to the file as a 2-byte value, high byte first.
writeChar(int, int) - Method in class ucar.unidata.io.RandomAccessFile
Writes a char to the file as a 2-byte value with the provided endianness.
writeChar(int, ByteOrder) - Method in class ucar.unidata.io.RandomAccessFile
Writes a char to the file as a 2-byte value with the provided byte order.
writeChars(String) - Method in class ucar.unidata.io.RandomAccessFile
Writes a string to the file as a sequence of characters.
writeChars(String, int) - Method in class ucar.unidata.io.RandomAccessFile
Writes a string to the file as a sequence of characters.
writeChars(String, ByteOrder) - Method in class ucar.unidata.io.RandomAccessFile
Writes a string to the file as a sequence of characters.
WriteConfig() - Constructor for class ucar.nc2.write.NetcdfFormatWriter.WriteConfig
writeContents(String, OutputStream) - Static method in class ucar.nc2.util.IO
Wite the contents from the String to a Stream,
writeCoordinateVariablesPredicate - Static variable in class ucar.nc2.write.NcmlWriter
Predicate that returns true for variables that are coordinate variables.
writeDouble(double) - Method in class ucar.unidata.io.RandomAccessFile
Converts the double argument to a long using the doubleToLongBits method in class Double, and then writes that long value to the file as an 8-byte quantity, high byte first.
writeDouble(double[], int, int) - Method in class ucar.unidata.io.RandomAccessFile
Write an array of doubles
writeDouble(double[], int, int, int) - Method in class ucar.unidata.io.RandomAccessFile
Write an array of doubles with the provided endianness.
writeDouble(double[], int, int, ByteOrder) - Method in class ucar.unidata.io.RandomAccessFile
Write an array of doubles with the provided byte order.
writeDouble(double, int) - Method in class ucar.unidata.io.RandomAccessFile
Converts the double argument to a long using the doubleToLongBits method in class Double, and then writes that long value to the file as an 8-byte quantity, with the provided endianness.
writeDouble(double, ByteOrder) - Method in class ucar.unidata.io.RandomAccessFile
Converts the double argument to a long using the doubleToLongBits method in class Double, and then writes that long value to the file as an 8-byte quantity, with the provided byte order.
writeFloat(float) - Method in class ucar.unidata.io.RandomAccessFile
Converts the float argument to an int using the floatToIntBits method in class Float, and then writes that int value to the file as a 4-byte quantity, high byte first.
writeFloat(float[], int, int) - Method in class ucar.unidata.io.RandomAccessFile
Write an array of floats
writeFloat(float[], int, int, int) - Method in class ucar.unidata.io.RandomAccessFile
Write an array of floats with the provided endianness.
writeFloat(float[], int, int, ByteOrder) - Method in class ucar.unidata.io.RandomAccessFile
Write an array of floats with the provided byte order.
writeFloat(float, int) - Method in class ucar.unidata.io.RandomAccessFile
Converts the float argument to an int using the floatToIntBits method in class Float, and then writes that int value to the file as a 4-byte quantity, with the provided endianness.
writeFloat(float, ByteOrder) - Method in class ucar.unidata.io.RandomAccessFile
Converts the float argument to an int using the floatToIntBits method in class Float, and then writes that int value to the file as a 4-byte quantity, with the provided byte order.
writeInt(int) - Method in class ucar.unidata.io.RandomAccessFile
Writes an int to the file as four bytes, high byte first.
writeInt(int[], int, int) - Method in class ucar.unidata.io.RandomAccessFile
Write an array of ints
writeInt(int[], int, int, int) - Method in class ucar.unidata.io.RandomAccessFile
Write an array of ints with the provided endianness.
writeInt(int[], int, int, ByteOrder) - Method in class ucar.unidata.io.RandomAccessFile
Write an array of ints with the provided byte order.
writeInt(int, int) - Method in class ucar.unidata.io.RandomAccessFile
Writes an int to the file as four bytes with the provided endianness.
writeInt(int, ByteOrder) - Method in class ucar.unidata.io.RandomAccessFile
Writes an int to the file as four bytes with the provided byte order.
writeLong(long) - Method in class ucar.unidata.io.RandomAccessFile
Writes a long to the file as eight bytes, high byte first.
writeLong(long[], int, int) - Method in class ucar.unidata.io.RandomAccessFile
Write an array of longs
writeLong(long[], int, int, int) - Method in class ucar.unidata.io.RandomAccessFile
Write an array of longs with the provided endianness.
writeLong(long[], int, int, ByteOrder) - Method in class ucar.unidata.io.RandomAccessFile
Write an array of longs with the provided byte order.
writeLong(long, int) - Method in class ucar.unidata.io.RandomAccessFile
Writes a long to the file as eight bytes with the provided endianness.
writeLong(long, ByteOrder) - Method in class ucar.unidata.io.RandomAccessFile
Writes a long to the file as eight bytes with the provided byte order.
writeMetadataVariablesPredicate - Static variable in class ucar.nc2.write.NcmlWriter
Predicate that returns true for variables that are metadata variables.
writeNcml(OutputStream, String) - Method in class ucar.nc2.NetcdfFile
Write the NcML representation: dont show coordinate values
writeNcml(Writer, String) - Method in class ucar.nc2.NetcdfFile
Write the NcML representation: dont show coordinate values
writeNoVariablesPredicate - Static variable in class ucar.nc2.write.NcmlWriter
Predicate that always returns false.
writeShort(int) - Method in class ucar.unidata.io.RandomAccessFile
Writes a short to the file as two bytes, high byte first.
writeShort(int, int) - Method in class ucar.unidata.io.RandomAccessFile
Writes a short to the file as two bytes with the provided endianness.
writeShort(int, ByteOrder) - Method in class ucar.unidata.io.RandomAccessFile
Writes a short to the file as two bytes with the provided byte order.
writeShort(short[], int, int) - Method in class ucar.unidata.io.RandomAccessFile
Write an array of shorts
writeShort(short[], int, int, int) - Method in class ucar.unidata.io.RandomAccessFile
Write an array of shorts with the provided endianness.
writeShort(short[], int, int, ByteOrder) - Method in class ucar.unidata.io.RandomAccessFile
Write an array of shorts with the provided byte order.
writeStringData(Variable, Index, String) - Method in class ucar.nc2.write.NetcdfFormatWriter
Write String value to a CHAR Variable.
writeStringData(Variable, Index, Array<String>) - Method in class ucar.nc2.write.NetcdfFormatWriter
writeToFile(byte[], File) - Static method in class ucar.nc2.util.IO
Write byte[] contents to a file.
writeToFile(InputStream, String) - Static method in class ucar.nc2.util.IO
copy input stream to file.
writeToFile(String, File) - Static method in class ucar.nc2.util.IO
Write String contents to a file, using UTF-8 encoding.
writeToFile(String, String) - Static method in class ucar.nc2.util.IO
Write contents to a file, using UTF-8 encoding.
writeToFile(Element, File) - Method in class ucar.nc2.write.NcmlWriter
Writes an NcML element to an output file.
writeToStream(Element, OutputStream) - Method in class ucar.nc2.write.NcmlWriter
Writes an NcML element to an output stream.
writeToString(Element) - Method in class ucar.nc2.write.NcmlWriter
Writes an NcML element to a string.
writeToWriter(Element, Writer) - Method in class ucar.nc2.write.NcmlWriter
Writes an NcML element to a Writer.
writeUTF(String) - Method in class ucar.unidata.io.RandomAccessFile
Writes a string to the file using UTF-8 encoding in a machine-independent manner.
WriteVariablesWithNamesPredicate(Iterable<String>) - Constructor for class ucar.nc2.write.NcmlWriter.WriteVariablesWithNamesPredicate
WSDL - thredds.client.catalog.ServiceType


xcoord - Variable in class ucar.nc2.grid.GridHorizCoordinateSystem.CoordReturn
The x,y projection grid coordinate.
xindex - Variable in class ucar.nc2.grid.GridHorizCoordinateSystem.CellBounds
The data index
xindex - Variable in class ucar.nc2.grid.GridHorizCoordinateSystem.CoordReturn
The cell index
XLINK_NAMESPACE - Static variable in class thredds.client.catalog.Catalog
xlinkHref - Variable in class thredds.client.catalog.ThreddsMetadata.MetadataOther
xlinkNS - Static variable in class thredds.client.catalog.Catalog
XML - ucar.nc2.constants.DataFormatType
xsiNS - Static variable in class thredds.client.catalog.Catalog


ycoord - Variable in class ucar.nc2.grid.GridHorizCoordinateSystem.CoordReturn
The x,y projection grid coordinate.
Year - ucar.nc2.calendar.CalendarPeriod.Field
yindex - Variable in class ucar.nc2.grid.GridHorizCoordinateSystem.CellBounds
The data index
yindex - Variable in class ucar.nc2.grid.GridHorizCoordinateSystem.CoordReturn
The cell index


ZisLayer - Static variable in class ucar.nc2.constants._Coordinate
ZisPositive - Static variable in class ucar.nc2.constants._Coordinate
zpositive - Variable in class thredds.client.catalog.ThreddsMetadata.GeospatialCoverage


_Coordinate - Class in ucar.nc2.constants
Constants for _Coordinate Conventions.
_CoordSysBuilder - Static variable in class ucar.nc2.constants._Coordinate
_FILLVALUE - Static variable in class ucar.nc2.constants.CF
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