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Unidata IDV Workshop for version 6.1u1 > Accessing and Displaying Data > WSR-88D Level II Data Displays

3.5.1 Level II Sweep Displays in 2D and 3D

Sweep displays simulate conventional PPI radar plots of a single sweep of a map view, and also plot sweeps in the upper atmosphere,

If necessary, select Level II data and times as described in Accessing WSR-88D Level II Radar Data.

  1. Select the Reflectivity field and create a Radar Sweep View in 2D display. A display of the Level II sweep at the lowest tilt appears in the main window.
  2. Move to a new tilt angle in the volume scan; and put up counties map.
  3. Add Radar Range Rings
  4. Change the parameter (radar data moment) in the display.
  5. 3D Sweep display
  6. Remove all displays.
  7. Display the reflectivity as a Constant Altitude PPI (CAPPI). Select the Reflectivity field and create a CAPPI display.
  8. A CAPPI display of the reflectivity will appear in the main window.


Previous: Loading WSR-88D Level II Radar Data Next: Level II RHI Displays Table of contents Frames User guide
Unidata IDV Workshop for version 6.1u1 > Accessing and Displaying Data > WSR-88D Level II Data Displays