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Unidata IDV Workshop for version 6.3 > Accessing and Displaying Data

3.7 Point Observations
The IDV can display a variety of point observations

3.7.0  Loading Surface Data

METAR and Synoptic data can be accessed in the IDV from ADDE servers. The data available is hourly, each hourly file having all station observations at that time.

3.7.1  Surface Point Observation Displays
The IDV surface point observation display makes weather station plots.
3.7.2  Subsetting Point Data
You can do time binning and spatial subsetting for point data.
3.7.3  Layout Model Editor
The Layout Model Editor allows you to view, change and create templates for displaying point data.
3.7.4  More on the Layout Model Editor
More on the Layout Model Editor
3.7.5  Observation List Display
The Observation List Display Control shows a textual listing of observation data. We are going to look at some earthquake point data.
3.7.6  More with Point Displays
3.7.7  Exercise: Japan EarthQuakes Display
We are going to look at another earthquake display combining Japan historical earthquakes and 2011 earthquakes point data in this section.
3.7.8  Text (ASCII) Point Data
The IDV can read in point observation data in Comma Separated Value (CSV) form (as well as tab separated values and Excel xls files).
3.7.9  Objective Analysis of Point Data
The IDV can create gridded data fields from point data using Barnes Objective Analysis.
3.7.10  Doing More with Point Observation data
Additional exercises you can do with upper air data.
3.7.11  Lightning Display
The IDV has lightning data display capability.
3.7.12  Overlaying Lightning Data on Radar Data
Overlaying lightning data on radar data.


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Unidata IDV Workshop for version 6.3 > Accessing and Displaying Data