2.1 Getting Started - Starting and Exiting McIDAS
Before you begin using this Learning Guide, McIDAS must be installed on
your workstation and the account you are using must
be enabled to run McIDAS.
The first time you run McIDAS-X, the $HOME/.mcidasrc
configuration file is created. This file stores flags that configure
the McIDAS session to your preferences. This file can be edited by
you at any time, but the changes will not take effect until the next time
you run McIDAS. By changing some of the start-up flags in the
$HOME/.mcidasrc file, you can:
- set the number of frames
- allocate additional frame memory
- run commands at startup
- set the text fonts
- set the command and output recall
- set the workstation display
- set the McIDAS Text and Command Window options
- set the McIDAS Image Window options
To start or stop a McIDAS session, follow the steps below:
- Start McIDAS by entering the following in lowercase from the
Unix prompt.
- Type: mcidas
- Exit McIDAS by typing EXIT on the McIDAS command line. In step
3, you will restart McIDAS and change the display.
- Type: EXIT
- Start McIDAS again, but this time change the display by editing the
flags in the $HOME/.mcidasrc file. Using a Unix
editor, vary the number of image frames, the amount of additional frame memory
and the number of output lines in each text frame (for more information on the
start-up flags, read the documentation within the .mcidasrc
configuration file).
Edit your $HOME/.mcidasrc file, so that your flags match those
listed in parentheses below:
- 6 image frames - each 480 lines by 640 elements (-f 6@480x640)
- 2 MB memory allocated for creating additional image frames (-e 2m)
- remember 500 text output lines in each text frame (-oh 500)
- Type: mcidas
- Exit McIDAS again to learn one final way to change the display.
- Type: EXIT
- Another way to change the $HOME/.mcidasrc file is to
use the command 'mcidas -config' from the Unix prompt.
- Type: mcidas -config
This displays a configuration window that contains a Graphical User
Interface (GUI) with sliders and checkboxes. The sliders and checkboxes
are used to select values that override the settings of the
corresponding flags in the $HOME/.mcidasrc file. The McIDAS
Configuration GUI is designed to make configuration changes easier and
less error-prone than other methods. You can make the changes for this
session only, or you can save the new settings in the .mcidasrc file.
- Change the different flags in the configuration GUI and click on the
Start button to start the McIDAS session.