See: Description
Interface | Description |
CoordSysBuilder.ConventionNameOk |
Allow plug-ins to determine if it owns a file based on the file's Convention attribute.
CoordSysBuilderIF |
Implement this interface to add Coordinate Systems to a NetcdfDataset.
CoordTransBuilderIF |
Implement this interface to add a Coordinate Transform to a NetcdfDataset.
Enhancements |
A Variable decorator that handles Coordinates Systems and "standard attributes" and adds them to the object model.
EnhanceScaleMissing |
A Variable decorator that handles missing data, and scale/offset packed data.
ReplaceVariableCheck |
public by accident
VariableEnhanced |
Public interface to an "enhanced Variable", implemented by the ucar.nc2.dataset package.
Class | Description |
CoordinateAxis |
A Coordinate Axis is a Variable that specifies one of the coordinates of a CoordinateSystem.
CoordinateAxis.AxisComparator |
Standard sort on Coordinate Axes
CoordinateAxis1D |
A 1-dimensional Coordinate Axis.
CoordinateAxis1DTime |
A 1-dimensional Coordinate Axis representing Calendar time.
CoordinateAxis2D |
A 2-dimensional numeric Coordinate Axis.
CoordinateAxisTimeHelper |
Helper class for time coordinates
CoordinateSystem |
A CoordinateSystem specifies the coordinates of a Variable's values.
CoordinateTransform |
A CoordinateTransform is an abstraction of a function from a CoordinateSystem to a
"reference" CoordinateSystem, such as lat, lon.
CoordSysBuilder |
Abstract class for implementing Convention-specific parsing of netCDF files.
CoordTransBuilder |
Manager for Coordinate Transforms.
DatasetConstructor |
Helper methods for constructing NetcdfDatasets.
NetcdfDataset |
NetcdfDataset extends the netCDF API, adding standard attribute parsing such as
scale and offset, and explicit support for Coordinate Systems.
NetcdfDatasetInfo |
Helper class for obtaining information about a NetcdfDataset.
ProjectionCT |
A Projection CoordinateTransform is a function from (GeoX, GeoY) -> (Lat, Lon).
SequenceDS |
Enhance sequence
StructureDS |
An "enhanced" Structure.
StructurePseudo2Dim |
Make a collection of variables with the same 2 outer dimensions into a fake 2D Structure(outer,inner)
StructurePseudoDS |
Make a collection of variables with the same outer dimension into a fake Structure.
VariableDS |
An wrapper around a Variable, creating an "enhanced" Variable.
VerticalCT |
A VerticalCT is a CoordinateTransform function CT: (GeoZ) -> Height or Pressure.
VerticalCT.Type |
Enumeration of known Vertical transformations.
Enum | Description |
NetcdfDataset.Enhance |
Possible enhancements for a NetcdfDataset
TransformType |
Type-safe enumeration of netCDF Dataset TransformType.