See: Description
Class | Description |
ADASConvention |
ADAS netcdf files.
ATDRadarConvention |
ATD Radar file (ad hoc guesses).
AvhrrConvention |
Avhrr Hdf5 files - geostationary satellite images.
AWIPSConvention |
AWIPS netcdf output.
AWIPSsatConvention |
AWIPS netcdf output.
CEDRICRadarConvention |
Created by IntelliJ IDEA.
CF1Convention |
CF-1 Convention.
COARDSConvention |
COARDS Convention.
Cosmic1Convention |
Cosmic data - version 1.
CSMConvention |
CSM-1 Convention.
DefaultConvention |
Default Coordinate Conventions.
EpicInsitu |
"Epic In Situ", dapper conventions.
FslWindProfiler |
FslWindProfiler netccdf files - identify coordinates
GDVConvention |
GDV Conventions.
GIEFConvention |
GEIF Convention.
HdfEosModisConvention |
HdfEosOmiConvention |
IFPSConvention |
IFPS Convention Allows Local NWS forecast office generated forecast datasets to be brought into IDV.
IridlConvention |
IRIDL Convention.
Jason2Convention |
Created by IntelliJ IDEA.
M3IOConvention |
Models-3/EDSS Input/Output netcf format.
MADISStation |
MADIS Station Convention.
ModisSatellite |
Modis satellite conventions
Nimbus |
NppConvention |
NPP/NPOESS Conventions
note this is almost same as Avhrr ??
NsslRadarMosaicConvention |
NsslRadarMosaicConvention Convention.
NUWGConvention |
NUWG Convention (ad hoc).
Suomi |
Suomi coord sys builder.
UnidataObsConvention |
Unidata Observation Dataset v1.0
Use CF for new files.
WRFConvention |
WRF netcdf output files.
ZebraConvention |
Zebra ATD files.
Parses the information in netCDF datasets using Conventions, and extracts information about coordinate systems. The extracted information is put into a NetcdfDataset.
See: Netcdf Conventions