See: Description
Class | Description |
AbstractCoordTransBuilder |
Abstract superclass for implementations of CoordTransBuilderIF.
AlbersEqualArea |
Create a AlbersEqualArea Projection from the information in the Coordinate Transform Variable.
AzimuthalEquidistant |
AzimuthalEquidistant Projection.
FlatEarth |
Create a "FlatEarth" Projection from the information in the Coordinate Transform Variable.
Geostationary |
Accepted for CF-1.7
grid_mapping_name = geostationary
Map parameters:
Map coordinates:
The x (abscissa) and y (ordinate) rectangular coordinates are identified by the standard_name attribute value projection_x_coordinate and projection_y_coordinate
LambertAzimuthal |
Create a LambertAzimuthal Projection from the information in the Coordinate Transform Variable.
LambertConformalConic |
Create a LambertConformalConic Projection from the information in the Coordinate Transform Variable.
LambertCylindricalEqualArea |
Lambert Cylindrical Equal Area Projection
Mercator |
Create a Mercator Projection from the information in the Coordinate Transform Variable.
MSGnavigation |
MSGnavigation projection
Orthographic |
Create a Orthographic Projection from the information in the Coordinate Transform Variable.
PolarStereographic |
Create a Polar Stereographic Projection from the information in the Coordinate Transform Variable.
PolyconicProjection |
Polyconic Projection.
RotatedLatLon |
Create a Rotated LatLon Projection from the information in the Coordinate Transform Variable.
RotatedPole |
Create a RotatedPole Projection from the information in the Coordinate Transform Variable.
Sinusoidal |
Create a Sinusoidal Projection from the information in the Coordinate Transform Variable.
Stereographic |
Create a Stereographic Projection from the information in the Coordinate Transform Variable.
TransverseMercator |
Create a Transverse Mercator Projection from the information in the Coordinate Transform Variable.
Create a UTM Projection from the information in the Coordinate Transform Variable.
VAtmHybridHeight |
Create a atmosphere_hybrid_height_coordinate Vertical Transform from
the information in the Coordinate Transform Variable.
VAtmHybridSigmaPressure |
Create a atmosphere_hybrid_sigma_pressure_coordinate Vertical Transform from the information in the Coordinate Transform Variable.
VAtmLnPressure |
implementation for CF vertical coordinate "atmosphere_ln_pressure_coordinate".
VAtmSigma |
Create a atmosphere_sigma_coordinate Vertical Transform from the information in the Coordinate Transform Variable.
VerticalPerspective |
VerticalPerspectiveView projection.
VExplicitField |
Create a Vertical Transform from an "explicit_field", where the vertical coordinate is explciitly specified as a variable.
VOceanS |
Create a ocean_s_coordinate Vertical Transform from the information in the Coordinate Transform Variable.
VOceanSG1 |
Create a ocean_s_coordinate_g1 Vertical Transform from the information in the Coordinate Transform Variable.
VOceanSG2 |
Create a ocean_s_coordinate_g2 Vertical Transform from the information in the Coordinate Transform Variable.
VOceanSigma |
Create a ocean_sigma_coordinate Vertical Transform from the information in the Coordinate Transform Variable.
WRFEtaTransformBuilder |