Package ucar.array

Enum ArrayType

    • Method Detail

      • values

        public static ArrayType[] values()
        Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared. This method may be used to iterate over the constants as follows:
        for (ArrayType c : ArrayType.values())
        an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared
      • valueOf

        public static ArrayType valueOf​(String name)
        Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name. The string must match exactly an identifier used to declare an enum constant in this type. (Extraneous whitespace characters are not permitted.)
        name - the name of the enum constant to be returned.
        the enum constant with the specified name
        IllegalArgumentException - if this enum type has no constant with the specified name
        NullPointerException - if the argument is null
      • toNcml

        public String toNcml()
        The name used for Ncml.
      • toCdl

        public String toCdl()
        The name used for CDL
      • getSize

        public int getSize()
        Size in bytes of one element of this data type. Strings dont know, so return 0. Structures return 1.
        Size in bytes of one element of this data type.
      • getPrimitiveClass

        public Class<?> getPrimitiveClass()
        The primitive Java class type, inverse of forPrimitiveClass()
      • isUnsigned

        public boolean isUnsigned()
        Returns true if the data type is unsigned. For non-integral data types, it is guaranteed to be false.
        true if the data type is unsigned.
      • isString

        public boolean isString()
        Is String or Char
        true if String or Char
      • isNumeric

        public boolean isNumeric()
        Is Byte, Float, Double, Int, Short, or Long
        true if numeric
      • isIntegral

        public boolean isIntegral()
        Is Byte, Int, Short, or Long
        true if integral
      • isFloatingPoint

        public boolean isFloatingPoint()
        Is Float or Double
        true if floating point type
      • isEnum

        public boolean isEnum()
        Is this an enumeration types?
        true if ENUM1, 2, or 4
      • isStruct

        public boolean isStruct()
        Is this a Structure type?
        true if STRUCTURE or SEQUENCE
      • withSignedness

        public ArrayType withSignedness​(ArrayType.Signedness signedness)
        Returns an ArrayType that is related to this, but with the specified signedness. This method is only meaningful for integral data types; if it is called on a non-integral type, then this is simply returned. Examples:
         assert ArrayType.INT.withSignedness(ArrayType.Signedness.UNSIGNED) == ArrayType.UINT; // INT to UINT
         assert ArrayType.ULONG.withSignedness(ArrayType.Signedness.SIGNED) == ArrayType.LONG; // ULONG to LONG
         assert ArrayType.SHORT.withSignedness(ArrayType.Signedness.SIGNED) == ArrayType.SHORT; // this: Same signs
         assert ArrayType.STRING.withSignedness(ArrayType.Signedness.UNSIGNED) == ArrayType.STRING; // this: Non-integral
        signedness - the desired signedness of the returned ArrayType.
        a ArrayType that is related to this, but with the specified signedness.
      • getTypeByName

        public static ArrayType getTypeByName​(String name)
        Find the ArrayType that matches this name.
        name - find ArrayType with this name.
        ArrayType or null if no match.
      • forPrimitiveClass

        public static ArrayType forPrimitiveClass​(Class<?> c,
                                                  boolean isUnsigned)
        Find the ArrayType used for this primitive class type.
      • widenNumber

        public static Number widenNumber​(Number number)
        Convert the argument to the next largest integral data type by an unsigned conversion. In the larger data type, the upper-order bits will be zero, and the lower-order bits will be equivalent to the bits in number. Thus, we are "widening" the argument by prepending a bunch of zero bits to it.

        This widening operation is intended to be used on unsigned integral values that are being stored within one of Java's signed, integral data types. For example, if we have the bit pattern "11001010" and treat it as an unsigned byte, it'll have the decimal value "202". However, if we store that bit pattern in a (signed) byte, Java will interpret it as "-52". Widening the byte to a short will mean that the most-significant set bit is no longer the sign bit, and thus Java will no longer consider the value to be negative.

        Argument type Result type
        Byte Short
        Short Integer
        Integer Long
        Long BigInteger
        Any other Number subtype Just return argument
        number - an integral number to treat as unsigned.
        an equivalent but wider value that Java will interpret as non-negative.
      • widenNumberIfNegative

        public static Number widenNumberIfNegative​(Number number)
        This method is similar to widenNumber(java.lang.Number), but only integral types that are negative are widened.
        number - an integral number to treat as unsigned.
        an equivalent value that Java will interpret as non-negative.
      • unsignedLongToBigInt

        public static BigInteger unsignedLongToBigInt​(long l)
        Converts the argument to a BigInteger by an unsigned conversion. In an unsigned conversion to a BigInteger, zero and positive long values are mapped to a numerically equal BigInteger value and negative long values are mapped to a BigInteger value equal to the input plus 264.
        l - a long to treat as unsigned.
        the equivalent BigInteger value.
      • unsignedIntToLong

        public static long unsignedIntToLong​(int i)
        Converts the argument to a long by an unsigned conversion. In an unsigned conversion to a long, the high-order 32 bits of the long are zero and the low-order 32 bits are equal to the bits of the integer argument. Consequently, zero and positive int values are mapped to a numerically equal long value and negative int values are mapped to a long value equal to the input plus 232.
        i - an int to treat as unsigned.
        the equivalent long value.
      • unsignedShortToInt

        public static int unsignedShortToInt​(short s)
        Converts the argument to an int by an unsigned conversion. In an unsigned conversion to an int, the high-order 16 bits of the int are zero and the low-order 16 bits are equal to the bits of the short argument. Consequently, zero and positive short values are mapped to a numerically equal int value and negative short values are mapped to an int value equal to the input plus 216.
        s - a short to treat as unsigned.
        the equivalent int value.
      • unsignedByteToShort

        public static short unsignedByteToShort​(byte b)
        Converts the argument to a short by an unsigned conversion. In an unsigned conversion to a short, the high-order 8 bits of the short are zero and the low-order 8 bits are equal to the bits of the byte argument. Consequently, zero and positive byte values are mapped to a numerically equal short value and negative byte values are mapped to a short value equal to the input plus 28.
        b - a byte to treat as unsigned.
        the equivalent short value.