Package ucar.array

Class Range

  • All Implemented Interfaces:
    Iterable<Integer>, RangeIterator

    public class Range
    extends Object
    implements RangeIterator
    A strided subset of the interval of positive integers [first(), last()] inclusive. For example Range(1:11:3) represents the set of integers {1,4,7,10}

    Elements must be nonnegative and unique. EMPTY is the empty Range. SCALAR is the set {0}. VLEN is for variable length dimensions.

    Standard iteration is

      for (int idx : range) {
    • Constructor Summary

      Constructor Description
      Range​(int length)
      Create a range starting at zero, with unit stride.
      Range​(int first, int last)
      Create a range with unit stride.
      Range​(int first, int last, int stride)
      Create a range with a specified first, last, stride.
      Range​(String name, int first, int last)
      Create a named range with unit stride.
      Range​(String name, int first, int last, int stride)
      Create a named range with a specified name, first, last, stride.
    • Field Detail

      • EMPTY

        public static final Range EMPTY
      • SCALAR

        public static final Range SCALAR
      • VLEN

        public static final Range VLEN
    • Constructor Detail

      • Range

        public Range​(int first,
                     int last)
              throws InvalidRangeException
        Create a range with unit stride.
        first - first value in range
        last - last value in range, inclusive
        InvalidRangeException - elements must be nonnegative, 0 ≤ first ≤ last
      • Range

        public Range​(int length)
        Create a range starting at zero, with unit stride.
        length - number of elements in the Range
      • Range

        public Range​(@Nullable
                     String name,
                     int first,
                     int last)
              throws InvalidRangeException
        Create a named range with unit stride.
        name - name of Range
        first - first value in range
        last - last value in range, inclusive
        InvalidRangeException - elements must be nonnegative, 0 ≤ first ≤ last
      • Range

        public Range​(int first,
                     int last,
                     int stride)
              throws InvalidRangeException
        Create a range with a specified first, last, stride.
        first - first value in range
        last - last value in range, inclusive
        stride - stride between consecutive elements, must be > 0
        InvalidRangeException - elements must be nonnegative: 0 ≤ first ≤ last, stride > 0
      • Range

        public Range​(@Nullable
                     String name,
                     int first,
                     int last,
                     int stride)
              throws InvalidRangeException
        Create a named range with a specified name, first, last, stride.
        name - name of Range
        first - first value in range
        last - last value in range, inclusive
        stride - stride between consecutive elements, must be > 0
        InvalidRangeException - elements must be nonnegative: 0 ≤ first ≤ last, stride > 0
    • Method Detail

      • make

        public static Range make​(String name,
                                 int len)
        Make a named Range from 0 to len-1. RuntimeException on error.
      • make

        public static Range make​(int first,
                                 int last)
        Make an unnamed Range from first to last. RuntimeException on error.
      • make

        public static Range make​(int first,
                                 int last,
                                 int stride)
        Make an unnamed Range from first to last with stride. RuntimeException on error.
      • name

        public String name()
        Description copied from interface: RangeIterator
        The name of this Range iterator.
        Specified by:
        name in interface RangeIterator
        name, or null if none
      • first

        public int first()
        The first value in range
      • last

        public int last()
        The last value in range, inclusive
      • length

        public int length()
        The number of elements in the range.
        Specified by:
        length in interface RangeIterator
      • stride

        public int stride()
        The stride, must be ≥ 1.
      • contains

        public boolean contains​(int want)
        Is want contained in this Range?
        want - index in the original Range
        true if the ith element would be returned by the Range iterator
      • compose

        public Range compose​(Range r)
                      throws InvalidRangeException
        Create a new Range by composing a Range that is reletive to this Range.
        r - range elements are reletive to this
        combined Range, may be EMPTY
        InvalidRangeException - elements must be nonnegative, 0 ≤ first ≤ last
      • compact

        public Range compact()
                      throws InvalidRangeException
        Create a new Range by compacting this Range by removing the stride. first = first/stride, last=last/stride, stride=1.
        compacted Range
        InvalidRangeException - elements must be nonnegative, 0 ≤ first ≤ last
      • element

        public int element​(int i)
                    throws InvalidRangeException
        Get ith element
        i - index of the element
        the i-th element of a range.
        InvalidRangeException - i must be: 0 ≤ i < length
      • index

        public int index​(int want)
                  throws InvalidRangeException
        Given an element in the Range, find its index in the array of elements.
        want - the element of the range
        InvalidRangeException - if illegal elem
      • intersect

        public Range intersect​(Range other)
                        throws InvalidRangeException
        Create a new Range by intersecting with another Range. One of them must have stride 1.
        other - range to intersect..
        intersected Range, may be EMPTY
      • intersects

        public boolean intersects​(Range other)
        Determine if a given Range interval intersects this one.
        other - range to intersect
        true if their intervals intersect, ignoring stride.
      • getFirstInInterval

        public int getFirstInInterval​(int start)
        Find the first element in a strided array after some index start. Return the smallest element k in the Range, such that
        • k ≥ first
        • k ≥ start
        • k ≤ last
        • k = element of this Range
        start - starting index
        first in interval, else -1 if there is no such element.
      • equals

        public boolean equals​(Object o)
        Does not include the name.
        equals in class Object
      • hashCode

        public int hashCode()
        hashCode in class Object