Class DatasetUrl

  • @Immutable
    public class DatasetUrl
    extends Object
    Detection of the protocol from a location string. Contacts the server if necessary to disambiguate, eg opendap from plain http.
    • Method Detail

      • findDatasetUrl

        public static DatasetUrl findDatasetUrl​(String orgLocation)
                                         throws IOException
        This creates a DatasetUrl, figures out the ServiceType if possible, and canonicalizes the URL string.
        orgLocation - TODO define syntax.
      • create

        public static DatasetUrl create​(@Nullable
                                        ServiceType serviceType,
                                        String trueurl)
        Create a DatasetUrl, which annotates a url with its service type.
        serviceType - The serviceType, may be null if not known.
        trueurl - The actual URL string.
      • hashCode

        public int hashCode()
        hashCode in class Object
      • getServiceType

        public ServiceType getServiceType()
        The ServiceType, or null if not known.
      • getTrueurl

        public String getTrueurl()
        The actual URL string which you give to the service specified by getServiceType().