Class NetcdfCopier

  • All Implemented Interfaces:
    Closeable, AutoCloseable

    public class NetcdfCopier
    extends Object
    implements Closeable
    Utility class for copying a NetcdfFile object, or parts of one, to a netcdf-3 or netcdf-4 file. This handles the entire CDM model (groups, etc) if you are writing to netcdf-4. If copying from an extended model to classic model, Strings are converted to Chars; nested groups are ignored.

    The fileIn may be an NcML file which has a referenced dataset in the location URL, the underlying data (modified by the NcML) is written to the new file. If the NcML does not have a referenced dataset, then the new file is filled with fill values, like ncgen.

    Use Nccopy for a command line interface. Use NetcdfFormatWriter object for a lower level API.