Interface Projection

  • public interface Projection
    Projective geometry transformations from (lat,lon) to (x,y) on a projective cartesian surface.
    • Method Detail

      • getClassName

        String getClassName()
        The name of the implementing class.
      • getName

        String getName()
        The name of this projection.
      • isLatLon

        boolean isLatLon()
        Is this the lat/lon Projection?
      • latLonToProj

        default ProjectionPoint latLonToProj​(double lat,
                                             double lon)
        Convert lat, lon to Projection point.
      • projToLatLon

        default LatLonPoint projToLatLon​(double x,
                                         double y)
        Convert projection x, y to LatLonPoint point.
      • crossSeam

        boolean crossSeam​(ProjectionPoint pt1,
                          ProjectionPoint pt2)
        Does the line between these two points cross the projection "seam", which is a discontinuity in the function latlon to/from projection plane
        pt1 - the line goes between these two points
        pt2 - the line goes between these two points
        false if there is no seam, or the line does not cross it.
      • getProjectionAttributes

        AttributeContainer getProjectionAttributes()
        Get projection parameters. Add as Attributes to a Coordinate Transform Variable (ctv).
      • latLonToProjBB

        ProjectionRect latLonToProjBB​(LatLonRect latlonRect)
        Convert a lat/lon bounding box to a world coordinate bounding box, by finding the minimum enclosing box. Handles lat/lon points that do not intersect the projection panel.
        latlonRect - input lat,lon bounding box
        minimum enclosing box in world coordinates, or null if no part of the LatLonRect intersects the projection plane
      • projToLatLonBB

        LatLonRect projToLatLonBB​(ProjectionRect bb)
        Compute lat/lon bounding box from projection bounding box.
        bb - projection bounding box
        lat, lon bounding box.