TDS provides a extensible and customizable user interface using Thymeleaf Java template engine. The pages which currently support customization are:
- Catalog
- Dataset access
UI customization can be implemented through the contribution of both CSS stylesheets and Thymeleaf HTML templates.
The public
Certain files in the ${tds.content.root.path}/thredds/public
directory are automatically mapped and served from the TDS context root.
For Example:
will be available as
Allowed Files
The TDS currently will serve the following files if they are placed in ${tds.content.root.path}/thredds/public
- .css
- .gif
- .jpg
- .png
- .jsp
- sitemap.xml
CSS Stylesheets
To customize TDS using CSS, custom CSS documents should be placed inside the aforementioned ${tds.content.root.path}/thredds/public
TDS is configured to use the CSS documents supplied in the public
directory in threddsConfig.xml
There are three properties within the htmlSetup
element used to define stylesheets:
CSS documents given for catalogCssUrl
and datasetCssUrl
elements will be applied on the Catalog and Dataset
access HTML pages, respectively.
A CSS document supplied to standardCssUrl
will be used in all generated HTML pages.
The OPeNDAP HTML form is treated special – the only CSS document applied to this page is defined by the openDapCssUrl
Thymeleaf Templates
When TDS is deployed, a templates
directory is created within the main content
directory (tds.content.root.path
The Thymeleaf template resolver used by TDS will search this directory for user-supplied template fragments each time
a customizable HTML page is requested.
Pages are customizable at plug-in points defined by the tag ext:
, which instructs the template resolver to look for
externally supplied template fragments.
Some of the plug-in points provide defaults when no user-supplied template is available (such as the main TDS header and footer, whereas other plug-in allow for additional content.
See the Thymeleaf documentation for an overview of natural templating using Thymeleaf and fragments.
A full list of current plug-in points for user-supplied fragments can be found in the following sections.
Overwriting A Default
To contribute a template fragment, place the fragment
element in templates/tdsTemplateFragments.html
Example: Overwriting The Default Header
Add the following to the ‘template/tdsTemplateFragments.html’ file:
<div th:fragment="header">Your header content here</div>
The templating system will automatically attach default TDS CSS properties to custom headers and footers. To avoid this behavior, users must provide their own overrides through custom stylesheets.
Current default fragments which may be overridden are:
Contributing Additional Content Sections
Additional content sections may be contributed the same way as overridable defaults, but will only render as HTML element if a user-contributed template fragment is found.
Example: Adding Content To The Bottom Of The Catalog
Add the following to the ‘template/tdsTemplateFragments.html’ file:
<div th:fragment="datasetCustomContentBottom">
<div>Your bottom content goes here.</div>
Example: Contributing Multiple Fragments
Add the following to the ‘template/tdsTemplateFragments.html’ file:
<div th:fragment="datasetCustomContentBottom">
<div th:replace="~{ext:additionalFragments/myFragments :: mySectionHeader}"/>
<div th:replace="~{ext:additionalFragments/myFragments :: mySectionContent}"/>
And, in the templates/additionalFragments/myFragments.html
<div th:fragment="mySectionHeader" class="section-header">My Section Name</div>
<div th:fragment="mySectionContent" class="section-content">Your contributed content here.</div>
We have defined our own fragments in a separate file, myFragments.html
Fragments which correspond to a plug-in point, such as catalogCustomContentTop
must be within the file tdsTemplateFragments
, however the main fragments may reference paths to other template files by using the ext:
Note: The classes section-header
and section-content
apply the default TDS style for content panes.
Current contributable sections are:
- additional content placed at the top of catalog pages.catalogCustomContentBottom
- additional content placed at the bottom of catalog pages.datasetCustomContentBottom
- additional content placed at the bottom of dataset access pages.
Contributing Additional Content Tabs
Contributing tabbed content requires two fragments, one for the tab button and another for the content.
Each tab button must implement the click event handler switchTab(buttonElement, contentElementId, groupId)
Add the following to the ‘template/tdsTemplateFragments.html’ file:
<div th:fragment="customInfoTabButtons">
<div class="tab-button info" onclick="switchTab(this, 'custom1', 'info')">Custom1</div>
<div class="tab-button info" onclick="switchTab(this, 'custom2', 'info')">Custom2</div>
<div th:fragment="customInfoTabContent">
<div class="tab-content info" id="custom1">This is one contributed tab pane...</div>
<div class="tab-content info" id="custom2">..and this is a second!</div>
In the above example, the tab-button
and tab-content
classes apply the same style to the contributed tabs as the
default tabs.
The info
class groups the contributed tabs with the other tabs in the information tab pane.
To group a contributed tab with the access tab pane, use the access
Note: Multiple custom tabs may be contributed by grouping them within the fragment tags.
Current contributable tabs are:
- adds tabs to the tab pane holding the “Access” and “Preview” views.customInfoTabButtons/customInfoTabContent
- adds tabs to the tab pane holding view with information about the dataset.
Using TDS Properties In Contributed Templates
Information from the server is passed to the templated pages through a data model. The properties made available to the template parser are:
String googleTracking,
String serverName,
String logoUrl,
String logoAlt,
String installName,
String installUrl,
String webappName,
String wabappUrl,
String webappVersion,
String webappBuildTimestamp,
String webappDocsUrl,
String contextPath,
String hostInst,
String hostInstUrl
Additionally, the catalog page is passed the properties boolean rootCatalog
, which is set to true
only on the top-level catalog page, and List<CatalogItemContext> items
, a set of items in the Catalogdefined as CatalogItemContext
data contracts:
class CatalogItemContext {
String getDisplayName();
int getLevel();
String getDataSize();
String getLastModified();
String getIconSrc();
String getHref();
Similarly, the dataset page is passed the property DatasetContext dataset
, a data contract defining the properties of the dataset:
class DatasetContext {
String getName();
String getCatUrl();
String getCatName();
List<Map<String, String>> get Documentation();
List<Map<String, String>> getAccess();
List<Map<String, String>> getContributors();
List<Map<String, String>> getKeywords();
List<Map<String, String>> getDates();
List<Map<String, String>> getProjects();
List<Map<String, String>> getCreators();
List<Map<String, String>> getPublishers();
List<Map<String, String>> getVariables();
String getVaraiableMapLink();
Map<String, Object> getGeospatialCoverage();
Map<String, Object> getTimeCoverage();
List<Map<String, String>> getMetadata();
List<Map<String, String>> getProperties();
Map<String, Object> getAllContext();
Object getContextItem(String key);
List<Map<String, String>> getViewerLinks();
Example: Dataset View
Add a section to a dataset view which links to the host institution site and displays a table of all properties returned by getAllContext()
Add the following to the ‘template/tdsTemplateFragments.html’ file:
<div th:fragment="datasetCustomContentBottom">
<h3>Properties of
<th:block th:text="${dataset.getName()}"
- hosted by <a th:href="${hostInstUrl}" th:text="${hostInst}"></a>
<table class="property-table">
<tr th:each="prop : ${dataset.getAllContext()}">
<td><em th:text="${prop.key}"/><td th:text="${prop.value}"/>
Adding TDS Properties To Templates
Don’t see what you’re looking for?
If the properties exposed to the template parser do not meet your needs, you are encouraged to update the above data models by submitting a pull request to
The data models are defined and populated in