Package ucar.array

Class Arrays

  • public class Arrays
    extends Object
    Static helper classes for Array
    • Method Detail

      • factory

        public static <T> Array<T> factory​(ArrayType dataType,
                                           int[] shape,
                                           Object dataArray)
        Create Array using java array of T, or java primitive array, as storage. Do not use this for Vlens or Structures. The dataArray is not copied, for efficiency. The calling routine must not reuse the primitive array.
        dataType - data type of the data. Vlen detected from the shape.
        shape - multidimensional shape, must have same total length as dataArray.
        dataArray - must be java primitive array or String[]
      • factoryFill

        public static <T> Array<T> factoryFill​(ArrayType dataType,
                                               int[] shape,
                                               Number fillValue)
        Create Array using empty java array of T, or java primitive array, same size as shape. Do not use this for Vlens or Structures.*
        shape - multidimensional shape
      • combine

        public static <T> Array<T> combine​(ArrayType dataType,
                                           int[] shape,
                                           List<Array<?>> dataArrays)
        Combine list of Array's by copying the underlying Array's into a single primitive array
        dataType - of the dataArrays and of the result.
        shape - of the result.
        dataArrays - the composite data.
        composite Array, formed by copying the dataArrays, must be of type dataType.
      • flip

        public static <T> Array<T> flip​(Array<T> org,
                                        int dim)
        Create a new Array using same backing store as the org Array, by flipping the index so that it runs from shape[index]-1 to 0.
        org - original Array
        dim - dimension to flip
        the new Array
      • permute

        public static <T> Array<T> permute​(Array<T> org,
                                           int[] dims)
        Create a new Array using same backing store as the org Array, by permuting the indices.
        org - original Array
        dims - the old index dims[k] becomes the new kth index.
        the new Array
      • reshape

        public static <T> Array<T> reshape​(Array<T> org,
                                           int[] shape)
        Create a new Array using same backing store with given shape
        org - original Array
        shape - the new shape
        the new Array
      • reduce

        public static <T> Array<T> reduce​(Array<T> org)
        Create a new Array using same backing store as the org Array, by eliminating any dimensions with length one.
        org - original Array
        the new Array, or the same Array if no reduction was done
      • reduce

        public static <T> Array<T> reduce​(Array<T> org,
                                          int dim)
        Create a new Array using same backing store as the org Array, by eliminating the specified dimension, which must have length 1.
        org - original Array
        dim - dimension to eliminate: must be of length one.
        the new Array, or the same Array if no reduction was done
      • reduceFirst

        public static <T> Array<T> reduceFirst​(Array<T> org,
                                               int ndim)
        Create a new Array using same backing store as the org Array, by eliminating the first ndim dimensions, iff they have length 1.
        org - original Array
        ndim - number of dimensions to reduce.
        the new Array, or the same Array if no reduction was done
      • section

        public static <T> Array<T> section​(Array<T> org,
                                           Section section)
                                    throws InvalidRangeException
        Create a new Array as a subsection of the org Array, without rank reduction. No data is moved, so the new Array references the same backing store as the original. Vlen is transferred over unchanged.
        org - original Array
        section - list of Ranges that specify the array subset. Must be same rank as original Array. A particular Range: 1) may be a subset, or 2) may be null, meaning use entire Range.
        the new Array
      • slice

        public static <T> Array<T> slice​(Array<T> org,
                                         int dim,
                                         int value)
                                  throws InvalidRangeException
        Create a new Array using same backing store as the org Array, by fixing the specified dimension at the specified index value. This reduces rank by 1.
        org - original Array
        dim - which dimension to fix
        value - at what index value
        a new Array, with reduced rank.
      • transpose

        public static <T> Array<T> transpose​(Array<T> org,
                                             int dim1,
                                             int dim2)
        Create a new Array using same backing store as the org Array, by transposing two of the indices.
        org - original Array
        dim1 - transpose these two indices
        dim2 - transpose these two indices
        the new Array
      • computeSize

        public static long computeSize​(@Nullable
                                       int[] shape)
        Compute total number of elements in the array. Stop at vlen.
        shape - length of array in each dimension.
        total number of elements in the array.
      • removeVlen

        public static int[] removeVlen​(int[] shape)
        If there are any VLEN dimensions (length < 0), remove it and all dimensions to the right.
        shape - multidimensional shape
        modified shape, if needed.
      • copyPrimitiveArray

        public static Object copyPrimitiveArray​(Array<?> data)
        Copy all the data out of the Array into a 1d primitive array of the appropriate type.
      • sumDouble

        public static double sumDouble​(Array<?> array)
        Sum all the values in the Array as doubles. Must be an array of Number.
      • toDouble

        public static Array<Double> toDouble​(Array<?> array)
        Convert a numeric array to double values.
      • getMinMaxSkipMissingData

        public static MinMax getMinMaxSkipMissingData​(Array<? extends Number> a,
                                                      IsMissingEvaluator eval)
        Get the min and max of the array, skipping missing data if eval.hasMissing().
      • makeArray

        public static <T> Array<T> makeArray​(ArrayType type,
                                             int npts,
                                             double start,
                                             double incr,
                                             int... shape)
        Make a regular numeric array from a start and incr.
        type - type of array
        npts - number of points
        start - starting value
        incr - increment
        shape - shape of resulting array. if not set, use 1 dim array of length npts.
      • makeStringsFromChar

        public static Array<String> makeStringsFromChar​(Array<Byte> from)
        Create an Array of Strings out of an Array\ of any rank. If there is a null (zero) value in from, the String will end there. The null is not returned as part of the String.
        Array of Strings of rank - 1.
      • makeStringFromChar

        public static String makeStringFromChar​(Array<Byte> from)
        Create a String out of an Array\ of rank zero or one. If there is a null (zero) value in from, the String will end there. The null is not returned as part of the String.
      • getByteString

        public static getByteString​(Array<Byte> from)
        Convert the Array into a ByteString.
      • convertCharToByte

        public static byte[] convertCharToByte​(char[] from)