Package ucar.array

Class Section

  • @Immutable
    public class Section
    extends Object
    A section of multidimensional array indices. Represented as List.

    TODO evaluate use of null.

    • Field Summary

      Modifier and Type Field Description
      static Section SCALAR  
    • Constructor Summary

      Constructor Description
      Section​(int[] shape)
      Create Section from a shape array, assumes 0 origin.
      Section​(int[] origin, int[] shape)
      Create Section from a shape and origin arrays.
      Section​(String sectionSpec)
      Parse an index section String specification, return equivilent Section.
      Section​(List<Range> from)
      Create Section from a List.
      Section​(List<Range> from, int[] shape)
      Create Section from a List, filling in nulls with shape.
      Section​(Range... ranges)
      Create Section from a variable length argument list of Ranges
    • Field Detail

      • SCALAR

        public static final Section SCALAR
    • Constructor Detail

      • Section

        public Section​(int[] shape)
        Create Section from a shape array, assumes 0 origin.
        shape - array of lengths for each Range. 0 = EMPTY, < 0 = VLEN
      • Section

        public Section​(int[] origin,
                       int[] shape)
                throws InvalidRangeException
        Create Section from a shape and origin arrays.
        origin - array of start for each Range
        shape - array of lengths for each Range
        InvalidRangeException - if origin < 0, or shape < 1.
      • Section

        public Section​(List<Range> from)
        Create Section from a List.
      • Section

        public Section​(Range... ranges)
        Create Section from a variable length argument list of Ranges
      • Section

        public Section​(List<Range> from,
                       int[] shape)
                throws InvalidRangeException
        Create Section from a List, filling in nulls with shape.
        from - the list of Range
        shape - use this as default shape if any of the ranges are null.
        InvalidRangeException - if shape and range list dont match
      • Section

        public Section​(String sectionSpec)
                throws InvalidRangeException
        Parse an index section String specification, return equivilent Section. A null Range means "all" (i.e.":") indices in that dimension.

        The sectionSpec string uses fortran90 array section syntax, namely:

           sectionSpec := dims
           dims := dim | dim, dims
           dim := ':' | slice | start ':' end | start ':' end ':' stride
           slice := INTEGER
           start := INTEGER
           stride := INTEGER
           end := INTEGER
         where nonterminals are in lower case, terminals are in upper case, literals are in single quotes.
         Meaning of index selector :
          ':' = all
          slice = hold index to that value
          start:end = all indices from start to end inclusive
          start:end:stride = all indices from start to end inclusive with given stride
        sectionSpec - the token to parse, eg "(1:20,:,3,10:20:2)", parenthesis optional
        InvalidRangeException - when the Range is illegal
        IllegalArgumentException - when sectionSpec is misformed
    • Method Detail

      • fill

        public static Section fill​(Section s,
                                   int[] shape)
                            throws InvalidRangeException
        Return a Section guaranteed to be non null, with no null Ranges, and within the bounds set by shape. A section with no nulls is called "filled". If it is already filled, return it, otherwise return a new Section, filled from the shape.
        s - the original Section, may be null or not filled
        shape - use this as default shape if any of the ranges are null.
        a filled Section
        InvalidRangeException - if shape and s and shape rank dont match, or if s has invalid range compared to shape
      • isScalar

        public static boolean isScalar​(int[] shape)
        Is this a scalar Section? Allows int[], int[1] {0}, int[1] {1}
      • compact

        public Section compact()
                        throws InvalidRangeException
        Create a new Section by compacting each Range. first = first/stride, last=last/stride, stride=1.
        compacted Section
        InvalidRangeException - elements must be nonnegative, 0 ≤ first ≤ last
      • compose

        public Section compose​(Section want)
                        throws InvalidRangeException
        Create a new Section by composing with a Section that is reletive to this Section.
        want - Section reletive to this one. If null, return this. If individual ranges are null, use corresponding Range in this.
        new Section, composed
        InvalidRangeException - if want.getRank() not equal to this.getRank(), or invalid component Range
      • intersect

        public Section intersect​(Section other)
                          throws InvalidRangeException
        Create a new Section by intersection with another Section
        other - Section other section
        new Section, composed
        InvalidRangeException - if want.getRank() not equal to this.getRank(), or invalid component Range
      • intersects

        public boolean intersects​(Section other)
                           throws InvalidRangeException
        See if this Section intersects with another Section. ignores strides, vlen
        other - another section
        true if intersection is non-empty
        InvalidRangeException - if want.getRank() not equal to this.getRank(),
      • toString

        public String toString()
        Convert List of Ranges to String sectionSpec. Inverse of new Section(String sectionSpec)
        toString in class Object
        index section String specification
      • isVariableLength

        public boolean isVariableLength()
        Does this contain a VLEN range?
      • isStrided

        public boolean isStrided()
      • getShape

        public int[] getShape()
        Get shape array using the Range.length() values.
        int[] shape
      • getOrigin

        public int[] getOrigin()
        Get origin array using the Range.first() values.
        int[] origin
      • getStride

        public int[] getStride()
        Get stride array using the Range.stride() values.
        int[] stride
      • getOrigin

        public int getOrigin​(int i)
        Get origin of the ith Range
      • getShape

        public int getShape​(int i)
        Get length of the ith Range
      • getStride

        public int getStride​(int i)
        Get stride of the ith Range
      • getRank

        public int getRank()
        Get rank = number of Ranges.
      • computeSize

        public long computeSize()
        Compute total number of elements represented by the section. Any null or VLEN Ranges are skipped.
        total number of elements
      • getRanges

        public List<Range> getRanges()
        Get an unmodifyable list of Ranges.
      • getRange

        public Range getRange​(int i)
        Get the ith Range
        i - index into the list of Ranges
        ith Range
      • find

        public Range find​(String rangeName)
        Find a Range by its name.
        rangeName - find this Range
        named Range or null
      • checkInRange

        public String checkInRange​(int[] shape)
        Check if this Section is legal for the given shape. [Note: modified by dmh to address the case of unlimited where the size is zero]
        shape - range must fit within this shape, rank must match.
        error message if illegal, null if all ok
      • equivalent

        public boolean equivalent​(int[] shape)
                           throws InvalidRangeException
        Is this section equivilent to the given shape. All non-null ranges must have origin 0 and length = shape[i]
      • hashCode

        public int hashCode()
        hashCode in class Object
      • getIterator

        public Section.Iterator getIterator​(int[] shape)
        Iterate over a section, returning the index in an equivalent 1D array of shape[], and optionally the corresponding index[n] So this is a section in a (possibly) larger array described by shape[]. The index is in the "source" array.
        shape - total array shape
        iterator over this section