Package ucar.nc2

Class ParsedArraySectionSpec

  • public class ParsedArraySectionSpec
    extends Object
    A String expression for denoting a section of a Variable to be read. Parse a section specification String. These have the form:
      section specification := selector | selector '.' selector
      selector := varName ['(' dims ')']
      varName := ESCAPED_STRING

    dims := dim | dim, dims dim := ':' | slice | start ':' end | start ':' end ':' stride slice := INTEGER start := INTEGER stride := INTEGER end := INTEGER ESCAPED_STRING : must escape characters = ".("

    Nonterminals are in lower case, terminals are in upper case, literals are in single quotes. Optional components are enclosed between square braces '[' and ']'.

    • Constructor Detail

      • ParsedArraySectionSpec

        public ParsedArraySectionSpec​(Variable variable,
                                      Section section)
    • Method Detail

      • parseVariableSection

        public static ParsedArraySectionSpec parseVariableSection​(NetcdfFile ncfile,
                                                                  String variableSection)
                                                           throws InvalidRangeException
        Parse a section specification String.
        ncfile - look for variable in here
        variableSection - the string to parse, eg "record(12).wind(1:20,:,3)"
        return ParsedSectionSpec, parsed representation of the variableSection String
        IllegalArgumentException - when token is misformed, or variable name doesnt exist in ncfile
        InvalidRangeException - if section does not match variable shape
      • makeSectionSpecString

        public static String makeSectionSpecString​(Variable v,
                                                   Section section)
        Make section specification String from a ucar.array.Section for a Variable.
        v - for this Variable.
        section - list of Range. Must includes all parent structures. May be null, meaning use all. Individual ranges may be null, meaning all for that dimension.
        section specification String.
      • getVariable

        public Variable getVariable()
        Applies to this Variable.
      • getSection

        public Section getSection()
        The section of the Variable.
      • makeSectionSpecString

        public String makeSectionSpecString()
        Inverse of toString().