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ADDE Commands

Commands in this category operate on ADDE datasets.

Command Purpose
ADDEINFO Display formatted ADDE transaction log records.
ADT Estimates tropical cyclone intensity using the Advanced Dvorak Technique.
ADVDISP Plots flight advisories (airmets and sigmets).
AKA Adds, deletes and lists aliases for dataset names.
ALTIM Calculates sounding data at standard aviation heights or pressures.
DATALOC Manages and lists the client routing table.
DSINFO Lists datasets on local and remote servers.
DSSERVE Manages and lists dataset names on the local server.
FOUSDISP Plots FOUS data from FOUS14 point files.
FRNTDISP Displays fronts from NCEP frontal positions products.
GEO Finds and displays a geostationary satellite image over a point or region.
GLMDISP Displays GOES-R Series Geostationary Lightning Mapper (GLM) point data.
GLMLIST Lists GOES-R Series Geostationary Lightning Mapper (GLM) point data.
GRDCOPY Copies grids from one dataset to another.
GRDDISP Generates contours, streamlines or plots from grid data.
GRDIMG Converts a grid to a digital image.
GRDINFO Lists, modifies, or statistically analyzes grid point values.
GRDLIST Lists grids in a dataset.
HODO Plots a hodograph of upper-air data.
IMGCHA Changes an image directory.
IMGCOPY Copies image data from one dataset to another.
IMGDEL Deletes images in a dataset.
IMGDISP Displays image data.
IMGFILT Applies filters to image data.
IMGLIST Lists images in a dataset.
IMGMAG Changes the magnification of a displayed image.
IMGOPER Applies mathematical functions to image data.
IMGPARM Creates a multi-band image of parameters useful for composites.
IMGPLOT Displays a scatter plot of data values from two images.
IMGPROBE Lists or plots image data for a region of the displayed image.
IMGREMAP Remaps images into different projections.
IMGRGB Combines images and basemaps into a multi-banded image.
IMGTRACK Redisplays a loop of images centered at a selected feature.
LEO Finds and displays a polar orbiting satellite image over a point or region.
MKRAOBID Create ASCII file of information about mandatory level upper airstations.
MOSRPT Lists MOS forecasts from the GFS, NAM and NGM models.
NAVCALC Calculates satellite subpoints and orbit times.
NAVDISP Displays polar orbital tracks and coverage.
NAVLIST Lists system navigation entries.
NLDNDISP Plot/Contour NLDN lightning data.
OBSRPT Lists the observational text reports.
PACORB Displays polar orbital tracks and coverage for the Pacific Test Range.
PIRPPLOT Plots pilot and air report from PIRP schema point files.
PROFDISP Plots FSL wind profiler data.
PROFSECT Plots vertical time series of FSL-profiler wind fields.
PTCON Converts point data to grids; displays contours and plots.
PTCOPY Copies point data from one dataset to another.
PTDISP Displays point data.
PTLIST Lists point data in a dataset.
RAOBCON Contours upper-air data from IRAB-schema point files.
RAOBPLOT Plots upper-air data from IRAB-schema point files.
RAOBRPT Lists upper air (RAOB) observations.
READ Lists the contents of an ADDE text dataset.
RGBDISP Displays a color image using three frames or datasets as RGB components.
SFCCON Contours surface hourly data from ISFC-schema point files.
SFCLIST Lists surface hourly data from point files.
SFCMG Displays a surface meteorogram.
SFCPLOT Plots surface hourly data from ISFC-schema point files.
SFCRPT Lists surface hourly observations.
SYNRPT Lists synoptic observations.
TAFRPT Lists terminal aerodrome forecasts.
UACROSS Plots a vertical cross section of upper-air data.
UALIST Lists upper air data.
UAPLOT Plots a sounding on a thermodynamic diagram.
USAORB Displays polar orbital tracks and coverage for North America.
WWDISP Displays active weather warnings, watches and advisories.
WWLIST Lists active weather warnings, watches and advisories.
WXTLIST Lists weather text products.

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