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Commands in this category operate on point data, including McIDAS MD files containing conventional data such as synoptic, surface hourly, ship, buoy, and upper-air observations.

Command Purpose
ALTIM Calculates sounding data at standard aviation heights or pressures.
DOQTL Selectively deletes MD files.
FOUSDISP Plots FOUS data from FOUS14 point files.
GLMDISP Displays GOES-R Series Geostationary Lightning Mapper (GLM) point data.
GLMLIST Lists GOES-R Series Geostationary Lightning Mapper (GLM) point data.
HODO Plots a hodograph of upper-air data.
ISENT Calculates theta surface levels for upper air data.
LSCHE Lists an MD file schema.
MDDPI Creates Derived Product Image from MD and AREA files.
MDE Edits MD files.
MDFIX Replaces station information (LAT, LON, ZS, ST, CO) in ISFC files.
MDU MD file utility.
MDX Plots or grids data from MD files or grids.
MFPLOT Plots a frequency distribution of MD file data.
NLDNDISP Plot/Contour NLDN lightning data.
PIRPPLOT Plots pilot and air report from PIRP schema point files.
PROFDISP Plots FSL wind profiler data.
PROFSECT Plots vertical time series of FSL-profiler wind fields.
PTCON Converts point data to grids; displays contours and plots.
PTCOPY Copies point data from one dataset to another.
PTDISP Displays point data.
PTLIST Lists point data in a dataset.
RAOBCON Contours upper-air data from IRAB-schema point files.
RAOBPLOT Plots upper-air data from IRAB-schema point files.
SCHE Adds a schema to the schema file.
SFCCON Contours surface hourly data from ISFC-schema point files.
SFCLIST Lists surface hourly data from point files.
SFCMG Displays a surface meteorogram.
SFCPLOT Plots surface hourly data from ISFC-schema point files.
TXT2MD Creates an MD file from an ASCII text data file.
UACROSS Plots a vertical cross section of upper-air data.
UALIST Lists upper air data.
UAPLOT Plots a sounding on a thermodynamic diagram.

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