All Classes Interface Summary Class Summary Enum Summary Exception Summary Error Summary Annotation Types Summary
Class |
Description |
AbstractCellEditor |
AbstractGempakStationFileReader |
Class to hold common methods for reading surface and sounding files
AbstractGisFeature |
Abstract class that implements common methods for concrete
implementations of GisFeature.
AbstractIOServiceProvider |
Abstract base class for IOSP implementations that provides default implementations
of readToByteChannel(...) and readSection(...).
AbstractLightningIOSP |
AbstractIOSP for lighting data.
AbstractPanel |
Abstract superclass for panel contents.
AbstractRadialAdapter |
Make a NetcdfDataset into a RadialDatasetSweep.
AbstractRadialAdapter.MyRadialVariableAdapter |
AbstractTransformBuilder |
Abstract superclass for implementations of HorizTransformBuilderIF and VertTransformBuilderIF
Access |
A Dataset Access element
AccessBuilder |
build immutable access element
AccessLogParser |
Read TDS access logs
AccessLogTable |
Access Logs in TdsMonitor.
AccessLogTable.Accum |
Attribute Conventions for Dataset Discovery
ActionCoordinator |
An ActionCoordinator helps manage the set of objects that send and receive
an ActionValueEvent.
ActionListenerAdapter |
Wrap an action listener to filter on event type.
ActionSourceListener |
ActionSourceListeners are used by objects that are both source and listener for
a particular type of ActionValue events.
ActionValueEvent |
Extend ActionEvent to contain a String value.
ActionValueListener |
Listeners for ActionValueEvents.
ADASConvention |
ADAS netcdf files.
ADASConvention |
ADAS netcdf files.
ADASConvention.Factory |
ADNWriter |
AfwaTables |
Air Force Weather Center (center 57)
AggPanel |
AggProxyReader |
A Proxy reader for a specific Variable.
Aggregation |
Superclass for NcML Aggregation Builder.
Aggregation |
Deprecated. |
Aggregation.Type |
Aggregation.Type |
Aggregation.TypicalDataset |
Aggregation.TypicalDataset |
AggregationExisting |
AggregationFmrc |
AggregationIF |
AggregationNew |
JoinNew Aggregation.
AggregationNew |
AggregationOuterDimension |
AggregationTiled |
AggregationUnion |
AggTable |
AggTable.DatasetBean |
AlbersEqualArea |
Create a AlbersEqualArea Projection from the information in the Coordinate Transform Variable.
AlbersEqualArea |
Albers Equal Area Conic Projection, one or two standard parallels,
spherical earth.
AlbersEqualAreaEllipse |
Adapted from
Alias |
The Alias type is a special attribute.
AliasTranslator |
Handle textual substitution for dataroots.
AllLeapChronology |
A Chronology in which each year has exactly 366 days (February is always
29 days long).
AnalysisBlock |
Class to hold the Grid Analysis Block
AreaReader |
Class to read an AREA file and create a netCDF data structure
from it.
AreaServiceProvider |
IOServiceProvider for McIDAS AREA files
ARMTrajectoryObsDataset |
Array |
Superclass for implementations of multidimensional arrays.
ArrayBoolean |
Concrete implementation of Array specialized for booleans.
ArrayBoolean.D0 |
Concrete implementation of Array specialized for byte, rank 0.
ArrayBoolean.D1 |
Concrete implementation of Array specialized for boolean, rank 1.
ArrayBoolean.D2 |
Concrete implementation of Array specialized for boolean, rank 2.
ArrayBoolean.D3 |
Concrete implementation of Array specialized for boolean, rank 3.
ArrayBoolean.D4 |
Concrete implementation of Array specialized for boolean, rank 4.
ArrayBoolean.D5 |
Concrete implementation of Array specialized for boolean, rank 5.
ArrayBoolean.D6 |
Concrete implementation of Array specialized for boolean, rank 6.
ArrayBoolean.D7 |
Concrete implementation of Array specialized for boolean, rank 7.
ArrayByte |
Concrete implementation of Array specialized for bytes.
ArrayByte.D0 |
Concrete implementation of Array specialized for byte, rank 0.
ArrayByte.D1 |
Concrete implementation of Array specialized for byte, rank 1.
ArrayByte.D2 |
Concrete implementation of Array specialized for byte, rank 2.
ArrayByte.D3 |
Concrete implementation of Array specialized for byte, rank 3.
ArrayByte.D4 |
Concrete implementation of Array specialized for byte, rank 4.
ArrayByte.D5 |
Concrete implementation of Array specialized for byte, rank 5.
ArrayByte.D6 |
Concrete implementation of Array specialized for byte, rank 6.
ArrayByte.D7 |
Concrete implementation of Array specialized for byte, rank 7.
ArrayChar |
Concrete implementation of Array specialized for chars.
ArrayChar.D0 |
Concrete implementation of Array specialized for char, rank 0.
ArrayChar.D1 |
Concrete implementation of Array specialized for char, rank 1.
ArrayChar.D2 |
Concrete implementation of Array specialized for char, rank 2.
ArrayChar.D3 |
Concrete implementation of Array specialized for char, rank 3.
ArrayChar.D4 |
Concrete implementation of Array specialized for char, rank 4.
ArrayChar.D5 |
Concrete implementation of Array specialized for char, rank 5.
ArrayChar.D6 |
Concrete implementation of Array specialized for char, rank 6.
ArrayChar.D7 |
Concrete implementation of Array specialized for char, rank 7.
ArrayDouble |
Concrete implementation of Array specialized for doubles.
ArrayDouble.D0 |
Concrete implementation of Array specialized for doubles, rank 0.
ArrayDouble.D1 |
Concrete implementation of Array specialized for doubles, rank 1.
ArrayDouble.D2 |
Concrete implementation of Array specialized for doubles, rank 2.
ArrayDouble.D3 |
Concrete implementation of Array specialized for doubles, rank 3.
ArrayDouble.D4 |
Concrete implementation of Array specialized for doubles, rank 4.
ArrayDouble.D5 |
Concrete implementation of Array specialized for doubles, rank 5.
ArrayDouble.D6 |
Concrete implementation of Array specialized for doubles, rank 6.
ArrayDouble.D7 |
Concrete implementation of Array specialized for doubles, rank 7.
ArrayFloat |
Concrete implementation of Array specialized for floats.
ArrayFloat.D0 |
Concrete implementation of Array specialized for floats, rank 0.
ArrayFloat.D1 |
Concrete implementation of Array specialized for floats, rank 1.
ArrayFloat.D2 |
Concrete implementation of Array specialized for floats, rank 2.
ArrayFloat.D3 |
Concrete implementation of Array specialized for floats, rank 3.
ArrayFloat.D4 |
Concrete implementation of Array specialized for floats, rank 4.
ArrayFloat.D5 |
Concrete implementation of Array specialized for floats, rank 5.
ArrayFloat.D6 |
Concrete implementation of Array specialized for floats, rank 6.
ArrayFloat.D7 |
Concrete implementation of Array specialized for floats, rank 7.
ArrayInt |
Concrete implementation of Array specialized for ints.
ArrayInt.D0 |
Concrete implementation of Array specialized for ints, rank 0.
ArrayInt.D1 |
Concrete implementation of Array specialized for ints, rank 1.
ArrayInt.D2 |
Concrete implementation of Array specialized for ints, rank 2.
ArrayInt.D3 |
Concrete implementation of Array specialized for ints, rank 3.
ArrayInt.D4 |
Concrete implementation of Array specialized for ints, rank 4.
ArrayInt.D5 |
Concrete implementation of Array specialized for ints, rank 5.
ArrayInt.D6 |
Concrete implementation of Array specialized for ints, rank 6.
ArrayInt.D7 |
Concrete implementation of Array specialized for ints, rank 7.
ArrayLong |
Concrete implementation of Array specialized for longs.
ArrayLong.D0 |
Concrete implementation of Array specialized for longs, rank 0.
ArrayLong.D1 |
Concrete implementation of Array specialized for longs, rank 1.
ArrayLong.D2 |
Concrete implementation of Array specialized for longs, rank 2.
ArrayLong.D3 |
Concrete implementation of Array specialized for longs, rank 3.
ArrayLong.D4 |
Concrete implementation of Array specialized for longs, rank 4.
ArrayLong.D5 |
Concrete implementation of Array specialized for longs, rank 5.
ArrayLong.D6 |
Concrete implementation of Array specialized for longs, rank 6.
ArrayLong.D7 |
Concrete implementation of Array specialized for longs, rank 7.
ArrayObject |
Concrete implementation of Array specialized for Objects.
ArrayObject.D0 |
Concrete implementation of Array specialized for Objects, rank 0.
ArrayObject.D1 |
Concrete implementation of Array specialized for Objects, rank 1.
ArrayObject.D2 |
Concrete implementation of Array specialized for Objects, rank 2.
ArrayObject.D3 |
Concrete implementation of Array specialized for Objects, rank 3.
ArrayObject.D4 |
Concrete implementation of Array specialized for Objects, rank 4.
ArrayObject.D5 |
Concrete implementation of Array specialized for Objects, rank 5.
ArrayObject.D6 |
Concrete implementation of Array specialized for Objects, rank 6.
ArrayObject.D7 |
Concrete implementation of Array specialized for Objects, rank 7.
ArrayRagged |
ArrayScalar |
Helper class for StructureDataAscii
ArrayScheme |
Track kinds of Arrays
ArraySequence |
ArraySequence is the way to contain the data for a Sequence, using a StructureDataIterator.
ArraySequenceNested |
Handles nested sequences: a 1D array of variable length 1D arrays of StructureData.
ArrayShort |
Concrete implementation of Array specialized for shorts.
ArrayShort.D0 |
Concrete implementation of Array specialized for shorts, rank 0.
ArrayShort.D1 |
Concrete implementation of Array specialized for shorts, rank 1.
ArrayShort.D2 |
Concrete implementation of Array specialized for shorts, rank 2.
ArrayShort.D3 |
Concrete implementation of Array specialized for shorts, rank 3.
ArrayShort.D4 |
Concrete implementation of Array specialized for shorts, rank 4.
ArrayShort.D5 |
Concrete implementation of Array specialized for shorts, rank 5.
ArrayShort.D6 |
Concrete implementation of Array specialized for shorts, rank 6.
ArrayShort.D7 |
Concrete implementation of Array specialized for shorts, rank 7.
ArrayString |
Concrete implementation of Array specialized for Strings.
ArrayString.D0 |
Concrete implementation of Array specialized for String, rank 0.
ArrayString.D1 |
Concrete implementation of Array specialized for Strings, rank 1.
ArrayString.D2 |
Concrete implementation of Array specialized for Strings, rank 2.
ArrayString.D3 |
Concrete implementation of Array specialized for Strings, rank 3.
ArrayString.D4 |
Concrete implementation of Array specialized for Strings, rank 4.
ArrayString.D5 |
Concrete implementation of Array specialized for Strings, rank 5.
ArrayString.D6 |
Concrete implementation of Array specialized for Strings, rank 6.
ArrayString.D7 |
Concrete implementation of Array specialized for Strings, rank 7.
ArrayStructure |
Superclass for implementations of Array of StructureData.
ArrayStructureBB |
Concrete implementation of ArrayStructure, data storage is in a ByteBuffer, which is converted to member data on the
ArrayStructureBBpos |
Variation of ArrayStructureBB, where the offsets of the records into the ByteBuffer are uneven and must be
passed in by the user.
ArrayStructureBBsection |
Make a section of an ArrayStructureBB
ArrayStructureComposite |
An ArrayStructure compose of other ArrayStructures.
ArrayStructureMA |
Concrete implementation of ArrayStructure, data storage is in member arrays, which are converted to
StructureData member data on the fly.
ArrayStructureW |
Concrete implementation of ArrayStructure, with data access deferred to the StructureData objects.
ASCII_CharStream |
An implementation of interface CharStream, where the stream is assumed to
contain only ASCII characters (without unicode processing).
Assert2 |
Custom JUnit 4 assertions.
ATDRadarConvention |
ATD Radar file (ad hoc guesses).
ATDRadarConvention |
ATD Radar file (ad hoc guesses).
ATDRadarConvention.Factory |
AtmosLnPressure |
Implement CF vertical coordinate "atmosphere_ln_pressure_coordinate"
pressure(z) = p0 * exp(-lev(k))" .
AtmosSigma |
Create a 3D height(z,y,x) array using the CF formula for
"atmospheric sigma vertical coordinate".
Attribute |
An Attribute holds information about a single attribute in an
AttributeTable .
Attribute |
An Attribute is a name and a value, used for associating arbitrary metadata with another object.
Attribute.Builder |
A builder for Attributes
AttributeBadValueException |
Thrown by Attribute when a bad value
(not one of the supported types) is stored in an Attribute.
AttributeContainer |
An immutable Container of Attributes.
AttributeContainerHelper |
AttributeContainerMutable |
A mutable collection of Attributes.
AttributeExistsException |
Thrown by AttributeTable when an attempt is made to create an
attribute that already exists.
AttributeTable |
An AttributeTable stores a set of names and, for each name,
an Attribute object.
AvhrrConvention |
Avhrr Hdf5 files - geostationary satellite images.
AWIPSConvention |
AWIPS netcdf output.
AWIPSConvention |
AWIPS netcdf output.
AWIPSConvention.Factory |
AWIPSsatConvention |
AWIPS netcdf output.
AWIPSSatConvention |
AWIPS satellite netcdf output.
AWIPSSatConvention.Factory |
AwxFileFirstHeader |
AwxFileGeoSatelliteSecondHeader |
AwxFileGridProductExtendedPart |
AwxFileGridProductSecondHeader |
AwxFileSecondHeader |
AxisType |
Enumeration of Coordinate Axis types.
AzimuthalEquidistant |
AzimuthalEquidistant Projection.
BadSemanticsException |
Thrown by BaseType when the checkSemantics
method is called and the variable is not valid (the name is null or some
other semantic violation).
BadUnitException |
Provides support for failures due to attempts to redefine an existing unit in
a unit database.
BAMutil |
Button, Action and Menu utilities:
static stationHelper methods for building ucar.unidata.UI's.
BAMutil.ActionToggle |
This wraps a regular action and makes it into a "toggle action",
and associates it with an AbstractButton.
Base |
Interface for "base" entities like base units or base quantities.
BaseQuantity |
Provides support for abstract base quantities (ex: length, time).
BaseQuantityException |
Provides support for base quantity exceptions.
BaseType |
This abstract class defines the basic data type features for the OPeNDAP data
access protocol (DAP) data types.
BaseTypeFactory |
A Factory for BaseType objects.
BaseTypePrimitiveVector |
A vector of BaseType .
BaseUnit |
Provides support for base units.
BeanTable<T> |
A JTable that uses JavaBeans to store the data.
BeanTable.PropertyCol |
Should be private.
Bearing |
Computes the distance, azimuth, and back azimuth between
two lat-lon positions on the Earth's surface.
BeLeDataInputStream |
BitCounter |
Interface for bit counters
BitCounterCompressed |
Count size of compressed fields
BitCounterUncompressed |
Counts the size of nested tables, for uncompressed messages.
BitReader |
Helper for reading data that has been bit packed.
Blosc |
Blosc.Provider |
BooleanCatalogRefExpander |
BooleanPrimitiveVector |
A vector of booleans.
BoundingBoxHelper |
Helper for finding the ProjectionRect from a LatLonRect
BTree2 |
// Level 1A2
These are used for symbols, not data i think.
BTree2.Entry2 |
Bufr2Xml |
Write BUFR to an ad-hoc XML format
BufrBCompare |
BufrBCompare.Data |
BufrCdmIndex |
Manage cdm index (ncx) for Bufr files.
BufrCdmIndexOpPanel |
BufrCdmIndexPanel |
Examine BUFR CdmIndex files
BufrCdmIndexPanel.FieldBean |
BufrCdmIndexPanel.StationBean |
BufrCdmIndexProto |
BufrCdmIndexProto.BufrIndex |
Protobuf type BufrIndex
BufrCdmIndexProto.BufrIndex.Builder |
Protobuf type BufrIndex
BufrCdmIndexProto.BufrIndexOrBuilder |
BufrCdmIndexProto.Field |
Protobuf type Field
BufrCdmIndexProto.Field.Builder |
Protobuf type Field
BufrCdmIndexProto.FieldOrBuilder |
BufrCdmIndexProto.FldAction |
Protobuf enum FldAction
BufrCdmIndexProto.FldType |
Protobuf enum FldType
BufrCdmIndexProto.Station |
Protobuf type Station
BufrCdmIndexProto.Station.Builder |
Protobuf type Station
BufrCdmIndexProto.StationOrBuilder |
BufrCodePanel |
BufrConfig |
Configuration for converting BUFR files to CDM
DataDescriptor tree becomes FieldConverter tree with annotations.
BufrConfig.FieldConverter |
BufrDataDescriptionSection |
Represents Section 3 of a BUFR message.
BufrDataProcess |
reads a file with BUFR messages in it and prints out the data values.
BufrDataSection |
Represents Section 4 of a BUFR message.
BufrFeatureDatasetFactory |
Use BufrConfig to make BUFR files into PointFeatureDataset
BufrField |
Abstraction for BUFR field.
BufrIdentificationSection |
A class representing the IdentificationSection (section 1) of a BUFR record.
BufrIndicatorSection |
A class representing the IndicatorSection (section 0) of a BUFR record.
BufrIosp2 |
IOSP for BUFR data - version 2, using the preprocessor.
BufrMessageViewer |
BufrMessageViewer.DdsBean |
BufrMessageViewer.ObsBean |
BufrNumbers |
A class that contains static methods for converting multiple
bytes into one float or integer.
BufrPanel |
BufrReportPanel |
BUFR reports
BufrReportPanel.Report |
BufrSplitter |
Reads BUFR files and splits them into separate files based on Message.hashCode()
BufrSplitter2 |
Read BUFR files and split them.
BufrTableBPanel |
BufrTableBViewer |
View BUFR Table B
BufrTableDPanel |
BufrTableDViewer |
View BUFR Table D
BufrTableLookup |
Look up info in BUFR tables.
BufrTables |
Reads BUFR tables of various forms.
BufrTables.Format |
BufrTables.Mode |
BufrTables.TableConfig |
BufrTables.Tables |
BufrUsed |
BufrWmoCodesPanel |
BUFR code tables UI
BufrWmoCodesPanel.CodeTableBean |
BufrWmoCodesPanel.EntryBean |
BuoyShipSynop |
Ship/Buoy decoded netcdf files
BytePrimitiveVector |
A vector of bytes.
BZip2Constants |
Base class for both the compress and decompress classes.
BZip2ReadException |
Exception for BZip problems
CachingThreddsS3Client |
A ThreddsS3Client that wraps another ThreddsS3Client and caches its methods' return values for efficiency.
Calendar |
Implements CF calendar attribute.
CalendarDate |
A Calendar Date.
CalendarDateFactory |
Reuse immutable calendar date objects.
CalendarDateFormatter |
Threadsafe static routines for date formatting.
CalendarDateRange |
A range of CalendarDates.
CalendarDateUnit |
A Calendar Date Unit: "unit since date"
CalendarDuration |
A replacement for ucar.nc2.units.TimeDuration.
CalendarPeriod |
A CalendarPeriod is a logical duration of time, it requires a Calendar to convert to an actual duration of time.
CalendarPeriod.Field |
Fields that can be set on a CalendarPeriod, used to prevent exposure of underlying implementation.
CalendarTimeZone |
Encapsulate TimeZone functionality.
CancelTask |
Allows long tasks to be cancelled.
CancelTaskImpl |
Catalog |
A Client Catalog
CatalogBuilder |
An interface for building catalogs where each instance only builds
catalogs for the dataset collection root it was setup to handle.
CatalogBuilder |
Builds client Catalogs using JDOM2
Non validating.
CatalogChooser |
A Swing widget for THREDDS clients to access and choose from Dataset Inventory catalogs.
CatalogCrawler |
This crawls a catalog tree for its datasets, which are sent to a listener.
CatalogCrawler |
Crawl client catalogs
CatalogCrawler.Filter |
CatalogCrawler.Filter |
CatalogCrawler.Listener |
CatalogCrawler.Listener |
CatalogCrawler.Type |
CatalogCrawler.Type |
CatalogExtractor |
Utilities for extracting info from a catalog.
CatalogGenConfig |
Title: Catalog Generator
CatalogNetcdfFileProvider |
CatalogRef |
A Client CatalogRef
CatalogRefBuilder |
client CatalogRef Builder
CatalogRefExpander |
Indicates whether a particular catalogRef should be converted to a container dataset.
CatalogRefExpander |
Describes when in the expansion of a DatasetSource a catalogRef is created
and a child DatasetSource is expanded.
CatalogRefInfo |
Information about a CatalogRef that can be used to generate the referenced catalog.
CatalogSetCallback |
Allows asynchronous reading of a catalog.
CatalogTreeView |
A Swing widget for THREDDS clients to display catalogs in a JTree, and allows
the user to select a dataset.
CatalogUtils |
CatalogXmlWriter |
Write client side catalogs out as XML.
CatGenAndWrite |
CatGenConfigMetadataFactory |
Title: Catalog Generator
CBZip2InputStream |
An input stream that decompresses from the BZip2 format (without the file
header chars) to be read as any other stream.
CDLWriter |
Common Data Language (CDL) writer.
CDM constants.
CDMCompiler |
The goal for the CDM compiler is produce a NetcdfDataset
whose content comes from a DSP.
CdmDirect |
CDM direct, used when we are implementing the IOSP.
CdmIndexOpPanel |
Show ncx4 indices.
CdmIndexPanel |
Show info in GRIB ncx index files.
CdmIndexPanel.VarBean |
CdmIndexReportPanel |
Run through GRIB ncx indices and make reports
CdmIndexReportPanel.Report |
CdmIndexScan |
Scan for Feature Datasets
CdmIndexScan.IndexScanBean |
CdmIndexScanOp |
CDMNode |
CdmrCoverageReader |
Client side cdmrFeature interface to GridCoverage.
CdmRemote |
A remote CDM dataset (extending NetcdfFile), using cdmremote protocol to communicate.
CdmRemoteNetcdfFileProvider |
CdmrFeatureDataset |
Factory for FeatureDataset using cdmrFeature protocol.
CdmrFeatureOpPanel |
CdmrFeaturePanel |
Display the cdmrFeature protocol objects, from a URL or a file
CdmrFeaturePanel.MessBean |
CdmrFeatureProto |
CdmrFeatureProto.AxisSpacing |
same as CoverageCoordAxis.Spacing
CdmrFeatureProto.AxisType |
same as ucar.nc2.constants.AxisType
CdmrFeatureProto.Calendar |
same as ucar.nc2.time.Calendar
CdmrFeatureProto.CalendarDateRange |
Protobuf type CalendarDateRange
CdmrFeatureProto.CalendarDateRange.Builder |
Protobuf type CalendarDateRange
CdmrFeatureProto.CalendarDateRangeOrBuilder |
CdmrFeatureProto.CoordAxis |
Protobuf type CoordAxis
CdmrFeatureProto.CoordAxis.Builder |
Protobuf type CoordAxis
CdmrFeatureProto.CoordAxisOrBuilder |
CdmrFeatureProto.CoordSys |
Protobuf type CoordSys
CdmrFeatureProto.CoordSys.Builder |
Protobuf type CoordSys
CdmrFeatureProto.CoordSysOrBuilder |
CdmrFeatureProto.CoordTransform |
Protobuf type CoordTransform
CdmrFeatureProto.CoordTransform.Builder |
Protobuf type CoordTransform
CdmrFeatureProto.CoordTransformOrBuilder |
CdmrFeatureProto.Coverage |
Protobuf type Coverage
CdmrFeatureProto.Coverage.Builder |
Protobuf type Coverage
CdmrFeatureProto.CoverageDataResponse |
Protobuf type CoverageDataResponse
CdmrFeatureProto.CoverageDataResponse.Builder |
Protobuf type CoverageDataResponse
CdmrFeatureProto.CoverageDataResponseOrBuilder |
CdmrFeatureProto.CoverageDataset |
Protobuf type CoverageDataset
CdmrFeatureProto.CoverageDataset.Builder |
Protobuf type CoverageDataset
CdmrFeatureProto.CoverageDatasetOrBuilder |
CdmrFeatureProto.CoverageOrBuilder |
CdmrFeatureProto.CoverageType |
Protobuf enum CoverageType
CdmrFeatureProto.DependenceType |
same as CoverageCoordAxis.DependenceType
CdmrFeatureProto.GeoReferencedArray |
Protobuf type GeoReferencedArray
CdmrFeatureProto.GeoReferencedArray.Builder |
Protobuf type GeoReferencedArray
CdmrFeatureProto.GeoReferencedArrayOrBuilder |
CdmrFeatureProto.Rectangle |
Protobuf type Rectangle
CdmrFeatureProto.Rectangle.Builder |
Protobuf type Rectangle
CdmrFeatureProto.RectangleOrBuilder |
CdmrfReader |
Client side for opening a CdmrFeature CoverageDataset.
CdmrfWriter |
Server side for Cdmrf
CdmS3Client |
A client for accessing Object Store resources.
CdmS3Uri |
CDMSort |
Deprecated. |
CDMTypeFcns |
This Class is used to isolate as many as possible
of the switch statements using TypeSort enums
(Or in somecase DapType.getTypeSort())
CDMUtil |
CDM related Constants and utilities
common to client and server code
CEActions |
CEAST.Constant |
CEAST.NodeList |
CEAST.Operator |
CEAST.Path |
CEAST.SliceList |
CEAST.Sort |
CEAST.StringList |
CECompiler |
Given an AST, compile it into a CEConstraint instance
Eventually this will go away and the constraint parser
will directly create the constraint.
CEConstraint |
A Constraint is a structure
containing a parsed representation
of a constraint expression.
CEConstraint.Expand |
CEConstraint.Segment |
CEDRICRadarConvention |
Created by IntelliJ IDEA.
CEDRICRadarConvention |
CEDRICRadarConvention.Factory |
CEParserImpl |
CF |
Constants used in CF Conventions.
CF.CellMethods |
Enumeration of CF cell methods.
CF.FeatureType |
Map from CF feature type names to our FeatureType enums.
CF1Convention |
CF-1 Convention.
CF1Convention |
CF-1 Convention.
CF1Convention.Factory |
CFGridCoverageWriter |
Write CF Compliant Grid file from a Coverage.
CFGridCoverageWriter.Result |
A value class holding information about the write()
CFGridCoverageWriter2 |
CFGridWriter |
CFGridWriter2 |
CFHybridHeight |
Create a atmosphere_hybrid_height_coordinate Vertical Transform from
the information in the Coordinate Transform Variable.
CFHybridSigmaPressure |
Create a atmosphere_hybrid_sigma_pressure_coordinate Vertical Transform from the information in the Coordinate
Transform Variable.
CFLine |
A CF 1.8 compliant Line
for use with Simple Geometries.
CFLnPressure |
implementation for CF vertical coordinate "atmosphere_ln_pressure_coordinate".
CFOceanS |
Create a ocean_s_coordinate Vertical Transform from the information in the Coordinate Transform Variable.
CFOceanSigma |
Create a ocean_sigma_coordinate Vertical Transform from the information in the Coordinate Transform Variable.
CFPoint |
A CF 1.8 compliant Point
for use with Simple Geometries.
CFpointObs |
CF "point obs" Convention.
CFpointObs.Encoding |
CFpointObs.EncodingInfo |
CFpointObsExt |
CFpointObs using extended model, namely netcdf-4 Structures
CFPointObWriter |
CFPointWriter |
Write Point Feature Collections into netcdf3/4 files in CF 1.9 point obs conventions.
CFPointWriter |
Static methods to write Point Feature Collections into netcdf3/4 files in CF 1.6 point obs conventions.
CFPointWriterConfig |
Configuration for CFPointWriter
CFPointWriterConfig |
Configuration for CFPointWriter
CFPointWriterConfig.Builder |
CFPointWriterUtils |
CFPointWriterUtils |
CFPolygon |
A CF 1.8 compliant Polygon
for use with Simple Geometries.
CFRadialAdapter |
CFSigma |
Create a atmosphere_sigma_coordinate Vertical Transform from the information in the Coordinate Transform Variable.
CFSimpleGeometryHelper |
Helpers for various simple geometry tasks
relating to the CF standard.
CFstationObsDataset |
CFSubConventionProvider |
A special SPI to register CF sub-convention or incubating convention CoordSystemBuilderFactory classes.
Chart |
Class Description.
CheckPointFeatureDataset |
Read and check a point feature dataset, return number of point features.
Checksum32 |
Filter implementation for 32-bit checksums: Fletcher, Adler, and CRC
Checksum32.Adler32Provider |
Checksum32.CRC32Provider |
Checksum32.CType |
Checksum32.Fletcher32Provider |
ChecksumMode |
Define possible checksum modes:
Choice |
Abstraction of a choice a user can make.
ChunkingIndex |
An index that computes chunk shapes.
Cinrad2IOServiceProvider |
An IOServiceProvider for CINRAD level II files.
Cinrad2Record |
This class reads one record (radial) in an CINRAD level II file.
Cinrad2VolumeScan |
This class reads a CINRAD level II data file.
Classifier |
ClientCatalogUtil |
ClientIO |
Client-side serialization for OPeNDAP variables (sub-classes of
BaseType ).
CloseableIterator<T> |
An iterator that must be closed.
COARDSConvention |
COARDS Convention.
CodeFlagTables |
Read BUFR Code / Flag tables.
CollectionAbstract |
Abstract superclass for Collections of MFiles.
CollectionConfig |
Configuration object for a collection of managed files.
CollectionFiltered |
A decorator to filter an MCollection
CollectionGeneral |
All files are read in at once.
CollectionGlob |
A MCollection defined by a glob filter.
CollectionInfo |
Value class to hold bounds info for a collection
CollectionIteratorAdapter<T> |
adapt a PointFeatureCollectionIterator to an Iterator
CollectionLevelScanner |
CollectionLevelScanner maps between the CrawlableDataset realm and the
InvCatalog/InvDataset realm.
CollectionList |
MCollection that is initialized by specific list of MFiles.
CollectionListRange |
Collection defined by a list of files, with a [start, end) date range
CollectionManager |
Manages a dynamic collection of MFile objects.
CollectionManager.ChangeChecker |
CollectionManager.TriggerEvent |
CollectionManager.TriggerListener |
A TriggerEvent.proto is sent if protoDataset.change = "cron" has been specified
A TriggerEvent.update is sent if a scan has happened and a change in the list of MFiles has occurred,
or an MFile has been updated
CollectionManagerAbstract |
Abstract superclass for implementations of CollectionManager.
CollectionManagerCatalog |
CollectionManager of datasets from a catalog.
CollectionPathMatcher |
A collection defined by the collection spec (not directory sensitive)
May have by regexp: or glob: (experimental)
CollectionSingleFile |
A CollectionManager consisting of a single file
CollectionSingleIndexFile |
Collection from a Single Index File.
CollectionSpecPanel |
CollectionSpecParser |
Parses the collection specification string for local files.
CollectionSpecParserAbstract |
Abstract base class for parsing collection specification strings
CollectionSpecParserProvider |
CollectionSpecParsers |
Static helper methods for CollectionSpecParserAbstract objects.
CollectionSpecParserS3 |
Parses the collection specification string for S3 files.
CollectionSpecParserS3.Provider |
CollectionSpecTable |
Feature Collection Spec parsing
CollectionType |
Type-safe enumeration of THREDDS coherent collection types.
CollectionUpdateEvent |
Events when a fc should be updated.
CollectionUpdateType |
Messages to update a collection
ColorScale |
A ColorScale is used for false-color data mapping.
ColorScale.MinMaxType |
ColorScale.Panel |
ColumnWidthsResizer |
A listener that sets the preferred widths of a JTable 's columns such that they're just big enough to display
all of their contents without truncation.
ComboBox<E> |
A simple extension to JComboBox, which persists the n latest values.
CommonCodeTable |
CommonCodeTable.Table |
CompareDialog |
CompareDialog.Data |
CompareDialog.HowMuch |
CompareNcml |
Read dataset, write NcML, compare results.
CompareNetcdf |
CompareNetcdf2 |
Compare two NetcdfFile.
CompareNetcdf2.Netcdf4ObjectFilter |
CompareNetcdf2.ObjFilter |
CompositeDatasetFactory |
Factory for point feature dataset collections (CompositePointDataset).
CompositeMFileFilter |
Composite of MFileFilter
Used by DatasetScan, FMRC, ?
CompositePointCollection |
PointCollection composed of other PointCollections
CompositeStationCollection |
StationTimeSeries composed of a collection of individual StationTimeSeries.
CompositeStationCollectionFlattened |
CompositeStationCollection that has been flattened into a PointCollection
ConstraintException |
ContourFeature |
An AbstractGisFeature derived class for contour lines.
ContourFeatureRenderer |
Contour rendering.
ContourGrid |
Class to make an ArrayList of ContourFeature-s from a regular 2D data grid.
ContourLine |
ControllerOS |
Implements an MController without caching, reading from OS each time.
ControllerOS7 |
Use Java 7 NIO for scanning the file system
ControllerOS7.PrintFiles |
ControllerS3 |
Implements an MController without caching, reading from the object store each time.
ControllerS3.Provider |
ControllerZip |
Implements an MController for tracking ZipEntries within a ZipFile
ControllerZip.FilteredIterator |
ControllerZip.MFileIterator |
ControllerZip.MFileIteratorLeaves |
ControllerZip.Provider |
ConversionException |
Thrown for an attempt to make a forbidden conversion on primitive data values,
eg boolean to double.
ConversionException |
Provides support for unit conversion exceptions.
Convert |
This code manages value conversions.
ConvertD2N |
Convert Dods object tree to netcdf.
Converter |
Interface for converting numeric values from one unit to another.
ConverterImpl |
Provides support for implementations of unit converters.
ConvertMissing |
CoordAxisReader |
Reads Coord Axis values, for lazy evaluation.
Coordinate |
Abstract coordinate
Coordinate.Type |
Coordinate types
CoordinateAxis |
A Coordinate Axis is a Variable that specifies one of the coordinates of a CoordinateSystem.
CoordinateAxis.AxisComparator |
Standard sort on Coordinate Axes
CoordinateAxis.Builder<T extends CoordinateAxis.Builder<T>> |
CoordinateAxis1D |
A 1-dimensional Coordinate Axis.
CoordinateAxis1D.Builder<T extends CoordinateAxis1D.Builder<T>> |
CoordinateAxis1DTime |
A 1-dimensional Coordinate Axis representing Calendar time.
CoordinateAxis1DTime.Builder<T extends CoordinateAxis1DTime.Builder<T>> |
CoordinateAxis2D |
A 2-dimensional numeric Coordinate Axis.
CoordinateAxis2D.Builder<T extends CoordinateAxis2D.Builder<T>> |
CoordinateAxisTimeHelper |
Helper class for time coordinates
CoordinateBuilder<T> |
Builds Coordinates by finding distinct values.
CoordinateBuilder.TwoD<T> |
CoordinateBuilderImpl<T> |
Builds one Coordinate of one Variable,
by keeping the Set of Values found in the records.
CoordinateEns |
Ensemble coordinates
CoordinateEns.Builder1 |
CoordinateEns.Builder2 |
CoordinateND<T> |
N-dimensional coordinates and a SparseArray that tracks if data is available.
CoordinateND.Builder<T> |
CoordinatePartitionUnionizer |
Create the overall coordinate across the same variable in different partitions
The CoordinateBuilders create unique sets of Coordinates.
CoordinateRuntime |
Grib runtime coordinate
Effectively Immutable
CoordinateRuntime.Builder1 |
CoordinateRuntime.Builder2 |
CoordinateSharer<T> |
Create shared coordinate variables across the variables in the same group.
CoordinateSharerBest |
Create shared coordinate variables across the variables in the same group.
CoordinatesHelper |
A helper class for NetcdfDataset to build and manage coordinates.
CoordinatesHelper.Builder |
CoordinateSystem |
A CoordinateSystem specifies the coordinates of a Variable's values.
CoordinateSystem.Builder<T extends CoordinateSystem.Builder<T>> |
CoordinateTime |
Time coordinates that are offsets from the reference date (not intervals).
CoordinateTime.Builder1 |
CoordinateTime.Builder2 |
CoordinateTime2D |
Both runtime and time coordinates are tracked here.
CoordinateTime2D.Builder1 |
CoordinateTime2D.Builder2 |
CoordinateTime2D.Time2D |
CoordinateTimeAbstract |
Abstract superclass for time coordinates ( time, timeIntv, time2D)
Effectively Immutable
CoordinateTimeIntv |
Time coordinates that are intervals.
CoordinateTimeIntv.Builder1 |
CoordinateTimeIntv.Builder2 |
CoordinateTransform |
A CoordinateTransform is an abstraction of a function from a CoordinateSystem to a
"reference" CoordinateSystem.
CoordinateTransform.Builder<T extends CoordinateTransform.Builder<T>> |
CoordinateVert |
Vertical GRIB coordinates
Effectively immutable; setName() can only be called once.
CoordinateVert.Builder1 |
CoordinateVert.Builder2 |
CoordInterval |
Convenience wrapper for interval coordinates.
CoordRefSysToGML |
CoordsSet |
An iterator over the coordinates in a set of CoverageCoordAxis.
CoordSysBuilder |
CoordSysBuilder.ConventionNameOk |
CoordSysBuilderIF |
CoordSysContainer |
Abstraction to allow lightweight datasets.
CoordSysEvaluator |
CoordinateSystem Evaluation utilities.
CoordSysEvaluator.Predicate |
CoordSysPanel |
CoordSysSet |
A set of coverages with the same coordsys.
CoordSysTable |
A Swing widget to examine Coordinate Systems.
CoordSysTable.AttributeBean |
CoordSysTable.AxisBean |
CoordSystemBuilder |
Super class for implementing Convention-specific parsing of netCDF files.
CoordSystemBuilder.Factory |
CoordSystemBuilderFactory |
A Service Provider of CoordSystemBuilder.
CoordSystemFactory |
Static methods for managing CoordSystemBuilderFactory classes
CoordSystemFactory.ConventionNameOk |
Allow plug-ins to determine if it owns a file based on the file's Convention attribute.
CoordTransBuilder |
Manager for Coordinate Transforms.
CoordVarExtractor |
Abstract superclass for extracting coordinate values from nested tables.
CoreTypeFcns |
Cosmic |
TableConfigurer for cosmic data
Cosmic1Convention |
Cosmic data - version 1.
Cosmic1Convention |
Cosmic data - version 1 and 3
Cosmic1Convention.Factory |
COSMICTrajectoryObsDataset |
Counters |
Count number of times a value appears.
Counters.Counter |
Coverage |
Coverage - aka Grid or GeoGrid.
CoverageAsPoint |
Write DSG CF-1.9 file from a Coverage Dataset
CoverageCollection |
A Collection of Coverages
Tracks unique coordinate systems.
CoverageCoordAxis |
Coverage CoordAxis abstract superclass
Immutable with (possible) lazy eval of values
CoverageCoordAxis.DependenceType |
CoverageCoordAxis.Spacing |
CoverageCoordAxis1D |
Coverage CoordAxis 1D case
CoverageCoordAxisBuilder |
Mutable builder object for CoverageCoordAxis
CoverageCoordSys |
A Coverage Coordinate System
Immutable after setImmutable is called
CoverageDatasetCapabilities |
Helper class to create a DatasetCapabilities XML document for CoverageDataset
CoverageDatasetFactory |
factory for CoverageDataset
1) Remote CdmrFeatureDataset: cdmremote:url
2) GRIB collections: must be a grib file, or grib index file
3) DtCoverageDataset (forked from ucar.nc2.dt.grid), the cdm IOSP / CoordSys stack
CoveragePanel |
CoverageReader |
Abstraction to read the data in a coverage.
CoverageRenderer |
ft2.coverage widget for displaying using Java2D API.
CoverageSubsetter2 |
Helper class to create logical subsets.
CoverageTable |
Bean Table for GridCoverage
CoverageTable.AxisBean |
CoverageTable.CoordSysBean |
CoverageTable.CoordTransBean |
CoverageTable.CoverageBean |
CoverageTable.DatasetBean |
CoverageTransform |
Coverage Coordinate Transform.
CoverageViewer |
ft2.coverage widget for displaying
more or less the controller in MVC
CrawlableCatalog |
A CrawlableDataset from a THREDDS catalog.
CrawlableDataset |
CrawlableDataset represents an abstract dataset that is part of a
hierarchical dataset collection.
CrawlableDatasetAlias |
An alias for a collection of datasets (i.e., the dataset path contains
one or more wildcard characters ("*")).
CrawlableDatasetAmazonS3 |
CrawlableDataset implementation that allows THREDDS to interact with datasets stored on Amazon S3.
CrawlableDatasetDods |
A description
CrawlableDatasetFactory |
A description
CrawlableDatasetFile |
An implementation of CrawlableDataset where the dataset being represented
is a local file (
CrawlableDatasetFilter |
A filter for CrawlableDatasets.
CrawlableDatasetLabeler |
An interface for determining a String label for a CrawlableDataset.
CrawlableDatasetSorter |
The CrawlableDatasetSorter interface provides for sorting a list of
CrawlableDatasetUtils |
CrawlingUtils |
Utilities for crawling and testing TDS servers
CrawlingUtils.TDSdatasetReader |
A simple class to hold and calculate the CRC for sanity checking of the data.
CSMConvention |
CSM-1 Convention.
CsmSigma |
CsmSigma.HybridSigmaPressureBuilder |
Cursor |
Keeps track of the iteration through nested tables
0 is always innermost nested table, 1 is parent of 0, 2 is parent of 1, etc
CursorMoveEvent |
Cursor has moved to a new location.
CursorMoveEventListener |
Listeners for "Cursor Move" events.
CurvilinearCS |
Curvilinear Coordinate System.
CylindricalEqualAreaProjection |
CylindricalEqualArea Projection.
D4Array |
Wrap an Array representing a variables' data, where the variable
is top-level or a field.
D4DataCompiler |
This Class takes a DAP4 serialization (as chunked input) stream
and exports access to a compiled DMR, a compiled DAP4 data stream,
and various parameters such as byteorder of the data stream.
D4Index |
D4StructureDataIterator |
DAP2Exception |
Holds an exception thrown by OPeNDAP server to a client.
Dap2Parse |
Dap2Parser |
A Bison parser, automatically generated from dap2.y.
Dap2Parser.Lexer |
Communication interface between the scanner and the Bison-generated
parser Dap2Parser.
Dap4Parser |
DapAttribute |
DapAttributeSet |
DapCodes |
DapConstants |
DAP4 Related Constants both client and server side.
DapConstants.ChecksumSource |
DapContext |
Provide a general map of Object->Object to serve
to pass context/env info into various classes.
DapDataset |
This is the root object of a DMR tree.
DapDecl |
Define a common interface to unify Declarations
DapDimension |
This class defines a Dimension:
Modified 10/15/2016 to support zero-sized dimensions.
DapDump |
DapEnumConst |
DapEnumeration |
DapException |
DapGroup |
This class defines a non-groupd group:
DapIterator |
DapLog |
DapMap |
This class holds a reference to a map variable.
DapNetcdfFile |
This class is the work-horse of the client side.
DapNetcdfFile.NullCancelTask |
DapNetcdfFileProvider |
DapNode |
DAPNode |
The DAPNode class is the common parent type for
all nodes in the DDS and the DAS.
DAPNode.CloneMap |
Clone interface.
DapOtherXML |
DapperDataset |
Handles datasets using Dapper doubley nested sequences.
DapProtocol |
Store protocol related constants
DapProtocol.ContentType |
DapSequence |
DapSort |
Define the kinds of AST objects to avoid having to do instanceof.
DapStartLog |
DapStructure |
DapStructure is normally used as a singleton
type for a variable, but for consistency,
we track it as a type rather than a variable
and create a separate variable whose basetype points
to it.
DapTestContainer |
Set up d4ts and dts servers using TestContainers to use for testing opendap, dap4, and httpservices.
DapType |
This reifies all of the atomic types
and specifically all enumeration declarations
as specific objects denoting a type.
DapUtil |
DapVariable |
This class represents any variable or field.
DArray |
This class is used to hold arrays of other OPeNDAP data.
DArrayDimension |
This class holds information about each dimension in a DArray .
DArrayDimension.Slice |
The Data Attribute Structure is a set of name-value pairs used to
describe the data in a particular dataset.
DASException |
DAS exception.
dasTools |
DataBTree |
This holds the chunked data storage.
DataDDS |
The DataDDS class extends DDS to add new methods for retrieving data from
the server, and printing out the contents of the data.
DataDescriptor |
Essentially a TableB entry, modified by any relevent TableC operators.
DataDescriptorTreeConstructor |
Convert a list of data descriptors to a tree of DataDescriptor objects.
DataFactory |
DataFactory for THREDDS client catalogs
DataFactory.Result |
The result of trying to open a THREDDS dataset.
DataFormatType |
Type-safe enumeration of THREDDS data format types.
DataFormatType |
Redo thredds.catalog.DataFormatType as enum in order to break dependency of ucar.nc2 on server catalog
DataIterator |
DataIteratorAdapter |
DataReadException |
Thrown when OPeNDAP encounters an exception while reading from a data set.
DataRootConfig |
DataRoot element in a thredds config catalog.
Dataset |
A Client Catalog Dataset
DatasetBuilder |
Builder of client catalog Dataset
DatasetConstructor |
DatasetEnhancer |
An interface to allow for enhancing of InvDatasets.
DatasetEnhancer |
Helper class to enhance Datasets, with coordinate systems and scale/offset/missing
DatasetEnhancer1 |
A description
DatasetEnhancer1.AddId |
DatasetEnhancer1.AddTimeCoverageModels |
DatasetEnhancer1.DatasetMetadataAdder |
DatasetFilter |
Abstract class to filter datasets.
DatasetFilter |
Provides filtering capabilities for InvDatasets.
DatasetFilter.ByDataType |
Filter a Catalog by the dataset data type.
DatasetFilter.ByServiceType |
Filter a Catalog by the access service type.
DatasetHtmlWriter |
Create Html from a dataset
DatasetNamer |
Title: Catalog Generator
DatasetNode |
node in a tree of datasets, superclass of Catalog and Dataset
DatasetScanCatalogBuilder |
Build a catalog from one or more single level catalogs produced by
DatasetSorter |
A description
DatasetSource |
Represents a source from which a collection of datasets can be found and
expanded into an InvCatalog.
DatasetSourceStructure |
Type-safe enumeration of CatalogGen DatasetSource structures.
DatasetSourceType |
Type-safe enumeration of CatalogGen DatasetSource types.
DatasetTreeView |
A Tree View of the groups and variables inside a NetcdfFile.
DatasetUrl |
Detection of the protocol from a location string.
DatasetViewer |
A Swing widget to view the content of a netcdf dataset.
DatasetViewer.AttributeBean |
DatasetViewer.CoordsObjFilter |
DatasetViewer.VariableBean |
DatasetViewerPanel |
DatasetWriter |
UI for writing datasets to netcdf formatted disk files.
DatasetWriter.AttributeBean |
DatasetWriter.BeanChunker |
DatasetWriter.DimensionBean |
DatasetWriterPanel |
DataToCDM |
Associate the Array objects created in D4DataCompiler
with the corresponding CDM Variable.
DataType |
Type-safe enumeration of data types.
DataType.Signedness |
A property of integral data types that determines whether they can represent both
positive and negative numbers (signed), or only non-negative numbers (unsigned).
DatatypeIterator |
DateExtractor |
Knows how to extract a date from a MFile.
DateExtractorFromName |
Extract Date from filename, using DateFromString.getDateUsingSimpleDateFormat on the name or path
DateExtractorNone |
Always returns null
DateField |
Input field for thredds.datatype.DateType, part of ucar.ui.prefs.
DateFormatMark |
DateFormatter |
DateFromString |
Convenience routines for parsing a String to produce a Date.
DateRange |
Implements a range of dates, using DateType and/or TimeDuration.
DateType |
Implements the thredds "dateType" and "dateTypeFormatted" XML element types.
DateUnit |
Handles udunits dates, represented as "n units of time since reference date" eg
"1203 days since 1970-01-01 00:00:00".
DbaseData |
DbaseFile |
Class to read a dbase file in its entirety.
DByte |
Holds a OPeNDAP Byte value.
DConnect2 |
Need more robust redirect and authentication.
DConstructor |
Contains methods used only by the OPeNDAP constructor classes
(DStructure , DSequence , DGrid , and
DList ).
DCWriter |
The OPeNDAP Data Descriptor Object (DDS) is a data structure used by
the OPeNDAP software to describe datasets and subsets of those
DDSException |
DDS exception.
DDSXMLParser |
DDSXMLParser is used to parse a DDX (the XML formatted persistent
representation of a DDS) into a DDS object in memory.
Debug |
A minimal implementation of a globally-accessible set of Debug flags.
Debug |
Provides static methods for managing persistent lists of debugging flags that
can be set by the user at runtime.
DebugFlags |
Interface for global debug flags.
DebugFlagsImpl |
An implementation of DebugFlags
TODO will move in ver 6
DebugMenu |
DeChunkedInputStream |
This class transforms a chunked input stream to a de-chunked input stream.
DeChunkedInputStream.Chunk |
DeChunkedInputStream.State |
DeepCopyUtils |
DefaultConvention |
Default Coordinate Conventions.
DefaultConventions |
Default Coordinate Conventions.
DefaultConventions.Factory |
DefaultFactory |
The default client-side Factory for BaseType objects.
Deflate |
Filter implementation of zlib compression.
Deflate.Provider |
DerivableUnit |
Interface for units that can convert numeric values to and from an
underlying derived unit.
DerivedUnit |
Interface for derived units.
DerivedUnitImpl |
Provides support for a concrete implementation of derived units.
Descriptor |
Static methods to manipulate the f-x-y descriptors
DFloat32 |
Holds a OPeNDAP FLoat32 value.
DFloat64 |
Holds a OPeNDAP Float64 value.
DGrid |
This class holds a DArray and a set of "Map"
Diff |
diff Text file difference utility.
DIFWriter |
Dimension |
A Dimension is used to define the array shape of a Variable.
Dimension |
Provides support for the concept of "dimension": pairs of base entities and
Dimension.Builder |
A builder of Dimensions.
Dimensions |
Static helper methods for Dimension.
Dimensions.FindDimensionByName |
A Function that finds a Dimension by name.
DInt16 |
Holds a OPeNDAP Int16 value.
DInt32 |
Holds a OPeNDAP Int32 value.
DirectoryBuilder |
A Builder of DirectoryPartitions and DirectoryCollections.
DirectoryCollection |
Manage MFiles from one directory.
DirectoryCollection.Visitor |
DirectoryPartition |
A Partition that uses directories to do the partitioning.
DirectoryPartitionPanel |
DirectoryPartitionViewer |
GribCollection Directory Partition Viewer
DirectoryPartitionViewer.GroupBean |
DirectoryPartitionViewer.VarBean |
DirectoryScanner |
Allow generation of THREDDS InvCatalog documents from the contents of a local directory.
DiskCache |
This is a general purpose utility for determining a place to write files and cache them, eg for
uncompressing files.
DiskCache2 |
Manages a place on disk to persistently cache files, which are deleted when the last modified date exceeds a certain
DiskCache2.CachePathPolicy |
DiskCache2Form |
DivideException |
Provides support for unit division failures.
DList |
This class implements a simple list of OPeNDAP data
DMRFactory |
DMRPrinter |
DMR Printer.
DMRPrinter.Controls |
Convert a DSP to corresponding NetcdfFile CDM metadata.
DMSPHeader |
DMSP header parser
DMSPiosp |
This ucar.nc2.iosp.IOServiceProvider provides access to DMSP satellite data
in the NOAA/NGDC DMSP archive format.
DnsLookup |
DnsLookup cache
Documentation |
Client catalog documentation element
DODSAttribute |
Adapter for dods.dap.Attribute into a ucar.nc2.Attribute.
DodsDirDatasetSource |
Title: Catalog Generator
DodsFileServerDatasetSource |
DODSGrid |
A DODS Grid.
DODSNetcdfFile |
Access to DODS datasets through the Netcdf API.
DODSNetcdfFileProvider |
DODSNode |
Define an interface for DODSnetcdffile nodes to
store the original DODS name from the DDS so we can get groups right.
DODSStructure |
A DODS Structure.
DodsURLExtractor |
DODSVariable |
A read-only DODS-netCDF Variable.
DOM4Parser |
Implement the Dap4 Parser Using a DOM Parser
Dorade2RadialAdapter |
Make a Dorade 2 NetcdfDataset into a RadialDataset.
Doradeheader |
Doradeiosp |
IOServiceProvider implementation abstract base class to read/write Dorade files
DoradePARM |
DoradeSweep |
DoradeSweep.DoradeSweepException |
DoradeSweep.MovingSensorException |
DPrimitive |
Groups together all the simple primitive type classes.
DqcConvertIF |
Converts XML DOM to DQC Objects.
DqcFactory |
Reads an XML document and constructs an QueryCapability object.
DSequence |
A DSequence in OPeNDAP can hold N sequentially accessed
instances of a set of variables.
DsgCollectionHelper |
Helper class for DsgFeatureCollection
DsgCollectionImpl |
Common methods for DsgFeatureCollection.
DsgFeatureCollection |
A collection of FeatureTypes.
DSPRegistry |
DSPRegistry.Registration |
DString |
Holds a OPeNDAP String value.
DStructure |
A DStructure in OPeNDAP can hold N instances of any of
the other datatypes, including other structures.
DtCoverage |
fork ucar.nc2.dt.grid.GeoGrid for adaption of GridCoverage.
DtCoverageAdapter |
Adapt a DtCoverageDataset to a ucar.nc2.ft2.coverage.CoverageCollection
This is how we read non-GRIB files into a Coverage, using the NetcdfDataset/CoordinateSystem.
DtCoverageCS |
fork ucar.nc2.dt.grid.GridCoordSys for adaption of GridCoverage.
DtCoverageCSBuilder |
Coverage CS classification and builder, using ucar.nc2.dataset.CoordinateSystem
DtCoverageDataset |
fork ucar.nc2.dt.grid for adaption to Coverage (this class can evolve as needed and not worry about backwards
DtCoverageDataset.Gridset |
This is a set of GeoGrids with the same GeoCoordSys.
DUInt16 |
Holds a OPeNDAP UInt16 value.
DUInt32 |
Holds a OPeNDAP UInt32 value.
DurationField |
Input field for thredds.datatype.TimeDuration, part of ucar.ui.prefs.
Holds a OPeNDAP URL value.
DVector |
This class holds a one-dimensional array of OPeNDAP data types.
Earth |
Defines the shape of the earth ellipsoid.
EarthEllipsoid |
Type-safe enumeration of Earth Ellipsoids.
EarthLocation |
A location on the earth, specified by lat, lon and optionally altitude.
EarthLocationImpl |
EccodesCodeTable |
ECMWF code tables read from resources/grib2/ecmwf/tables/.
EccodesLocalTables |
The results of EcmwfParamTableCompare indicate there are no significant differences of the parameter tables with WMO.
EccodesParamTable |
The results of EcmwfParamTableCompare indicate there are no significant differences of the parameter tables with WMO.
EmbeddedTable |
BUFR allows you to encode a BUFR table in BUFR.
EndianByteBuffer |
Enhancement |
Enhancements |
EnhanceScaleMissingUnsigned |
EnsCoord |
Represents a ensemble coordinate shared among variables
EnsCoordValue |
EnumTypedef |
A named map from integers to Strings; a user-defined Enum used as a Variable's data type.
EpicInsitu |
"Epic In Situ", dapper conventions.
EPSG_OGC_CF_Helper |
EPSG_OGC_CF_Helper.ProjectionStandardsInfo |
EquidistantAzimuthalProjection |
AzimuthalEquidistant Projection.
ErddapCalendar2 |
This class has static methods for dealing with dates and times.
ErddapEDUnits |
This class has static methods to convert units from one standard to another.
ErddapMath2 |
The Math2 class has several static Math-related methods.
ErddapString2 |
A class with static String methods that add to native String methods.
ErddapStringArray |
StringArray is a thin shell over a String[] with methods like ArrayList's
methods; it extends PrimitiveArray.
ErrorException |
ErrorResponse |
The official format for an error response is defined here:
Escape |
Provide various methods for (un)escaping text
Escape |
EscapeStrings |
EsriShapefile |
EsriShapefile.EsriFeature |
EsriShapefileRenderer |
Provides a convenient interface to ESRI shapefiles by creating lists of
Evaluator |
Helper routines for Nested Tables
Evaluator.VarAtt |
Factor |
Provides support for a Base/exponent pair.
FeatureCollectionConfig |
FeatureCollection configuration
FeatureCollectionConfig.BestDataset |
FeatureCollectionConfig.FmrcConfig |
FeatureCollectionConfig.FmrcDatasetType |
FeatureCollectionConfig.GribConfig |
FeatureCollectionConfig.GribDatasetType |
FeatureCollectionConfig.GribIntvFilter |
FeatureCollectionConfig.PartitionType |
FeatureCollectionConfig.PointConfig |
FeatureCollectionConfig.PointDatasetType |
FeatureCollectionConfig.ProtoChoice |
FeatureCollectionConfig.ProtoConfig |
FeatureCollectionConfig.TimeUnitConverterHash |
FeatureCollectionConfig.UpdateConfig |
FeatureCollectionConfigBuilder |
Read the element.
FeatureCollectionReader |
Read in the element
FeatureCollectionType |
FeatureCollection Types
FeatureDataset |
Superclass for "scientific feature type" datasets.
FeatureDatasetCapabilitiesWriter |
generate capabilities XML for a FeatureDatasetPoint / StationTimeSeriesFeatureCollection
FeatureDatasetCapabilitiesWriter |
generate capabilities XML for a FeatureDatasetPoint / StationTimeSeriesFeatureCollection
FeatureDatasetCoverage |
A FeatureDataset with Coverage Features.
FeatureDatasetFactory |
Interface for factories that wrap a NetcdfDataset with a FeatureDataset.
FeatureDatasetFactoryManager |
Manager of factories for FeatureDatasets opened as NetcdfDatasets.
FeatureDatasetImpl |
Abstract superclass for implementations of FeatureDataset.
FeatureDatasetPoint |
A FeatureDataset, composed of one or more DsgFeatureCollections.
FeatureMaker |
Interface for deserializing a PointFeature.
FeatureScan |
FeatureScan.Bean |
FeatureScanOpPanel |
FeatureScanPanel |
Scan for Feature Datasets
FeatureType |
Enumeration of CDM Feature types, aka "Scientific Data Types".
Field |
Data input fields, with an optional backing store.
Field.BeanTableField |
This uses a BeanTable to display a list of beans.
Field.CheckBox |
A boolean input box using a checkbox.
Field.Date |
Data input for Date
Field.Double |
Data input for double.
Field.EnumCombo |
This allows user to make a choice from a collection of "type-safe enumeration" objects.
Field.Int |
Data input for double.
Field.Password |
A text input field which doesnt echo the input, for passwords.
Field.Text |
String input field.
Field.TextArea |
String input field using a TextArea.
Field.TextCombo |
A text input field which keeps track of recent choices in a combobox.
FieldValidator |
FileCache |
Keep cache of open FileCacheable objects, for example NetcdfFile.
FileCacheable |
Interface for files that can be stored in FileCache.
FileCacheARC |
ARC cach algorithm
not complete.
FileCacheGuava |
Memory cache using guava cache
FileCacheIF |
An interface to a FileCache
FileCacheNOP |
A FileCache that does nothing when release() is called.
FileFactory |
Interface for factories of FileCacheable objects.
FileManager |
Cover for JFileChooser.
FileManager.ExtFilter |
FileManager.HDF5ExtFilter |
FileManager.NetcdfExtFilter |
FileManager.XMLExtFilter |
FilePartition |
A Partition consisting of single files, each is a GribCollection.
FileWriter |
FileWriter.ChunkingIndex |
FileWriter.FileWriterProgressEvent |
FileWriter.FileWriterProgressListener |
FileWriter2 |
FileWriter2.ChunkingIndex |
FileWriter2.N3StructureStrategy |
Filter |
A class implementing a conversion to be applied on large chunk of data
FilterHelpers |
FilterNegate |
return the negation of the wrapped filter
FilterProvider |
Filters |
FixedYearVariableMonthChronology |
A Chronology in which each year has the same number of days but
the lengths of the months may be different.
FlatEarth |
Create a "FlatEarth" Projection from the information in the Coordinate Transform Variable.
FlatEarth |
FlatEarth Projection
This projection surface is tangent at some point (lat0, lon0) and
has a y axis rotated from true North by some angle.
FlattenedDatasetPointCollection |
An aggregate collection of all the PointFeatures in a dataset formed by flattening the nested structures within.
FldInputVerifier |
started from jroller article.
Float10TrajectoryObsDataset |
Float32PrimitiveVector |
A vector of doubles.
Float64PrimitiveVector |
A vector of doubles.
Fmrc |
Forecast Model Run Collection, manages dynamic collections of GridDatasets.
Fmrc2Dialog |
Fmrc2Dialog.Data |
Fmrc2Panel |
ucar.nc2.ft.fmrc Fmrc refactor.
Fmrc2Panel.CoordBean |
Fmrc2Panel.FmrBean |
Fmrc2Panel.GridBean |
Fmrc2Panel.InvBean |
FmrcCS |
FMRC Coordinate System Implementation
FmrcInv |
Inventory for a Forecast Model Run Collection = a series of Forecast Model Runs.
FmrcInvLite |
A lightweight, serializable version of FmrcInv
FmrcInvLite.ValueB |
FmrcPanel |
FmrInv |
Inventory for a Forecast Model Run - one runtime.
FnmocTables |
FNMOC local tables
FontUtil |
font utilities.
FontUtil.StandardFont |
ForbiddenConversionException |
Thrown for an attempt to make a forbidden conversion on primitive data values,
eg boolean to double.
Format |
static formatting utilities.
FractalHeap |
HDF5 fractal heaps
FslHrrrLocalTables |
FSL/GSD (center 59)
genProcessId 125 = HRRR
FslRaob |
RAOBs from FSL
FslWindProfiler |
FslWindProfiler netccdf files - identify coordinates
FslWindProfiler |
FLS Wind profile data
FslWindProfiler |
FslWindProfiler netcdf files - identify coordinates
FslWindProfiler.Factory |
FysatHeader |
Netcdf header reading and writing for version 3 file format.
Fysatiosp |
FY satellite data stored in AWX format include both original observation and the derived dataset
GaussianLatitudes |
Calculate Gaussian Latitudes by finding the roots of the ordinary Legendre polynomial of degree
NLAT using Newton's iteration method.
GcdmConverter |
Convert between Gcdm Protos and Netcdf objects, using Array for data.
GcdmGrpc |
GcdmGrpc.AsyncService |
GcdmGrpc.GcdmBlockingStub |
A stub to allow clients to do synchronous rpc calls to service Gcdm.
GcdmGrpc.GcdmFutureStub |
A stub to allow clients to do ListenableFuture-style rpc calls to service Gcdm.
GcdmGrpc.GcdmImplBase |
Base class for the server implementation of the service Gcdm.
GcdmGrpc.GcdmStub |
A stub to allow clients to do asynchronous rpc calls to service Gcdm.
GcdmNetcdfProto |
GcdmNetcdfProto.Attribute |
Protobuf type ucar.gcdm.Attribute
GcdmNetcdfProto.Attribute.Builder |
Protobuf type ucar.gcdm.Attribute
GcdmNetcdfProto.AttributeOrBuilder |
GcdmNetcdfProto.Data |
Protobuf type ucar.gcdm.Data
GcdmNetcdfProto.Data.Builder |
Protobuf type ucar.gcdm.Data
GcdmNetcdfProto.DataOrBuilder |
GcdmNetcdfProto.DataRequest |
Protobuf type ucar.gcdm.DataRequest
GcdmNetcdfProto.DataRequest.Builder |
Protobuf type ucar.gcdm.DataRequest
GcdmNetcdfProto.DataRequestOrBuilder |
GcdmNetcdfProto.DataResponse |
Protobuf type ucar.gcdm.DataResponse
GcdmNetcdfProto.DataResponse.Builder |
Protobuf type ucar.gcdm.DataResponse
GcdmNetcdfProto.DataResponseOrBuilder |
GcdmNetcdfProto.DataType |
Protobuf enum ucar.gcdm.DataType
GcdmNetcdfProto.Dimension |
Protobuf type ucar.gcdm.Dimension
GcdmNetcdfProto.Dimension.Builder |
Protobuf type ucar.gcdm.Dimension
GcdmNetcdfProto.DimensionOrBuilder |
GcdmNetcdfProto.EnumTypedef |
Protobuf type ucar.gcdm.EnumTypedef
GcdmNetcdfProto.EnumTypedef.Builder |
Protobuf type ucar.gcdm.EnumTypedef
GcdmNetcdfProto.EnumTypedef.EnumType |
Protobuf type ucar.gcdm.EnumTypedef.EnumType
GcdmNetcdfProto.EnumTypedef.EnumType.Builder |
Protobuf type ucar.gcdm.EnumTypedef.EnumType
GcdmNetcdfProto.EnumTypedef.EnumTypeOrBuilder |
GcdmNetcdfProto.EnumTypedefOrBuilder |
GcdmNetcdfProto.Error |
Protobuf type ucar.gcdm.Error
GcdmNetcdfProto.Error.Builder |
Protobuf type ucar.gcdm.Error
GcdmNetcdfProto.ErrorOrBuilder |
GcdmNetcdfProto.Group |
Protobuf type ucar.gcdm.Group
GcdmNetcdfProto.Group.Builder |
Protobuf type ucar.gcdm.Group
GcdmNetcdfProto.GroupOrBuilder |
GcdmNetcdfProto.Header |
Protobuf type ucar.gcdm.Header
GcdmNetcdfProto.Header.Builder |
Protobuf type ucar.gcdm.Header
GcdmNetcdfProto.HeaderOrBuilder |
GcdmNetcdfProto.HeaderRequest |
Protobuf type ucar.gcdm.HeaderRequest
GcdmNetcdfProto.HeaderRequest.Builder |
Protobuf type ucar.gcdm.HeaderRequest
GcdmNetcdfProto.HeaderRequestOrBuilder |
GcdmNetcdfProto.HeaderResponse |
Protobuf type ucar.gcdm.HeaderResponse
GcdmNetcdfProto.HeaderResponse.Builder |
Protobuf type ucar.gcdm.HeaderResponse
GcdmNetcdfProto.HeaderResponseOrBuilder |
GcdmNetcdfProto.Structure |
Protobuf type ucar.gcdm.Structure
GcdmNetcdfProto.Structure.Builder |
Protobuf type ucar.gcdm.Structure
GcdmNetcdfProto.StructureDataProto |
Protobuf type ucar.gcdm.StructureDataProto
GcdmNetcdfProto.StructureDataProto.Builder |
Protobuf type ucar.gcdm.StructureDataProto
GcdmNetcdfProto.StructureDataProtoOrBuilder |
GcdmNetcdfProto.StructureMemberProto |
Protobuf type ucar.gcdm.StructureMemberProto
GcdmNetcdfProto.StructureMemberProto.Builder |
Protobuf type ucar.gcdm.StructureMemberProto
GcdmNetcdfProto.StructureMemberProtoOrBuilder |
GcdmNetcdfProto.StructureMembersProto |
Protobuf type ucar.gcdm.StructureMembersProto
GcdmNetcdfProto.StructureMembersProto.Builder |
Protobuf type ucar.gcdm.StructureMembersProto
GcdmNetcdfProto.StructureMembersProtoOrBuilder |
GcdmNetcdfProto.StructureOrBuilder |
GcdmNetcdfProto.Variable |
Protobuf type ucar.gcdm.Variable
GcdmNetcdfProto.Variable.Builder |
Protobuf type ucar.gcdm.Variable
GcdmNetcdfProto.VariableOrBuilder |
GcdmServer |
Server that manages startup/shutdown of a gCDM Server.
GcdmServerProto |
GcMFile |
MFile stored in GC index
GdsHorizCoordSys |
A Horizontal coordinate system generated from a GRIB-1 or GRIB-2 GDS.
GdsSpherical |
Fake implementation of Grib2Gds template 50, to prevent exception.
GDVConvention |
GDV Conventions.
GDVConvention |
GDV Conventions.
GDVConvention.Factory |
GempakCdm |
Gempak Point Obs data.
GempakConstants |
Class to support the GEMPRM.PRM constants
GempakFileReader |
Read a Gempak grid file
GempakFileReader.DMFileHeaderInfo |
Class to hold the DM File header info
GempakFileReader.DMHeaders |
Class to mimic the DMHDRS common block.
GempakFileReader.DMParam |
Class to hold DM Parameter info
GempakFileReader.DMPart |
Class to mimic the DMKEYS common block.
GempakFileReader.Key |
Class to hold information about a key.
GempakFileReader.PackingInfo |
Class to hold DM Integer packing info
GempakFileReader.RData |
A class to hold real (float) data
GempakGridParameterTable |
Wrapper around GempakParameterTable for use in a static context.
GempakGridReader |
Read a GEMPAK grid file
GempakGridRecord |
A class to hold grid record information
GempakGridServiceProvider |
An IOSP for GEMPAK Grid data
GempakLocalTables |
Read tables from*.tbl
LOOK: not used in standardTableMap.txt, so cannot be found in any search in Grib2Tables.
GempakLookup |
get all the information about a GEMPAK file.
GempakParameter |
Class which represents a GEMPAK parameter.
GempakParameters |
Wrapper around GempakParameterTable for use in a static context.
GempakParameterTable |
Class to hold a lookup of gempak parameters
GempakSoundingFileReader |
Read a Gempak sounding file
GempakSoundingIOSP |
An IOSP for Gempak Sounding (SN) data.
GempakStation |
Class to hold GEMPAK station information
GempakStationFileIOSP |
An IOSP for Gempak Station (SF,SN) data.
GempakSurfaceFileReader |
Read a Gempak surface file
GempakSurfaceIOSP |
An IOSP for Gempak Surface data.
GempakUtil |
Class for static GEMPAK utility methods
GeoGrid |
A georeferencing "gridded" VariableEnhanced, that has a GridCoordSys.
GeoGridCoordinate2D |
fork ucar.nc2.dt.grid.GridCoordinate2D for adaption of GridCoverage
2D Coordinate System has lat(x,y) and lon(x,y).
GeoGridPanel |
GeoGridTable |
A Swing widget to examine a GridDataset.
GeoGridTable.GeoAxisBean |
GeoGridTable.GeoCoordinateSystemBean |
GeoGridTable.GeoGridBean |
GeometryType |
GeoReferencedArray |
A data array with GeoReferencing.
GeoSelectionEvent |
Used to notify listeners that there is a new geographic area selection.
GeoSelectionListener |
Listeners for new geographic area selection events.
Geostationary |
Accepted for CF-1.7
grid_mapping_name = geostationary
Map parameters:
Map coordinates:
The x (abscissa) and y (ordinate) rectangular coordinates are identified by the standard_name attribute value
projection_x_coordinate and projection_y_coordinate
Geostationary |
Accepted for CF-1.7
grid_mapping_name = geostationary
Map parameters:
Map coordinates:
The x (abscissa) and y (ordinate) rectangular coordinates are identified by the standard_name attribute value
projection_x_coordinate and projection_y_coordinate
GEOSTransform |
Geostationary Transform
GeoTiff |
Low level read/write geotiff files.
GeotiffPanel |
GeotiffWriter |
Write GeoTIFF files.
GeoTiffWriter2 |
This allows writing non-regular data, eg swath data.
GetDataRunnable |
GetDataTask |
Ghcnm |
Ghcnm2 |
LOOK probable file leaks
GhcnmProto |
GhcnmProto.StationIndex |
Protobuf type StationIndex
GhcnmProto.StationIndex.Builder |
Protobuf type StationIndex
GhcnmProto.StationIndexList |
Protobuf type StationIndexList
GhcnmProto.StationIndexList.Builder |
Protobuf type StationIndexList
GhcnmProto.StationIndexListOrBuilder |
GhcnmProto.StationIndexOrBuilder |
GIEFConvention |
GEIF Convention.
GIEFConvention |
GEIF Convention.
GIEFConvention.Factory |
Giniiosp |
IOServiceProvider for GINI files.
GisFeature |
An interface for GIS features, (analogous to ESRI Shapefile shapes).
GisFeatureAdapter |
This adapts a Gisfeature into a subclass of AbstractGisFeature.
GisFeatureRenderer |
Superclass for rendering collections of GisFeatures.
GisFeatureRendererMulti |
Superclass for rendering collections of GisFeatures.
GisPart |
An interface for simple GIS parts, (analogous to ESRI Shapefile parts).
GradsAttribute |
Hold information about GrADS attributes
GradsBinaryGridServiceProvider |
IOSP for GrADS Binary data files.
GradsDataDescriptorFile |
Class to hold information from a GrADS Data Descriptor File
GradsDataDescriptorFile.Chsub |
Class to handle the CHSUB parameters
GrADSDataServerDatasetSource |
GradsDimension |
Hold information about a GradDimension
GradsEnsembleDimension |
Extension of GradsDimension to handle the complexities of ensembles
GradsTimeDimension |
Class to hold the complexities of the GrADS time dimension
GradsTimeStruct |
A class to hold a GrADS time structure.
GradsUtil |
Utility class for GrADS stuff
GradsVariable |
Hold information about a GrADS variable
Grib |
GRIB constants.
Grib1Collection |
Grib1-specific subclass of GribCollection.
Grib1CollectionBuilder |
Builds indexes for collections of Grib1 files.
Grib1CollectionBuilder.VariableBag |
Grib1CollectionBuilderFromIndex |
Grib1-specific reading of ncx files.
Grib1CollectionOpPanel |
raw grib access - dont go through the IOSP
Grib1CollectionPanel |
Refactored Grib1 raw access
Grib1CollectionPanel.Gds1Bean |
Grib1Customizer |
Interprets grib1 info in a way that may be customized.
Grib1DataOpPanel |
Grib1DataReader |
Decodes the GRIB1 binary data record
Grib1DataTable |
Grib1Gds |
GRIB1 GDS - subclass for each type
Grib1Gds.GaussianLatLon |
Grib1Gds.LambertConformal |
Grib1Gds.LatLon |
Grib1Gds.Mercator |
Grib1Gds.PolarStereographic |
Grib1Gds.RotatedLatLon |
Grib1Gds.SphericalHarmonicCoefficients |
Grib1Gds.UnknownGds |
Grib1GdsPredefined |
Helper class for pre-defined grid definition section (GDS) .
Grib1Index |
Read and Write Grib1 index (gbx9).
Grib1IndexProto |
Grib1IndexProto.Grib1GdsSection |
Protobuf type Grib1GdsSection
Grib1IndexProto.Grib1GdsSection.Builder |
Protobuf type Grib1GdsSection
Grib1IndexProto.Grib1GdsSectionOrBuilder |
Grib1IndexProto.Grib1Index |
Protobuf type Grib1Index
Grib1IndexProto.Grib1Index.Builder |
Protobuf type Grib1Index
Grib1IndexProto.Grib1IndexOrBuilder |
Grib1IndexProto.Grib1Record |
Protobuf type Grib1Record
Grib1IndexProto.Grib1Record.Builder |
Protobuf type Grib1Record
Grib1IndexProto.Grib1RecordOrBuilder |
Grib1Iosp |
Grib-1 Collection IOSP.
Grib1Parameter |
A Grib-1 Parameter
Grib1ParamLevel |
Level information contained in a particular PDS.
Grib1ParamTableReader |
A Grib1 Parameter Table (table 2).
Grib1ParamTables |
This is the interface to manage GRIB-1 Parameter Table lookups.
Grib1ParamTime |
Time coordinate from the PDS.
Grib1Partition |
PartitionCollection for Grib1.
Grib1Record |
A Grib1 message.
Grib1RecordScanner |
Scan files and extract Grib1Records.
Grib1ReportPanel |
Run through collections of Grib 1 files and make reports
Grib1ReportPanel.Report |
Grib1SectionBinaryData |
The Binary Data Section for GRIB-1 files
Grib1SectionBitMap |
Grib1 Section 3 (BitMap)
Grib1SectionGridDefinition |
The Grid Definition Section for GRIB-1 files
Effectively immutable, but caching lazy gds
Grib1SectionIndicator |
The Indicator Section for GRIB-1 files
Grib1SectionProductDefinition |
The Product Definition Section for GRIB-1 files
Grib1TableCompareDialog |
Grib1TableCompareDialog.Data |
Grib1TableDialog |
Grib1TablePanel |
Grib1TablesViewer |
Show Grib1 Tables
Grib1TablesViewer.EntryBean |
Grib1TablesViewer.TableBean |
Grib1toDIF |
read in GRIB-1 to DIF csv file
Grib1Utils |
static utilities for Grib-1
Grib1Variable |
Used to group records into a CDM variable
Herein lies the semantics of a variable object identity.
Grib1WmoTimeType |
Standard WMO tables for time range indicator - Grib1 table 5.
Grib2CodeTableInterface |
Grib2CodeTableInterface.Entry |
Grib2Collection |
Grib2 specific subclass of GribCollection.
Grib2CollectionOpPanel |
Grib2CollectionPanel |
A widget to show collections of GRIB2 files.
Grib2DataOpPanel |
Grib2DataPanel |
Grib2 data reading
Grib2DataReader |
Reads the data from one grib2 record.
Grib2Drs |
Template-specific fields for Grib2SectionDataRepresentation
Grib2Drs.Type0 |
Grib2Drs.Type2 |
Grib2Drs.Type3 |
Grib2Drs.Type40 |
Grib2Drs.Type50002 |
Grib2FlagTableInterface |
Grib2FlagTableInterface.Entry |
Grib2Gds |
Template-specific fields for Grib2SectionGridDefinition
LOOK hashCode not right, cant use approximate float compare
Grib2Gds.AbstractRotatedLatLon |
Grib2Gds.AlbersEqualArea |
Grib2Gds.CurvilinearOrthogonal |
Grib2Gds.GaussLatLon |
Grib2Gds.LambertConformal |
Grib2Gds.LatLon |
Grib2Gds.Mercator |
Grib2Gds.PolarStereographic |
Grib2Gds.RotatedLatLon |
Grib2Gds.RotatedLatLon32769 |
Grib2Gds.SpaceViewPerspective |
Grib2Index |
Read and Write Grib2 index (gbx9).
Grib2IndexProto |
Grib2IndexProto.Grib2Index |
Protobuf type Grib2Index
Grib2IndexProto.Grib2Index.Builder |
Protobuf type Grib2Index
Grib2IndexProto.Grib2IndexOrBuilder |
Grib2IndexProto.Grib2Record |
Protobuf type Grib2Record
Grib2IndexProto.Grib2Record.Builder |
Protobuf type Grib2Record
Grib2IndexProto.Grib2RecordOrBuilder |
Grib2IndexProto.GribGdsSection |
Protobuf type GribGdsSection
Grib2IndexProto.GribGdsSection.Builder |
Protobuf type GribGdsSection
Grib2IndexProto.GribGdsSectionOrBuilder |
Grib2IndexProto.GribIdSection |
Protobuf type GribIdSection
Grib2IndexProto.GribIdSection.Builder |
Protobuf type GribIdSection
Grib2IndexProto.GribIdSectionOrBuilder |
Grib2Iosp |
Grib-2 Collection IOSP.
Grib2JpegDecoder |
Adaptation of jj2000.j2k.decoder.Decoder, in order to read input from memory.
Grib2Parameter |
A Grib-2 parameter
Grib2ParamTableInterface |
Grib2Partition |
PartitionCollection for Grib2.
Grib2PartitionBuilderFromIndex |
Read Grib2Partition From ncx Index,
Data file never opened.
Grib2Pds |
Abstract superclass for GRIB2 PDS handling.
Grib2Pds.PdsAerosol |
Grib2Pds.PdsEnsemble |
Grib2Pds.PdsEnsembleDerived |
Grib2Pds.PdsInterval |
Grib2Pds.PdsPercentile |
Grib2Pds.PdsProbability |
Grib2Pds.PdsSatellite |
Grib2Pds.PdsSpatialInterval |
Grib2Pds.SatelliteBand |
Grib2Pds.TimeInterval |
Grib2Record |
Read one Record from a GRIB-2 files
Grib2RecordScanner |
Scan raf for grib-2 messages
Grib2ReportPanel |
Run through collections of Grib 2 files and make reports
Grib2ReportPanel.Report |
Grib2SectionBitMap |
The BitMap section 6 for GRIB-2 files
Grib2SectionData |
The Data section 7 for GRIB-2 files
Grib2SectionDataRepresentation |
The Data Representation section (5) for GRIB-2 files
Grib2SectionGridDefinition |
The Grid Definition section 3 for GRIB-2 files
Grib2SectionIdentification |
The Identification section 1 for GRIB-2 files
Grib2SectionIndicator |
The Indicator Section for GRIB-2 files
Grib2SectionLocalUse |
The Local Use section 2 for GRIB-2 files
Grib2SectionProductDefinition |
The Product Definition section 4 for GRIB-2 files
Grib2Show |
Utilities to show Grib2 records.
Grib2TablePanel |
Grib2Tables |
Grib 2 Tables - allows local overrides and augmentation of WMO tables.
Grib2TablesId |
Grib2TablesId.Type |
Grib2TableViewer2 |
Viewer for Grib2Tables.
Grib2TableViewer2.EntryBean |
Grib2TableViewer2.TableBean |
Grib2toDIF |
read in GRIB-2 to DIF csv file
Grib2Utils |
Static utilities for Grib-2
Grib2Utils.LatLon2DCoord |
Grib2Utils.LatLonCoordType |
Grib2Variable |
Used to group records into a CDM variable
Herein lies the semantics of variable object identity.
GribBestDatasetBuilder |
Not used yet.
GribCdmIndex |
Utilities for creating GRIB CDM index (ncx) files, both collections and partitions.
GribCdmIndex.GribCollectionType |
GribCodePanel |
GribCollectionConfig |
GribCollectionImmutable |
An Immutable GribCollection, corresponds to one index (ncx) file.
GribCollectionImmutable.Record |
GribCollectionImmutable.Type |
GribCollectionMutable |
A mutable class for writing indices or building GribCollectionImmutable.
GribCollectionMutable.Record |
GribCollectionProto |
GribCollectionProto.Coord |
Protobuf type Coord
GribCollectionProto.Coord.Builder |
Protobuf type Coord
GribCollectionProto.CoordOrBuilder |
GribCollectionProto.Dataset |
Protobuf type Dataset
GribCollectionProto.Dataset.Builder |
Protobuf type Dataset
GribCollectionProto.Dataset.Type |
Protobuf enum Dataset.Type
GribCollectionProto.DatasetOrBuilder |
GribCollectionProto.FcConfig |
apparently not used
GribCollectionProto.FcConfig.Builder |
apparently not used
GribCollectionProto.FcConfigOrBuilder |
GribCollectionProto.Gds |
Protobuf type Gds
GribCollectionProto.Gds.Builder |
Protobuf type Gds
GribCollectionProto.GdsOrBuilder |
GribCollectionProto.GribAxisType |
same as ucar.coord.Coordinate.Type
GribCollectionProto.GribCollection |
Protobuf type GribCollection
GribCollectionProto.GribCollection.Builder |
Protobuf type GribCollection
GribCollectionProto.GribCollectionOrBuilder |
GribCollectionProto.Group |
Protobuf type Group
GribCollectionProto.Group.Builder |
Protobuf type Group
GribCollectionProto.GroupOrBuilder |
GribCollectionProto.IntMap |
Protobuf type IntMap
GribCollectionProto.IntMap.Builder |
Protobuf type IntMap
GribCollectionProto.IntMapOrBuilder |
GribCollectionProto.IntvFilter |
Protobuf type IntvFilter
GribCollectionProto.IntvFilter.Builder |
Protobuf type IntvFilter
GribCollectionProto.IntvFilterOrBuilder |
GribCollectionProto.MFile |
Protobuf type MFile
GribCollectionProto.MFile.Builder |
Protobuf type MFile
GribCollectionProto.MFileOrBuilder |
GribCollectionProto.Parameter |
Protobuf type Parameter
GribCollectionProto.Parameter.Builder |
Protobuf type Parameter
GribCollectionProto.ParameterOrBuilder |
GribCollectionProto.Partition |
Protobuf type Partition
GribCollectionProto.Partition.Builder |
Protobuf type Partition
GribCollectionProto.PartitionOrBuilder |
GribCollectionProto.PartitionVariable |
Protobuf type PartitionVariable
GribCollectionProto.PartitionVariable.Builder |
Protobuf type PartitionVariable
GribCollectionProto.PartitionVariableOrBuilder |
GribCollectionProto.Record |
Protobuf type Record
GribCollectionProto.Record.Builder |
Protobuf type Record
GribCollectionProto.RecordOrBuilder |
GribCollectionProto.SparseArray |
SparseArray only at the GCs (MRC and SRC) not at the Partitions
dont need SparseArray in memory until someone wants to read from the variable
GribCollectionProto.SparseArray.Builder |
SparseArray only at the GCs (MRC and SRC) not at the Partitions
dont need SparseArray in memory until someone wants to read from the variable
GribCollectionProto.SparseArrayOrBuilder |
GribCollectionProto.StringMap |
Protobuf type StringMap
GribCollectionProto.StringMap.Builder |
Protobuf type StringMap
GribCollectionProto.StringMapOrBuilder |
GribCollectionProto.Variable |
Protobuf type Variable
GribCollectionProto.Variable.Builder |
Protobuf type Variable
GribCollectionProto.VariableOrBuilder |
GribConverterUtility |
Deprecated. |
GribCoverageDataset |
Create a FeatureDatasetCoverage from a GribCollection file.
GribData |
Abstraction for handling Grib 1 & 2 data in a uniform way.
GribData.Bean |
GribData.Info |
GribData.InterpolationMethod |
GribDataReader |
Grib Data Reader.
GribDataReader.DataReceiver |
GribDataReader.DataReceiverIF |
GribDataReader.DataRecord |
GribDataValidator |
For debugging
GribFilesOpPanel |
GribFilesPanel |
Examine collections of grib files.
GribFilesPanel.CollectionBean |
GribFilesPanel.Grib1Bean |
GribFilesPanel.Grib2Bean |
GribHorizCoordSystem |
Encapsolates the GdsHorizCoordSys; shared by the GroupHcs
GribIndex |
Abstract superclass for Grib1Index and Grib2Index.
GribIndexCache |
manages where the grib index files live
GribIndexOpPanel |
GribIndexPanel |
Examine GRIB index (gbx9) files
GribIndexPanel.Gds1Bean |
GribIosp |
Grib Collection IOSP, version 2.
GribNumbers |
Utilities for reading and interpreting GRIB bytes.
GribRecordStats |
Counting statistics
GribResourceReader |
GribRewriteOpPanel |
GribRewritePanel |
Rewrite GRIB files - track stats etc
GribRewritePanel.FileBean |
GribRewritePanel.FileFilterFromSuffixes |
GribStatType |
Grib1 derived from Code table 5 : Time range indicator
Grib2 code table 4.10: Statistical process used to calculate the processed field from the field at each time
increment during the time range
These are the standard WMO tables only.
GribTables |
Abstraction of GribTable for Grib Collections.
GribTables.Parameter |
GribTemplatePanel |
GribUtils |
General Utilities used by GRIB code.
GribVariableRenamer |
GribVariableRenamer.VariableRenamerBean |
Deprecated. |
GribWmoCodesPanel |
WMO Grib 2 Tables - Codes
GribWmoCodesPanel.CodeTableBean |
GribWmoCodesPanel.EntryBean |
GribWmoTemplatesPanel |
GRIB WMO template UI.
GribWmoTemplatesPanel.EntryBean |
GridAsPointDataset |
Add Point operations to a GridDataset.
GridAsPointDataset.Point |
GridBoundariesExtractor |
Provides methods for extracting the grid boundaries in standard GIS text formats: WKT and GeoJSON
GridCF |
A centralized place to store CF conventions for the Grid Iosp
GridCF.VectorComponentFlag |
LOOK bogus
GridController |
The controller manages the interactions between GRID data and renderers.
GridCoordinate2D |
2D Coordinate System has lat(x,y) and lon(x,y).
GridCoordSys |
A georeferencing "gridded" CoordinateSystem.
GridCoordSys |
A Coordinate System for a Grid variable.
GridCoordSystem |
A Coordinate System for gridded data.
GridCS |
Grid Coordinate System Implementation
A Grid has all 1D coordinates.
GridDataset |
Make a NetcdfDataset into a collection of GeoGrids with Georeferencing coordinate systems.
GridDataset |
A dataset containing Grid objects.
GridDataset.Gridset |
This is a set of GeoGrids with the same GeoCoordSys.
GridDataset.Gridset |
A set of GridDatatype objects with the same Coordinate System.
GridDatasetInfo |
A helper class to GridDataset; creates a GridDataset XML document.
GridDatasetInv |
The data inventory of one GridDataset.
GridDatasetProvider |
A special SPI to register GridDataset providers.
GridDatasetStandardFactory |
FeatureDatasetFactory for Grids, using standard coord sys analysis and
GridDatatype |
Interface for scientific datatype Grid.
GridDefRecord |
Class to represent the grid definition (projection) information
purpose is to convert from String representation to native value.
GridEnsembleCoord |
Handles the Ensemble coordinate dimension.
GridEnsembleCoord.EnsCoord |
GridHorizCoordSys |
A horizontal coordinate system created from a GridDefRecord
GridIndex |
An "in memory" index for 2D grid files.
GridIndexToNC |
Create a Netcdf File from a GridIndex
GridParameter |
Class which represents a grid parameter.
GridRecord |
An interface for one 2D gridded data record (used by GRIB, GEMPAK, McIDAS gridded data).
GridRenderer |
Render grids using Java2D API.
GridServiceProvider |
Superclass for Gempak grid, MciDAS grid
GridServiceProvider.IndexExtendMode |
GridTable |
Put the fields of a GridDatatype dataset in a JTable.
GridTableLookup |
Abstracts lookup functionality for subclasses of Grid IOSP
GridTimeCoord |
A Time Coordinate for a Grid dataset.
GridTimeCoord.TimeCoordWithInterval |
GridUI |
This is the thredds Data Viewer application User Interface for Grids.
GridVariable |
A Variable for a Grid dataset.
GridVertCoord |
A Vertical Coordinate variable for a Grid variable.
Group |
A logical collection of Variables, Attributes, and Dimensions.
Group.Builder |
A builder of Groups.
GtopoIosp |
GTOPO 30 sec elevation data from USGS
H4header |
Read the tags of an HDF4 file, construct CDM objects.
H4header |
Read the tags of an HDF4 file, construct CDM objects.
H4iosp |
HDF4 iosp
H4iosp |
H4type |
H5diag |
HDF5 diagnostic helper
H5diagNew |
HDF5 diagnostic helper
H5header |
Read all of the metadata of an HD5 file.
H5header.MessageType |
H5header.TypeInfo |
H5headerIF |
Temporary workaround to share code between H5header and internal/iosp/H5headerNew.
H5headerNew |
Read all of the metadata of an HD5 file.
H5headerNew.TypeInfo |
H5iosp |
H5iospNew |
H5objects |
The low-level HDF5 data objects.
H5objects.MessageType |
H5tiledLayout |
Iterator to read/write subsets of an array.
H5tiledLayout |
Iterator to read/write subsets of an array.
H5tiledLayoutBB |
Iterator to read/write subsets of an array.
H5tiledLayoutBB |
Iterator to read/write subsets of an array.
HashMapLRU<K,V> |
HashQueue<K,V> |
Hdf4NewTable |
Hdf4NewTable.TagBean |
Hdf4Panel |
Hdf4Table |
Hdf4Table.TagBean |
Hdf5DataPanel |
Hdf5DataTable |
Show HDF5 data objects and their compression
Hdf5NewDataTable |
Show HDF5 data objects and their compression
Hdf5NewObjectTable |
ToolsUI/Iosp/Hdf5 raw file objects
Hdf5NewObjectTable.AttributeBean |
Hdf5NewObjectTable.MessageBean |
Hdf5NewObjectTable.ObjectBean |
Hdf5ObjectPanel |
Hdf5ObjectTable |
ToolsUI/Iosp/Hdf5 raw file objects
Hdf5ObjectTable.AttributeBean |
Hdf5ObjectTable.MessageBean |
Hdf5ObjectTable.ObjectBean |
HdfEos |
Parse structural metadata from HDF-EOS.
HdfEos |
Parse structural metadata from HDF-EOS.
HdfEosModisConvention |
HdfEosModisConvention |
HdfEosModisConvention.Factory |
HdfEosOmiConvention |
HdfEosOmiConvention |
HdfEosOmiConvention.Factory |
HdfHeaderIF |
Interface for HDF5 and HDF4 headers, needed by HdfEos.
HeaderInputStream |
The HeaderInputStream filters the input to only read lines of text until
the "Data:" line.
HelpMenu |
HelpWindow |
Popup Help window.
HidableTableColumnModel |
HidableTableColumnModel extends the DefaultTableColumnModel .
HorizCoordSys |
Horizontal CoordSys
HorizCoordSys.CoordReturn |
HorizCoordSys2D |
HorizCoordSys with LatLonAxis2D latAxis, lonAxis
some code forked from ucar.nc2.dataset.GridCoordinate2D
HorizTransformBuilderIF |
HtmlBrowser |
A simple HTML Browser based on JEditPane.
HTTPAuthCache |
It turns out that the Apache httpclient code is not
well setup to handle dynamic credentials providers
such as UrlAuthenticatorDialog.
HTTPAuthUtil |
Provide Auth related utilities
HttpClientManager |
Convenience routines that wrap HTTPSession.
HTTPCredentialsProvider |
HttpDSP |
Make a request to a server and convert the reply
to a DapDataset from the returned bytes.
HTTPException |
Created by IntelliJ IDEA.
HTTPFactory |
HTTPFactory creates method instance.
HTTPFormBuilder |
Class HTTPFormBuilder provides a mechanism for
constructing a postable entity for use with Post.
HTTPFormBuilder.Field |
HTTPFormBuilder.Sort |
HTTPIntercepts |
Package together all the HTTP Intercept code
HTTPIntercepts.DebugInterceptRequest |
HTTPIntercepts.DebugInterceptResponse |
HTTPIntercepts.Printer |
HTTPMethod |
HTTPMethod is the encapsulation of specific
kind of server request: GET, HEAD, POST, etc.
HTTPMethod.Executor |
HTTPMethodStream |
The goal of this class is to allow
other classes to access the data stream
associated with a method response.
HttpNameValue |
HTTPRandomAccessFile |
Gives access to files over HTTP, using "Accept-Ranges" HTTP header to do random access.
HTTPRandomAccessFile.Provider |
Hook into service provider interface for RandomAccessFileProvider.
HTTPSession |
A session is encapsulated in an instance of the class HTTPSession.
HTTPSession.Methods |
HTTPUtil |
HybridHeight |
Create a 3D height(z,y,x) array using the netCDF CF convention formula for
"Atmospheric Hybrid Height".
HybridSigmaPressure |
Create a 3D height(z,y,x) array using the netCDF CF convention formula for
"Hybrid Sigma Pressure".
IFPSConvention |
IFPS Convention Allows Local NWS forecast office generated forecast datasets to be brought into IDV.
IFPSConvention |
IFPS Convention Allows Local NWS forecast office generated forecast datasets to be brought into IDV.
IFPSConvention.Factory |
IgraPor |
Nomads IGRA files.
ImageArrayAdapter |
Makes a 2D Array into a java.awt.image.BufferedImage
ImageDatasetFactory |
A factory for buffered images
ImageFactoryRandom |
Read in all images in a dir and subdirs, and randomly iterate.
ImagePanel |
ImageViewPanel |
ImprovedFileChooser |
A JFileChooser that displays the "Details" view by default.
Indent |
Maintains indentation level for printing nested structures.
Indent |
Maintains indentation level for printing nested structures.
IndentWriter |
Extend PrintWriter to provide indent support
IndependentDialog |
Provides common L&F for managing independent dialogs
Takes RootPaneContainer as parent, to work with both applet and app
Will reset L&F
example of use:
infoWindow = new IndependentDialog(topLevel.getRootPaneContainer(), false, "Dataset Information");
datasetInfoTA = new TextHistoryPane(500, 100, true);
Container cp = infoWindow.getContentPane();
cp.add(datasetInfoTA, BorderLayout.CENTER);
IndependentWindow |
Provides common L&F for managing independent windows
Will reset L&F
Index |
Indexes for Multidimensional arrays.
Index0D |
Specialization of Index for rank 0 arrays, ie scalars.
Index1D |
Specialization of Index for rank 1 arrays.
Index2D |
Specialization of Index for rank 2 arrays.
Index3D |
Specialization of Index for rank 3 arrays.
Index4D |
Specialization of Index for rank 4 arrays.
Index5D |
Specialization of Index for rank 5 arrays.
Index6D |
Specialization of Index for rank 6 arrays.
Index7D |
Specialization of Index for rank 7 arrays.
IndexChunker |
Iterator to read/write subsets of a multidimensional array, finding the contiguous chunks.
IndexChunker.Chunk |
A chunk of data that is contiguous in both the source and destination.
IndexChunkerTiled |
Assume that the data is stored divided into sections, described by dataSection.
IndexConstant |
An Index into an Array that always returns 0.
IndexIterator |
Iteration through each element of an Array in "canonical order".
IndexLong |
Uses longs for indexing, otherwise similar to ucar.ma2.Index
IndexReader |
Knows how to read ncx Index files, to decouple eg from GRIB
IndexReader.AddChildCallback |
InMemoryRandomAccessFile |
A RandomAccessFile stored entirely in memory as a byte array.
InMemoryRandomAccessFile.Provider |
Hook for service provider interface RandomAccessFileProvider
Int16PrimitiveVector |
A vector of shorts.
Int32PrimitiveVector |
A vector of ints.
InvAccess |
Public interface to a catalog access element, defining how to access a specific web resource.
InvAccessImpl |
Concrete access element.
InvalidDataseriesException |
An exception thrown for invalid dataseries in CF-SimpleGeometry Features
InvalidDimensionException |
Used to indicate that one of the dimension sizes is incorrect.
InvalidRangeException |
Thrown if an attempt is made to use an invalid
Range to index an array.
InvCatalog |
Public interface to a thredds catalog, a virtual directory of datasets.
InvCatalogConvertIF |
Converts JDOM tree to Inventory Catalog Objects.
InvCatalogFactory |
Reads an XML document and constructs thredds.catalog object.
InvCatalogFactory10 |
Inventory Catalog parser, version 1.0.
InvCatalogImpl |
Concrete implementation of a Thredds catalog object.
InvCatalogRef |
A reference to a InvCatalog.
InvCrawlablePair |
Helper class to contain an InvDataset and its corresponding CrawlableDataset.
InvDataset |
Public interface to a thredds dataset, basic abstraction for data.
InvDatasetImpl |
Concrete implementation of a thredds Dataset, for reading and writing from XML.
InvDatasetImplProxy |
Proxy an InvDatasetImpl to another InvDatasetImpl.
InvDatasetScan |
Represents server-side information on how to scan a collection of datasets
for catalog generation.
InvDocumentation |
A documentation object: text, HTML or an Xlink.
InventoryCacheProvider |
Service Provider Interface for providing a persisted cache for GridDatasetInv .
InvMetadata |
A metadata element: structured XML element containing info about associated dataset or catalog.
InvProperty |
A Property is a name/value pair.
InvService |
A Service is an abstraction for an internet service, such as a data server, FTP, etc.
IO |
Input/Output static utilities.
IO.HttpResult |
Holds the result of an HTTP action.
IOIterator<T> |
IOServiceProvider |
This is the service provider interface for the low-level I/O access classes (read only).
IOServiceProvider.SortGroup |
Used to determine the ordering for dynamically loaded IOServiceProviders.
IOServiceProviderWriter |
IospHelper |
Helper methods for IOSP's for reading data.
Iridl |
Class Description.
IridlConvention |
IRIDL Convention.
IsMissingEvaluator |
A mix-in interface for evaluating if a value is missing.
IteratorFast |
A "fast" iterator that can be used when the data is in canonical order.
Jason |
Created by IntelliJ IDEA.
Jason2Convention |
Created by IntelliJ IDEA.
JmaTables |
Local tables for JMA (center 34)
Join |
An abstract way to 'join' more cols to a row
JoinArray |
Join data from an element of an Array, whose index is passed in as cursor.recnum[0].
JoinArray.Type |
JoinMuiltdimStructure |
Join data from a row of a Structure, whose index is passed in as recnum[0] / dimLen
JoinParentIndex |
Join data from a row of a Structure, whose index is passed in as the value of a member variable of the
leaf StructureData (cursor.table[0]).
JTableProjection |
Consider this a private inner class of ProjectionManager.
JTableSorted |
JTableSorted adds sorting functionality to a JTable.
JTreeTable |
This example shows how to create a simple JTreeTable component,
by using a JTree as a renderer (and editor) for the cells in a
particular column in the JTable.
JTreeTableSorted |
JTreeTableSorted adds sorting functionality to a JTreeTable.
KmaLocalTables |
LocalTables from KMA (Japan)
KMPMatch |
Knuth-Morris-Pratt Algorithm for Pattern Matching.
LambertAzimuthal |
Create a LambertAzimuthal Projection from the information in the Coordinate Transform Variable.
LambertAzimuthalEqualArea |
Lambert AzimuthalEqualArea Projection spherical earth.
LambertConformal |
Lambert Conformal Projection, one or two standard parallels, spherical earth.
LambertConformalConic |
Create a LambertConformalConic Projection from the information in the Coordinate Transform Variable.
LambertConformalConicEllipse |
Adapted from
LambertCylindricalEqualArea |
Lambert Cylindrical Equal Area Projection
LastModifiedLimit |
Accept datasets whose last modified date is at least the given amount of time in the past.
LastModifiedLimitFilter |
Accept datasets whose last modified date is at least the given number
of milliseconds in the past.
LatestCompleteProxyDsHandler |
Adds a latest complete dataset to a collection where the latest is determined
by the creation date stamp and the last modified date.
LatLon |
This grid mapping defines the canonical 2D geographical coordinate system based upon latitude and longitude
coordinates on a spherical Earth.
LatLonAxis2D |
LatLon axes : used by lat(y,x) and lon(y,x)
An instance represents just one of lat or lon.
LatLonPoint |
Points on the Earth's surface, represented as (longitude,latitude),
in units of degrees.
LatLonPointImmutable |
LatLonPointImpl |
LatLonPointNoNormalize |
LatLonPoints |
Static utilities for LatLonPoint.
LatLonProjection |
This is the "fake" identity projection where world coord = latlon coord.
LatLonRect |
Bounding box for latitude/longitude points.
Layout |
Iterator to read/write subsets of a multidimensional array, finding the contiguous chunks.
Layout.Chunk |
A chunk of data that is contiguous in both the source and destination.
LayoutBB |
A Layout that supplies the "source" ByteBuffer.
LayoutBB.Chunk |
A chunk of data that is contiguous in both the source and destination.
LayoutBBTiled |
For datasets where the data are stored in chunks, and must be processed, eg compressed or filtered.
LayoutBBTiled.DataChunk |
A data chunk
LayoutBBTiled.DataChunkIterator |
An iterator over the data chunks.
LayoutRegular |
Indexer into data that has a "regular" layout, like netcdf-3 and hdf5 compact and contiguous storage.
LayoutRegularSegmented |
LayoutRegularSegmented has data stored in segments that are regularly spaced.
LayoutSegmented |
LayoutSegmented has data stored in segments.
LayoutTiled |
For datasets where the data are stored in chunks.
LayoutTiled.DataChunk |
The chunks of a tiled layout.
LayoutTiled.DataChunkIterator |
An iterator over DataChunk's
Level2Record |
This class reads one record (radial) in an NEXRAD level II file.
Level2VolumeScan |
This class reads a NEXRAD level II data file.
LexigraphicByNameSorter |
Sort CrawlableDataset lists lexicographically on the dataset name.
LibTypeFcns |
This Class is used to isolate as many as possible
of the switch statements using TypeSort enums.
Line |
Generic interface for a Simple Geometry line.
ListChoice |
Implementation of a thredds query choice element.
ListenerManager |
ListenerManager |
Helper class for managing event listeners.
LoadThread |
a class that moves all pictures of a group to a target directory
LocalDatasetSource |
Concrete implementation of DatasetSource for local disk sources.
Location |
Implementation of a DQC location element.
LogarithmicUnit |
Provides support for units that are based on a logarithm of the ratio of a
physical quantity to an underlying reference level.
LogCategorizer |
Class Description.
LoggerFactory |
LoggerFactoryImpl |
LogicalFilterComposer |
Build CrawlableDatasetFilters from other CrawlableDatasetFilters
using logical composition (AND, OR, NOT).
LogLocalManager |
LogReader |
Superclass to read TDS logs
LogReader.Closure |
LogReader.DateFilter |
LogReader.ErrorOnlyFilter |
LogReader.FilterNoop |
LogReader.IpFilter |
LogReader.Log |
LogReader.LogFilter |
LogReader.LogParser |
LogReader.Stats |
M3IOConvention |
Models-3/EDSS Input/Output netcf format.
M3IOConvention |
Models-3/EDSS Input/Output netcf format.
M3IOConvention.Factory |
Madis |
Madis Convention
Madis.VNames |
MadisAcars |
MadisPointObsDataset |
MADISStation |
MADIS Station Convention.
MADISStation |
MADIS Station Convention.
MADISStation.Factory |
MadisStationObsDataset |
MalformedAliasException |
Thrown by AttributeTable when an attempt is made to alias to
a non-existent attribute.
MAMath |
Element by element algebra on Arrays
MAMath.MinMax |
Holds a minimum and maximum value.
MAMath.ScaleOffset |
Holds a scale and offset.
MAMatrix |
Abstraction for matrix operations.
ManageForm |
ManageForm.Data |
MapBean |
Wrap map Renderers as beans.
MapMath |
Taken from
Also see "" for C code
MarshallingUtil |
Created by cwardgar on 2014/04/29.
MAVector |
Abstraction for vector operations.
McGridDefRecord |
Class to hold the grid navigation information.
McIDASAreaProjection |
McIDASAreaProjection is the ProjectionImpl for McIDAS Area navigation
McIDASAreaTransformBuilder |
Projection based on Mcidas Area files.
McIDASGridReader |
Read grid(s) from a McIDAS grid file
McIDASGridRecord |
A class to hold McIDAS grid record information
McIDASGridServiceProvider |
An IOSP for McIDAS Grid data
McIDASLookup |
get all the information about a McIDAS file.
MCollection |
Collection of MFiles
MController |
Inventory Management Controller
MControllerProvider |
MControllers |
MemTracker |
Track use of space in an HDF5 file
Mercator |
Create a Mercator Projection from the information in the Coordinate Transform Variable.
Mercator |
Mercator projection, spherical earth.
Message |
Encapsolates a complete BUFR message.
MessageCompressedDataReader |
Reads through the data of a message.
MessageDispatchDDS |
BUFR Message Dispatch using DDS hashmap to sort the messages.
MessageScanner |
Sequentially scans a BUFR file, extracts the messages.
MessageUncompressedDataReader |
Read data for uncompressed messages.
MessageWriter |
Encapsolates writing BUFR message to one particular file.
MetadataConverterIF |
Converts JDOM Element to Objects holding metadata content.
MetadataExtractor |
Extract THREDDS metadata from the underlying CDM dataset.
MetadataExtractorAcdd |
Extract ACDD metadata from dataset and promote into the catalog objects
MetadataType |
Type-safe enumeration of THREDDS Metadata types.
MetarParseReport |
Deprecated. |
MetUnits |
Class for defining a few common atmospheric science units which don't
conform to the standards used by the VisAD netCDF Units package.
MFile |
An abstraction for / java.nio.file.Path
MFileCollectionManager |
Manage Collections of MFiles.
MFileFilter |
Filter on MFiles
MFileIterator |
An iterator over MFiles, closeable so its a target for try-with-resource
MFileOS |
Implements thredds.inventory.MFile using regular OS files.
MFileOS7 |
Use Java 7 nio Paths
MFileProvider |
A Service Provider of MFile .
MFiles |
Static helper methods for MFile objects.
MFileS3 |
Implements MFile for objects stored on AWS S3 compatible object stores.
MFileS3.Provider |
MFileTable |
MFileTable.FileBean |
MFileZip |
Implements thredds.inventory.MFile for ZipFiles and ZipEntries
MFileZip.Provider |
MFlowLayout |
Extends java.awt.FlowLayout, which has a bug where it cant deal with multiple lines.
Misc |
Miscellaneous static routines.
MMapRandomAccessFile |
ModesMenu |
ModisSatellite |
Modis satellite conventions
MP |
MrmsLocalTables |
Mrms local tables
MSGnavigation |
MSGnavigation projection
MSGnavigation |
Port Eumetsat MSG_navigation.c to java.
MultiLabeler |
MultilineTooltip |
MultipleAxisChart |
This demo shows a time series chart that has multiple range axes.
MultiplyException |
Provides support for unit multiplication failures.
MultiSelectorFilter |
The standard CrawlableDatasetFilter which uses a list of
CrawlableDatasetSelectors to determine if a dataset is accepted.
MultiSelectorFilter.Selector |
Used by a MultiSelectorFilter to determine whether to include
or exclude a CrawlableDataset.
MultiSlice |
A MultiSlice is a list of slices to support e.g.
MultiTrajectoryObsDataset |
MyMouseAdapter |
N3channelWriter |
N3header |
N3headerNew |
Netcdf version 3 header.
N3iosp |
N3iospNew |
Netcdf 3 version iosp, using Builders for immutability.
N3iospWriter |
IOServiceProviderWriter for Netcdf3 files.
N3outputStreamWriter |
N3raf |
N3streamWriter |
N3streamWriter.Vinfo |
NamedAnything |
NamedObject |
NamedObject |
An object that has a name and a description.
NameException |
Provides support for bad unit names.
NavigatedPanel |
Implements a "navigated" JPanel within which a user can zoom and pan.
Navigation |
Consider this a private inner class of NavigatedPanel.
NavigationBlock |
Class to hold the grid navigation information.
Nc4 |
Nc4Chunking |
Interface for strategies deciding how to chunk netcdf-4 variables.
Nc4Chunking.Strategy |
Nc4ChunkingDefault |
Default chunking strategy.
Nc4ChunkingStrategy |
Abstract superclass for netcdf-4 chunking strategy.
Nc4ChunkingStrategyGrib |
chunk on last 2 dimensions, like GRIB
Nc4ChunkingStrategyNone |
No chunking is done, except for unlimited variables.
Nc4Iosp |
Nc4Lock |
Nc4prototypes |
JNA access to Netcdf-4 C Library, using JNI to shared C library.
Nc4prototypes.Vlen_t |
Nc4prototypes.Vlen_t.ByValue |
Nc4wrapper |
NcarTables |
NCAR (center 60) overrides
NcCodeWithAuthorityType |
Created by cwardgar on 2014/02/26.
NcCollectionType |
Created by cwardgar on 2014/03/13.
Nccopy |
Utility to implement nccopy command line utility.
NcDirectPositionType |
Created by cwardgar on 2014/02/28.
NcDocumentMetadataPropertyType |
Created by cwardgar on 2014/03/13.
NcDocumentMetadataType |
Created by cwardgar on 2014/03/13.
Ncdump |
Utility to implement ncdump.
Ncdump.Builder |
Ncdump.WantValues |
Tell Ncdump if you want values printed.
NCdumpPane |
dump data using NetcdfFile.readSection()
NCdumpPanel |
NCdumpW |
NCdumpW.WantValues |
NcepMnemonic |
A class that reads a mnemonic table.
NcepRfcTables |
NCEP River Forecast Centers
NcepTable |
Ncep local table overrides
NcepTables |
NCEP overrides of GRIB tables
LOOK: Why not a singleton?
NcFeaturePropertyType |
Created by cwardgar on 2014/02/26.
NCheader |
NcMeasurementTimeseriesType |
Created by cwardgar on 2014/03/05.
NcMeasurementTimeseriesType.Point |
NcMeasureTVPType |
Created by cwardgar on 2014/03/05.
NcMeasureType |
Created by cwardgar on 2014/03/06.
NcmlCollectionReader |
Convert NcML into a CollectionManager.
NcmlConstructor |
NcmlEditor |
An Editor for NcML files.
NcmlEditorPanel |
NcMLGWriter |
NcmlNetcdfFileProvider |
NcmlReader |
Read NcML and create NetcdfDataset.Builder, using builders and immutable objects.
NcMLReader |
NcmlWriter |
Helper class to write NcML.
NcMLWriter |
NcmlWriter.WriteVariablesWithNamesPredicate |
Predicate that returns true for variables whose names are specified to the constructor.
NcMLWriter.WriteVariablesWithNamesPredicate |
Predicate that returns true for variables whose names are specified to the constructor.
NcMonitoringPointType |
Created by cwardgar on 2014/02/26.
NcOMObservationPropertyType |
Created by cwardgar on 2014/03/13.
NcOMObservationType |
Created by cwardgar on 2014/02/26.
NcOMProcessPropertyType |
Created by cwardgar on 2014-04-27.
NcPointType |
Created by cwardgar on 2014/02/28.
NcReferenceType |
Created by cwardgar on 3/7/14.
NcShapeType |
Created by cwardgar on 2014/02/28.
NcStream |
Defines the ncstream format, along with ncStream.proto.
NcStreamCompressedOutputStream |
Created by rmay on 8/13/15.
NcStreamCompression |
Created by rmay on 8/10/15.
NcStreamDataCol |
DataCol message encoding.
NcStreamDataRow |
LOOK Not Done Yet
NcStreamIosp |
IOSP to read an ncStream that has been written to a file.
NcStreamOpPanel |
NcStreamPanel |
Show internal structure of ncstream files.
NcStreamPanel.MessBean |
NcStreamProto |
NcStreamProto.ArrayStructureCol |
Protobuf type ArrayStructureCol
NcStreamProto.ArrayStructureCol.Builder |
Protobuf type ArrayStructureCol
NcStreamProto.ArrayStructureColOrBuilder |
NcStreamProto.ArrayStructureRow |
Protobuf type ArrayStructureRow
NcStreamProto.ArrayStructureRow.Builder |
Protobuf type ArrayStructureRow
NcStreamProto.ArrayStructureRowOrBuilder |
NcStreamProto.Attribute |
Protobuf type Attribute
NcStreamProto.Attribute.Builder |
Protobuf type Attribute
NcStreamProto.Attribute.Type |
< 5.0
NcStreamProto.AttributeOrBuilder |
NcStreamProto.Compress |
Protobuf enum Compress
NcStreamProto.Data |
Protobuf type Data
NcStreamProto.Data.BigendPresentCase |
NcStreamProto.Data.Builder |
Protobuf type Data
NcStreamProto.DataCol |
Protobuf type DataCol
NcStreamProto.DataCol.Builder |
Protobuf type DataCol
NcStreamProto.DataColOrBuilder |
NcStreamProto.DataOrBuilder |
NcStreamProto.DataRow |
Protobuf type DataRow
NcStreamProto.DataRow.Builder |
Protobuf type DataRow
NcStreamProto.DataRowOrBuilder |
NcStreamProto.DataType |
Protobuf enum DataType
NcStreamProto.Dimension |
Protobuf type Dimension
NcStreamProto.Dimension.Builder |
Protobuf type Dimension
NcStreamProto.DimensionOrBuilder |
NcStreamProto.EnumTypedef |
Protobuf type EnumTypedef
NcStreamProto.EnumTypedef.Builder |
Protobuf type EnumTypedef
NcStreamProto.EnumTypedef.EnumType |
Protobuf type EnumTypedef.EnumType
NcStreamProto.EnumTypedef.EnumType.Builder |
Protobuf type EnumTypedef.EnumType
NcStreamProto.EnumTypedef.EnumTypeOrBuilder |
NcStreamProto.EnumTypedefOrBuilder |
NcStreamProto.Error |
Protobuf type Error
NcStreamProto.Error.Builder |
Protobuf type Error
NcStreamProto.ErrorOrBuilder |
NcStreamProto.Group |
Protobuf type Group
NcStreamProto.Group.Builder |
Protobuf type Group
NcStreamProto.GroupOrBuilder |
NcStreamProto.Header |
Protobuf type Header
NcStreamProto.Header.Builder |
Protobuf type Header
NcStreamProto.HeaderOrBuilder |
NcStreamProto.Member |
Protobuf type Member
NcStreamProto.Member.Builder |
Protobuf type Member
NcStreamProto.MemberOrBuilder |
NcStreamProto.Range |
Protobuf type Range
NcStreamProto.Range.Builder |
Protobuf type Range
NcStreamProto.RangeOrBuilder |
NcStreamProto.Section |
Protobuf type Section
NcStreamProto.Section.Builder |
Protobuf type Section
NcStreamProto.SectionOrBuilder |
NcStreamProto.Structure |
Protobuf type Structure
NcStreamProto.Structure.Builder |
Protobuf type Structure
NcStreamProto.StructureData |
Protobuf type StructureData
NcStreamProto.StructureData.Builder |
Protobuf type StructureData
NcStreamProto.StructureDataOrBuilder |
NcStreamProto.StructureOrBuilder |
NcStreamProto.Variable |
Protobuf type Variable
NcStreamProto.Variable.Builder |
Protobuf type Variable
NcStreamProto.VariableOrBuilder |
NcStreamReader |
Read an ncStream InputStream into a NetcdfFile.
NcStreamReader.DataResult |
NcStreamWriter |
Write a NetcdfFile to an OutputStream using ncstream protocol
NcStreamWriterChannel |
NcStringOrRefType |
Created by cwardgar on 2014/02/26.
NcTimeInstantPropertyType |
Created by cwardgar on 3/7/14.
NcTimeInstantType |
Created by cwardgar on 2014-04-27.
NcTimeObjectPropertyType |
Created by cwardgar on 3/6/14.
NcTimePeriodType |
Created by cwardgar on 3/6/14.
NcTimePositionType |
Created by cwardgar on 2014/03/05.
NcTVPDefaultMetadataPropertyType |
Created by cwardgar on 2014/03/06.
NcTVPMeasurementMetadataType |
Created by cwardgar on 2014/03/06.
NcUnitReference |
Created by cwardgar on 2014/03/06.
NdbcCoards |
Ndbc (National Data Buoy Center) Coards Convention (National Data Buoy Center)
NdbcDataset |
NdbcNetcdf4 |
NDBC (National Data Buoy Center) Convention with netcdf4 files
NdfdLocalTables |
Ndfd local tables
NeedsCdmUnitTest |
A marker to be used with JUnit categories to indicate that a test method or test class requires access to the
cdmUnitTest shared directory in order to complete successfully.
NeedsContentRoot |
A marker to be used with JUnit categories to indicate that a test method or test class requires that a TDS
content root be defined via the "tds.content.root.path" property.
NeedsExternalResource |
A marker to be used with JUnit categories to indicate that a test method or test class requires access to an
external resource in order to complete successfully.
NeedsRdaData |
A marker to be used with JUnit categories to indicate that a test method or test class requires access to
RDA Data.
NeedsUcarNetwork |
A marker to be used with JUnit categories to indicate that a test method or test class requires access to a
resource that is only accessible on the UCAR network in order to complete successfully.
NestedCollectionIteratorAdapter<T> |
adapt a NestedPointFeatureCollectionIterator to an Iterator
NestedTable |
Implements "nested table" views of point feature datasets.
NetcdfClibrary |
Static methods to load the netcdf C library.
NetcdfCopier |
Utility class for copying a NetcdfFile object, or parts of one, to a netcdf-3 or netcdf-4 disk file.
NetcdfDataset |
NetcdfDataset extends the netCDF API, adding standard attribute parsing such as
scale and offset, and explicit support for Coordinate Systems.
NetcdfDataset.Builder<T extends NetcdfDataset.Builder<T>> |
NetcdfDataset.Enhance |
Possible enhancements for a NetcdfDataset
NetcdfDatasetInfo |
NetcdfDatasets |
Static helper methods for NetcdfDataset
NetcdfFile |
Read-only scientific datasets that are accessible through the netCDF API.
NetcdfFile.Builder<T extends NetcdfFile.Builder<T>> |
A builder of NetcdfFile objects.
NetcdfFileFormat |
Enumeration of the kinds of NetCDF file formats.
NetcdfFileProvider |
A Service Provider of NetcdfFile.
NetcdfFiles |
Static helper methods for NetcdfFile objects.
NetcdfFileSubclass |
NetcdfFileWriteable |
NetcdfFileWriter |
NetcdfFileWriter.Version |
NetcdfFormatWriter |
Writes Netcdf 3 or 4 formatted files to disk.
NetcdfFormatWriter.Builder |
NetcdfOutputChooser |
NetcdfOutputChooser.Data |
NewMapAreaEvent |
Used to notify listeners that there is a new world bounding box.
NewMapAreaListener |
Listeners for new world bounding box events.
NewProjectionDialog |
NewProjectionEvent |
Used to notify listeners that there is a new Projection.
NewProjectionListener |
Listeners for new Projection events
Nexrad2IOServiceProvider |
An IOServiceProvider for NEXRAD level II files.
Nexrad2RadialAdapter |
Make a NEXRAD Level 2 NetcdfDataset into a RadialDataset.
NexradStationDB |
Manage Nexrad Stations "database"
NexradStationDB.Station |
Nidsiosp |
IOServiceProvider implementation abstract base class to read/write "version 3" netcdf files.
NidsRadialAdapter |
Make a Nids NetcdfDataset into a RadialDataset.
Nimbus |
Nimbus |
Nimbus.Factory |
Nldn |
Nldn |
National Lightning Detection Network (NLDN)
NmcObsLegacy |
NMC Office Note 29
NodeMap<CDM_T extends CDMNode,DAP_T extends DapNode> |
Provide a bi-directional 1-1 map between DapNode
instances and CDMNode instances.
NoFactoryFoundException |
NoLeapChronology |
A Chronology in which each year has exactly 365 days (February is always
28 days long).
Normalizer |
NoSuchAttributeException |
Thrown by AttributeTable when an attempt is made to alias to
a non-existent attribute.
NoSuchFunctionException |
Thrown when an attempt is made to access a function that does not exist.
NoSuchTypeException |
Thrown when an attempt is made to access a variable that does not exist.
NoSuchUnitException |
Provides support for failure to find a unit.
NoSuchVariableException |
Thrown when an attempt is made to access a variable that does not exist.
NotJenkins |
A marker to be used with JUnit categories to indicate that a test method or test class cannot succeed when run
within the Jenkins environment.
NotPullRequest |
A marker to be used with JUnit categories to indicate that a test method or test class cannot succeed when run
within the CI environment (currently GitHub Actions) used for checking pull requests.
NOWRadheader |
Created by IntelliJ IDEA.
NOWRadiosp |
Created by IntelliJ IDEA.
NPController |
A superclass for Navigated Panel controllers
NppConvention |
NPP/NPOESS Conventions
note this is almost same as Avhrr ??
NsslRadarMosaicConvention |
NsslRadarMosaicConvention Convention.
NsslRadialAdapter |
NUWGConvention |
NUWG Convention (ad hoc).
NUWGConvention |
NUWG Convention (ad hoc).
NUWGConvention.Factory |
NwsMetDevTables |
Center = (7) US National Weather Service, National Centres for Environmental Prediction (NCEP)
SubCenter = (14) NWS Meteorological Development Laboratory
Master Table = 1
Local Table = 0
OceanS |
Create a 3D height(z,y,x) array using the CF formula for
"ocean s vertical coordinate".
OceanSG1 |
Create a 3D height(z,y,x) array using the CF formula for
"ocean s vertical coordinate g1".
OceanSG2 |
Create a 3D height(z,y,x) array using the CF formula for
"ocean s vertical coordinate g2".
OceanSigma |
Create a 3D height(z,y,x) array using the CF formula for
"ocean sigma vertical coordinate".
ODLparser |
Turn ODL into XML
OffsetUnit |
Provides support for units that are offset from reference units (ex: as the
unit "degree Celsius" is offset from the reference unit "kelvin").
OldUnidataPointObsDataset |
OldUnidataStationObsDataset |
OpenRAFMonitor |
OpenRAFMonitorImpl |
OperationException |
Provides support for unit operation failures (ex: multiplication).
OpPanel |
Abstract superclass for ToolsUI panel contents.
Optional<T> |
Orthographic |
Create a Orthographic Projection from the information in the Coordinate Transform Variable.
Orthographic |
Orthographic Projection spherical earth.
Parameter |
A parameter has a name and a value that is String, a double, or an array of doubles.
Parse |
Miscellaneous XML parsing methods
created Jul 3, 2007
ParsedSectionSpec |
A String expression for denoting a section of a Variable to be read.
ParseException |
ParseException |
ParseException |
This exception is thrown when parse errors are encountered.
ParseUtil |
PartitionCollectionImmutable |
An Immutable PartitionCollection
PartitionCollectionMutable |
Collection of GribCollections or other PartitionCollections, partitioned by reference time.
PartitionManager |
Manages time partitions
PartitionManagerFromIndexDirectory |
used only for debugging
PartitionManagerFromIndexList |
A PartitionManager from a list of index files.
PathAliasReplacement |
Alloc macro substitution, and "aliasing" for paths
PathAliasReplacementFromMap |
PathAliasReplacement from map of key -> value
PathAliasReplacementImpl |
PathAliasReplacement where alias must be at the start of the path.
PathMatcher |
Duplicate thredds.servlet.PathMatcher
PathMatcher.Match |
PersistenceManager |
PersistentBean |
Manages mapping of PrefPanel fields to java beans.
PickEvent |
User wants to pick an object at 2D location.
PickEventListener |
Listeners for "Pick Object" events.
PictureCache |
class that manages the cache of pictures
Pluggable Look and Feel management.
Point |
Generic interface for a Simple Geometry Point.
PointCollection |
Deprecated. |
PointCollectionImpl |
Abstract superclass for PointFeatureCollection
Subclass must supply getPointFeatureIterator().
PointCollectionImpl.PointCollectionSubset |
PointCollectionIteratorFiltered |
Filter a PointFeatureCollectionIterator
PointCollectionStreamAbstract |
PointCollectionStreamLocal |
PointCollectionStreamRemote |
PointConfigXML |
Helper class to convert a TableConfig to and from XML
PointController |
Widget for drawing point data
PointDatasetImpl |
Implementation of PointFeatureDataset.
PointDatasetRemote |
Client view of a CdmRemote Point Dataset.
PointDatasetStandardFactory |
Standard handler for Point obs dataset based on a NetcdfDataset object.
PointFeature |
A collection of observations at one time and location.
PointFeatureCC |
Single nested PointFeatureCollection
PointFeatureCCC |
Double nested PointFeatureCollection
PointFeatureCCCImpl |
Abstract superclass for multiply nested NestedPointFeatureCollection
Subclass must supply getNestedPointFeatureCollectionIterator().
PointFeatureCCImpl |
Abstract superclass for singly nested NestedPointFeatureCollection, such as Station, Profile, and Trajectory.
PointFeatureCCIterator |
An iterator over PointFeatureCC.
PointFeatureCCIterator.Filter |
A filter on nestedPointFeatureCollection
PointFeatureCCIteratorFiltered |
Implement NestedPointFeatureCollectionIterator interface
PointFeatureCollection |
A collection of PointFeatures.
PointFeatureCollectionIterator |
An iterator over PointFeatureCollections.
PointFeatureCollectionIterator.Filter |
A filter on PointFeatureCollection.
PointFeatureCopyFactory |
A factory for making deep copies of PointFeature, so all data is self contained.
PointFeatureDatasetViewer |
A Swing widget to view the contents of a PointFeatureDataset.
PointFeatureDatasetViewer.FeatureBean |
PointFeatureDatasetViewer.FeatureCollectionBean |
PointFeatureDatasetViewer.PointObsBean |
fake Station, so we can use StationRegionChooser
PointFeatureDatasetViewer.ProfileFeatureBean |
PointFeatureDatasetViewer.SectionFeatureBean |
PointFeatureDatasetViewer.StationBean |
PointFeatureDatasetViewer.StnProfileFeatureBean |
PointFeatureDatasetViewer.TrajectoryFeatureBean |
PointFeatureImpl |
Abstract superclass for implementations of PointFeature.
PointFeatureIterator |
An iterator over PointFeatures.
PointFeatureIterator.Filter |
A filter on PointFeatures
PointFeaturePanel |
PointIteratorAbstract |
Abstract superclass for PointFeatureIterator.
PointIteratorAdapter |
PointIteratorEmpty |
An empty PointIterator.
PointIteratorFiltered |
Decorate a PointFeatureIterator with filtering.
PointIteratorFiltered.SpaceAndTimeFilter |
A filter that only permits features whose lat/lon falls within a given bounding box AND whose
observation time falls within a given date range.
PointIteratorFlatten |
Adapt a PointFeatureCollectionIterator to a PointFeatureIterator, by flattening all the iterators in the collection
into a single iterator over PointFeatures.
PointIteratorFromStructureData |
A PointFeatureIterator which uses a StructureDataIterator to iterate over members of a Structure,
with optional filtering and calculation of time range and bounding box.
PointIteratorMultidim |
A PointFeatureIterator using the "multidimensional representation".
PointIteratorStream |
Iterate through a stream of PointStream.MessageType.PointFeature until PointStream.MessageType.End
PointObsDataset |
PointObsDatasetFactory |
PointObsDatasetImpl |
PointObsDatatype |
PointObsDatatypeImpl |
PointObVar |
PointRenderer |
PointStream |
Defines the point stream format, along with pointStream.proto.
PointStream.MessageType |
PointStreamProto |
PointStreamProto.Location |
Protobuf type Location
PointStreamProto.Location.Builder |
Protobuf type Location
PointStreamProto.LocationOrBuilder |
PointStreamProto.PointFeature |
Protobuf type PointFeature
PointStreamProto.PointFeature.Builder |
Protobuf type PointFeature
PointStreamProto.PointFeatureCollection |
Protobuf type PointFeatureCollection
PointStreamProto.PointFeatureCollection.Builder |
Protobuf type PointFeatureCollection
PointStreamProto.PointFeatureCollectionOrBuilder |
PointStreamProto.PointFeatureMember |
Protobuf type PointFeatureMember
PointStreamProto.PointFeatureMember.Builder |
Protobuf type PointFeatureMember
PointStreamProto.PointFeatureMemberOrBuilder |
PointStreamProto.PointFeatureOrBuilder |
PointStreamProto.Station |
Protobuf type Station
PointStreamProto.Station.Builder |
Protobuf type Station
PointStreamProto.StationList |
Protobuf type StationList
PointStreamProto.StationList.Builder |
Protobuf type StationList
PointStreamProto.StationListOrBuilder |
PointStreamProto.StationOrBuilder |
PolarStereographic |
Create a Polar Stereographic Projection from the information in the Coordinate Transform Variable.
PolyconicProjection |
Polyconic Projection.
PolyconicProjection |
Polyconic Projection.
Polygon |
Generic interface for a Simple Geometry Polygon.
PopupManager |
Helper class for managing javax.swing.Popup
PopupMenu |
Convenience class for constructing popup menus.
PopupMenu.PopupTriggerListener |
PositioningDataInputStream |
PowerSet |
Given a set of ranges, {0..1,0..1,0..2}, say,
generate all possible lists of values
The ranges are all assumed to run from 0 upto but not including some max,
so above would be generated from {2,2,3}.
PreferencesExt |
An extension of java.util.prefs.Preferences (jdk 1.4) that provides a
platform-independent implementation using XML files as backing store.
PreferencesExtFactory |
Implementation of PreferencesFactory to return PreferencesExt objects.
Prefix |
Provides support for unit prefixes (e.g.
PrefixDB |
Interface for a database of unit prefixes.
PrefixDBAccessException |
Provides support for prefix database access failures.
PrefixDBException |
Provides support for the general class of prefix database failures.
PrefixDBImpl |
Provides a concrete implementation of a database of unit prefixes.
PrefixDBManager |
Provides support for managing a database of unit prefixes.
PrefixExistsException |
Provides support for prefix database failures.
PrefixName |
Provides support for prefix names and numeric values.
PrefixSymbol |
Provides support for prefix symbols.
PrefPanel |
Create a User Preferences Panel or Dialog.
PrefPanel.Dialog |
A convenience class for constructing a standalone JDialog window that has a PrefPanel inside it.
PrimitiveVector |
A helper class for DVector .
ProfileFeature |
A set of observations along the vertical (z) axis.
ProfileFeatureCollection |
A collection of ProfileFeature.
ProfileFeatureImpl |
Abstract superclass for implementations of ProfileFeature.
ProgressMonitor |
This wraps a javax.swing.ProgressMonitor, which allows tasks to be canceled.
ProgressMonitorTask |
Subclass this for use in a ProgressMonitor.
Projection |
Projective geometry transformations from (lat,lon) to (x,y) on
a projective cartesian surface.
ProjectionAdapter |
ProjectionCT |
A Projection CoordinateTransform has a Projection bijection (GeoX, GeoY) <-> (Lat, Lon).
ProjectionCT.Builder<T extends ProjectionCT.Builder<T>> |
ProjectionImpl |
ProjectionManager |
Manages a modal dialogue box that allows the user to define
projections using subclasses of ucar.unidata.gis.ProjectionImpl.
ProjectionParamPanel |
ProjectionPoint |
Points on the Projective geometry plane.
ProjectionPointImpl |
ProjectionRect |
Bounding box for ProjectionPoint's.
Projections |
Static utilities for Projection.
Property |
Client catalog name/value pair
ProxyDatasetHandler |
The ProxyDatasetHandler interface allows implementors to define a proxy
CrawlableDataset, how its corresponding InvDataset should be added to
collection InvDatasets, and how the proxy CrawlableDataset maps to the
underlying concrete CrawlableDataset.
ProxyGenerator |
ProxyGenerator.MethodComparator |
ProxyReader |
Something that knows how to read the data for a Variable.
PublicInterfaceGenerator |
PublicInterfaceGenerator.MethodComparator |
QuantityDimension |
Provides support for the dimension of a quantity.
QuantityExistsException |
Provides support for attempting to redefine a base quantity in a database.
QuasiRegular |
Converts a QuasiRegular grid into a regular rectanglar (lat/lon) grid.
Query |
Implementation of a DQC query element.
QueryCapability |
Implementation of a thredds DQC object.
QueryMaker |
Abstraction for making the query to send to the cdmRemote point dataset
RadialCoordSys |
A radial CoordinateSystem has azimuth, elevation and radial axes.
RadialDatasetStandardFactory |
Adapt existing Radial Datasets implementing FeatureDatasetFactory.
RadialDatasetSweep |
A RadialDataset in which the radials can be grouped into sweeps.
RadialDatasetSweep.RadialVariable |
A data Variable with radial geometry.
RadialDatasetSweep.Sweep |
A sweep is 2D data using radial coordinate system (elevation, azimuth, radial distance)
RadialDatasetSweep.Type |
A Type of RadialSweep.
RadialDatasetTable |
A Swing widget to examine a RadialDataset.
RadialDatasetTable.SweepBean |
RadialDatasetTable.VariableBean |
RadialPanel |
RadialSweepFeature |
RadialSweepFeature.Type |
RafNimbus |
RAF Nimbus conventions
RafTrajectoryObsDataset |
RaiseException |
Provides support for failure to raise a unit to a power.
RandomAccessDirectory |
This class allows a directory structure to be read in memory as a single file.
RandomAccessDirectory.Provider |
Hook into service provider interface to RandomAccessFileProvider.
RandomAccessDirectoryItem |
Interface for items held by a RandomAccessDirectory
Provides a wrapper for a RandomAccessFile
RandomAccessFile |
A class intended as drop-in replacement for, with some notable extensions:
Buffered I/O: instances of this class realise substantial speed increases over
* through the use of buffering.
Read String methods support user-specified Charsets (default UTF-8).
Support for both big and little endiannness on reads and write: users may specify the byte order for I/O
Support for distributed file access through the RandomAccessDirectory subclass.
This is a subclass of Object, as it was not possible to subclass because many of the methods are
RandomAccessFileProvider |
A Service Provider of RandomAccessFile.
Range |
Represents a set of integers, used as an index for arrays.
RangeComposite |
A Composite of other RangeIterators.
RangeDateSelector |
Widget to select a point or a range from a date range.
RangeIterator |
Generalization of Range (which is restricted to (start:stop:stride).
RangeScatter |
A Range of indices describes by a list, rather than start:stop:stride.
RangeSelector |
Widget to select a point or a range from a double range.
RawDSP |
Provide a DSP interface to raw data
Ray |
Ray |
RC |
RC.Triple |
ReadableRemoteFile |
A remote file that can be read from.
RecordDatasetHelper |
RecordDatasetHelper |
Helper class for using the netcdf-3 record dimension.
RegExpAndDurationTimeCoverageEnhancer |
Try to add timeCoverage to the InvDataset using a regular expression match,
capturing group replacement, and a duration string.
RegExpAndReplaceOnNameLabeler |
RegExpAndReplaceOnPathLabeler |
RegExpMatchOnName |
A regular expression that matches on the MFile name.
RegExpMatchOnNameFilter |
CrawlableDatasetFilter implementation that accepts datasets whose
names are matched by the given regular expression.
RegExpMatchOnPathFilter |
RegularBaseQuantity |
Provides support for a base quantity that is dimensionfull.
RemoteRandomAccessFile |
An abstract superclass for remote RandomAccessFile
Renderer |
A Renderer does the actual work of drawing objects.
ReplaceVariableCheck |
ReportOpPanel |
ReportPanel |
Superclass for report panels
RequestMode |
Define the enum for the possible Request/Response modes
Resource |
Cover for fetching files using Class.getResource().
ResponseFormat |
Define the enum for the possible Response/Response modes
ResultService |
Title: Catalog Generator
Rewrite |
RewriteGrid |
RotatedLatLon |
Create a Rotated LatLon Projection from the information in the Coordinate Transform Variable.
RotatedLatLon |
Grib 1 projection 10 and Grib 2 projection 1.
RotatedPole |
Create a RotatedPole Projection from the information in the Coordinate Transform Variable.
RotatedPole |
Rotated-pole longitude-latitude grid.
RowSorter |
An interface used with JTreeTableSorted to create application-controlled sorting.
RowSorterAbstract |
Superclass for implementations of RowSorter, used with JTreeTableSorted to create
application-controlled sorting.
Rubberband |
Implements XOR rubberbanding.
RubberbandRectangle |
Rectangle Rubberbanding.
RubberbandRectangleHandles |
Rectangle Rubberbanding.
RuntimeConfigParser |
Read Runtime Configuration.
S3RandomAccessFile |
Manage random access file level access to objects stored on AWS S3 compatible Object Stores.
S3RandomAccessFile.Provider |
Hook into service provider interface to RandomAccessFileProvider.
An identifier for objects stored in Amazon S3.
ScalablePicture |
a class to load and scale an image either immediately or in a separate thread.
ScalablePictureListener |
This interface allows an object to inform another object that the status it is listening on has
ScaledPanel |
ScaledPanel.Bounds |
Why the heck did I create yet another Rectangle?
Because I needed some precise semantics, especially for the y screen coordinate.
ScaledUnit |
Provides support for a unit that is a mutiplicative factor of a reference
ScaleOffset |
Filter implementation of FixedScaleOffset as described by the
NumCodecs project
ScaleOffset.Keys |
ScaleOffset.Provider |
ScaleThread |
a thread object that calls the ScalablePicture scalePicture method
Scalr |
Class used to implement performant, high-quality and intelligent image
scaling and manipulation algorithms in native Java 2D.
Scalr.Method |
Used to define the different scaling hints that the algorithm can use.
Scalr.Mode |
Used to define the different modes of resizing that the algorithm can
Scalr.Rotation |
Used to define the different types of rotations that can be applied to an
image during a resize operation.
ScanMode |
ScreenUtils |
Section |
A section of multidimensional array indices.
Section.Builder |
SectionCollectionImpl |
Superclass for implementations of SectionFeatureCollection: series of profiles along a trajectory
Concrete subclass must implement getNestedPointFeatureCollectionIterator();
SectionFeatureImpl |
Abstract superclass for implementations of SectionFeature.
SectionIterable |
A Section composed of List instead of List.
SelectGeoRegion |
Implementation of a DQC select geo region.
SelectList |
Implementation of a DQC list selector element.
Selector |
Abstract class for DQC selector elements.
SelectRange |
Implementation of a DQC select range.
SelectRangeDate |
Implementation of a DQC select range date.
SelectService |
Implementation of a DQC service selector element.
SelectService.ServiceChoice |
SelectStation |
Implementation of a DQC station selector element.
Sequence |
Sequence is a one-dimensional Structure with indeterminate length.
Sequence.Builder<T extends Sequence.Builder<T>> |
A builder of Sequences
SequenceDS |
SequenceDS.Builder<T extends SequenceDS.Builder<T>> |
SequenceHelper |
Helper class for dods sequence datasets.
SequenceIterator |
Creates a StructureDataIterator by wrapping a section of a ArrayStructure.
SequenceObsDataset |
This handles DODS sequences that have station obs data.
ServerVersion |
Parses and holds the Server Version information returned by a DAP server.
Service |
Client catalog service
ServiceType |
Type-safe enumeration of THREDDS Service types.
ServiceType |
Service Type enums
ServiceType.AccessType |
ServletLogParser |
Read TDS access logs
ServletLogParser.ServletLog |
ServletLogTable |
Class Description.
ServletLogTable.ErrorOnlyFilter |
ServletLogTable.IpFilter |
ServletLogTable.Merge |
ShapeFileBean |
Wraps shapefile maps into a MapBean
ShapefileIosp |
This is a start of a shapfile iosp.
ShiftException |
Provides support for failure to raise a unit to a power.
Shuffle |
Filter implementation of Shuffle.
Shuffle.Provider |
SI |
Provides support for the International System of Units (SI).
SigmetIOServiceProvider |
Implementation of the ServerProvider pattern provides input/output
of the SIGMET-IRIS dataset.
SigmetVolumeScan |
SimpleCatalogBuilder |
Provide a simple interface for building single-level catalogs at any level
of the specified collection.
SimpleCharStream |
An implementation of interface CharStream, where the stream is assumed to
contain only ASCII characters (without unicode processing).
SimpleGeomController |
The controller manages the interactions between SimpleGeom and renderers.
SimpleGeometry |
An interface to interact with
Simple Geometry Feature Types.
SimpleGeometryCS |
Simple Geometry Coordinate System / Enhanced Dataset Implementation
Forked from ucar.nc2.ft2.coverage.adapter.GridCS
SimpleGeometryCSBuilder |
Simple Geometry Coordinate System / Dataset Builder.
SimpleGeometryFeature |
SimpleGeometry - forked from
Immutable after setCoordSys() is called.
SimpleGeometryFeatureDataset |
SimpleGeometryFeatureDataset.SimpleGeometryCovSet |
This is a set of GeoGrids with the same GeoCoordSys.
SimpleGeometryIndexFinder |
A Simple Geometry Index Finder can go find the beginning and end indicies of
a simple geometry X and Y within a variable.
SimpleGeometryReader |
A class which given a dataset, will read from the dataset one of the simple geometry types.
SimpleGeometryStandardFactory |
Standard factory for Simple Geometry datatypes.
SimpleGeomPanel |
SimpleGeomTable |
A Swing widget to examine a SimpleGeom.
SimpleGeomTable.GeoAxisBean |
SimpleGeomTable.GeoCoordinateSystemBean |
SimpleGeomTable.GeoGridBean |
SimpleGeomTable.SimpleGeomBean |
SimpleGeomUI |
This is the thredds Data Viewer application User Interface for Simple Geometries.
SimpleLatestProxyDsHandler |
SimpleTrajectory |
SimpleTrajectory netcdf files
One trajectory, one dimension (time), per file.
SimpleTrajectoryObsDataset |
SimpleUnit |
Convenience routines on top of ucar.units package.
SingleTrajectoryObsDataset |
SingleTrajectoryObsDataset.Config |
Sinusoidal |
Create a Sinusoidal Projection from the information in the Coordinate Transform Variable.
Sinusoidal |
Sinusoidal projection, spherical earth.
SizeT |
Map a native size_t with JNA.
SizeTByReference |
Reference to SizeT, for return values
TODO: This will move packages in version 6.
Slice |
A Slice is used for two purposes
To specify a subset of data to extract.
Slice.Sort |
SliceConstraint |
SliceConstraint hold a List>.
SliceConstraint.SliceCEIterator |
SliceIterator |
Iterate the indices of a slice.
SliceIterator.STATE |
Slow |
A marker to be used with JUnit categories to indicate that a test method or test class takes a long time to run.
SmartArrayInt |
integer array in which we want to quickly find the index for a given value.
SocketMessage |
Starts up a server socket on the given port, and listens for messages sent to it.
SocketMessage.EventListener |
SortedTable |
SortedTable looks exactly like Hashtable but preserves the insertion order
of elements.
SortingStationPointFeatureCache |
SourcePicture |
a class to load and scale a picture either immediately or in a
separate thread from a URL
SourcePictureListener |
This interface allows an object to inform another object that the status it is listening on has
SparseArray<T> |
Store objects of type T in a sparse array.
SparseArray.Builder<T> |
SpatialGrid |
Fast implementation for tracking data overlap and closest point in a 2D region.
SpecialMathFunction |
Special Math functions.
SpecificationException |
Provides support for errors in unit string specifications.
SPFactory |
SpinIcon |
SpinIcon.Type |
StandardCatalogBuilder |
StandardFields |
Extract standard fields from BUFR
StandardFields.StandardFieldsFromMessage |
StandardFields.StandardFieldsFromStructure |
Standardizer |
StandardPointCollectionImpl |
Implementation of PointFeatureCollection using a NestedTable
StandardPointFeatureIterator |
A PointFeatureIterator which uses a NestedTable to implement makeFeature().
StandardPrefixDB |
Provides support for a database of standard unit prefixes.
StandardProfileCollectionImpl |
Nested Table implementation of ProfileCollection
StandardSectionCollectionImpl |
Nested Table implementation of SectionCollection.
StandardStationCollectionImpl |
Object Heirarchy for StationFeatureCollection:
StationFeatureCollection (StandardStationCollectionImpl
PointFeatureCollectionIterator (anon)
StationFeature (StandardStationFeatureImpl)
PointFeatureIterator (StandardStationPointIterator)
StandardStationProfileCollectionImpl |
Netsed Table implementat ion of StationProfileCollection
Object Heirarchy:
StationProfileFeatureCollection (StandardStationProfileCollectionImpl)
StationProfileFeature (StandardStationProfileFeature)
ProfileFeature (StandardProfileFeature)
PointFeatureIterator (StandardPointFeatureIterator)
StandardTrajectoryCollectionImpl |
TrajectoryFeatureCollection using nested tables.
StandardUnitDB |
Provides support for a database of standard units.
StandardUnitFormat |
Standard formatter/parser for unit specifications.
StandardUnitFormatConstants |
Token literal values and constants.
StandardUnitFormatTokenManager |
Token Manager.
Station |
Implementation of a DQC station element.
Station |
A named location on the earth.
StationCollection |
Deprecated. |
StationCollection |
A collection of data at named locations called Stations.
StationCollectionStream |
Connect to remote Station Collection using cdmremote
StationDatasetCollection |
StationDatasetHelper |
StationFeature |
A Station that has additional data obtained through getFeatureData().
StationFeatureCollection |
StationFeatureCopyFactory |
A factory for making deep copies of StationPointFeature, so all data is self contained.
StationFeatureHas |
StationFeatureImpl |
Implement StationFeature
StationHelper |
Helper class for Station Collections.
StationImpl |
StationImpl |
StationObsDataset |
StationObsDatasetImpl |
StationObsDatasetInfo |
StationObsDatatype |
StationObsDatatypeImpl |
StationPointFeature |
A PointFeature from which one can obtain a Station
StationProfileCollectionImpl |
Abstract superclass for StationProfileFeatureCollection
Subclasses must implement getNestedPointFeatureCollection
StationProfileCollectionImpl.NestedCollectionIOIteratorAdapter<T> |
StationProfileFeature |
Time series of ProfileFeature at named locations.
StationProfileFeatureCollection |
A collection of StationProfileFeatures
StationProfileFeatureImpl |
Abstract superclass for implementations of StationProfileFeature.
StationProfileFeatureImpl.StationProfileFeatureSubset |
StationRadialDataset |
A collection of Stations with RadialDatatype data.
StationRadialDataset |
A Station collection of radial data.
StationRadialPanel |
StationRadialViewer |
A Swing widget to view the contents of a ucar.nc2.dt.StationRadarCollection
StationRadialViewer.StationBean |
StationRegionDateChooser |
A Swing widget for THREDDS clients to choose a station and/or a region from navigatable map.
StationTimeSeriesCollectionFlattened |
A flattened StationTimeSeriesCollection.
StationTimeSeriesCollectionImpl |
Abstract superclass for implementations of StationFeatureCollection.
StationTimeSeriesFeature |
Time series of PointFeature at a named location aka 'station'.
StationTimeSeriesFeatureCollection |
A collection of StationTimeSeriesFeature.
StationTimeSeriesFeatureImpl |
Superclass for implementations of StationFeature: time series of data at a point
Concrete subclass must implement getFeatureData() and getPointFeatureIterator();
StationTimeSeriesFeatureImpl.StationFeatureSubset |
StatusUI |
This interface is implemented by OPeNDAP client user interfaces which give
feedback to the user on the status of the current deserialize operation.
Stereographic |
Create a Stereographic Projection from the information in the Coordinate Transform Variable.
Stereographic |
Stereographic projection, spherical earth.
StereographicAzimuthalProjection |
taken from the USGS PROJ package.
StopButton |
A UI Component for running background tasks and letting user cancel them.
StopButtonCancelTask |
StreamFilter |
A java.nio.file.DirectoryStream.Filter using a regexp on the last entry of the Path
StringLocker |
StringUtil2 |
Static String and StringBuilder utilities
Structure |
A Structure is a type of Variable that contains other Variables, like a struct in C.
Structure.Builder<T extends Structure.Builder<T>> |
A builder of Structures.
StructureData |
A container for a Structure's data.
StructureDataA |
A StructureData implementation delegates everything to the containing ArrayStructure.
StructureDataAscii |
StructureData whose data is stored in ascii, with a TableParser to extract the values.
StructureDataComposite |
A composite of other StructureData.
StructureDataDeep |
Make a deep copy of an existing StructureData, so that all the data is contained in this object
StructureDataFactory |
Convenience routines for constructing one-off StructureData objects
StructureDataFromMember |
A StructureData implementation that has its data self-contained.
StructureDataIterator |
An iterator over StructureData.
StructureDataIteratorIndexed |
A StructureDataIterator which takes a list of record numbers (in a structure).
StructureDataIteratorLimited |
Read a maximum number of StructureData objects from a StructureDataIterator.
StructureDataIteratorLinked |
Use contiguous or linked lists to iterate over members of a Structure
StructureDataIteratorMediated |
Read a maximum number of StructureData objects from a StructureDataIterator.
StructureDataMediator |
see StructureDataIteratorMediated
StructureDataProxy |
Proxy for another StructureData.
StructureDataRegexp |
Create a StructureData by using a java.util.regex.Pattern on an ascii file.
StructureDataRegexp.Vinfo |
StructureDataRegexp.VinfoField |
StructureDataScalar |
StructureDataW |
A StructureData implementation that has its data self-contained.
StructureDS |
An "enhanced" Structure.
StructureDS.Builder<T extends StructureDS.Builder<T>> |
StructureMembers |
A Collection of members contained in a StructureData.
StructureMembers.Builder |
A builder for StructureMembers
StructureMembers.Member |
A member of a StructureData.
StructureMembers.MemberBuilder |
StructurePseudo |
StructurePseudo2Dim |
Make a collection of variables with the same 2 outer dimensions into a fake 2D Structure(outer,inner)
StructurePseudo2Dim.Builder<T extends StructurePseudo2Dim.Builder<T>> |
StructurePseudoDS |
Make a collection of variables with the same outer dimension into a fake Structure.
StructurePseudoDS.Builder<T extends StructurePseudoDS.Builder<T>> |
StructureTable |
This puts the data values of a 1D Structure or Sequence into a JTable.
SubsetParams |
Describes a subset of a Coverage.
Suomi |
Suomi coord sys builder.
Suomi |
Suomi |
Suomi coord sys builder.
Suomi.Factory |
SuperComboBox |
SuperComboBox is a complete rewrite of JComboBox;
it does not extend JComboBox (!)
Items added may implement NamedObject, in which case getName() is used as the row name,
and getDescription() is used as the tooltip.
SupplementaryBaseQuantity |
Provides support for supplementary base quantities.
Swap |
The Swap class provides static methods for swapping the bytes of chars,
shorts, ints, longs, floats, and doubles.
Swap |
SwathCS |
Swath Coordinate System.
SwingUtils |
A collection of utility methods for Swing.
SysStreamLogger |
SysStreamLogger.LoggingOutputStream |
SystemMenu |
Table |
A generalization of a Structure.
Table.CoordName |
Table.TableArrayStructure |
ArrayStructure is passed in
Used by
UnidataPointFeature: type StationProfile (removed now)
Table.TableConstruct |
When theres no separate station table, but info is duplicated in the obs structure.
Table.TableContiguous |
Contiguous children, using start and numRecords variables in the parent.
Table.TableLinkedList |
Linked list of children, using start variable in the parent, and next in the child.
Table.TableMultidimInner |
Table.TableMultidimInner3D |
Table.TableMultidimInnerPsuedo |
Used for PsuedoStructure(station, time).
Table.TableMultidimInnerPsuedo3D |
Table.TableMultidimStructure |
Used for Structure(station, time).
Table.TableNestedStructure |
A Structure inside of a parent Structure.
Table.TableParentId |
The children have a field containing the id of the parent.
Table.TableParentIndex |
The children have a field containing the index of the parent.
Table.TableSingleton |
Table is a single StructureData, passed in as config.sdata.
Table.TableStructure |
A Structure, PsuedoStructure, or Sequence.
Table.TableTop |
Table is a single StructureData, which is empty.
Table.Type |
TableA |
Read standard WMO Table A (data categories).
TableAligner |
A listener that sets the alignment of cells in a JTable .
TableAnalyzer |
Analyzes the coordinate systems of a dataset to try to identify the Feature Type and the
structure of the data.
TableAppearanceAction |
Displays a popup menu containing several options to configure the appearance of a JTable.
TableB |
BUFR Table B - Data descriptors
TableB.Composite |
Composite pattern - collection of TableB
TableC |
BUFR Table C - Data operators
TableConfig |
This encapsulates the info needed by NestedTable to handle point feature "nested table" datasets.
TableConfig.StructureType |
TableConfigurer |
To analyze specific datasets, implement a TableConfigurer, whose job is to
create a TableConfig, used by TableAnalyzer.
TableConfigurerImpl |
Abstract superclass for TableConfigurer implementations
TableD |
BUFR Table D - Data sequences
TableD.Descriptor |
TableLookup |
Encapsolates lookup into the BUFR Tables.
TableParser |
TableParser.DerivedField |
TableParser.Field |
TableParser.Record |
TableParser.Transform |
TableRow |
TableRowAbstract |
TableRowAbstract.Sorter |
TagEnum |
TdsDownloader |
Download files from TDS, must have remote management turned on.
TdsDownloader.Type |
TdsMonitor |
Manage TDS logs
TestDir |
Manage the test data directories and servers.
TestDir.Act |
TestDir.FileFilterFromSuffixes |
TestFileDirUtils |
Static utilities for testing
TestLogger |
TestLogger.TestLoggerFactory |
TextGetPutPane |
A text widget that does get and put to a web URL.
TextHistoryPane |
Keeps a user-settable number of lines in a JTextArea.
ThreadSorter |
An interface used with JTreeTableSorted to create application-controlled sorting on
ThreddsDataFactory |
This tries to translate a THREDDS InvDataset into a data object that can be used, either as a NetcdfDataset or as a
ThreddsDataFactory.Result |
The result of trying to open a THREDDS dataset.
ThreddsDatasetChooser |
A Swing widget for THREDDS clients that combines a CatalogChooser, and optionally a QueryChooser
PropertyChangeEvent events are thrown to notify you of various
user actions; see addPropertyChangeListener.
ThreddsMetadata |
Metadata for "enhanced catalogs", type THREDDS.
ThreddsMetadata |
Thredds Metadata.
ThreddsMetadata.Contributor |
Implements Contributor type.
ThreddsMetadata.Contributor |
ThreddsMetadata.GeospatialCoverage |
Implements GeospatialCoverage type.
ThreddsMetadata.GeospatialCoverage |
Implements GeospatialCoverage type.
ThreddsMetadata.GeospatialRange |
Implements spatialRange type.
ThreddsMetadata.MetadataOther |
ThreddsMetadata.Range |
Implements spatialRange type.
ThreddsMetadata.Source |
Implements Source type, used by publisher and creator elements.
ThreddsMetadata.Source |
Implements Source type, used by publisher and creator elements.
ThreddsMetadata.UriResolved |
ThreddsMetadata.Variable |
Implements Variable type.
ThreddsMetadata.Variable |
Implements Variable type.
ThreddsMetadata.VariableGroup |
ThreddsMetadata.Variables |
Implements Variables type.
ThreddsMetadata.Vocab |
Implements Vocab type, just text with an optional "vocabulary" attribute.
ThreddsMetadata.Vocab |
Implements Vocab type, just text with an optional "vocabulary" attribute.
ThreddsMetadataAcdd |
This uses global attributes (presumably from an netcdf File) and extracts ACDD metadata to add to a dataset's
ThreddsMetadataContainer |
Container of ThreddsMetadata: Dataset or ThreddsMetadata
ThreddsS3Client |
Provides an interface for accessing the Amazon S3 web service.
ThreddsS3ClientImpl |
ThreddsUI |
This is the THREDDS User Interface for ToolsUI.
ThreeSixtyDayChronology |
A Chronology in which each year has exactly 360 days of 12 equal months
(i.e. each month has exactly 30 days).
Tiling |
A Tiling divides a multidimensional index into tiles.
Time2DCoordSys |
Time2DCoordSys with run and 2D time coordinate axes.
Time2DOffsetCoordSys |
Time2DCoordSys with run and timeOffset coordinate axes.
TimeAxis2DFmrc |
Fmrc TimeAxis: time(runtime, time)
values will contain nruns * ntimes values
TimeAxis2DFmrcReg |
TimeAxis2DSwath |
Swath TimeAxis: time(scan, xscan)
values will contain scan * xscan values
TimeCoord |
Represents a list of offset times shared among variables
Tracks a list of variables that all have the same list of offset times.
TimeCoord.Tinv |
TimeCoordIntvDateValue |
Time intervals represented by start and end CalendarDate.
TimeCoordIntvValue |
TimedCollection |
Manage collections of files that we can assign date ranges to.
TimeDuration |
Implements the thredds "duration" XML element type: specifies a length of time.
TimeHelper |
Helper class for Time coordinate axes
TimeInventory |
Extract time coordinates from a FmrcInvLite.Gridset.
TimeInventory.Instance |
TimeOffsetAxis |
A new way to handle 2D time, a runtime axis with orthogonal offset values, so time = (runtime x offset).
TimePartition |
Partition the files by a user-defined time period.
TimeScaleUnit |
Provides support for a reference time unit whose origin is at a certain time.
TimeScaleUnit.MyConverter |
Provides support for Converter-s.
TimeSeriesCollection |
TimeUnit |
Handles Units that are time durations, eg in seconds, hours, days, years.
TimeUnitConverter |
Interface for user configured change to time unit.
Token |
Describes the input token stream.
TokenMgrError |
Token Manager Error.
Tools |
Tools |
ToolsAboutWindow |
ToolsSplashScreen |
ToolsUI |
Netcdf Tools user interface.
TopLevel |
common toplevel for applets (JApplet) and applications (JFrames)
TrajectoryFeature |
A set of observations along a 1 dimensional path, connected in space and time.
TrajectoryFeatureCollection |
A collection of TrajectoryFeatures
TrajectoryFeatureImpl |
Implementation of TrajectoryFeature
TrajectoryObsDataset |
Deprecated. |
TrajectoryObsDatasetFactory |
TrajectoryObsDatasetImpl |
TrajectoryObsDatasetImpl.Config |
Class Config _more_
TrajectoryObsDatatype |
TrajectoryProfileFeature |
A collection of profiles which originate along a trajectory.
TrajectoryProfileFeatureCollection |
A collection of SectionFeatures.
TransformType |
Type-safe enumeration of netCDF Dataset TransformType.
TransverseMercator |
Create a Transverse Mercator Projection from the information in the Coordinate Transform Variable.
TransverseMercator |
Transverse Mercator projection, spherical earth.
TransverseMercatorProjection |
Transverse Mercator Projection algorithm is taken from the USGS PROJ package.
TreeTableModel |
TreeTableModel is the model used by a JTreeTable.
TreeTableModelAbstract |
TreeTableModelAdapter |
This is a wrapper class takes a TreeTableModel and implements
the table model interface.
TreeTableModelSorted |
TypedDataset |
TypedDatasetFactory |
Deprecated. |
TypedDatasetFactoryIF |
TypedDatasetImpl |
TypeSort |
UAMIVServiceProvider |
Class for reading CAMx flavored uamiv files.
UF2RadialAdapter |
UFheader |
Created by IntelliJ IDEA.
UFiosp |
Created by IntelliJ IDEA.
UIChangeEvent |
Change events for UI objects.
UIChangeListener |
Listeners for UIChangeEvents.
UInt16PrimitiveVector |
A vector of unsigned ints.
UInt32PrimitiveVector |
A vector of unsigned ints.
UncompressInputStream |
UndoableRowSorter<M extends TableModel> |
A row sorter whose ordering can be undone.
UnidataObsConvention |
Unidata Observation Dataset v1.0
Use CF for new files.
UnidataObsConvention |
Unidata Observation Dataset v1.0
Obsolete, do not use for new data.
UnidataObsConvention.Factory |
UnidataObsDatasetHelper |
UnidataPointDatasetHelper |
Helper routines for point feature datasets using Unidata Conventions.
UnidataPointObs |
"Unidata Observation Dataset v1.0" point or station or trajectory.
UnidataPointObsDataset |
UnidataStationObsDataset |
UnidataStationObsDataset2 |
UnidataStationObsMultidimDataset |
UnidataTrajectoryObsDataset |
UnidataTrajectoryObsDataset2 |
Unit |
Interface for units.
UnitClassException |
Provides support for a Unit that is an instance of an unknown class.
UnitConvert |
UnitDatasetCheck |
UnitDB |
Interface for a unit database.
UnitDBAccessException |
Provides support for failure to access unit database (e.g.
UnitDBException |
Provides support for general unit database failures.
UnitDBImpl |
Provides most of a concrete implementation of a database of units.
UnitDBManager |
Provides support for managing a default unit database.
UnitDimension |
UnitException |
Provides support for general failures of this package.
UnitExistsException |
Provides support for failures due to attempts to redefine an existing unit in
a unit database.
UnitFormat |
Interface for classes that parse and format unit specifications.
UnitFormatException |
Provides support for general failures with unit format classes.
UnitFormatImpl |
Provides support for classes that parse and format unit specifications.
UnitFormatManager |
Provides support for managing a default UnitFormat.
UnitID |
Provides support for unit identifiers.
UnitImpl |
Provides support for classes that implement units.
UnitImpl.MyConverter |
Provides support for converting numeric values from this unit to another
UnitName |
Provides support for unit names.
UnitParseException |
Provides support for errors in unit specifications.
UnitsPanel |
UnitSymbol |
Provides support for symbols for units.
UnitSystem |
Interface for a system of units.
UnitSystemException |
Provides support for errors with the system of units.
UnitSystemImpl |
UnitSystemManager |
Provides support for managing a UnitSystem.
UnitTestCommon |
UnitTestCommon.ModDelete |
Instance of Modifier specialized to delete lines matching
a given Java regular expression
of text before is is passed to compare().
UnitTestCommon.Modifier |
Provide an interface that allows for arbitrary modification
of text before is is passed to compare().
UnitTestCommon.ModSuppress |
Instance of Modifier specialized to delete named attributes.
Universal |
The Universal constraint is a constraint
that includes everything in a DMR, even
including items such as dimensions or enums
that are defined but never used.
UnknownBaseQuantity |
Provides support for an unknown base quantity.
UnknownFilterException |
UnknownUnit |
Provides support for unknown base units.
UnresolvedAliasException |
Thrown by AttributeTable when an attempt is made to alias to
a non-existent attribute.
UnsignedConversion |
UnsupportedDatasetException |
UnsynchronizedBufferedWriter |
UpdateableCollection |
Mixin for update() method.
UrlAuthenticatorDialog |
This can be used both for authentication: thredds.ui.UrlAuthenticatorDialog(frame));
URLDumpPane |
A text widget to dump a web URL.
Urlencoded |
Define a custom annotation
to mark procedures whose URL
argument is expected to be encoded.
URLnaming |
Networking utilities.
URLStreamHandlerFactory |
Uspln |
IOSP for the USPLN/NAPLN original and extended formats.
Util |
The Util class holds static methods used by this package.
Util |
UtilsMa2Test |
ma2 testing utilities
UtilsTestStructureArray |
Create a UTM Projection from the information in the Coordinate Transform Variable.
UtmProjection |
Universal Transverse Mercator.
V5DStruct |
An object representing the structure of a .v5d file
Variable |
A Variable is a logical container for data.
Variable.Builder<T extends Variable.Builder<T>> |
A builder for Variables.
Variable.Cache |
VariableDS |
A wrapper around a Variable, creating an "enhanced" Variable.
VariableDS.Builder<T extends VariableDS.Builder<T>> |
VariableEnhanced |
Interface to an "enhanced Variable", implemented by the ucar.nc2.dataset package.
VariableEnhancer |
Deprecated. |
VariableIF |
VariablePlot |
Plot with JFreeChart
VariableSimpleAdapter |
VariableSimpleBuilder |
Builder for VariableSimpleIF, makes true immutable objects.
VariableSimpleIF |
A lightweight abstraction of a Variable.
VariableSimpleImpl |
VariableSimpleSubclass |
VariableTable |
Version |
Holds the version number for the java implmentation of the OPeNDAP
DAP2 implmentation.
VertCoord |
Represents a vertical coordinate shared among variables.
VertCoordType |
Encapsulate the semantics in GRIB level types (Grib1 table 3, Grib2 code table 4.5).
VertCoordValue |
VerticalCT |
A VerticalCT is a CoordinateTransform function CT: (GeoZ) -> Height or Pressure.
VerticalCT.Builder<T extends VerticalCT.Builder<T>> |
VerticalCT.Type |
Enumeration of known Vertical transformations.
VerticalCTBuilder |
VerticalPerspective |
VerticalPerspectiveView projection.
VerticalPerspectiveView |
Vertical Perspective Projection, spherical earth.
VerticalTransform |
VerticalTransformBuilder |
VerticalTransformImpl |
A transformation to a vertical reference coordinate system,
such as height or pressure.
VerticalTransformSubset |
A subset of a vertical transform.
VertPanel |
2D Vertical "slice" drawing widget.
VertScaleSlider |
Slider for Vertical scale
VertTransformBuilderIF |
Implement this interface to add a Coordinate Transform to a NetcdfDataset.
VExplicitField |
Create a Vertical Transform from an "explicit_field", where the vertical coordinate is explcitly specified as a
VirtualRandomAccessFile |
A wrapper for a RandomAccessFile that allows lazy loading
Vis5DGridDefRecord |
Class to hold the Vis5D grid navigation information.
Vis5DIosp |
Vis5D grid file reader.
Vis5DIosp.Vis5DLookup |
Get all the information about a Vis5D file
VocabTranslator |
VOceanSG1 |
Create a ocean_s_coordinate_g1 Vertical Transform from the information in the Coordinate Transform Variable.
VOceanSG2 |
Create a ocean_s_coordinate_g2 Vertical Transform from the information in the Coordinate Transform Variable.
VTfromExistingData |
This implements a VerticalTransform using an existing 3D variable.
WildcardMatchOnName |
A wildcard expression that matches on the MFile name.
WildcardMatchOnNameFilter |
CrawlableDatasetFilter implementation that accepts datasets whose
names are matched by the given wildcard string.
WildcardMatchOnPath |
A wildcard expression that matches on the MFile path.
WildcardMatchOnPathFilter |
WKTParser |
WmoCCPanel |
LOOK can remove this, use WmoCommonCodesPanel directly.
WmoCodeFlagTables |
Read and manage the WMO GRIB2 Code, Flag, and Parameter tables, in their standard XML format
WmoCodeFlagTables.TableType |
WmoCodeFlagTables.Version |
WmoCodeFlagTables.WmoTable |
WmoCodeTable |
WmoCommonCodesPanel |
WMO Common Codes
WmoCommonCodesPanel.EntryBean |
WmoCommonCodesPanel.TableBean |
WmoFlagTable |
WmoParamTable |
WmoTemplateTables |
Read and process WMO GRIB templates from standard WMO source file.
WmoTemplateTables.Field |
WmoTemplateTables.Version |
WmoXmlReader |
Read WMO BUFR XML formats
WmoXmlReader.Version |
WmsPanel |
WmsViewer |
View WMS datasets
WorldMap |
A simple "default" world map Renderer.
WorldMapBean |
Wraps the default WorldMap into a MapBean
WRFConvention |
WRF netcdf output files.
WRFConvention |
WRF netcdf output files.
WRFConvention.Factory |
WRFEta |
Models the vertical coordinate for the Weather Research and Forecast (WRF) model's vertical Eta coordinate
WRFEtaTransformBuilder |
Create WRF Eta vertical transform.
WRFEtaTransformBuilder |
Because the transform depends on NetcdfDataset and CoordinateSystem, must handle differently
Write2ncRect |
Write BUFR to an nc file, making all substructures into multidimensional (rectangular) arrays.
WriterCFPointCollection |
Write a CF 1.6 "Discrete Sample" point file.
WriterCFPointDataset |
WriterCFProfileCollection |
Write a CF "Discrete Sample" profile collection file.
WriterCFStationCollection |
Write a CF "Discrete Sample" station file.
WriterCFStationObsDataset |
WriterCFStationProfileCollection |
Write a CF "Discrete Sample" station profile collection file.
WriterCFTrajectoryCollection |
Write a CF "Discrete Sample" trajectory collection file.
WriterCFTrajectoryProfileCollection |
Write a CF "Discrete Sample" trajectory profile (section) collection file.
WriterProfileObsDataset |
WriterStationObsDataset |
WriteT41_ncFlat |
Class Description.
WriteT41_ncRect |
Class Description.
WriteT42_ncRect |
Class Description.
XMLEntityResolver |
Handles the interaction with JAXP, resolving dtd, schemas locally if possible.
XMLStore |
This implements an XML-based backing store for PreferencesExt.
Provide an extended form of URI parser with the following features:
XURI.Parts |
ZArray |
Java representation of .zarray metadata
ZArray.Order |
Column or row order
ZarrFormatException |
ZarrHeader |
Class to read Zarr metadata from a RandomAccessDirectory and map it to a CDM Object
ZarrIosp |
IOSP for reading/writing Zarr/NCZarr formats
ZarrKeys |
Zarr object names as String constants
ZarrLayoutBB |
A tiled layout for Zarr formats that accommodates uncompressing and filtering data before returning
ZarrUtils |
ZebraClassTrajectoryObsDataset |
ZebraConvention |
Zebra ATD files.
ZebraConvention |
Zebra ATD files.
ZebraConvention.Factory |
_Coordinate |
Constants for _Coordinate Conventions.